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For sure we all know that it’s the opposite of what a man. To define them in layman terms that’s a different and complicated term to say the least. To say that there is a word to define them then it would be their name. To describe her yet again to fully come up a multitude of words and even actions to show that there is a mutual bond between. A single woman has more qualities than hundred men are put together in an equation. The sad truth is that a man could barely equate with that equation. Although out of the hundred men that were put together to equate with the equation only one or two of them are able to reciprocate an original and unique mutualism. The sadder truth is that even this one or two man is found they are rejected or afraid because they’re not the “perfect match”. In these modern times, women are hard to find. Some women are actually money mongers but closely they want to still have a relationship. Some prefer the beefed-up version because of the so-called stamina and endurance that they have found in their bed springs. Sad but true to look at it though guys are to reciprocate with these women also. However, out of these women some still remain faithful and are able to find themselves the real man. There is no definite or real answer as to how a woman finds this man but to put in a theory a woman has holes and gaps in their lives. It is only up to the man to actually fill up that hole or gap because they think-to say the least that they should- what should be in that hole is them because they know that it will satisfy a woman’s question or desire. To be cliché women are flowers and men are the insects. The insects are attracted to the flowers thus in this situation we find that man himself is attracted to the women. Though there is a reverse within this situation also for a woman is attracted to man. There is no chemical equation even the hormones, testosterone and estrogen lie but the situation between the two can create a chemical equation. Although in flowers and insects there is already a chemical connection between the two that to even hide it in subtlety would be obvious between the two. It is within this mutual bond that the insect find themselves going back into the flower until they wilt or the insect dies. The failure to notice it is the irony that even in these modern times that people can’t find themselves in this analogy. Overall, there isn’t a definition or an available description yet for a woman. However, there is the scent that allures every person to follow just like how a flower would release their pollen and it’s up to the nectar to fly and grab the scent. In my opinion though. Women to me by definition are: “They’re out there people.” –Aliens.-They came from earth but they surely are the ones that seem to be wandering lost and once found. Questions would start flying and suddenly it’s not her that was abducted but me. “Grains of sand.”- They seem so loose and when holding them there is that moment that you’ll have to grab every single grain of it. There is no possibility of ever catching the same grain because each grain counts. “The new world.”- It’s everything that I would look for and say that they are something. They change everyday even a single hour has passed they’re always different. It’s what makes my head usually tilt to the side when I look at one because my axis seems to fall by their “gravitational pull”. Isn’t that true? My description for a girl would be though is the time spent with her, the real deep relationship that we share between each other mutually, and the imperfect relationship we have because even though we’re together we still remember that we’re only humans and we could get hurt anytime with or without knowing it. To sum it up a girl to me is unique, different and most of all one-of-a-kind.

Romance is Dead (RE-BIRTH)

Roses are dead. Tears are shed. Face is bleeding red From the scratches. Vases are shattered. Cake is battered. Dresses are tattered That shaped like trenches. Curtains are torn. Mirrors are broken. Essence within itself is lost. The veil is down and the mourning continues, She cries and no one knows what she spews, All the feelings of her have been exhausted. Hearts are even shredded with ferocity, Blowing away with such velocity. Even holding her hand will cost you a slice. Bruises are made, Though they are grave, They sell for lies. Feathers are flying, Faster than they could even create a landing, Fault within itself is caused by another but they aren’t told. Youth is rented, Time is demented, However, the only thing remains truthful is the old. Take this note but never give it to anyone, Romance is dead but no one ever killed it. Although… I still see you. The mirror is broken but I see your face smiling, It’s nevertheless a chocolate icing that’s melting. Your heart remains intact, Don’t forget our love is a blood pact. Bruises and cuts are more than just slices made, They were mistakes that we’re supposed to evade. Pillow feathers fly but they only fly when we Hit each other in bed then fall in complete misery-though you’d still hit me. The curtains and your veil are torn, Though they only needed to be mourned. The cake surely is battered but we could see that it made around a mess on some of the plates which, Surely opens up an opportunity for us to be vultures since we’re hungry and we need to rejuvenate. Let the rose be dead but the blood on your face be not red, Let it be the pearl that I caress when you are shedding your tears for us. The fault that was there make it an illusion, There was no fight, a bruise didn’t even land. The scenic romance surely is dead, Nevertheless, you gave birth to it again. A rebirth without the roses is okay for surely a rose is a rose but your name is surely enough to create a flower with your name next to it. A reincarnation…a fallen face with blood, tears, and bruises becomes an effervescent gem that even beauty lays also in the emitting aura. An awakening of the sun and the moon but the sun fades away for the moon is here to stay. I quote from the modern poets to tell you that. The smile in your face was given to you by God. (Coldplay) Your body is truly a wonderland. (John Mayer) A beauty like you comes once in a lifetime (Various Artists). Here I say to you in my truest sense that: The mirrors in my head reflect not only your face to me when you’re near and far but also they reflect the soul in you that is so original and flawless.

