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Sexy Shell's blog: "Stories"

created on 09/15/2009  |  http://fubar.com/stories/b309313

Trip to Port Angeles


It was sunny this morning, so I wouldn’t be attending school.  I did however linger in the shadows nearby watching Bella. Bella and Jessica were talking about a trip to Port Angeles to go dress shopping for the prom, But Bella wasn’t going to the prom, and she had rejected Mike already saying she was going out of town.  My guess was that she was just going along to help Jessica and Angela pick out their dresses.  My urge to protect her suddenly found me heading to Port Angeles after school.  I followed them at a distance to keep an eye on Bella.  They were in a dress shop; Jessica and Angela were trying on dresses.  I liked reading Angela’s thoughts they were always sweet, on the other hand I couldn’t stand reading Jessica’s they were so vindictive and hateful.  They finally decided on the dresses they wanted and Bella left the store.  She walked down the street alone and walked into a book store called thunderbird & Whales books.  Hmm I wondered to myself, what was she going in to that store for.  It was dark when she left the store, so I followed her, but lost her when she went into a dark ally.  I concentrated carefully on the thoughts around me desperately trying to find her in someone’s thoughts.  Finally I heard the thoughts of three maybe four men, they were disgusting thoughts.  I followed them until they got louder, and there was Bella surround by four guys.  I lost it and skidded to a stop just behind them and got out of my car.  “Get in the car” I said to Bella.  She got in the car and I went around the car and faced the four men.  “That was a very dangerous” One said to me.  I hissed at him “I know” My eyes must’ve changed color because the guy turned and started to walk away.

I walked back around the car and got in; I revved the engine and drove forward scaring the hell out of the four men, they all fell to the ash vault.  I backed up and sped away, I was so irate at this point.  “I should go back there and rip those guys heads off” “uh no you shouldn’t” “You don’t know the vile repulsive things they were thinking” “And you do” “well it’s not hard to guess” “Will you talk about something else, distract me so I won’t turn around” “You should put your seatbelt on” I laughed at her remark. “You should put your seatbelt on”

I was so distracted that I didn’t realize that we were already in front of the restaurant that she was supposed to meet Jessica and Angela at.  We stepped out of the car just as they were coming out of the restaurant.  Bella met up with them at the bottom of the stairs. “Hey you guys I’m sorry, I just…” Bella said.  “Where were you we left you messages” Angela said.  “We waited but we were like starving so we…” Jessica replied.

I walked around and joined them; they were surprised to see me there.  “Umm I’m sorry I kept Bella from dinner, we just ran into each other and got talking” “No we totally understand, that happens right” Jessica said “Umm we were, just leaving.  Bella” “I think I should make sure Bella gets something to eat.  If you’d like” She nods slightly.  “I’ll drive you home myself”  “that’s so thoughtful” Angela says and turns to Bella. “Yeah I should eat something” Bella finally replies. “So I’ll see you guys tomorrow”

They leave and we turn and enter the restaurant.  The host was a female; she was flirting with her eyes.  “Table for two” I said.  She led us to a table that was big enough for four in the center of the most crowded part of the restaurant.  Bella was about to sit down, I shook my head. “Perhaps something a bit more private” I said to the host.  I slipped her a twenty “Sure” she said with surprise.  She turned and led us around a small partition to a small ring of booths, all of which were empty. “How’s this?” “Perfect.” I said flashing her, my gleaming smile, dazing her for a moment. “Um” she shook her head, blinking. “Your server will be right over” she walked away unsteadily.

“You really shouldn’t do that to people,” she criticized.  “It’s hardly fair”

“Do what?” I replied.  “Dazzle people like that… she’s probably hyperventilating in the kitchen right now” I looked at her in confusion.  “Oh come on, you must know the effect you have on people.”  I tilted my head to one side, looking at her curiously. “I dazzle people?”

“You haven’t noticed? Do you think everybody gets their way so easily?”  I ignored her questions.  “Do I dazzle you?” “Quite frequently actually” she admitted.

Our server arrived, the hostess had definitely dished behind the scenes, and this new girl didn’t look disappointed.  She flipped one strand of short black hair behind one ear and smiled with unnecessary warmth.

“Hello my name is Amber, and I’ll be your server tonight.  What can I get you to drink?”  She didn’t look at Bella once. 

I looked at Bella.  “I’ll have a coke” she said. “Make that two” I added.

“I’ll be right back with that,” she assured me and left the table.

I looked back to Bella, wondering if she was really ok.  “What” she asked when the server was gone.  I kept my eyes focused on Bella.  “How are you feeling?” I asked her.  “I’m fine” She replied surprised by my intensity.

