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Lucid Thought

" Lucid Thought" Current mood: thoughtful So many things, go through my mind. Wondering if... I'll have the time. To make my silken, wings fly free. To look in the mirror, and love who I see. Of words upon the written page, that's speaks of love sublime. Take us back somewhere , someway through mystic space and time. fear and regret, doubt and rage. I cleanse my soul, with sacred sage. I miss the way, that she loved lace. I'm so afraid that, I'll forget her face. Of never really taking, that one and only chance. So many things I would have done, to change that circumstance. Tombstone rubbings, in new fallen rain. Not cold enough to, take my pain. Introspection, subjection, ripped through to the bone. Tears fall from my eyes, as I touch her stone. Charcoaled fingers, rub out her name. I drop to my knees, pray I'll stay sane. " Please take this pain, and give me light. Give me your strength, to help me fight. Watch over you brother, and sisters for me. I miss you so much, it's been an eternity. Keep them safe, from harm and bane. As the moon waxes , and as she wanes. Twenty Four years have come and gone, I still remember the days... That the doctor laid you in my arms, and the day you passed away. Of struggling for hope, through driving rain. Even though my heart's, filled with pain. Please help me, to make the right choice. Let my writing , be my voice. I want a life, not a glamorous one. But to be reguarded, when my life is done. I want a house in the hills, with pastures of green. For my horses to run, wild and free. A hedge maze of cherries, that I grow and sell. Make Cherry Bark tincture, to make the ill well. A beautiful garden, with a little brook. and a bench where, I could sit and read a book." I sit down in the earth, of Carolyn's grave. "I would have given my life, for yours to be saved." The wind changes , and time goes on. I can hear her laugh, and singing a song. I rise to my feet, and brush off the dust. I keep on living, because I must. Written By: Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved October 23, 2006

Listless Thoughts

My Id and my Ego, are so far apart. My brain's so scattered, where do I start? Confusion reighns rampant, misguiding my soul. I know that I am seeking, something so much more. What it is I seek? who only knows. I guess that just, goes to show. How life is a cruel, and awful, sadistic game. Waiting for you, in the pouring rain. Icy shards of air, pierce my lungs as I try to breathe. Just give me something , good to believe. In moments of doubt, when I'm all alone. I look within myself, to find my own home. What's that you say? how can this be? feelings that border, on total insanity. Feeling so beautiful, but failing to see. The esscence of the soul, deep inside of me. Alone in my thoughts, as I always am. I love the looks, that I get from Man. Is that so very, wrong of me? Is there something , that I fail to see? Striving to find, illuminated thought. Love that can not be, paid for or bought. Shake it off, breathe and go on. Searching the moments, to find my song. Love and lust, in it's rawness and splendor. those feelings, I'll never surrendor. I miss that passion, the heat, the grace. I wonder if I , can keep up this pace. Written By:Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved October 28th, 2006

Romanian Money Spell

Here is a spell that really , really works. It is an Ancient Romanian spell to bring you money. You will need a small glass, Like a rocks glass or a juice glass and three to six coins. I use Quarters, Nickles and Dimes. you may have candles if you wish but not necessary. Stand with the coins in your right hand held out , up high. Say" Trinka Five, Trinka Five, Ancient Spirits come alive. Money Grow and Money Thrive, Spirits of the Trinka Five." You will do this each night for nine nights during the waxing of the moon( As the moon grows fat, therefore drawing your money to you.) Then you will say the chant once a week until the money you desire has been brought to fruition. I have been very blessed by this chant and it has brought about a new and more lucrative job for me as well as other material things. Do not be greedy in what you wish for and the ancients will bless you. I think I saw this somewhere in one of Edain McCoy's books and other places around the net. I can not claim this as my own but would like to share it with all. Blessed Be, Ruthie ( Raena)


