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Slee's blog: "Religion"

created on 09/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/religion/b1026

Part of the theme of the week. by May 25, 2006 In reference to people talking about seperating discriminating against race and discriminating against sexuall orientation. Uhh, behavior and appearance. People try to call it a behavior thing due to mosty an appearance. It's really a case of gender-discrimination. They are saying I can't marry a guy, due to the fact that I am a guy. But it's ok for a girl to marry a guy. And same the other way around. It's not fair because their isn't much People can do about the fact that they are whatever gender they are. So It is still ALL about apearances in the end. Religion is about behaviors too. I dare someone to make a law against non-christians makeing money on christmas. Or even non-christians not being able to get married. Because in some religions say it's wrong not to be christian, or to not accept christ as your savior. " God " says it's wrong. Maybe other people's " GOD " says it's right. It's really about haveing respect for other people's beliefs, and not trying to rule over other people making your beliefs law of the land. It goes back to seperation between church and state. If you want to live in a place run by religion, go to IRAN!!! Or someplace like that. People came to america to get away from religious suppression, a place where they could believe what they wanted and not be condemmned, or be discriminated against by the government. religion discrimination gender respect race behavior seperation from church a ... seperation from c... Edit | PermaLink | 1 comment Topic of today, and probably other days too. by May 24, 2006 So, first it's all nice and interesting all the responses I got from yesterday. I really didn't expect what happened. But thanks to all of you who replied. My house stinks right now. Cuz I'm lazy. And a few days ago my roomate made sausage and rice in the crockpot. And I didn't clean it out for a couple of days. So it got maggots in it. I cleaned it out today. So now everything stinks. I'm sure ya'll wanted to know about that. So I put it at the top. ;-) Oh, now what I was going to talk about. What does June 5 2006 mean to you? For most of you nothing probably. Which is exactly my point. It will barely, or not effect most of you at all. So you shouldn't have any say in the matter. And niether should the people voting on it that day. It's like me voting against you having pork for dinner tonight. I won't be at your house, I won't be eating your food, I proabably won't know the pigs you are eating, I probably won't even feel grief about their death. The day will just go on like any other for me. But you will be happy about eating your porkchops, or sausage, or bacon, or whatever it is your eating. Because you like it, it tastes good to you. It might make eating pork slightly more acceptable, even though they do kill the pigs by boiling them in water, ( I think, that's what I heard anyway ) why should they suffer like that just so you can enjoy your dinner? And it says in many religious books that eating pork is wrong. There's all sorts of eating guidlines in the bible alone. Some of wich I think include pork. And I think that affects far more living things on the planet than other things that people worry so much about. But for somereason that's never been pushed to be part of the constitution to make eating pork illeagle. How about we just let the people things actually affect vote on them? Doesn't that make sense? But I guess that's exactly why it doesn't happen. It's like asshole sgtmajors making rules about the barracks. They have no rights to make stupidass rules, cuz they don't live there. They aren't the one's who have to deal with the rules. Who are they to decied I can't have a futon, or bizzarr things, or whatever ? They don't fucking live there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I'm not talking about weopons, unsanitary conditions, maybe illeagle drugs, stuff like that . I'm talking decorations and roomarrangements, colors, stuff like that. ) And don't give me the good order and discapline shit. People aren't regulated like that in their houses. politics food life sex god today discrimination churches the bible pigs conse ... conservatives Jun 5 2006 senate animal cruelty Edit | PermaLink | 1 comment Here's a weird thought by May 15, 2006 Some people say it's better to live like there is a god, just incase their is, cuz it's better to do that than not to and find out when you die. Well think about this. If you have no real beliefe in anything, and you don't know if there is a god at all? You don't really know what he/she/they/ are really like either. The world is filled with idiots and assholes. What if those are really the kind of people that god likes? And those are the people he is giving the rewards to. And he/she/it/they rrealy don't like the nice people. The one's that help the sick and poor and stuff. What