“You don’t feel dizzy, sick, cold….?” “Should I?” I chuckled at her puzzling tone.  “Well I’m actually waiting for you to go into shock” I smiled crookedly.  “I don’t think that will happen” she said taking a quick breath as if she couldn’t breathe.  “I’ve always been good at repressing unpleasant things” “Just the same, I’ll feel better once you have some sugar and food in you.”

As if cued the waitress returned with our drinks and some bread sticks.  “You ready to order?” she asked me. “Bella” I asked still looking at her intently.  The hostess unwillingly turned towards Bella. “I’ll have the mushroom ravioli.”

“And you?” she said turning back to me with a smile. “Nothing for me,” I replied dryly.  “Ok well let me know if you change your mind” the smile still on my face but not looking at her, she turned and left dissatisfied.

“Drink” I ordered Bella.  She sipped her soda obediently, and then drank more deeply, I guess she was thirstier then she thought.  She finished the whole thing so I pushed the other to her.  “Thanks” she muttered.  At that moment I saw her shiver.  “Are you cold” I asked her concerned.  “It’s just the coke,” she explained.  “Don’t you have a jacket?” I said with disapproval in my voice.  “Yes” she looked at the bench next to her.  “Oh… I left it in Jessica’s car.” She realized.

I removed my light blue leather jacket, and got up and walked behind her, draping it over her shoulders. “Thanks” she replied as she slipped her arms in the sleeves.  It sleeves were much too long for her, so she rolled then up.  “That color blue looks lovely against your skin” I said as I watched her every move.  She blushed and looked down, of course.  I pushed the bread basket towards her.

“Really, I’m not going into shock” she protested.  “You should be, a normal person would be, but you don’t even look shaken” I was a bit unsettled about this.  She looked into my eyes “I feel very safe with you” She confessed.

“This is going to be more complicated then I planned,” I murmured to myself.  She picked up a bread stick and started nibbling on the end, measuring my expression.

“Usually when you’re in a better mood your eyes are so light.” She commented.  I stared at her stunned that she had noticed.  “What?”

“You’re always crabbier when your eyes are black, I expect it then,” she went on.  “I have a theory about that” I narrowed my eyes “You have theories?” “Mm-hm.”  She chewed on the bread trying to look indifferent.  “Alright lets here these theories… I hope you didn’t steal them from a comic book” I chuckled.  “Well, no, I didn’t get it from a comic book, but I didn’t come up with it on my own, either” she confessed. “And?” I prompted.

Before she could continue the waitress arrived with her food.  We both straightened up when she approached.  She set the dish in front of Bella and turned quickly to me.  “Did you change your mind?” she asked.  “Isn’t there anything I can get you?”  “No thank you, but some more soda would be nice.” I gestured towards Bella.  “Sure” she removed the empty glasses and walked away.

“You were saying” I asked her.  “I’ll tell you about it in the car.  If….” She paused.  “There are conditions?” I replied ominously raising one eye brow.  “I do have a few questions of course” she said “Of course” I replied.  The waitress was back with the two cokes.  She placed them on the table without saying a word and walked away. Bella took a sip of her coke.  “Well go ahead” I pushed, my voice still hard.  “Why are you in Port Angeles?”  I looked down and folded my hands together on the table.  I looked at her from under my lashes, with a hint of a smirk on my face. “Next” “But that’s the easiest one,” she objected.  “Next” I repeated.

She looked down frustrated and unrolled her silverware, picked up her fork, and carefully speared a ravioli.  She put it in her mouth slowly, still looking down, chewing while she thought of another question.  She swallowed and took another sip of coke before she looked up.

“Okay, then.” She glared at me and continued slowly.  “Let’s say hypothetically of course, that….someone… could know what people are thinking, read minds, you know, with a few exceptions.” “Just one exception,” I corrected, “hypothetically.”  “All right, with one exception then.” She was thrilled that I was playing along.  “How does that work? What are the limitations? How would… that someone… find someone else at exactly the right time? How would he know she was in trouble?” “Hypothetically?” I asked “Sure she replied. “Well, if… that someone…” “Let’s call him Joe,” she suggested.  I smiled wryly “Joe, then.  If Joe had been paying attention, the timing wouldn’t need to be quite so exact.” I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “Only you would get into trouble in a town this small.  You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for the next decade”  “We’re speaking of a hypothetical case,” she reminded me.

I laughed. “Yes, we were” I agreed.  “Shall we call you ‘Jane’?” “How did you know?” She asked with intensity in her voice.  I realized she was leaning toward me again.  I stared in to  her eyes, trying to make the right decision.