Impressions, in the softened Earth. The delicate sounds, of laughter and mirth. Water rushes, over rounded stones. Contemplations of, how you have grown. Snow capped mountains, beckon you near. To find the peace., that you've needed for years. Moments that define, who you intrinsically are. Don't question the Fates, just look to the stars. For within the shadows, along the edges, you will see. All that is, and all that will be. Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved November 6th, 2006

Chakras and Colors

Chakras, Location, oils, and Affirmations Current mood: peaceful This is for all those of you who do not know where the chakras are within the body and a bit more info for those who do. I hope everyone likes it!!! First we are going to start with the Root Chakra. This chakra is located in the perenium at the base of the spine and is controlling factor of the Adrenal Cortex. It is the color red and represents the music note of "C". The Root Chakra is associated with the sense of smell and the oils for this chakra are as follows: Cinnamon Garlic Sandalwood Physical activities for this chakra are Yoga and Walking Affirmations for this chakra are : 1)I know who I am and I make chooices based on what I know to be right for me. 2)I affirm my right to the life I choose. 3)I am grateful for the challenges that have taught me who I am. Secondly, we have the Sacral Chakra and can be found two inches below the navel and two inches into the pelvis. This Chakra is associated with and controls the Ovaries and Testes and is the color orange. It is associated with the sense of taste and is linked to Latin music. The oils for this chakra are as follows: Jasmine Orange Blossom Suggested activities are: Walking Yoga Swimming Dance Affirmations for the Sacral Chakra are: 1) I honor my body and treat myself respectfully 2) I trust my feelings and give them ample room for expression. 3) Goodness, beauty and joy, resonate with my soul and I am at one with them. Thirdly , is the Solar Plexus Chakra and is located directly below the sternum and over the stomach. Color is yellow It is associated and controls the Pancreas . This chakra is associated with the sense of Sight. Suggested activities for this chakra are: Hiking Cycling Yoga, specifically the Warrior Pose and Sun Salutation. The Solar Plexus Chakras oils are: Lemon Grapefruit Juniper Affirmations for the Solar Plexus Chakra are: 1) I am worth my weight in Gold 2)I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect reguardless of what I have done in my past. 3) I am confident in my ability to make my life work. 4) I choose Health, healing and happiness. Fourthly, is the Heart Chakra and is located in the middle of the chest. Color is Green It is associated and controls the Thymus gland. The Heart Chakra is associated with the sense of touch. Suggested activities include: Yoga Massage Walking Dancing The Heart Chakra 's oils are: Rose Carnation Lilly of the valley Affirmations for the Heart Chakra are: 1)I anchor my heart in truth, love and God's/Goddesses grace. 2) My core is pure and innocent, nothing can touch the soul of my heart but love it's self. 3)I am love, I am peace, I am light. 4) I delight in sharing my love. Fifth is the Throat Chakra and is located in the internal and external throat. This chakra is associated and controls the thyroid and para thyroid glands. The Throat Chakra is associated with the sense of Hearing. This Chakra is the color Blue. suggested activities for this chakra are: Yoga Walking Swimming Dancing The Throat Chakra's oils are: Blue Chamomile Gardenia Ylang Ylang Affirmations for the Throat Chakra are: 1) I live in my truth 2) I express my truth as creativly as possible. 3) I learn to listen to my self and trust my inner voice. 4) Integrity is my word and my word is my truth. Sixth , is the Brow Chakra and is located inbetweeen the brows. Your third eye. The Brow chakra is associated and controls the petuitary gland. This chakra is associated with the sense of intuition. it is the color Purple Suggested activities for this chakra are: Yoga The Brow Chakra's oils are: Camphor Sweet Pea Heliotrope Affirmations for the Brow Chakra are: 1) I release and forgive the past. 2)I create clarity of mind and unlimited vision for myself. 3) Every situation is an opportunity for growth and healing. 4) I trust that my highest good and greatest joy are unfolding. Seventh, is the Crown Chakra and is located on top of the skull. This chakras is associated and controls the Pineal Gland. It's color is Brown. Suggested activities are : Yoga Dance Swimming The Crown Chakra's oils are: Violet Lavender Lotus Affirmations for the Crown Chakra are: 1) God/ Goddess is within me, above me, below me, and around me at all times. 2)I am grateful for the good things and the people in my life. 3) I appreciate the beauty of the Earth, as well as protect it and honor it the best that I can. 4) Goodness and Joy are mine in all situations. Now all the affirmations are not as comprehensive as they could be , I chose the best ones . May peace Be Your Journey, Blessed Be and Namaste'

