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Stupid People

I really do not like them!!! From the fast food places, to the the people that work in higher class places....I hate stupid ass people!!! And, they're all around you at all times!!! My daughter even said the other day while we were in town, that she hated stupid people. She wasn't talking about book smart people and neither am I!! We're talking about people that god forgot to give sense too. Or the ones that know better...but still do it anyway. For instance...you know me, and you see me, then you ask a stupid question......I'll give you an answer once.....after that,,,,you deserve my wrath!!! So, why do you bother asking again, like i was kidding the first time? I don't kid around often....and if I do, it's because I like you..and i don't like most people. My daughter is getting the point....she has a dry humor, but really funny anyway....and people just don't get it..or most adults anyway. When they look at her funny she pretty much says what a dork, or I hate stupid people. But, what really bothers her is the way stupid people look at you when they don't get something. I know how she feels. Try looking for a job these days and ask for an application....people look at you like you don't belong....so I repeat myself...an application...ya know, a thing you fill out trying to find a job?? They stare some more, and i walk away before I whip their STUPID ass!!! I hate stupid people!!!!!


So, the new year was off to a great start, and just imagine....my daughters dad calls, and is all gloom and doom!! Told him to sniff under his own door, before he sniffed under mine. The stupid ass. Have I mentioned before how much I hate ignorance?? I'm pretty sure I have, yet it keeps sneaking towards me. So, once more, for good measure....I really hate stupid people!!! Think before you speak. Make sure, that when you are putting someone else down, they don't have an arsenal full to throw right back at ya!!! In my case, it was much than one to throw back. I mean really....put a badge on some men and they think they're god!! Never mind the fact they he could have never made it through the classes without me helping him. Never mind the fact that I worked revolving shifts, and still managed to help him pass. Never mind the puss was ready to quit after a week because it was hard.....the little crying shit!!!! And, now he wants to screw with me again......??? Maybe he needs to remember the people in this town he pissed off. Maybe he needs to realize that all of these people still remember that a DWI had to magically be removed from his record in order to get hired on!! Maybe he needs to realize that I'm not the same woman that he married years ago when I was still young and stupid!! Maybe he really needs to figure out to quit screwing with me, before it all gets brought out......the beatings, the mental abuse, the affair with the police chiefs wife, getting kicked out of the fire dept. because of me, and the police chiefs wife thingy.......maybe he really needs to think about the cameras around my daughter, and the times he's recorded my phone calls without my permission. Maybe he needs someone new to fuck with? I think so!!!! Hugs!!!

Bring on 2007!!

Hey y'all!!! Long time no talk too!! One of these days I'll slow down long enough to play on here for a while!! Just wanted y'all to know i haven't forgotten y'all. Today i had to go and buy some eggnog for my mom. I had to wonder if she remembered that her little bottle of whiskey was in the hall closet?? Maybe I ought to call her and see if she has a buzz. One year a long time ago she got a buzz drinking the stuff at my sisters and chased her cat down and had the cat drink a little. She still says that it's not true, but i saw her with my own eyes!! So, my daughter just went home. I think her dad was mad about something again....nothing new there. The poor girl is a teenager and in high school...he really should lighten up. And, that step mom of hers told her that she was going to put her in an all girls school for mouthing off. Well, lets see that bitch try and put ME in an all girls school. She's making my daughters life a living hell......which means it's my obligation to make hers a living hell. So, the room mate is having some friends over tomorrow night. Tony is going to be coming in, if he got the guy he was looking for today. If not, I guess i won't be seeing him until he does. We'll just have to see. That's about all that's been going on....my love to you all!!


I know.....I know.....I don't come here often enough!! But, in my own defense.....I've been extremely busy!! I take care of my mom, I work when i can, I tend to the house I'm personally living in, and, now that it's holiday time.....I'm pretty much doing all of my cooking and moms!! Only to find out of course that hardly any of us will be here. But, you know what?? It's going to be just fine. My mother wants a traditional Christmas, and she'll get it!! My niece had her baby...Logan weighed 10 lbs and 4 oz. Yes folks...we have a butterball on our hands!!! She says thank goodness for epidurals!! Sure wish I'd have known about those things!!! And I thought Stadol was the bomb!! She said with an epidural there wasn't much pain!! Stadol just relaxes you...it does nothing for pain. I know this first hand!! Has anyone else ever had stadol?? That shit is awesome!! I remember being in labor and them putting it in my IV. I came out of a contraction, and HELLO!!!! That shit was goooood!! Kinda makes me wish i had some now!! Here's hoping that everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!! All my love, hugs, and kisses!!! Darinda