if they are like, hey, lets send those pussies to hell for while and see if that makes them toughen up? Wouldn't it really suck if you lived your life out of the sole what if something bad might happen to me if I didn't do good things for people? Then you died, and found out there was a god, but they just wern't how you thought they'd be? You were nice all that time even when you hated to be, because of some reward or punishment you might get. And then it just didn't turn out how you planned. Man, sux to be you. - This isn't meant to refer to those who "know" or have a firm belief in what is going to happen when they die. This is reffering to those who are living the way they do with a belief that yours might be true. And it's made to make people laugh. If you can't take a joke, I suggest you get the fuck off my page. NOt because you aren't welcome here, but I don't see you finding much enjoyment out of it. funny, religion, god, jokes ... Edit | PermaLink | 0 comments Religiousnesssness. by May 15, 2006 HI everyone! If you write to me, please understand that there is a chance I will make fun of you. And maybe even on my page. %99 of the time it's not meant to be mean spirited. It's just part of the culture being from FT. Bragg. I guess it has to do with the Machismo badass thing. We all give our friends a hard time all day long, and at the end of the day, we are still friends, and still hangout with each other. I might just write back doing it, or I might do it on my page. I won't mention your name or anything unless you really are a totall idiot though. That being said... I think this is really funny- Someone wrote me saying they resented that I said that all christians were the same. ( I didn't really mean to say that, but I can see how it looked that way ) Later on, they told me I should read the bible, and I'm going to hell for living in sin. Here is the part of it that I am talking about- "I love helping other people and I resent the fact that you say that we are all alike. I hope that one day you will read the Bible. I hope you do it before it is to late. If you think that the after life is going to be great by living in sin then you better read and find out what it is going to be like. It is going to be painful for sinners. I don't wish that on anyone. Check out the Bible. You might be surprised. God loves you even if you don't love him"- You aren't all the same. True, true, yata yatah. But doesn't this kinda fit the stereotype? I'm not the same, but you are living in sin and are going to burn in hell. God loves you though. And this person got this from.... How ever much of my page she read. My whole life is being judged by? My pictures? How ever much of my writing is on this page at most? A few excerts of my life and thoughts over the last 5 months? Oh, no, christians aren't judgemental, and do it before even knowing the person. I guesse it comes down to that age old question. What would jesus do? I am very happy that people care so much about my soul, and don't want me burning in hell though. I really do apreciate your time and genuine concern. I'm not mocking you in this last paragragh. But please take the time to consider that I am a really nice person who helps people far more than hurts them. Before you start talking about how I am going to hell. And Keep in mind, that I don't think you are a totall idiot, because your name and/picture isn't in this blog at all. funny, religion, god, jokes, ft. bragg, making fun of people ... Edit | PermaLink | 0 comments thoughts on god, and religion and stuff by May 10, 2006 Okay, I am kinda harsh on religion to say the least. I'm pretty sure I have religion in many of my rants, but I couldn't find it many of the places. Maybe I just thought that because It's something I write about alot, but it might mostly be to people directly and not posted anywhere. So here is my take on that subject: I do what I think is right regaurdless of the eternall consequences. The why would people do good things if they weren't threatened of hell, could make sense. But it's really stupid to me. Most of the athiests I know are far nicer, better natured all around people than the "christians" I know. Compassion for your fellow human being is not only there because it's taught by religion. People who only do nice things to go to heaven, don't really belong their in my opinion. It's all self serving that way anyway. Same with doing mean things. If the only reason a person isn't mean is so they don't go to hell, They probobly still belong their in my book. I don't believe anyone or anything should create another life for the pourpose of makeing themselves happy. That whole idea is really fucked up to me. I didn't sign up to exist, I'm not really happy about existing, and I certainly don't feel obligated to follow the person, or enittie's rules who created me. It's not really about going to heaven or hell, or even staying out of jail most of the time. I just do what I think is right, because that's what I feel is right. I don't care if "god" says