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September 13th


Snape awoke with a start.  What is Potter doing here?

>Not here, Severus, just in your head.  I apologize for the intrusion, but I needed to speak with you in person.  Can you arrange to spy on the Order for a while?

I can try.  If I can manage it, I shall see you at Grimmauld Place tomorrow.  Now get out of my head!

>My apologies again, and thank you, Severus.

* * *

Harry withdrew from Snape's mind.  He hated the intrusion, but could think of no better way to talk to him.  But he had no such qualms about the next intrusion.

"Legillimens Silencio."  He plunged into Voldemort's sleeping mind, and planted a single thought:

Severus shall return to spy on the Order of the Phoenix.

He withdrew from Voldemort's mind, resisting the temptation to plant a song from a Muggle musical group in his head.  "While that would be perfect to drive him completely nuts, it would give it all away.  Better save that one for later.  I warned him that he should learn more than he knows, and that means the Muggle world, for starters!  He grinned at the thought and hummed the tune from They Might Be Giants as he headed off to bed:

"I'm your only friend, I'm not your only friend, but I'm a little glowing friend, but really I'm not actually your friend, but I am..."(beat, beat, beat, beat)

* * *

That evening saw Voldemort continuing his plans, but now he summoned Snape.

Snape approached respectfully.  "You summoned me, my Lord?"

"Yes.  I want you to return to your role of spying on the Order of the Phoenix, and report to me their activities.  Go now."

Snape bowed and backed out of the room.  "As you wish."

That was too easy.  I wonder if Potter gave him a "suggestion?"

Snape left Malfoy Manor, headed out the gate, and apparated to Grimmauld Place.

* * *

Snape arrived at Grimmauld Place to find Harry waiting for him.

"Severus, let me first apologize again for the mental intrusion this morning.  I really couldn't think of any better or safe way to contact you.  I have much news to bring you up-to-date on."

"Apology accepted, Potter," Snape replied.  "You did no damage, and you are right, it was the safest way to contact me, and it was brief.  Now what of this news?"

"First, what you can tell Voldemort.  I will be returning to Privet Drive alone in two days, in the belief that with the wards being lifted and the Dursleys gone, that he will overlook it as a safe place.  There I will be planning on setting a trap to lure out his Death Eaters and round them up again, to make up for the liberation of Azkaban."

Snape nodded.  "I take it you won't be there?"

"Only briefly.  I expect Voldemort to come for me himself, and I will be leaving him another token of my esteem," Harry replied with a grin.

"Second, what you don't tell Voldemort.  The Horcruxes are all destroyed, except for Nagini.  She's the only one left.  You need to kill her as soon as possible.  I think my ruse at Privet Drive will set you up on that.  Take this." Harry handed him Gryffindor's sword.  "Kill Nagini with this once Voldemort is on his way to Privet Drive, then bring the sword, Nagini's body, and you back here, where you will go back into hiding and finish the potion for Remus."

"For now, hang out a while and relax.  I don't think he'll expect you back until at least evening."

"Did you have something to do with him readily sending me here?" Snape asked.

Harry looked at him innocently.  "No idea where he got the suggestion from, Severus."  Harry turned and left, humming a tune.

Behind him, Snape smiled.

No idea? Yeah, right, Potter!

* * *

Later that evening Snape felt the Dark Mark tingle.  It was time.  He quickly apparated to Malfoy Manor.

"Report, Severus."  Voldemort's voice was as high and cold as ever.

"My Lord, Potter will be returning to his safe house in two days time.  He is isolating himself there to plan without interruption what he feels is a trap to lure us in.  I did not get any details.  He thinks that he will escape notice there since the place has been empty since he came of age."

Voldemort rubbed his white chin with an equally white and bony hand.  "He is overconfident.  He thinks he can lure us into a trap, but he gave us too much time to prepare for him."

He looked directly at Severus.  "Well done, Snape.  I will deal with him personally.  I will lose no more Death Eaters to that brat."

* * *

At Privet Drive, Harry completed the first parchment he was writing, then enchanted the seal so only Voldemort could open it.  He then quickly scrawled a sentence on a second parchment.  He left the first attached to the front door, and the second sitting on the ledge above it, and then he left, still humming the infectious tune.  He left the light in the smallest bedroom on.