Went to see mom today, and her nurse said she may get the tube out today!! I was surprised!! They just cut her oxygen back again!! But, he showed me her breathing patterns that she was able to do without the help of any machines. She'll be on another machine, but she will be doing the breathing, and the machine is pretty much stand by. She was thrilled with the news herself!! She smiled the best she could with the wrap, and tube, but it sure was a beautiful smile. She let my brother know lastnight that she was hungry!! So, I feel very good about this now. Maybe we've managed to pull through one more time!! Doing some baking tomorrow.....supposed to go to my brothers thursday since he lives near the hospital mom is in. But.....my oldest sister will be there, and i have no desire to be near her. She's said and done enough as far as I'm concearned. My man is bailing on me for the holidays. He was supposed to spend it with me and my family visiting mom, but as usual, at the last minute, he starts trying to back out. I told him just to forget it!! As usual.....I've learned to never depend on anyone for anything!! But, it doesn't matter!! If my mom is getting better, that's all that matters to me. And, when she comes home I'll be right there doing what needs to be done for her. If I have to stay there with her I will. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!!!! Drin
Sorry I haven't been around in a while. Things are rather on the hectic side here. Today was my daughters 15th b-day. I'm still in shock over it!! My baby that about turned me inside out is 15!! This is the same baby that had to decide to be late in being born and had to be huge!! This is the same baby that made me realize that there would be no more children!! My world, and my life is 15 today!! It's just amazing to me. Well, my mom is in the hospital. She's been in ICU for a week now. They intubated her on Monday, and will only keep the tube down her throat for another week, before they have to perform a tracheostomy. They've been trying to wean her off the oxygen, but when they do things go wrong, and they have to cut it back up. This has happened before, and she was able to wean off, but we're just not sure about this time. I've been going back and forth to the hospital every other day for a visit. It's only a 45 minute drive, but the drive back is the hardest. So, I did some reading up on this procedure. It seems to be really complicated. I'm sure it's not once you get used to doing it but, the care of one of these patients is time consuming, and someone has to be with them all of the time. I'd be happy to do it, but I'm not sure I want to be the one to be responsible for that kind of care. I know that sounds just horrible!! I can handle giving her shots, getting her dressed, cleaning her and all of that....but cleaning a hole in her throat, and pulling tubes out and putting them back in I'm not so sure about. But, if she makes it through then I will gladly take the course that they are going to have to teach us, and do the best I can. This isjust one of the things that my family and i will be discussing Thanksgiving at my brothers. Yes, we're still going to get together, but only because they live right by the hospital, and we can go back and forth for the visits. My plan was since everyone had kids, and grandkids, that i was just going to get a hotel near the hospital, and make all of the visits, so they could try and have a normal holiday for the kids. My daughter is going to be at her dads, and I figured my man was going to be with his family or the deer lease. But, my sister in law said we'd just have some food at her house and we could all go to the hospital. Then my man says that he's going to be with me, and see mom too. That's if he doesn't change his mind between now and then. He's good at changing plans at the last minute. And, if he does it on this, then he will get a major ass reaming!! My oldest sister however is doing her level best to make everyone miserable. She's pissed because I won't give her a key to moms apt. I have always taken care of mom....I have always taken care of things when she was in the hospital. I know what i'm doing by now!! She wanted a key and I told her mothers bag was already packed, the garbage taken out, the air turned off, and I'd go back the next day to clean out her ice box. She got 10 kinds of pissed, went and ranted to mom, that was fighting for her life, trying to breathe, and then she left the hospital. And, she thinks she needs a key??? When she calls to ask how mom is doing, she always asks if mom is dying!! Now, she has stooped so low as to say that I plan on taking everything of moms, and what no one was going to get. First off, she doesn't have a damn key because she will go in and take anything and everything. My mom has nothing of real value except her mothers ring and her mothers mothers ring, which one will go to my sister and the other to her daughter. But, if she gets her hands on both her daughter will never see what mom has always said was hers. Now, she's saying no one but her is going to get any of moms cookbooks but her. I'm not going to fight her over anything. She can have it all as far as I care. But, I will go through the pictures, and take what I want copies of. I don't give a crap if she is the oldest. It's the rest of the family that has helped when mom was ill, and it was the rest of the family that helped me when they could, care for mom. But, I have always been the primary caregiver, because i live in the same town as mom does. So, now she's threatening me!! She's telling my family that she's not done with me yet. She can do or say whatever it is she wants too. But, the fact of the matter is she does not have a key and the rest of us do. I've always had one. The reason the others do is in case I'm working and they need in her apt. to get something for her. When and if mom comes home she can decide if my older sister needs a key or not. But, the bitch isn't getting one from any of us. She told my other sister that if she had a key she'd be able to go to moms and help me clean it, and move furniture around so she can get around better. My sister told her that i had already taken care of it all. And, I did!! Just as I have always done!! Now, we're just worried that she'll go in mouthing to mom. She did it in the emergency room, why wouldn't she do it in ICU? Everyone knows how I feel. I told them flat out if she went in mouthing I'd have security remove her from the hospital and have it to where she couldn't come back. That may seem harsh...but my mothers recovery is more important than a 50 year old woman whining and not getting her way. The surprising thing is that she has visited mom at all. The last time she never came and saw mom once. She had plans to go out partying and couldn't change them. Well, considering mom was in the hospital that time for over a week, that was one long party!! So...here I am the baby of the family dealing with a vindictive sister that can't wait for mom to die so she can get her things. It's just sad and pathetic. This should be the time that we're pulling together, and all she's doing is ripping us further apart. My other sister has already said that when mom is gone, that she won't have anything to do with our sister again. Now, we just have to wait and see if she's going to show up at my brothers Thanksgiving, and what she has up her sleeve. She's already tried to cause problems with me and my man, because she can't stand for anyone to be happy. She did the same to my sister when she was dating the man that is now her husband. What she needs to realize about my man though....he will not put up with her shit!! And, she really should watch it. If she so chooses to try and make me miserable, it's only going to backfire on her ass. Anyway...gonna go for now. I want to try and upload some more phots, and rate y'alls!! Have a wonderful holiday, and don't forget me!!! Hugs!!! Darinda