otherwise, or my parents say otherwise, or the laws say otherwise. Fuck all of them. Just because "god" says so, or just because it's legall doesn't really make it right in my mind. And the same with things being wrong. I am not in anyone's debt for them forcing me to exist. People think the world is a better place because of religion.... Look at the middle east. And places like that where they are killing each other over it. Then there's Ireland with the protastants and cathollics. Wich is not so bad now, but it went on for a very long time. All sorts of predjucie people use relligion to back up their beliefs and actions and stuff. Whether it be racist or otherwise. Religion causes as much fucked up things as it helps. I never went to church until I was 14. That didn't mean I didn't have moralls. I just had real life ones instead of arbritrary ones. I don't care too much about what god said, or says. I care about what helps people, and what hurts people. And about fairness and equality. The only thing I like about the bible is the gospell, and some of the other parrables and wise sayings. I'm agnostic, with basic christian philosophy. It's a good way to live, but I don't care about heaven or hell. I don't believe that a "higher power" can exist that is so insecure he feels the need to be praised so much. I also don't understand why people think they can get favor from it by praising it so much. If you have to verbally suck someone's dick for them to do something for you, or it helps their descision at all, I really don't hold them very high. Then comes the free will thing and satan and all that. He is too aragant to take someone else's suggestion on how to keep people from doing fucked up things, so instead he sends his son down to be tortured and killed. If he's all that great, why did it really take that for him to beable to forgive us? How about he just respects our beliefts and culture? If that's too much to ask from god, I guess that's too much to ask from anyone. Especially religious fanatics. Why couldn't he just give us limitied free will? I mean we can't float, we can't shoot fire out of our eyes, so why not just make it so we couldn't hurt others, and be assholes somehow too? But aknowlageing that someone else's idea is better than his, and giving him recognition for it, was just too much for him. Oh, no, something I created is smarter than I am, I better send him away to a totally different place so he can't make me look like I'm not the smartest guy in the world. People say satan was trying to take over heaven, well maybe we should let the best man for the job do it instead of holding onto the power cuz you are too pridefull or arragant, or whatever not willing to accept that someone else came up with a better idea than you. There's just too many loopholes to believe in the christian theology. I am too idealistic for it. And believe if it is true, I don't care cuz it's still fucked up. I'll go to hell and just take it over and change it, before I go to heaven and be with the arragant, insecure person who forced me to exist. He won't like me anyway, cuz I have better ideas than him. Greek mythology actually sounds much more believable. I am also not a fan of the current pope. I think he is royally fucked up, him being pope, is enough for me either to not believe in god, not believe he actually guides the church, or believe that if he does god is so fucked up himself, He is a peice of shit too. Which I will deal with eventually if I ever meet him. There is a girl on tagworld, that has an audio piece on her page talking about you can either be a slave to god, or a slave to satan. Slavery is wrong all the way around in my book. Just because people don't believe in you, or don't follow the rules you wish they would, isn't any reason to send them to do anything mean to them. The whole heaven and hell thing is entirely too contrived to me. It doesn't make any sense how people put it, or explain it. It wouldnt' be like that if there really was a "higher power" If there is a god, he is just another life form that happens to have all sorts of cool powers. And from what people would have you believe, totally abuses them. My parents don't get my respect simply for being my parents, they have it and don't have it for other reasons. Just like anyone else. And I know %110 without a doubt that they created me, and brought me into this world, and gave me the things they did. religion, god, creators ... Edit | PermaLink | 4 comments past religious rant not sure if it's on here somewhere else but i wanted to find it an make sure it was on the religion page. by May 10, 2006 Governing peoples lives Current mood: bored I slept alot to day cuz i didn't yesterday. Time passes a lot quicker when I sleep, but sometimes it seems like I am sleeping my life away. Not that I have much of one overhere anyway. Just seems like i should find something productive to do. I need to write a book or something. I don't know. I only ate once today cuz I didn't eat breakfast and slept thrue