* * *

September 14th

The next night Voldemort arrived at Privet Drive.  He noted the light upstairs.  Wary of traps, he drew his wand and checked for wards, jinxes, and triggered curses.  Finding none, he headed up the walk.

It makes sense that I would find nothing.  Potter wouldn't want to tip off he's here.

He reached the front door to find a piece of parchment stuck to it, with his name on it.

He is not here!  Either Snape lied, or this was no trap after all!

He opened the letter and began to read.

Hello again, Tom,

Two days hence for me means one day hence for you, means same day for me.  If you had gone straightaway you might have caught me.

Then again, most likely not.

I have to admit being caught a little off guard by the naked guts you showed at Azkaban, even if you were very predictable and we had prepared for your attempt.  No matter.  Your time is drawing near, and it's only inevitable that we shall finally meet and you shall lose.

Remember before I told you to learn more than you know?  You still haven't figured it out yet, have you?

Since you seem to be as dense as a pea soup fog over the English Channel, allow me to give you a large hint:

"There once was a famous Dark Lord,

whose soul was destroyed by a sword.

One part, or more,

as many as four,

but what of the crux of his hoard?"

Or how about this?

"Severus severs snake's soul with special sword to save sneak Snape's soul from Snake Eyes."

Now say that five times fast!

If you can't figure it out by now, then you never will.

Be seeing you again soon, Lizard Lips!

Your Conqueror,

Harry Potter

P.S. Don't crumple up this letter when you're done.

Voldemort, missing the postscript in his rage, crumpled up the letter.  It promptly exploded, covering him with black soot.  A second parchment floated down from the roof and landed at his feet.  It had only one sentence:

I told you not to crumple it!

This only made Voldemort angrier, but it quickly gave way to fear as he recognized the meaning of the Limerick.

Crux of his hoard?  Horcruxes!  He knows!  But how???  Unless that fool Dumbledore...

Then the tongue twister hit him.  Nagini!

Voldemort apparated to Malfoy Manor with a panicked crack.

* * *

Snape watched the Dark Lord leave.  Knowing he had little time, he moved to the door, then entered the private chamber.  Nagini was curled up on the bed, asleep.

Severus approached the snake and silently cast a body-binding jinx on her.  Nagini stiffened momentarily.  Severus drew the sword from his cloak and quickly severed her head.  A black wisp of smoke and a whimpering hiss rose from the body, and blood and venom spurted onto the bedding.

Moving carefully, the potions master summoned wrappings for the body and the sword, then took hold of them and disapparated to Grimmauld place.  Harry was waiting for him.

"Well done, Severus," Harry congratulated him.  "I'm afraid, however, that your days as a spy are over, though.  But you can stay here, and I believe the Lycanthropy cure still needs work."

Severus nodded.  "When the Dark Lord returns and finds Nagini missing and a pool of blood in her place, and me missing as well, my role would be ended anyway.  But the mission was accomplished.  You're right, the cure awaits, and I will welcome the challenge in safer surroundings."

They walked into the drawing room, which had been set up as a laboratory before.  Snape looked over at the table and his eyes widened in surprise.  "What happened here?  It's almost finished!"

Harry grinned.  "Hermione took a look at things while you were away and made some progress.  I hope you don't mind.  How did she do?"

Snape examined the notes and the potion carefully.  "It looks like she did it perfectly to this point!  I can finish this in a few minutes!"

Snape quickly dove into the work with barely suppressed glee.  Harry stepped out and left him to his work.  Back in the kitchen, he conjured up a trunk, then levitated Nagini's body into it, then placed inside the perfume bottle, the locket, the diary, and the ring.  Then he sealed the trunk, humming away.

Tonks came out of the fireplace.  "Wotcher, Harry!"

"Hi, Tonks.  How's things?"

"You remember that talk we had at Privet Drive?"  she asked.

Harry nodded.  "You were right, and I never had the chance to thank you."

"Well, turnabout is fair play.  I want-I want to run off and marry Remus," she blurted.

"And you want me to talk you out of it, or recommend a good place for a ladder?" Harry grinned wryly.

"A ladder?  I don't get it," she replied.

