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The Third Principle


The guarantee of keeping this country alive and free is dependent on virtue and morality.  The key to keeping America Virtuous and Moral is to elect virtuous and moral leasers.  Up until the late 1800’s, Americans were well educated on the principles of freedom, independence, the constitution and the working of the government as well as history and politics.  Because of this, any American can strive to serve for public office, the keyword being serve.   It was deemed by our founding fathers as being a privilege to serve, as well as a duty.  They may not have always agreed on the issues, but they always acted in a manner consistent with virtue, morality and the constitution.  They even said publicly and on record that those lacking in experience, training, proven virtue and demonstrated wisdom should NOT serve as elected officials.  They took to heart proverb 29:2 “When righteous people are in authority, the people rejoice; but when wicked people rule, the people mourn”.


They knew that humans have a nature of both good and evil.  Many have tried to legislate virtue or morality, and it doesn’t work.  No matter how many laws we have on the books, or how we try to reach out to evil, there are criminals.  The nature of people encourages others to run for office, but not get involved themselves.  We see this today when a very small portion of Americans actually go to the voting booths.  The founding fathers stated it was our duty to study the politics of government; therefore we can be an informed electorate.  This government was also setup so that the whim of the people could not override the justice of all.  Most of our early elected served free, and if paid, were paid very little.  They knew that ambition and avarice are the two greatest influences of men, who among us can deny this tendency of the human nature?  They also saw this nature and forewarned that if to hold office became profitable then we would be headed back to a monarchy.  They stress the principles that brought them to this junction, many had served and left the well paying businesses and jobs behind, fought the revolution without being paid not deterred from the path of righteousness. Even in the beginning salaries were discussed, and many objected to this.  Pennsylvania actually had it in their constitution that a man should have other means of support or trade, so that the office does not become profitable and all manner of people seek it for wrong reasons.  It is of little consequence that their belied in a Creator, launched this noble experiment and this formula produced virtuous and moral people of character who held that all these “truths are self-evident”.  Though from many different denominations, they all believed in these common truths that made this noble experiment the greatest country on earth.

The 2nd Principle


A free people cannot remain free if they are not both moral and virtuous.  It might not seem important but lessons from the past have taught that only virtuous and moral people are capable of freedom, because the main rule power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely can only be staid by the people.  Here in America, we elect our leaders and have a representative republic, the first new type of governance on the face of the earth that threw of the monarchy rulers.  As nations become stronger they become more corrupt.  Greed and power never has enough on their own and always wants more, in turn creating more masters and more oppression.  The Representative Republic was thus created on 28 principles that the founding fathers included in the framing of the new country – America.  They realized that a wholly democratic country, though ideal, would not work because everything would be needed to be voted upon before acted on.  The other problem would be to have unanimous vote, and not majority rule. So we elect people to represent us in the government, but they warned of the necessity to elect moral and virtuous people, so that the government doesn’t over throw the will of the people.


To give up some of ourselves for the greatest of the community is institutional, but voluntary not mandated.  Many had self doubts of this new country and government, but it came to pass that a reform of the people to delve into the day to day workings of the government is what help make this country great, because they were informed.  They knew that without virtue and morality that no type government or piece of paper can keep us secure.  It is the exercising of our virtue and morality that we choose virtuous and moral people to run government, so that we do not depend on their virtue and morality, but those of the people.  These were people that were very religious, and since religion has been attacked, a country as a whole has been lead down a slope she may not be able to climb out of.  Samuel Adams said that our freedom and independence shall last only as long as out virtue.  John Adams warned that our constitution was written only for a moral and religious people, that it would not work for any other type of government.


If we take these away, morality and virtue, then there is no check, no balance, no voice crying out for justice, because justice is based on both.  Without justice comes oppression and from oppression comes loss of freedom and independence and we are back where this country started, with either a monarchy or dictatorship, because we have not learned the lessons of the past.

The First Principle

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The Founders of the United States of America had what seemed an insurmountable task when forging the founding documents of a new and different, free, nation.  There were many different peoples and ideas to contend with, and how to make this country united, without being oppressive was quite a job.