lunch. that's one thing about nightshift, It's hard to sleep for long periods of time during the day, cuz then you don't get to eat. so you have to chose between food and sleep. I have mosqueto bites on my hand. It sux. maybe I should start wearing gloves or something. Bush is trying to fuck america up even more by putting extemeist conservitive judges in the supreme court. That sux too. I was talking to one of my friends the other day and decided that life really is about sex, drugs, and rockinroll. Everyone wants liquer, metal, and tits, whether they reallize it or not. It's the real key to happiness in life. They need to send SlipKnot over here with some strippers. But bush won't let that happen I'm sure. I hate conservitive ass holes that feel the need to control everyone elses lives. That's okay i guesse if they want to be that way, but they shouldn't get positions of power and try to enforce their beliefs on everyone else. That's my rant for the day. I seen the judges thing on the news today. America is about freedom to be yourself, without haveing other people give you shit about it. Just as long as your not going around chopping peoples heads off or anything like that. Mormons run Utah and do the samething. People shouldn't be using their religion to govern everyones lives. Onley their own. They should be objective and put their religion aside when makeing decisions for everyone. That is one of the evils of religion. It corrupts people too easily. All of a sudden people are like " hey I know everyone should have to be just like me " The funny thing is people usually seem to find god the last place they look for it. Mostly cuz after they found it they quit looking. It's cool that some people find jesus. That means I don't have to feel bad about him being lost somewhere. Mabey alone in the woods or something hiding from mutant killer bunnies. It seems like the people who read the bible should reallize that He never tryed to force his beliefs on anyone. And he wouldn't want anyone else to either. To be christian means to be like christ. That's where the whole what would jesus do thing comes from. If god wanted everyone to be forced to live how he wanted them to then he would have. That was lucifer's Idea. So really those people who try to force their religion and stupid religious type rules and laws on everyone else are far more satanic than christian. God wants people to choose to live how he wants them to, not be forced to. Otherwise he doesn't get the glory. And he seems to be all about the glory. He killed a lot of people in exodes (forgot how to spell it) because they were worshipping idols and other gods and it was taking away from his glory. I just contradicted myself a little bit. But he brought those peopIe out of slavery then they were complaining and then started worshipping idols. After all he did for them. They were ungratefull bastards anyway. Christians aren't about being like god in the old testamate anyway. They are about being like Christ. It's the key part of the word in the name of their religion. wish he'd still do stuff like that. Why else do you think the plauge of locusts came to Utah? Then the seagulls came. God probly just thought it would be funny to have them make their state bird one that eats garbage and most people don't like. religion, god, christian satainic ... Edit | PermaLink | 0 comments Rants and explanations of "normal" people and "weirdos" you have probly heard it before. But this might be better. by May 04, 2006 Okay, Trying to explain from someone esles point of view, It's kinda difficult. So this is very long. And it still might not create a clear picture. But I did my best with only spending about half the night trying to write it. I'm doing other stuff with the rest of the night, so if you're still lost, then you're just out of luck for now. As with other long things I wrote, I'm posting it on my page for everyone to see. Stuff about the army that vaugly relates to it is also going to be added there for further reading if you aren't sick of it before finishing this. Here's a back story of sorts first- I have always had long hair. It was just me, what I liked, something I natureally did or what ever. Especially in Utah, you don't see many guys like that. It's agianst the LDS ( mormon ) religion basicly. About 49% of the state is LDS. So I was evil or at least not as "good" as other people who looked the right way. It's also against it to have your ears peirced if you are a male. And it's against having tattoos if your are anyone. It's a really superficial religion. And it influences so many people, even the people who aren't apart of it. It's a weird phenominon. It's sad how most of the people in my school thought they were better than everyone else, and those who didn't, compared themselves to the mormons, and acted like the mormons really were better than them. People often just start comparing themselves to the majority by their fucked up "standards" as they call them, like they are some kind of mesures of quality. And