Love Is A Bitch!!

Okay......so I'm a little on the tipsy side, and pissed!! My man thought we should go to play some pool...well that's cool!! As soon as I step out of the truck, there is an old friend. He right away tells me he hung out with my old man all day....then he says....your ex....Okay...first off...I told him i was with ,my man!! They shook hands!! My point is everyone is beside themselves when I'm with my new man now!! Some have gotten to know him! And, they like him. Some of the guys will just ignore us. And, if their girlfriends come and talk to me they get in major trouble!! It's just really sad and pathetic!!! I get along well with my ex's girlfriend!! They were never married, but had a son together. And, now since i'm gone they are back together which I think is great! I just don't get while if she doesn't have a problem with me after our split up, while others do. My guess is they will either get over it, or will just have to keep talking about me!! Because I make it a point that they have to talk TO me!! Maybe that's why they dislike me so much?? Whatever...going to bed now.... alone of course, because he got called to work!! It's getting pretty boring around here! And ,those that know me....well...they know I DO NOT deal with boredom well.

Damn Cat

My kitten Kiki is from hell....I just know it!!! She's mean and evil!! She won't mind, and likes to attack without warning! Just walkin' on by trying to get to the coffee pot, and she pounces and bites!! Or, another favorite of hers is to jump up and use my legs as a human slide!! And, don't even open a beer in front of her! She will do her best to drink more of it than you can. Waiting on her to cut her mouth. I'm sure she just sits around and thinks of ways to cause more turmoil and mayhem!! And, if you leave the house, you're in trouble!! She takes this as sign of abandonment, and WILL be waiting by the door to slap your ass or any other part of your body she can get too, to prove she is the master!! I'm thinking of changing her name to Lucifer, Satan, or, The Master of All Things Dark and Evil!! I'm going to let her at the door tonight when all the little cookie crunchers come over begging for my candy!!! Bet they won't come back!! She's being expecially hateful today....guess because it's HER holiday!! Anyway...found myself in a grave yard Sunday, just hanging out and visiting old friends. So, I decided to get my camera and take some pictures of some of the head stones. I'm going to upload them today and post some of them. Odd how some of the oldest ones are better preserved than some of the newer ones. Hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween!!! Be thinking of me while my kitten has me tied up, and performing satanic rituals on me!!! Hugs!!!

I'm back!!

Been here and fixed my music problem!! Now...watch that site go bust too!!! That'sjust my luck!!! So, I'm at home alone once again! Out of town....deer hunting.... story of my life!! But, it's damn good!! I'm here right?? Had my nieces baby shower tonight. There, just for a second, I thought I might catch a glimpse of someones throat being slit, but I was wrong. I did get to know my nieces new husband a little better! I likes him a lot!!! I think he likes me also! Then again....what's not to like??? But, in this family.........he could hate me by halloween! My sister acted nice for a few minutes. She pretty much bitched the whole way through, but fuck her!!! It wasn't about her, or her other daughter...that's why she bitched!!! I felt kinda bad for the new husband though....he told me that he didn't now why my sister hated him so much.....I told him the truth...because y'all are happy, and she isn't! I'm sure she's also mad that instead of moving in with them, he moved my niece OUT, and got them a home!!! YOU GO BOY!!! I just love him!!! Of course when my man called my sister made a smart ass comment to my mom about him. The same woman that wants to be at our house 24/7 when it's finished!! Like I really want her there? Anyway....I'm back!!! I'm going to try and spend more time here! I'm getting used to it now, and can do things without asking for help. So, be expecting me more, but for now it's bed time. Should have been there long ago!!!! Hugs!!!
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