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AaronT's Status
There are days, sometimes, where I feel like I am about to lose my mind all over again, but whenever I start to feel like that, I question whether it is something I should dread or something I should embrace? Is it possibly a feeling hinting at a personal growth period? The rebuilding of the parts of me that were broken into something new, something whole once again? Perspective, my friends, is the key to turning any negative emotion or thought into a positive, into a way to grow and improve upon ourselves. Stay strong, no matter the adversity thrown your way!
9 hrscomment
Is it a sign of insanity to continue to believe that most people are decent folks despite considerable evidence otherwise? Yeah, probably, but I refuse to give up on the hope and belief that the "terrible people" are still the minority rather than the majority! Have faith in others, for when you become jaded, you become one of the terrible people, whether you meant to or not! Be a beacon of kindness, my friends, and always be strong!
Jan 27, 2024comment
Happiness isn't something you should need to "search for". It is something that you should find within yourself so that acts you normally "enjoy" make you feel happier instead, rather than filling a void that rapidly empties once you've stopped that activity. It is impossible to find happiness in the world, at least that which isn't fleeting, unless you first find the happiness within yourself, reasons to take joy in whatever you might be doing. Find yourself, know yourself, and be happy going into the new year!
Dec 29, 2023comment
The differences between the people of the world's nations should not prompt us to feel superior, nor inferior, to one-another. The fact that the world has become so connected means that national boundaries should cease to be a reason for conflict, that they should become instead a reason to unite with one-another, regardless of our points of origin. We are one race, not many, and though our skin colors may differ, as may our beliefs, it is our differences that make us stronger when we learn to work together instead of against one-another. Though I understand that the hatred aimed at others may feel justified due to the lengthy history of such anger, the actions of our ancestors and theirs have no place in modern times, when the world should be enlightened, not darkening itself with the shadows of constant war, conflict, and acts of terror. To believe in something is not a crime, but to punish others for believing something else? That should not be something that any of us accept as reasonable or "normal"
Dec 24, 2023comment
In this world, we sometimes find those that always seem to be looking for "someone better". This isn't always a reflection on the person that is skipped over, but rather commonly a reflection upon the unhappy soul of the seeker, one that does not understand that their unhappiness will not be cured by the presence of another but by finding the happiness and joy within themselves. The simple fact of the matter is that though none of us are perfect, it is our imperfections that should attract others, our "marks of character". One does not need a perfect partner, only someone that will be honest, loyal, and respectful to them, but even with that, true happiness must come from within. Do not look to others to be your light, my friends. Rather, look at the bad things in your life, then immediately remember the good things in your life. Though one often feels as though it outnumbers the other, the negative experiences in life are meant to teach us appreciation of the positive ones, to grant us the gift of trul
Oct 24, 2023comment
Though life's experiences often "teach" us that things are a certain way, this is nothing more than a matter of perception. Because a thing is a particular way at that moment, or in a specific instance, it is specific only to those situations. To believe that all members of any group are a problem, that isn't a truth. It is our experience blinding us to the fact that the majority of the people we may or may not be damning have nothing to do with the issues we may have with particular members of it. Racism, sexism, being blatant in your disregard of someone because of their age, or anything else, these behaviors are all hurtful, to others, of course, but also more-so to ourselves. When we choose to open our minds and our hearts to the possibility that others of that group aren't as bad as those we actually have reason to dislike, personal growth becomes possible because hatred is being let go of. Always keep growing, my friends!
Jun 27, 2023comment
There are dark periods in our lives in which it seems we cannot find the light of another to guide ourselves free of our suffering. It is during times like this that we should all remember, if we cannot find the light of another, we can become a light ourselves, finding our path again of our own power, and lighting the way for others suffering as we have. Our strength makes us strong only if we share it with those that are in need, so don't be stingy about being good to others and being there for them when they are in need!
May 24, 2023comment
When life has found a way to lead us to feeling broken, it is not upon us to restore ourselves to what we were, but rather to find a new configuration for our broken pieces that allows us to move forward. That which has been broken can never again be as it was, can never be made original and whole, so our best recourse from that point is to find a new version of ourselves that allows us to be happy. Growth isn't staying the same, it's adapting to the experiences life hands you, good ones and bad ones alike. Growth is experiencing pain, joy, happiness and anger, the good AND the bad, because it is only through both that we ever truly come to understand ourselves and what we do want in life. I hope not many need these words, but that they reach those that might have need of addition strength and give them what they need to heal themselves! Be strong, folks, we're more-resilient than we ever realize!
Sep 6, 2022comment
I have spent my life, or at least the last ten years of it, trying to undo a lifetime of built-up bad habits, and one of the habits I had to force myself to break was holding to friendships that weren't healthy. I recently had to terminate a friendship with someone that had only become increasingly-unstable as the years passed, and their perpetual toxic behavior was effecting me in ways I didn't like. While it may be a thing to regret, the failing of a friendship, holding to something unhealthy only poisons us, and it won't heal them unless they want to be better people. Sometimes it is okay to cut ties with someone whose life has become anger, hatred, and poisonous lies, because we need to for our own growth. It is good to care about others, but never to the exclusion of caring about ourselves!