beyond looking a certain way, if you don't smoke drink or swear, then you a good person, later to become a god. The religion didn't even allow anyone who wasn't white to join at first. Then as it became less socially acceptable, they changed that. How people can follow stuff like that and not see it as an extremeist group, I really have no idea. But to think you are somehow a worse person for not believing in it and following it, is fucked up all together. So there aren't many places you can get a job in Utah, if you have long hair. Basicly you can't get a job where someone might see you. Because then the customers would know the store hires these evil people with long hair. ( that's exagerated a little, but not much ) It's just one of many socially acceptable prejudices. Basicly, if you don't dress conservatively, have a color of hair that looks like you might have been born with, don't have many extra holes in you, or pictures on you, It's not only acceptable but encouraged to look down upon you there. And probobly somewhat other places too, although I don't think/hope nearly as much. How I have been treated differently- People uste to give me shit all the time. About everything. The way I talked, the way I didn't talk much, The clothes I wear, how I walk, how I eat, My hair, My artwork, and probobly other things too that I can't think of right now. People still give me shit about it now, but it's mostly just playfull and not really mean-spirted. The reason being is I only hang around my friends, and many of them are only my friends because they were forced to be around me and work with me and get to know me. If they hadn't they probly wouldn't talk to me. I got a job at an amusement park selling games. ( one of those guys hussing peoples money away while they hope they can win a prize by getting a ball in a can, or making a basket, or tossing rings around bottles, stuff like that ) They hired me when I went into the interview wearing a black teeshirt that had a picture of a golden skeleton sarcofagus, with a hole in the side, and cutoff shorts with strings hanging down. So the guy who hired me wasn't bad. But the rules said I had to have my hair under a hat. Because they cater to the predjudice pieces of shit basicly, cuz that's wear the most money comes from. And that's how the owner of the place is. That's one of the first reality shocks that didn't make sense, it seems like it would be illeagle. And to a certain extent it is, but no one really cares. Some of the people who worked there asked me why I had I wore the hat, and the answere was because the people who ran the place were predjudice pieces of shit. And some of them told me it was because I needed a haircut. It seems like if I can have the selfcontrol it takes not to just start beating the "holy"shit out of these people, they could manage atleast not to bother me. But no. Alot of them didn't even know I had long hair for a long time. That's when you really notice it. I take my hat off in the breakroom sometimes and people get all shocked. like it's a big deal. And a lot of them treated me differently after that. People might think I'm a good guy, until they see i have long hair, but then they see they were mistaken somehow, because I'm obviously evil, how could they have missed that while talking to me before? And I seemed like such a good guy. It becomes a totall paradox to these people. Being a good person and dressing in black or just odd clothes, and having long hair, and drawing weird pictures doesn't fit the deffinition of a good guy at all that they have been taught for so many years. It really is impossible. So there must be something wrong me to them. I like blue hair, I like purple hair, I like colorfull sorts of things. I don't understand why people keep their hair brown when they can have it about any color they want. It doesn't make much sense to me, but hey somepeople like it and that's fine. I don't bother them about it. I don't look down on them because they don't look as good as me when I have blue hair or whatever color. I don't make fun of them, or give them any shit about it. But for somereason they feel compelled to do that to me. I want to dye my hair blue and purple, I think that would look awesome. better than any other colors people have. Better than brown especially. I just don't happen to like the color brown much. I wish I had any other color hair but brown, and if i am going to dye it, I really should get the color/colors I want. But realisticly, it would be harder to get a job with blue hair. It's hard to explain the differences in the way people treat me. But I have looked "nomal" and "weird" before, and deffinantly notice the difference. Other people's thinking is, " If you know that you will get treated worse for looking like that ( long, or spiked, or blue, purple, etc hair, clothes from hot topic, and stuff like that ) then why would you ever do that? I don't own any blue, white, grey, etc button up shirts. Or any polo shirts. I only own a couple "dress" sort of pants. I