"In the Muggle world when a couple elopes, the story goes that one arrives at the window of another with a ladder at midnight, climbs up, and the pair make away in the night and get married before anyone can find out," Harry explained.  "It's rarely done anymore, but it is still an inside joke in the Muggle world."

"Oh, now I get it," Tonks replied with a laugh.  "You were asking if you should talk me out of it or encourage it."


"I don't know, Harry," she pleaded.

"Well, let me ask you what you asked me: Do you truly love him?"  She nodded, eyes full of tears.  "Does he love you?"

"I think so.  I know he cares for me deeply."

"Believe me, Tonks, he does," Harry replied.  "And I can tell you his fear is holding him back, his fear of his 'furry little problem.'  I also know you were there in the Shrieking Shack this last transformation despite his wanting you not to be there.  You've seen it, and you've seen how we can help.  He doesn't know you know, though.  You ought to tell him."

"When?" she asked.

"Soon.  The cure is close, and I think once we've got that, it will be time.  I had to face my fear.  With him, we may be able to remove it entirely."

Snape came hurrying into the room, an excited look on his face.  "It's ready, but we need to test it."

"That can be done.  I need Fred, George, Ron, and Hermione here immediately," Harry replied.  "How much dose is needed to do it?"  Tonks left to get the four.

"I have four bottles made," Snape replied.  "One for testing, one for Lupin, if they work one for Bill Weasley, and one for later analysis."

"Excellent.  Severus, I said before that when this is over I would see that you would be a free man.  I will also see that you get proper credit for this discovery.  You deserve it."  Harry smiled.

"Not I alone, Potter.  The three Weasleys deserve credit as well since they helped," replied Snape.

"Severus, that's very good of you," replied Harry.  "You really have changed for the better.  Even Dad would have noticed."

"Well, even though having to put up with Black all the time can be bothersome, we have been able to discuss some things and work out a lot of issues." Snape smiled.  "It feels good to put that behind me."

A moment later four Weasleys and Tonks appeared.

"Everyone, Severus has completed the cure, but we need to test it.  We need to retrieve our test subject, so wands out and ready, stunning only if necessary," Harry explained.

"Fawkes?"  The phoenix arrived with a flash.  "I need you to go to Malfoy Manor and bring back Fenrir Greyback."  The phoenix looked at him with a skeptical eye, but made what looked like a very human shrug of the shoulders, then disapparated with a crack.

A minute later he returned with the werewolf in tow, struggling under him.  Fawkes let him go and Greyback fell to the ground with a crash.  He rose to find six wands pointed at him.  He felt for his own and found it missing, then he saw it in Harry's other hand, exactly where it had been summoned.

"All right, Greyback, you're surrounded and outnumbered, so it's best you cooperate," Harry said with authority.

"Potter!" he growled.  "I should have known!  My fellow Death Eaters saw my abduction, and they should be searching for me soon."

"Don't bet on it, Fuzz Face," retorted Harry.  "Your dark Lord is busy chasing shadows and your fellow Death Eaters are only loose because I choose to let them be loose, and they have no idea where you are."

"You will not learn anything from me!" snarled the werewolf.  Snape poured one bottle of potion into a goblet.

"I have no intention of trying.  You are here for a different purpose, and you specifically," replied Harry.  "You can either do this the easy way or the hard way.  The easy way is you take the potion Severus is holding and drink it.  The hard way is that we bind you up and pour it down your stinking throat.  Either way, you will drink it.  It shouldn't kill you, but if it does, well then, that's what happens for being a Death Eater.  So which is it? Choose now!"

Greyback looked around and realized he had no choice.  He was stuck.  "The easy way."

Snape handed him the goblet, then waved his wand over him.  "Lycanthropus Revellus.".  Greyback glowed a slight yellow color for a moment.

Greyback looked at the goblet, sniffed it.  "What is it?"

"Drink now, answers later!" snapped Tonks.

Greyback drank the potion.  Severus took back the goblet.

For a moment, nothing happened, then Greyback began to glow a vivid purple, and he began to gag.  A silvery wisp escaped his mouth, nose and ears and he began coughing.  He collapsed to the ground, writhing, and began to lose fur.  In a minute he was completely human again, but had passed out.

Snape waved his wand over the unconscious form. "Lycanthropus Revellus."  Nothing happened.  "It appears he is cured."