Socialism had been tried by the Governor in Jamestown, which was a dismal failure.  Everyone was to put the fruits of their labor into the general welfare for all to draw out, including those that did not work.  Problem was that some decided not to work, and still they would get what they needed.  Soon the ones pulling from the general pool without adding in were putting a burden on those that were, and it was increasing.  The governor stopped this practice.  It seems that when someone is offered something for free, they would rather take it, and then work for it.  Production goes down, slows and disappears, and those that do not produce want more and more.  The only thing redistribution of wealth or material does, is it does not make the poor richer it makes the rich poorer, thus instead ehof improving everyone’s condition in life it makes everyone poorer and more people become poorer and want what everyone else is getting for free.  Latest example – Hawaii had free health care for those that did not have it, taking the money from the richer on the island.  Sounds like a good deal, right?  Wrong!  What happened was that the people who had been paying for they own health insurance stopped, so as to get the free health care.  Again, why pay for something when you can get it for free?  Endgame - the free health care for everyone was done away with.  Moral to the story – NOTHING IS FREE TO ANYONE, SOMEONE HAS TO PAY FOR IT, and when they get tired of paying, they do something about it, which was the basic idea behind our revolution; we got tired of paying for the monarchy in England sponging of our fruits here.


The Federalist Papers, which ruled the land until the Constitution, made each state its own little fiefdom, and the Federal Government had no authority or power to do anything except for what the states agreed to let them do.  Sounds good, except the main purpose of the Federal Government was to protect the whole of the nation and they couldn’t do this if there was nothing in place to make an army or navy, or many other things.  This was very close to anarchy.


So as stated before, the founders wanted to make something that was in the middle, and searched the past 5000 years for all the great governments and nations, took what was good out of them and threw out what made them fall.  On this very document and research, they came up with and put forth into the constitution and all their writings, 28 principles of Freedom, and let me tell you, we have strayed so far from them that we are almost, not quite, but very close to becoming a monarchy/dictatorship during this current generation.  So I hope I enlighten some, as I myself have been enlightened, and turn this country back to what it could be and not what it is becoming.



The Genius of Natural Law


The Founders, though of many different religious denomination, knew that all the rights and duties of a free man has to be tied to the Creator, for they have mentioned this many times in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and their various writings.  They all acknowledge that all rights come from the Creator and it is the governments’ job to protect not only the citizens, but those rights as well.  Anyone who wants to tell you that this country was not founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs is just lying to themselves, and have never looked or read the basis of our constitution and laws.  The Anglo and Israeli communities are most part the basis of law in this land.  Think about any law, and think about the Ten Commandments, same principles, different wording but it is there and clear.  Most people are amazed when they find out the actual basis of this country.  These ideas, Unalienable Rights, Unalienable Duties, Habeas Corpus, Limited Government, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Self-Preservation, Ability to Contract, Protection of Family, Institution of Marriage, Justice by Reparation, to Bear Arms, No Taxation without Representation are all based on natural law.  So much so that Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”


Created equal means having the same rights and opportunities to all, not having all the same exact status, material things or eye color, etc.  The key to Pursuit of Happiness is not to guarantee happiness, or wealth, but that the government cannot interfere with the pursuit to obtain wealth and material goods, not legislate so that all can receive goods and wealth of other or prevent the amassing of the same.  Life is the most important and tied to all others, Life without property or Liberty is slavery.  In its most basic redistribution of wealth is enslavement of not only the rich, because they cannot enjoy the fruits of their labors, but the poor who are given what they do not earn, because they depend on the government to make do for them and enslave them to the government, thus killing their right to pursue happiness because the desire to do so is gone, except to play the lottery, which just makes them all the more poorer.


We will delve into more of all of this in future blogs.



180 degrees

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Question, does this sound familiar?


Problems can be solved by issuing laws, setting up more bureaus, more regulation, and adding more taxes to pay for these.


Or this? We see the common people in perpetual poverty, excessive taxation, stringent regulations and continuous existence of misery.


The Founding Fathers explicitly warned us about the wrongs of collectivism, over taxation and many other things that most of the people know nothing about.  They wanted to make sure that there was an enlightened electorate, in other words We, the People, so that we can keep the values and Laws of the Constitution the way they were set.  These cause the people to abandon their rights and freedoms with the understanding that the government will take care of us from the time we are born to the time we die.  Many will say, so what?  The answer is very simple, it is not only wrong to think that others know better of our situation than we do ourselves or that others deserve to have what some have by taking it from them and giving it to those that have not.  It is not only wrong thinking, but Unconstitutional and against Natural Law.  Thomas Jefferson warned against over burden forced taxation, redistribution for the “common” good and deficit spending.  The Founding Fathers also warned against the pooling of properties and goods, for the common of all.  I will touch more on this later.


Since we are on the subject of Natural Law, why is it that is never taught in public schools or even in Law schools though the whole of the country is based on this Natural Law?  Why, indeed.  It is very simple reasoning, and used throughout history by many Dictators and oppressive governments:


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”


Simply stated, if you keep lying to the people, the lie will believe, and therefore the truth is irrelevant and the lie becomes the whole of the truth.  The above quote was from Joseph Goebbels, Chief Propagandist of Nazi Germany.  So good was he at his job, that most of Germany believed they were crushing the allies even up to the time that Berlin fell.  The only non-believers, were those in power, Hitler’s inner circle.