guess somepeople call them slacks or something. And it's because someone else bought them for me. I absolutly detest those kind of clothes. Growing up, and even now, it's the people who wear those kinds of clothes that look down on me, are outright condescending, and give me shit. People that know me, have compared it to asking a black guy to wear a white robe with a pointy white hat when ever he comes to work. And if he doesn't want to get treated bad, or if he wants to find a job. I am just as kind to people who wear conservative clothing as anyone else. And I'm a really nice guy. But I don't own any of those clothes, can't stand wearing any of those clothes, feel as though I look like a predjudice piece of shit wearing those clothes, and they make me look ugly. I don't look good in them. I have a fuzzy long sleeved button up purple shirt, and a green one. That is as close as I get. Because I like purple, and it's cool because it's soft, it's like suade kindof, and green makes my eyes look pretty. If they give me a uniform to wear to work, that's tollerable, but other than that, I don't wear shit like that. So people see it as my own fault because I do things knowing people will treat me different. Some people try to explain it like- police man wear a uniform, and you treat them like policeman, and nurses wear a different uniform, you treat them like nurses, contruction workers wear a different uniform so you treat them... yah, yah,yah a lot of buisnessman wear stupid shit, so you identify them as such and treat them like such. And when you wear what you wear, you identify yourself as something people don't like or something people don't respect, so they are going to treat you as such. Well, It's not something I comprehend. Because I treat everyone the same. It really doesn't matter what clothes you wear or how your hair is, or the picture on your collar. To me, you're just another person. But to other people dressing or looking how I have looked before, and how I sometimes look is like walking around with a big kick me sign, and then complaining about being kicked. Wich goes back to, that's fine, but when somebody "kicks me" they can't complain about me kicking them in the head, because they should know it's going to happen. The only problem with that logic, is they would. They only like it when it works out for them. People want to make fun of me for being weird, but if I make fun of people for haveing to dress a certain way because that's what they have to do in order to feel good about themselves, all of a sudden I did something wrong. They spent all that time to look just right so no one would make fun of them, then I come along and do it. It's not right to make fun of the normal people. Only the weirdos. hair, predjudice, discrimination, morons, fairness, how people justify it, Mormons ... Edit | PermaLink | 3 comments thought for the day- by May 03, 2006 Banks really should be open on sundays. That way people could come to whorship what they value most in life. funny, money, religion, people, thoughts, Banks, satire, religous ... Edit | PermaLink | 2 comments still nothing Just rants about the same old stuff. Discrimination, religous stuff, and normal borring shallow superficial closed minded idiots by Apr 21, 2006 Not much going on. I haven't eaten much latly because I haven't felt like cooking the food we have. I droppped of an app at the gasstation by wherer I live. I don't expect anything to come of it though. I don't have an experience doing anything but being in the army. That's what I am good at. But I got sick of it and don't want to be there anymore. So hopefully someone helps me out, and gives me a job so I have some income while going to school. For what? it's hard making up my mind. It seems like i want to do something different everyday. If ou have any suggestions on things that will be good to get a job easily, and something I can do when I decided to leave the country to make a little bit of money. I am sick of filling out applications. It's wierd how I can write stuff out of my head all day, and would rather just do manuel labor or something rather than fill out applications and talk to people. I'm not really lazy, I don't mind working, it gives me something to do and gets my mind off silly thing s i can't do much about sometimes. I just don't like the proscess of getting a job. The guy at the gasstation seemed almost nervous while he was talking to me. Maybe I intimidate people somehow. I try not to most of the time. I usually come off as either extremly quiet and timid, or on the other end of the spectrum. It's hard for me to find the middle ground. I'm either timid, or I act like I'm going to kick your ass if you don't do what I want you to do. People find my stare unnerving. I should probly smile more or something. But it always makes me feel weird when guys smile at me. So I don't usually smile around them. I don't usually do it at all, I guesse I should put the happy friendly show thing on. Some people seem to like that kind of stuff. I'm