“You can trust me, you know,” she muttered.  She reached forward to take my hand, but I slide them away minutely, and she pulled her hand back.  “I don’t know if I have a choice anymore.” I said my voice almost a whisper. “I was wrong you are much more observant then I gave you credit for.” “I thought you were always right.” She said.  “I used to be.” I shook my head. “I was wrong about you on one other thing, as well.  You’re not a magnet for accidents…. That’s not a broad enough classification.  You are a magnet for trouble.  If there is anything dangerous with in a ten mile radius, it will inevitably find you.”

“And you put yourself into that category?” she guessed.  My faced turn cold, expressionless.  “Unequivocally.” I replied.  She stretched her hand across the table again, ignoring when I pulled back slightly once more.  Her finger tips grazed my skin ever so slightly.  “Thank you.” She said.  Her voice was full of gratitude.  “That’s twice now.”  My face softened. “Let’s not try for three, agreed?” I said.

She scowled, but nodded.  I moved my hand out from under hers and placed them under the table.  But I leaned towards her.  “I followed you to Port Angeles” I finally admitted, speaking in a rush.  “I’ve never tried so hard to keep a specific person alive before, and it’s more troublesome than I would have believed.  But that’s probably because it’s you.  Normal people can make it through the day without so many catastrophes.” I paused.  I wondered if following her bothered her.  I stared at her wondering why her lips were curving into an involuntary smile.

“Did you ever think that maybe my number was up the first time, with the van, and you’ve been interfering with fate?” she speculated, trying to distract herself.  “That wasn’t the first time’ I said, so low I didn’t think she heard me.  I looked down at my hands.  “Your number was up the first time I met you.”  “You remember?” I asked her.  “Yes” she said calmly.  “And yet you sit here.” I was shocked beyond belief.  “Yes here I sit… because of you.” She paused. “Because somehow you knew how to find me today…?” She prompted.

I pressed my lips together, staring at her through narrowed eyes, deciding again.  I looked down at her full plate, and then back to her.  “You eat I’ll talk,” I bargained.  She quickly scooped up another ravioli, and popped it into her mouth.

“It’s harder than it should be… keeping track of you.  Usually I can find someone very easily, once I’ve heard their mind.”  I looked at her anxiously.  She made herself swallow, then stabbed another ravioli and tossed it in.  “I was keeping tabs on Jessica, not carefully though.  Like I said, only you could find trouble in Port Angeles, and at first I didn’t notice that you took off on your own.  Then when I realized you weren’t with her anymore, I went looking for you at the bookstore I saw in her head.  I could tell you hadn’t gone in, and that you had gone south… and I knew you’d turn around soon.  So I was just waiting for you, randomly searching through the thoughts of people on the street, to see if anyone had noticed you so I would know where you were.  I had no reason to be worried… But I was strangely anxious…”  I got lost in my thoughts, staring past her, hearing the vile things that those men were thinking again.

“I started to drive in circles, still… listening.  The sun was finally setting, and I was about to get out and follow you on foot.  And then…” I stopped, clenching my teeth together in a sudden fury.  I made an effort to calm myself down.  “Then what?” she whispered.  I continued to stare past her

“I heard what they were thinking.” I growled, my upper lip curling slightly back over my teeth.  “I saw your face in his mind.” I leaned forward, putting one elbow on the table, one hand covering my eyes.  “It was very…hard… you can’t imagine how hard… for me to simply take you away, and leave them…alive” my voice was muffled by my arm.  “I could’ve let you go with Jessica and Angela, but I was afraid if you left me alone, I would go looking for them,” I admitted in a whisper.

She sat there quietly, dazed.  Her hands were folded in her lap, and she was leaning weakly against the back of the chair.  I still had my hand in my face, and I was so still.  Finally I looked up, seeking her eyes, so full of my own questions.  “Are you ready to go home?” I asked.  “Yes I’m ready to leave” she answered.  The waitress appeared as if she had been called, or watching.

“How are you doing?” she asked me.  “We’re ready for the check, thank you” I said my voice a quiet, rougher, still reflecting the strain of our conversation.  It seemed to muddle her.  I looked up, waiting.

“S-sure,” she stuttered.  “Here you go.” She pulled a small leather folder from her front pocket of her black apron, and handed it to me.  I already had a bill in my hand.  I slipped it into the folder and handed it back to her.  “No change.” I smiled.  I stood up and Bella scrambled awkwardly to her feet.  The waitress smiled at me invitingly “You have a nice evening” I didn’t look away from Bella as I thanked her.

I walked close beside Bella to the door, being careful not to touch her.  Bella sighed; I looked down at her curiously.  I opened the passenger door for her, and held it while she got in, shutting it softly behind her.  I walked around the car and got in.  Once inside I started the engine and turned the heater on high.  It had gotten cold and I wanted to keep her warm.  I pulled out through the traffic, without a glance, flipping around to head toward the freeway.  “Now,” I said significantly, “It’s your turn.”

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