Greyback awakened, and said in a small, human voice, "What happened?"

Harry looked down at him and snapped his wand.  "You are no longer a werewolf.  You are cured of your Lycanthropy."

"What? That's impossible!  There is no cure for that!"  Greyback looked panicked.

Ron conjured a mirror.  "Look for yourself."

Greyback looked in the mirror and saw, for the first time in decades, his human form.  He fainted again in shock.

Harry quickly bound and gagged him.  "Impossible only means it hasn't been done yet.  Tonks, get him to Azkaban, then get back here.  You've got some eloping to do!"

She took her charge and disapparated with a crack.  Hermione squealed, "We did it!  Wait a minute!  Eloping?  Tonks?  Moony?"

Harry grinned.  "You bet.  This potion is a wedding present from all of us."

Tonks quickly returned.  She hugged Hermione, then Harry, Ron, Fred, and George in turn, and even hugged Snape, to his astonishment.  "Thank you all!  Time to go steal me a husband!"  She disapparated with a pop.

Snape looked at her in amusement.  He was still holding three bottles.  "I think Miss Tonks forgot something."

A moment later she returned again, blushing.  "I forgot the bottle."  Snape handed it to her, and she disapparated again.

* * *

She arrived at Lupin's London flat, and promptly threw some of their clothes into a bag, then shrunk it and put it in her pocket.  She had just finished when he walked in the room.  She threw herself on him, showering him with kisses, and before he could get a word out, disapparated with him to an Auror safe house.

There, she looked at him and directly told him she loved him, and they were going to be married one way or another, and presented him with the potion.  She explained what happened with Greyback.  By the time she was done, he was in complete shock.

"You did that for me?"

"All for you, my love.  Now, drink.  It's time for you to be cured."

Still feeling stunned, he drank to potion in one gulp. Nothing happened except a slight tingling.  Tonks waved her wand and said the incantation.  "Lycanthropus Revellus."  Nothing happened.

"Remus Lupin, you are cured of your Lycanthropy.  Marry me, you ex-werewolf!"  She grinned at him from down on one knee.

Stunned, he took her hand and helped her up.  "When?"

She laughed, then kissed him and looked into his eyes.  "Right now."

* * *

Voldemort returned to Malfoy Manor, still in a panicked state.  He moved swiftly through the house, searching for Nagini, ignoring the Death Eaters' own panic and words of "Greyback" and "taken".

Finally, he reached the bedroom and on the bed, he saw the congealing pool of blood and venom.  His heart went even colder than normal.  He returned to the drawing room and summoned the Death Eaters.

"What happened to Nagini?" he demanded coldly.

Macnair stepped forward.  "We have not seen her, my Lord.  However, Snape and Greyback are both missing.  Snape disappeared shortly after you left, and Greyback was taken by a phoenix before we could react.  We have no idea where either of them went."

Voldemort's eyes narrowed.  "Did they disappear at the same time?"

Macnair looked down.  "No, my Lord, I don't think so.  I think Snape was missing before Greyback was taken."

"Well, it's obvious that Potter has Greyback now, but the brat will learn nothing from that savage fool.  Death Eaters, it appears that one of our ranks has tried to leave us, and has taken Nagini with him.  Severus Snape is now to be killed on sight.  Greyback is to be recovered without killing him unless necessary."  Voldemort looked at them.  "I have some things I need to do.  Search discreetly for the missing men.  Reconnaissance only, no attacks."

Voldemort swept from the room, walked out the door, and disapparated to a remote coastal cave.

He quickly arrived inside the cave and levitated across the Inferi pool top the center, and quickly banished the Nightmare Potion.

The basin was empty!

He knew!  Dumbledore knew!  He got it out somehow!  But that's impossible unless he had help! Potter!

Swallowing his rage, he disapparated out of the cave.

His next stop was Beeston, outside Nottingham.  He quickly entered and began ransacking the place, searching for the perfume bottle.

He didn't find it.

Turning to leave, he heard a throat clear behind him.  He whirled to find Dumbledore looking at him from a portrait.

"Tom, is such a mess really necessary?  Minerva works so hard to keep it neat, and here you go messing it up."

"You!" he shouted.  "You figured out my Horcruxes!"