not one of those people. But I guesse most people like the things I don't. It just sux acting and looking like things I don't like. I mean how would they feel if they had to act like me, and have to dye their hair purple, and wear only dark colors for the most part just to get a job. Maybe most people don't have a problem with it because it's not that far from who they are. They don't have the problem with "conforming" becuase it doesn't take much for them. It's not against everything they believe in. It wasn't the people who looked like that who gave them a hard time most of their lives. They don't have a problem with looking like the shallow, superficial, condascending Assholes that I have had to deal with. Chances are, they are one of them. So they ain't really conforming at all. So they don't know what it's like. Have you ever done the poor clothes rich clothes thing? or the weird clothes normal clothes thing? Walk around looking one way, and then walk around looking the other way, and see how people treat you, and look at you. It's a lot of fun. It's kinda like that show where people change their skin color. But it's easier to do. People will treat you differently, talk to you differently, and look at you differently even though you are the same person. The point is, anyone can look about anyway they want to. It's not just one type of person that can dress up in a suit, ( wich i consider dressing down really ) anyone can have peircings, or take them out, It doesn't take much to look like something. That is why it is so fucking stupid to sit and judge people by their appearances. They say to look conservative, but to me, that makes me look bad. Like a closed minded idiot. I'm not saying all conservative people are totally closed minded or idiots, or all the people who dress that way and enjoy it are, . For the most part that has been my experience though. Maybe I'm just jaded from living in utah for so long. Is it really that odd that I despise looking like the people who have been predjudice against me? I know it sounds kinda reverse discriminatory here, like I have a problem with everyone and anyone who dresses conservatively. But I don't. I just have a problem with those who expect, or demand people to look like them. And those who will only hire people who look like them. And think they look and are better than other people who don't like wearing their types of clothes, or having their sort of haircut or style. Those who try to make everyone look like them, are the people who I have a problem with. I don't give people shit for wearing suits and conservative clothes. If that's what they like to wear, or if that's what they have to wear to make them have a false sense of selfesteem that's what they should do. NOtice I said OR. Cuz some people just happen to like looking normal and borring and stuff. That's their thing. It doesn't have anything to do with being insecure, or stuckup, or stupid or closed minded sometimes. the problem with these rants is, usally I think the only people who read them are the people who allready agree with them. Kinda like most of the people who read the religious people's stuff are allready "saved" so it doesn't do alot of good. So that's why they should play marlyn manson in churches and religious bookstores. It will attract more people who don't allready believe in it. Where as the religous music keeps them away most of the time. So if they were really concerned about saving people's souls, and spreading the word to those who haven't heard it or don't believe in it, that's what they would do. But instead they just cater to those who allready believe or whatever. music hair life religion god jobs work piercings discrimination professional ... suits. job Edit | PermaLink | 1 comment Merry christmas!!! The world has flipped upside down..... by Apr 11, 2006 Thank you to all you who have posted rants about people saying happy hollidays now instead of merry christmas. It's something I was going to write about before and forgot. It still comes kinda hard for me to believe. How bizarre the world gets. But it's a very good thing. Things are finally starting to come around full circle... Yes, today in the here and now Christians, Yes you heard me right, Christians and their advocacy groups, are upset that people are complaining about the things they say. How dare they try to censor you guys. Not you who don't want walmart to sell cd's with cussing, or mature video games. Not you people who give me dirty looks and tell me to watch my language, not you people who feel the need to controll what other people see, hear, sell, and do all the time. How could anyone ever have a problem with the stuff you say? So say it loud, say it proud, Merry fucking christmas!!!! How does it fell now, BITCHES!!! funny, christian, christmas, god, church, christians, merry ... Edit | PermaLink | 0 comments uncharacteristic of me, but hey Things to follow if you use it says in the bible as an arguement for anything. Why follow some and and not all of Leviticus - The