Jul 26, 2022comment
To those that suffer with their inner demons, remember always this: We are not the sum of our problems, our misdeeds, or our inner demons. We are the sum of our own decisions, our own choices, despite the often heavy-handed influence of others that would seek to make us become just as they are. Seeing abusive behavior all around us should encourage us to avoid treating others that way, rather than enabling us to become just like those that have harmed us. Being mistreated is awful, terrible, and can be really damaging, but only we can let it break us, no matter how hard an effort others put in to trying to force it! Be yourself, and then always strive to be a better version of yourself from that point on!
Apr 20, 2022comment
Integrity is as simple as finding the strength to stay the course, to be yourself, and not let others turn you into someone you are not and do not wish to be. It isn't being an asshole or bitch or any other insulting term, it's just being you and knowing that you don't need to be someone else, not for anyone!
Feb 10, 2022comment
If you are on a social networking website of any kind and your first assumption is that anyone approaching you is either fake or wants something from you, then maybe you should just stop going to that social site? I mean, if you automatically assume that the other person is intending something negative towards you, why the hell are you even coming to a place like this? By automatically "shutting people out" with an attitude like that, you are mostly just denying yourself potentially amazing friendships in the name of "self protection". I'm sorry, I don't care how sexy you are, man or woman, no one here is so beautiful or desirable that I am going to instantly fawn over them and want to be with them. Hate to break it to you, but not one of you is all that on looks alone. I'm a personality man, you can't handle that, then piss off and kindly don't waste any of my time!
Jan 23, 2022comment
It needs to be said, for a social networking site of a sort, people on here aren't very good at being social without making horrible assumptions about those they are talking to! Do you truly know the person you are talking to? No, you probably don't, which means the assumptions you are making about their intentions are likely false or at the least woefully inaccurate. Try not to think the worst of people from the very start, you might really miss out on some amazing, fun people in your life because you assumed something awful!
Jan 23, 2022comment
If you are going to like and rate someone and then treat them like shit for sending you a friend request out of politeness, you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem with a definitive lack of social skills and a massively overblown sense of self-importance. No one deserves to be treated like shit, no matter what you may think their motivations are!
Jan 23, 2022comment
A difficult life can make you strong and make you into a hard person, but being strong is the only of those two traits that matters for anything. Real strength comes from finding the power to endure, to get out of bed in the morning even when everything sucks and do your best every day, not from hardening one's mind and heart against the kindness and beauty of the world in the name of protecting one's self from potential harm that might never come. Be guarded of course, but only to a certain point, or you will miss chances by putting up too many defenses!
Jan 4, 2022comment
I would like to wish you all a happy holiday and joyous times with friends, family and loved ones. Remember that not everyone has those things to celebrate, and hold a good thought for those unfortunate souls while enjoying yourselves. They wouldn't want you to be miserable, but they also don't wish to be forgotten. Cherish the things you have, cherish every holiday you get to spend with those you can't live without, because one day, you will have to live without them. Happy Holidays, and the best of wishes to everyone!
Dec 25, 2021comment
Good morning to the world, to those having good days or bad ones. To those having a good day, you are already off to a great start, to those having a bad start, if you can make it good by the end of the day, you'll have done truly well for yourself and should congratulate yourself for doing so! I am a little under the weather today, but still having a good day!
Dec 15, 2021comment
Never stop caring about others, even those that have turned their backs on you. They had their reasons, whether you agree with them or not, and if you do not harden your heart against them, there is a real chance that they will eventually come back into your life when it is good for both parties, and if your heart is open to the chance, you may find yourself with a vastly-better version of the relationship you'd thought lost before. It isn't a perfect way of thinking, but the simple truth is that we have no way of knowing, in the moment, what the future holds. I am not saying welcome everyone back into your life, but be open, at least, to the possibility that others can grow and mature as you have done and have become better people for having done so. An open mind encourages growth!
Nov 14, 2021comment
If you are going to be kind, be kind for the sake of kindness, not because you are to get something out of it. If you are going to help someone, help them because you know it is the right thing to do, not for the feelings of good and right that it fills you with for having done the deed. But the same goes for the counterpoint, the darker things in life. Just because someone has been cruel, unkind, unfair, or mean to you, that doesn't give any of us the right to mistreat anyone else in return. That only continues the cycle of abusive behavior and poor attitudes, and with those kinds of behaviors held on to, it is impossible to advance as a species, let alone as a society of any meaningful nature.
Oct 3, 2021comment
We must always remember, and remind ourselves when we begin to forget, that for all of the pain we ourselves have endured, others have often suffered similarly, even if in different actual ways. We often forget, while hurting, that others have been treated badly and might understand the how and why of the way we are feeling, and we tend to snap at those that are just trying to reach out to us during our times of pain, our times of hurt and suffering, loneliness, and any of the other oft-agonizing emotions we experience when things happen to us and around us. It is okay to hurt, obviously, and no one can, or ever should try, to take that from you, but always make sure your hostility and unhappy feelings remain aimed at the right people, never those that try to help you, and especially not inwardly, for both are paths to poisoning your own life and making certain you remain miserable. Feel your pain, experience it and understand it so that you appreciate the good parts of your life more, and if there aren't
Oct 2, 2021comment
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