Past Life Vision tea

Timing would be during the dark of the moon through the waxing crescent. It is the time of visions. For this you will call upon Isis. You will need Lilac oil to anoint your Temples, Brow Chakra, center of each Palm, on the Solar Plexus Chakra, on the Sacral Chakra and the soles of each foot. Now you will be making a decoction. Which means you will simmer the herbs for twenty minutes. There are two teas that you can choose from that will both work. Tea 1 Table spoon of Catnip Table Spoon of Mugwort Table Spoon of Ginger Tea 2 Table Spoon of Valerian Root Table Spoon Orange peel Table Spoon of Mugwort Use a glass sauce pan, for some reason metal ruins the tea. Mix to two -two and a half cups of water. Bring to a boil then drop the heat to a simmer and allow to simmer for twenty minutes. Stir clockwise as it steeps., Visualize your intent and infuse the tea with your energy and desire. Strain the herbs and drink a large cup of the tea. Now put a journal beside your bed and sit upon the edge. Say aloud, " I call beyond the West into the land of Khem . Hail Queen Eset, She who is of a thousand names. I call thee to come to my aid and guide me into the Dwat. That you ask the great and Mighty Osir to grant my access into the rhelms of the past. May you protect me from all things unseen while I travel between the worlds. I believe in Thy power and might. I believe in Thy power and might. I believe in Thy power and might." Then lay back and meditate for a bit , if it pulls you before you go to sleep do not fight it. Sometimes it feels like a pulling sensation from the inside of your navel. Other times it can feel like a bolt of electricity coming into your Brow Chakra and travelling down your body before you actually reach the vision it's self. You may see an apparition of the Goddess as she comes to you. Or, She who is of a Thousand Names can feel like a warm blanket surrounding you with chills that run down your spine. It's a strange sensation when not used to it and to be honest it scared me a few times. I found that if you get scared, think of your feet and you are back in the present. Remember to write down everything the moment that you awake. Peace Be Your Journey, Blessed Be and Namaste'

Glamor Bath Charm

All of us ladies like to look younger and more beautiful , Yes? Well here is a little something that I cooked up , mixing a time old chant with some lovely oils. During the Dark of the Moon up to the Full moon, basically anytime during the waxing phase is good. And can be done more than once. In your bath you will put roughly nine drops of Dragon's Blood Oil and nine drops of Jasmine oil. I use Egyptian Jasmine, but it can be any type of jasmine oil. Light a white candle after it is anointed. ( rub veggie oil or olive oil in one direction from base to wick to cleanse all negative vibrations from the candle. Visualize pure energy coming from the candle.) Light it and place it in the South corner of your tub on the ledge. LIght a stick of incense. Any will do but I use Nag Champa. Now submerge your body into the tub and get your hair wet and begin to slowly swish your hair and say,' By Earth, Air, Fire and Sea. May the Goddesses Beauty shine through me." Feel the water slither over your skin and move your body slowly with the flow of the water as it caresses your body.Rub your face and body, be sure every inch of you is covered in the water. Feel the Goddess inside you awaken and project the goodness that you want people to see. Continue to say the chant until you go faster and faster until you can not continue,( Building your cone of Power.) then stop abruptly and fling it into the universe. Then lay back and relax and just be. Leave the water before it grows cold.You will not drastically change but you will feel and appear to be healthier and more beautiful daily. Remember , Nothing in the world comes for free....Even in the Spirit world. You must give and offering of the heart. Like, I feed a starving animal, or feed the birds, or place silver coins at the base of a tree. As long as your intent is a good one your request will be granted. Do What thou will but harm ye none. It is within the law of three so go for it and have fun. Discover the beauty of Goddess with in you and revel in it.* Smiles**