following comes from the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. tHE VERY SAME VERSION THAT THEY HAND OUT IN THE ARMY!!!! by Apr 10, 2006 Yo people, just pointing out somethings. I'm all about consistancy. People say well the bible says this or that, so it must be true Right? I ain't argueing, it's all a matter of opinion anyway. Just cuz it's god's doesn't make it any better or worse to me. But how about we incororate some of the other things he says into society as well. When you talk about a passage, why not follow the whole thing? These are just some things that I see forgotten about sometimes. Some more than others. While in the mililtary, I asked why to alot of stuff. And got the answer: it wasn't meant to be. Well my lovley military friends, there's lots of things that " weren't meant to be" why don't we apply all these to the military rules too? As well as the rest of our country's policies? 9 " 'When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. 10 Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God. 19 " 'Keep my decrees. " 'Do not mate different kinds of animals. " 'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. " 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. 27 " 'Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. 33 " 'When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. 34 The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God. funny, hair, army, god, church, rules, meant to be, the bible ... Edit | PermaLink | 1 comment Same sort of thing, a different way People should be able to live how they want to. Just as long as they aren't tryin to hurt other people. by Nov 14, 2005 Bush is trying to fuck america up even more by putting extemeist conservitive judges in the supreme court. That sux too. I was talking to one of my friends the other day and decided that life really is about sex, drugs, and rockinroll. Everyone wants liquer, metal, and tits, whether they reallize it or not. It's the real key to happiness in life. They need to send SlipKnot over here with some strippers. But bush won't let that happen I'm sure. I hate conservitive ass holes that feel the need to control everyone elses lives. That's okay i guesse if they want to be that way, but they shouldn't get positions of power and try to enforce their beliefs on everyone else. That's my rant for the day. I seen the judges thing on the news today. America is about freedom to be yourself, without haveing other people give you shit about it. Just as long as your not going around chopping peoples heads off or anything like that. Mormons run Utah and do the samething. People shouldn't be using their religion to govern everyones lives. Onley their own. They should be objective and put their religion aside when makeing decisions for everyone. That is one of the evils of religion. It corrupts people too easily. All of a sudden people are like " hey I know everyone should have to be just like me " The funny thing is people usually seem to find god the last place they look for it. Mostly cuz after they found it they quit looking. It's cool that some people find jesus. That means I don't have to feel bad about him being lost somewhere. Mabey alone in the woods or something hiding from mutant killer bunnies. It seems like the people who read the bible should reallize that He never tryed to force his beliefs on anyone. And he wouldn't want anyone else to either. To be christian means to be like christ. That's where the whole what would jesus do thing comes from. If god wanted everyone to be forced to live how he wanted them to then he would have. That was lucifer's Idea. So really those people who try to force their religion and stupid religious type rules and laws on everyone else are far more satanic than christian. God wants people to choose to live how he wants them to, not be forced to. Otherwise he doesn't get the glory. And he seems to be all about the glory. He killed a lot of people in exodes (forgot how to spell it) because they were worshipping idols and other gods and it was taking away from his glory. I just contradicted myself a little bit. But he brought those peopIe out of slavery then they were complaining and then started worshipping idols. After all he did for them. They were ungratefull bastards anyway. Christians aren't about being like god in the old testamate anyway. They are about being like Christ. It's the key part of the word in the name of their religion. wish he'd still do stuff like that. Why else do you think the plauge of locusts came to Utah? Then the seagulls came. God probly just thought it would be funny to have them make their state bird one that eats garbage and most people don't like. funny cool religion purple forcing people to live like you whatever discrimin ... new post Feel free to comment on religion in general, or comment on my blogs as a whole. Otherwise, leave the comment on the specific blog you are talking about. And I will do my best to get back to you.
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