"Not all me, Tom.  Regulus Black got the locket, I got the ring, and Harry got the diary.  Since you've come back, Minerva got the bottle, and Severus got Nagini.  It was a team effort, to say the least." Dumbledore smiled.  "You, of all people, should know of strength in numbers.  Harry is doing the same thing.  Good luck on your search, because you're going to need it."  with that he turned and left the portrait.

The cup! He didn't mention the cup!  All is not lost yet!  Feeling a little better, he set out for the Gaunt shack.  He was sure the ring was not there, but he had to be certain.  He was right; when he arrived he found it was gone.

I need to check the cup, and that means I need to sneak into Hogwarts, to the Chamber of Secrets.

He set out for the castle.

* * *

Dumbledore appeared in his pocket portrait.  "He wasn't too thrilled to see me, and I'm afraid he left Minerva's house a mess."

"You told him about who found the Horcruxes?" Harry asked.

"All but the cup."

"Perfect."  He coined Ron.  "Round up our four Slytherin spies.  Stun them, bind them, gag them, and meet me at the front gates immediately."

He took the trunk full of Horcruxes and disapparated to the Hogwarts gates.  He set the trunk down, attached his last note to Voldemort on top, then waited.  Minutes later a crowd came down to the gates: Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and McGonagall, carrying the bound and gagged Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott.  They were placed next to the trunk, snapped wands set on each of them.  The rest returned to the castle.

"Minerva, I must apologize.  It appears that Voldemort trashed your house while looking for the bottle," Harry said.

"Not to worry, Harry.  I'll clean it up later."

Harry looked at them all.  "Time to really mess with Voldemort's head, and this time I'll let him know it."  He grinned.  "I'm going to enjoy this!"

* * *

Voldemort came to a screeching halt.

>Hello, Tom.  Nice head you've got here, hope you don't mind me dropping in like this unexpectedly.  Of course, I've been doing it all summer, so what's one more visit between old friends?

Potter!  Get out of my head!

>At my leisure, Tom, and not before.  You can try to force me out, but that won't work.  I've owned your head all this time, and it has been beneficial for me.  Of course, it's rather dank, dreary and in need of a good coat of cheery paint in here, but I guess I can't have everything right now.

What do you mean?

>I mean that you can be one dense git, that's what.  We knew about your plans for the Ministry, Azkaban, and Hogsmeade, which is why we had traps waiting for you.  We knew about it because I sat here, inside your cobwebbed head, and watched you plan it out.  I also knew about the Azkaban breakout, but I let it happen to give you a false sense of security.  You killed nobody that day except a bunch of doppelgangers.

You lie!  There is no way you could have learned that from me!

>Wow, you can be dense!  You still haven't figured out how I gave you that hotfoot, have you?  I also heard that you ignored my warning and crumpled up my last note, and you wound having a blast with it.  Maybe one of these days you'll listen to me instead of dismissing me out of hand.

Why should I?  You are a teenage brat, not capable of much of anything, and I am the greatest wizard since Merlin!

>You're not even second-tier, Tom.  It was me who took out your men who attacked the joke shop.  It was me who nailed Pettigrew.  It was me who took out your men on the first attack at Privet Drive, and it was me who helped destroy the Dementors at Azkaban.  And it was me who has known every step of the way what you've been up to, which is how I've been able to leave you my little notes in advance.  Face it, Tom, I've been playing you like second violin at the London Philharmonic.

So what?  Are you here just to gloat?

>Nope.  That's the easy part.  I'm actually delivering a message or three.  First, Merope Gaunt sends her love from beyond, and she wishes that you had known love.  Second, you'll find one last message of mine waiting for you at the Hogwarts gates.  Third, I'll simply leave you now to ponder your fate, with a lingering message...

Voldemort now heard a marching beat in his mind.

I live in a place where the nuts hunt the squirrels

In a place where the nuts hunt the squirrels, ha-ha

It's a beautiful spot where I don't think a lot

And mostly I don't think of gits like you, hoo ha

I don't think of gits like you!

When I think of the traffic, and horns

And lights that flash and signs that blink

And say "Don't walk" and subways that roar

And brakes that screech

And noisy men drilling holes in the streets!