7th Level of Hell

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Low
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
>>>CAPRICORN<<< >love to bust >Nice >Sassy. >Intelligent. >Sexy. >Predict future. >Irrestible, awes0me kisser. >Loves being in long relationships >Great talker. >Always gets what he or she wants. >BY FAR the BEST in BED. >Very sexy >Coolest >Loves to own Gemini's in sports >extremely funn >loves to joke >Loves to be your first. so ull never forget >Smart >>>GEMINI<<< >Nice. >Love is one of a kind. >Great listeners >Very Good in bed. >Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you the hell out. >Trustworthy. >Always happy. >Loud. >Talkative. >Outgoing >VERY FORGIVING>Loves to make out >Has a beautiful smile >Generous >Strong >ULTRA SEXY >THE MOST IRRESISTABLE >>>VIRGO<<< Dominant in relationships. >Sexy. >someone loves them right now. >Freak in bed. >Always wants the last word. >Caring. >Smart. >Addictive. >Attractive. >Loud. >Loyal. >Easy to talk to. >Hard to forget >Love at first sight with ur babe >Everything u ever wanted >Easy to please >The one and only >ultimate sexiness >>>SCORPIO<<< >Can be mean. >EXTREMELY sexy. >Intelligent. >Energetic. >Predict future. >Most erotic. >(Freak in bed.) >(GREAT kisser.) >Always get what they want. >Sexy. >Attractive. >Easy going. >Loves being in long relationships. >Talkative. >The sexiest ever.... >Romantic. >Caring. >>>LIBRA<<< >Very pretty. >Very romantic. >Nice to everyone They meet. >Their Love is one of a kind. >Silly, fun and sweet. >Have own unique sexiness. >Most caring person you will ever meet! >Amazing n Bed..!!! >Did I say Amazing in Bed? >not the kind of person you wanna fuck with... u might end up crying... >the most irresistible >>>ARIES<<< >Outgoing. >lovable >Spontanious. >Not one to FUCK with. >Erotic. >Funny. >Take you on trips to the moon in bed. > excellent kisser >EXTREMELY sexy. >Loves being in long relationships.=) >Addictive. >Loud. >best in bed >>>AQUARIUS<<< >Trustworthy. >Sexy. >Great kisser. >One of a kind. >Loves being in long-term relationships. >Extremely energetic. >unpredictable. >from the future. >will exceed your expectations. >Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out >Amazing in bed, THE BEST LOVERS BETTER THAN EVERYONE! >>>LEO<<< >Great talker. >Sexy and passionate. >Laid back. >Knows how to have fun. >Is really good at sex >Great kisser. >Unpredictable. >Outgoing. >Down to earth. >Addictive. >Attractive. >Loud. >Loves being in long relationships. >Talkative. >Not one to mess with. >Rare to find. >Good when found. >>>CANCER<<< >MOST AMAZING KISSER. >Very high sex appeal. > Great in bed!!! > Love is one of a kind. > Very romantic. > Most caring person you will ever meet! > Entirely creative > Extremely random and proud of it > Freak in bed> Spontaneous> Great tellin stories > Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it > Someone you should hold on to> >>>PISCES<<< >Caring and kind >Smart. >Center of attention. >Too Sexy, DAMN IT. >Very high sex appeal. >Has the last word. >The best to find, hardest to keep. >Fun to be around. >Freak in the sheets >Extremely weird but in a good way. >Super good in bed. >Good Sense of Humor!!! >Thoughtful >A partner for life >Always gets what he or she wants. >loves to joke >Very popular >Silly, fun and sweet. >>>TAURUS<<< >Aggressive. >Freak in bed. >Rare to find! >Loves being in long relationships.=) >Likes to give a good fight for what they want. >Extremely outgoing. >Sexy as ........ >Loves to help people in times of need. >Outstanding kisser. >Very funny >Awesome personality >stubborn>Sexual as ......... >Most caring person you will ever meet! >One of a kind. >Not one to fuck with. >Are the most sexiest people on earth! >>>SAGITTARIUS<< >Spontaneous. >Freak in Bed. >High sex appeal. >Rare to find. >Great when found. >Loves being in long relationships. >The one >So much love to give >Not one to mess wit >Very pretty. >Very romantic. >Nice to everyone They meet. >Their Love is one of a kind. >Silly, fun and sweet. >Have own unique sexiness. >Most caring person you will ever meet! >Amazing n Bed..!!! >Did I say Amazing in Bed? >not the kind of person you wanna fuck with u might end up crying --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Eyes- People with blue eyes last the longest in relationships. They are pretty or handsome & very good kissers. They always fall in love with their closest friends and never understand why, they are very funny and outgoing and don't care what people think or say. They are very satisfying and love to please. They will always EXCEED your pleasure standards. The best of all. -Green Eyes- People with green eyes have the most passion put into relationships, people with green eyes are very cute and love to cuddle. They have long lasting relationships. People with green eyes are also the most gorgeous. They long for the touch of another.People with green eyes are very very sexy and very attractive towards the opposite sex. -Hazel Eyes People with hazel eyes are GORGEOUS SEXY and go all out all the time.They have the most unusual relationships. They're awesome at diversity and trying new things and very rarely will say no to ANY challenge. They are also the best in bed and love to play games they are very out going and they are sexy as hell and they are NOT nice when they are mad. Brown Eyes- Sexy as hell,people with brown eyes are very attractive, adorable, love to make new friends. Will do anything for that special person. Kind and polite Can make anyone laugh or cheer them up. Best in bed can last for days.....way better than hazel eyed people.....Loves to please the one they care or love for,very good kissers, are straight up WARRIORS, not one to mess with. Gray eyes- The sexiest out of them all and very rare.attractive, adorable, love to make new friends.They have the most unusual relationships. very good kissers. They always fall in love with their closest friends and never understand why, they are very funny and outgoing and don't care what people think or say. They are very satisfying and love to please. They will always EXCEED your pleasure standards. The best of all.