Whore Of Babylon

I am the whore of Babylon, and deamons give me drink. From a golden wrought chalice, that drips with blood so sweet. I have conqoured the hearts, of many a mortal man. Riding the back of a mythical beast, demons in chains, held in my hands. I smell of Jasmine, hard and strong. They are at my feet, singing beautiful songs. In the rhelms of mist, Beyond all knowing. It was I who rose to the task, To keep the blood still flowing. The hounds of Hell, held by my hand. Astride the mighty beast, in searing desert sands. Belial comes forth, holding forth a carved wooden box. I feel the sleek wood in my hands, That shines like Obsidian Rocks. Written By: RuthAnna Brown-Weems Copt Right, All Rights Reserved,December 9th. 2007

The Shores Of Avalon

The Shores Of Avalon Current mood: refreshed Rolling green hills, with pastures of green. That stretch from the hills, and out to the sea. Mist and shadows, cover the Tor. Useen Elves, walk the shores. Of a lipid blue lake, with inky black hues. Lush grasses grow from the water's edge, there where Merlin initiated Nimue. The ancients of , times gone by. Songs from the fairies, and ravens cry. From the shadows she emerges, the Goddess, the Queen. Mystical enchantment, She begins to sing. Goddess of horses, Goddess of the sea. Brings forth to life, all that shall be. She parts the mist, with but a wave of her hand. And steps her foot, upon dry land. Wherever she steps, new life grows. In the Moonlight, her long tresses flow. She calls them to her, the darkened mares. Some are dark bay, others with golden hairs. To each she gives, a vision, a dream. To bring to us mortals, who live so free. Stomping and prancing, shifting side to side. Entranced by her beauty, they can not hide. The young ones come, down to the water's edge. To feast on the grasses, until dawn it's said. Wind in their manes, as the run the shores. Awaiting their dam's turn, from dreams and lore. Soft nickers of delight, as She comes their way. Cerridwen in all of her, beautious array. Written By: Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved October 24, 2006
The Ancient Gift of The Cat The Visions strike, as I try to sleep. Into my soul , and down to my feet. I start to shake, as the dream takes hold. I am beauteous, a wonder to behold. The power of Isis, flows through me. Giving to me, what I need to see. From across the ancient, lands of Khem. land of the West's, hot desert sands. Reveals to me, what shall be. Sobek the Crocodile, swims out to sea. Amun Ra's rays, warm the place. The wellspring and origins, of every single race. All Humans, we come from here. The Mound of Creation, is for all to share. Tefnut and Shu, Eset and Osir. And Nephtys , with her long black hair. Ancient secrets, of years gone by. The song of Nuit, as she crosses the sky. Beings from light years away, Came forth from Etlenty. With the Eight Primordials, and a Horn of Plenty. A beautiful princess, feline in shape. Came from a planet, far out in space. Dense jungle and dangers, Primal and fierce. Was sent to this world, her soul was pierced. Rioo so green, and Khem so dark. Left her soul, with out life or spark. She walked Among the humans, materializing at will. The great Goddess Bast, Priestess of Rioo. The avenger of women, who have been wronged. Gave her favor, at her feet they thronged. She ruled , for twenty thousand years, as if it were but a day. Created the cat, to watch us by night and day. To closely observe, how each of us live. And report back to her, information to give. Sleek and slender are they, quiet and stealth. Imparteded to us humans, love and health. An extension of love, in wondrous shades. Their beauty is timeless, and they will never fade. Telepathic and smart, these ROV units of ours. A gift from the Gods', that came from the stars. Written By: Ruth Anna Brown- Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved,December 4th, 2007
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