I'm mad for that place where the nuts hunt the squirrels

Where the people all smile and I play, ha-ha

And I spend all my time skipping rocks at the ducks

And I don't think of gits like you, hoo ha

I don't think of gits like you!

You drove me to this and you know that you did

To the place where the nuts hunt the squirrels, ha-ha

But I couldn't care less 'cause my life was a mess

So who needs the human race, ha-ha

I don't need the human race!

I don't have any use for gits like you

Who tell me what I should say and do

And how I should cut my hair

And shave my shoes and shine my face

I live like a nut in the human race!

So I'm mad for this place where the nuts hunt the squirrels

And it's here I shall always remain, ha-ha

It's here I shall always remain

But there's just one complaint I've had so far

They're trying to drive me sane, hee hee

They're trying to drive me sane, ho ho

They're trying to drive me sane, ha-ha

They're trying to drive me sane, hee hee

They're trying to drive me sane, ho ho

They're trying to drive me sane, ha-ha

They're trying to drive me sane, hee hee

They're trying to drive me sane!*

>Have a nice, day, Tom!

Harry left Voldemort's head, but the song remained, including the drum beat.

I can't get that bloody song out of my head!

Finally, after a lot of effort, he succeeded in blocking that strange Muggle music.  He took a deep breath of relief.  But then another started up:

I'm your only friend

I'm not your only friend

But I'm a little glowing friend

But really I'm not actually your friend

But I am

(beat, beat, beat, beat)

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch

Who watches over you?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

I have a secret to tell

From my electrical well

It's a simple message and I'm leaving out the whistles and bells

So the room must listen to me

Filibuster vigilantly

My name is blue canary one note spelled l-i-t-e

My story's infinite

Like the longest symphony it doesn't rest

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch

Who watches over you?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

I'm your only friend

I'm not your only friend

But I'm a little glowing friend

But really I'm not actually your friend

But I am

There's a picture opposite me

Of my primitive ancestry

Which stood on rocky shores and kept the beaches shipwreck free

Though I respect that a lot

I'd be fired if that were my job

After killing Jason off and countless screaming Argonauts

Bluebird of friendliness

Like guardian angels it's always near

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch

Who watches over you?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

(and while you're at it

Keep the nightlight on inside the

Birdhouse in your soul)

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch (and while you're at it)

Who watches over you (keep the nightlight on inside the)?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul (birdhouse in your soul)

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch (and while you're at it)

Who watches over you (keep the nightlight on inside the)?

Make a little birdhouse in your soul (birdhouse in your soul)

Not to put too fine a point on it

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul.**

Voldemort sunk to the ground, clutching his head.


* * *

Voldemort finally arrived at the gate of Hogwarts.  He flew into another rage at what he saw.

In the middle of the path, directly in front of the gates, were Parkinson, Goyle, Crabbe, and Nott, exactly as they had been left: bound, gagged, and snapped wands on each.  Next to them was a large trunk with a parchment attached to it.  The outside of the parchment had one line written on it:

Open the trunk first.  No tricks here.  Read the parchment second (as if you could read it first anyway!).  -HP

Frowning, Voldemort opened the trunk, looked inside and screamed.

Inside he saw the shattered remains of five Horcruxes.

Still no cup, which means they didn't find it.  They're watching now, so I'll just read the note and then depart with this mess.  The cup can wait.

He closed the trunk and opened the letter.


As you can see, we've found and destroyed your Horcruxes.  You can have your spies back as well.  They were pretty useless.

I told you it was simply a matter of time, and only I knew when.  Well, now I'm going to tell you.

I challenge you, openly, to a duel.

It will be where it all started for us, Godric's Hollow.

Midnight, Halloween.

Potter vs. Riddle.  To the death.

No Order of the Phoenix.  No Death Eaters.  No Ministry.

You've failed five times before to kill me.  Do you think try #6 is the charm?

How will what was started sixteen years prior finally finish?

I'll be there waiting.

BTW, this is going to be in the Daily Prophet tomorrow.  I'd send them a response by the end of the month.  Call it me being generous.  No guts, no glory.

Harry Potter


*"The Place Where the Nuts Hunt the Squirrels," Napoleon XIV, The Second Coming

**"Birdhouse in Your Soul," They Might Be Giants, Flood


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Running for President
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Bong Hits 4 SCOTUS
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