PB & J

Girls are like jelly when mixed with peanut butter like us guys because we tend to be the hard-headed and you girls are the soft-headed. You’re there to soften our hearts and minds when we think too much. Then again we’re there to harden your feelings and wills so that way you won’t break down every time. If you do break down there’ll always be the breads that’ll always squeeze us together because we’re like that. “Hard and soft on the inside but outside it’ll always be soft and warm.” It’s because that love is like a peanut butter sandwich, you can’t have one without the other or else it won’t taste good.

The Letter

This is the letter that the boy wrote to her girlfriend following after her crying. Dear (Her Name), I’m sorry that I made you cry today. The truth is that I never got to tell you completely what I was going to say for each question you asked me. I didn’t want to give you a hard time. As days go by each of those questions were the same questions I wanted to ask you. Although something tells me you would have all said “yes” To every question asked. Have I ever thought about you enough every night? No because I never thought anybody else besides you because you were my one and only. No one else. Did I always love hanging out with you? No because I’d prefer to stay with you as much as I can. If I could then I would enjoy every minute of it thinking it would last forever. In forever and a day there’ll always be a “you” on my side along with that time stopping every time we kiss and love to each other. Who else do you think besides me? I don’t know anyone in this world that could replace your heart beauty but I’m sure I could’ve told you that you were the star that was out there. As you fell down from the Deep Sky you I caught you. I caught you from that sky I cherished you like no one in this world. A fisherman might say that his catch of a beautiful pearl was quite like not the ordinary. Well then, let me tell you something. “Stars that fall from the sky and are caught right away before it loses it shimmer is better than a pearl from the Deep Ocean.” Did I ever enjoyed talking to you on the phone? Of course not because your voice sounds better when we’re face to face, that way I’d be able to see, feel, hold you then share my thoughts with you emotionally, physically, and mentally. I’d be your hotline for support to hold you close to my heart if you want to. Would I even be able to see you from a distance? Even hear you calling me? No because I prefer you standing right in front of me. I’d love to see that pristine visage of you touching mine. Even a whisper is better than a shout because can match up as to how soft our whispering voices can cross from each other. Are our kisses even worth it? Nope because I couldn’t see us cuddling each other too for I’d prefer that cuddle over that kiss for the cuddling could lead us beyond a kiss. A cuddle beyond the kiss gives us a good intention of how deep is our love as this bonding is growing closer and closer. Don’t feel disappointed because even a single “no”. I didn’t mean it was not going to happen or anything bad about it. Rather I was going to tell you there was something more that I wanted to tell you. With that I didn’t want you to walk away crying feeling hated. I wanted you to come closer to me and let me hold you close to where my heart is. Dry your tears and let me hold you where you will always hear my beating heart. Let not these feelings of despair break you away but instead let those thoughts about you fill you up as I love you more and more.

Let's Role Play

I found this very interesting bulletin a couple days ago that I decided to turn it into a role-play. Hope you all enjoy it. One day a girl asked her boyfriend some questions. She asks them impulsively that the boy couldn’t answer her completely. She starts asking him. Do you think about me every night? Nope. Do you always love hanging out with me? Nope. Who else do you think besides me? I don’t know. Do you ever enjoy talking with me on the phone? Nope. Would you ever be able to see me from a distance? Nope. Even if I was calling at your name? Nope. Are our kisses even worth more than anything? Nope. Shocked to hear everything bad news to her the girl ran away crying. The boy sighs deeply as he went empty-handed of the day with her feeling down from the girl. As soon as he gets home, he grabs a piece of paper and something to write and started writing.

and sit back

A man like me that has a lot of power will never have the power of changing a woman’s mental/emotional facility at all. I deserve no better than just staying put and learning from my actions with the girl that I am loving for the very moment it runs out almost nothing can fill your heart the same way she has filled it. When tears fall down from the sky they call it the rain/snow/sleet, but when tears fall down from your face I call it an ice floe/snow flake because it shines and shimmers like the moon that reflects back to the water to your shimmering eyes. Love that flows is love that will meet its ends and ebbs into the mouth of paradise.
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