The Founding Fathers knew that the only stable government of the people would be the one that knew the truth, were taught the truth and exercised the truth.  They held the truth and our unalienable rights to be self-evident, but knew they also had to be taught, for if not people would fall away.  The Natural Law is all over the writings of the Founding Fathers though it mystifies many, but is very simply based on two principles.  Though the Founding Fathers were of many different beliefs and practices of God, and would debate many points on this subject, they all did agree that the creator’s law, or natural law was supreme and which should guide this new nation.  On this law is based the whole of the American Constitution, and the two great commandments as stated in the bible when Jesus was asked what was the greatest commandment, “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind.”  But Jesus continued, “the second greatest commandment is like unto it.  Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”  Digest this for a moment.  The founding fathers, with their basic beliefs in God and the bible, set forth what they felt would be the blueprint for a society that would live in the Natural Law.  The Constitution and the Bill of Rights list the unalienable rights granted by the creator, to ALL men, equally.  The only problem is that man, always think they know better than the Natural Law, and legislate wrong laws that go against God and human nature of freedom.

Left or right or....?

What is actually right and left? 


Today on TV, talk radio, newspapers etcetera, we hear the words left and right bantered about quite a bit. The left labeled as liberals and the extreme left communists and socialists while on the right we have conservatives, with the extreme right being called fascists.  Democrats deemed left and Republicans, deemed right, but this is not what the political system was founded on.  In days of old, parliament was seated according to their affiliation with the communist followers being seated on the left side of the building and the fascists on the right side with all other party lines strewn about in between.  Yet the founding fathers did not view this when they talked about left and right.  The above is political parties, and the two extremes, which has now become identified with political parties.  It is funny to think of these terms because even though communism is the far left and fascism, the far right, they both are identical in the respect that all power is taken away from the people and either a governing body of very few elite or a dictator controls the system to their benefit, not the peoples.


The founding fathers ideas as set forth envisioned the right and left as political power, not parties.  On the far left of the Rulers Law as they called it was the Monarchy, all power and laws came from one person, and the people on the bottom, the serfs, had no rights except that which the crown gave and took away, this is the Monarch Rule – the left of the political power.  On the right of this is anarchy, no law, no rules and no one in control.  The founding fathers sought to find a balanced middle, and keep it stationed there because the human desire is to move to have someone in control, towards the Monarchy.

What am I?

So everyone knows, I have a lot of liberal friends and a lot of conservative friends.  Some of my friends are Republicans, some Liberals, some Liberterians and some green party.  I listen to all and condemn no one, for it is the passage of ideas that makes this a great society. With that said, if anyone gets rude or obnoxious, the comment will be deleted.  No name calling will be tolerated as I said it is about ideas.

The Founding Fathers had created a document, on that was based on ideas and governments that had been tried before and failed.  Alas, ours is heading in that direction because we have moved away from those very same ideals and principles hat made this country a great nation, and the blueprint for many other countries to follow (which many have, but have turned away faster than we have).

It is best that we realize what is true, those don't don't know the past are doomed to repeat it.  Here, hopefully I can add voice so that we do not commit the same misakes that Rome, Greece, the Egyptians and many other societies did.

In the eaarly 1600's, we made the 5000 year leap with the first settlements in the United States. Out of that in the late 1700's a new nation was born, and our first attempt at getting the new colonies was a failure.  After the Constitution was ratified, it opened up the door to the greatest amonut of progress and technology imaginable, we went from ploughs and horse to space shuttles in two hundred years, and it is because of the Constitution that enabled this to happen, because it gave man freedom and a country that cherished these principles above all other things except God.  Take some steps with me through time and see what makes this the greatest country on the face of the earth, and why it must be, has to be preserved.  Everything here can be researched on the internet.

Please read first!

It is with great sadness, that I start this blog, and all because of a book. They say pride goeth before the fall, and that is the truth.  I always thought I knew a lot about the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, after all I did study them in school (unlike the past two generations who know nothing of it, because it is not taught) or so I had thought.

The book is called the 5,000 year leap, and goes back to how the Constitution was created and what the founding fathers were thinking.  Again, I am sad because against the newer generations I know a lot, but when I got into the intro of the book, found out I did not know as much as I thought.

If you know me well, you know that once I start a book, I will read chapters on end, not settingit aside, and forget about the reality around me.  With this book, it is not so, I read a little, then put it down and assimilate what I just read.

So dear friends and readers, it came time for me to speak out and share, I implore you to get a copy of this book, and if not at least read the little insights that I will be putting here.  For ignorance of the Law, is not an excuse for commiting a crime, ignorance of the Constitution leads us down a dark path we may not be able to come back from.





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