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Sexy Shell's blog: "Stories"

created on 09/15/2009  |  http://fubar.com/stories/b309313

The interrogation


I sat outside Bella’s house, waiting for her.  Finally she came out; she saw me leaning against my car and waved excitedly.   I got out and walked around the car to open the door for her.   “Good morning,” I said with a smile, as she got into the car. 

I had wondered all night if the events of last night had sunk in yet.    “I brought the jacket for you.  I don’t want you getting sick or anything” I said to her smiling.

“I’m not quite that delicate,” she said, but she pulled the jacket onto her lap, and pushed her arms into the too long sleeves.  “Aren’t you?”  I said with contradiction in my voice.

We drove through the fog induced streets, heading towards the school.  “What no twenty questions today?” I quipped.  “Do my questions bother you?” she asked relieved that the silence was broken.  “Not as much as your reactions do.”  I replied jokingly.  She frowned “Do I react badly?”

“No that’s the problem.  You take everything too coolly…it’s unnatural.  Makes me wonder what you’re really thinking.”  “I always tell you what I’m really thinking.” She mumbled.  “No you edit,” I accused.  “Not very much.”  “Enough to drive me completely insane.” “You don’t want to hear it,” she mumbled so low I barely heard her.  I didn’t respond.

“Where’s the rest of your family today?” she asked.  “They took Rosalie’s car.” I shrugged as I parked next to a glossy red convertible with its top up.  Ostentatious isn’t it?” I said nodding towards the convertible.  “Umm wow, if she has that, then why does she drive to school with you?” she replied quickly.

“Like I said it’s ostentatious.  We try to blend in.”  “You don’t succeed.” She said laughing slightly and shaking her head, as she got out of the car.

“So why did Rosalie drive today if it’s more conspicuous?” she asked me.  I put my arm over her shoulder.  “Well if you hadn’t noticed, I’m breaking all the rules now.” I said with a smile.

“Why do you drive cars like that, aren’t you guys looking for privacy?” she quickly asked.  “Indulgence, we all like to drive fast.” I told her.  “Figures.” She mumbled under her breath.

We continued to walk towards the entrance.  Under the shelter of the cafeteria’s roof Jessica was waiting, her eyes looked like they would pop out her head at any moment now.  She had Bella’s jacket over her arm.  “Hey, Jessica,” she said when we were but a few feet away.  “Thanks for remembering to bring my jacket.” She said as she took off my jacket and handed it to me, replacing it with her own.

“Good morning Jessica,” I said politely.  She looked Bella then to me.  “Err…Hi.” She shifted her gaze back to Bella trying to gather her jumbled thoughts.  “I guess I’ll see you in trig.” She gave Bella a meaningful look and started off to class.  “Yeah I’ll see you then.”  Bella quickly replied.  She paused looking back twice over her shoulder at us.

“So what are you going to tell her?” I asked curiously.  “Hey I thought you couldn’t read my mind!” she hissed.  “I can’t,” I started.  “But I can read hers…she’ll be waiting to interrogate you in class.” I laughed.  She groaned and looked down at her hands.  “So what are you going to tell her?” I asked with a smirk on my face.

“A little help,” she pleaded.  “What does she want to know?”  I shook my head, grinning wickedly.  “That’s not fair.”  “No you not sharing what you know…Now that’s not fair.” She said as she pouted.

I deliberated for a moment as we walked.  We stopped outside her first class.  “Well she wants to know if we are secretly dating, and she wants to know how you feel about me,” I finally said.  “Yikes.  What should I say?”  She said trying to keep her expression innocent.   People were passing us on their way to class, but she seemed unaware of them.

“Hmmm.” I paused to catch a stray lock of Bella’s hair that was escaping the twist on her neck and wound it back into place.  Her heart sped up rapidly.  “I suppose you can say yes to the first…if you don’t mind…it’s easier than any other explanation.” I said.  “I don’t mind.” She replied quickly in a faint voice.

“As for her other question…well, I’ll be listening to hear the answer for that one myself.”  I smiled my crooked smile, then turned and walked away.  “I’ll see you at lunch” I said without looking back.

I concentrated hard all morning on Jessica’s voice.  I wanted to know how Bella felt about me.  I listened to the whole conversation through Jessica’s thoughts; it was quite amusing I might add.   Second period ended and I quickly went to wait for Bella outside her Spanish class.  I leaned against the wall and waited for her to come out.  “See you later Bella.” Jessica said as she walked away.

“Hello” I said with a hint of amusement in my voice.  “Hi” she replied as her faced turned red.  She must’ve known I was listening.

We walked in silence to the cafeteria, leading her to the lunch line, not talking but occasionally looking at her every few seconds.  She fidgeted with her zipper on her jacket nervously.  I stepped up to the counter and filled a tray with food.

“What are you doing?” she objected.  “You’re not getting all that for me?”  I shook my head, and stepped forward to pay for the food.  “Half is for me of course.”  She raised one eye brow.  I led her to the same place that we had sat that one time before.  I was oblivious to the seniors staring at us from the end of the table.

“Take whatever you want” I said pushing the tray towards her.  “I’m curious” she said as she picked up an apple, turning it in her hands, “What would you do if someone dared you to eat food?” “You’re always curious” I grimaced, shaking my head.  I glared at her, and lifted the slice of pizza off the tray, and deliberately bit off a mouthful, chewed it quickly and swallowed.  “If you were dared to eat dirt, you could. Couldn’t you??” I asked condescendingly.

She wrinkled her nose.  “I did once…on a dare,” she admitted.  “It wasn’t so bad.”

I laughed. “I suppose I’m not surprised.”  I looked over Bella’s shoulder and seen Jessica.  “Jessica’s analyzing everything I do…she’ll break it down for you later.”  I pushed the rest of the pizza towards her.  She put down the apple and took a bite of the pizza.

“So the waitress was pretty, was she?” I asked casually.  “You really didn’t notice?” she said.  “No I wasn’t paying attention, I had a lot on my mind.”  “Poor girl.” She said quickly.

“Something you said to Jessica…well it bothers me.” I refused to be distracted.  My voice was husky and I glanced up at her from under my eye lashes with troubled eyes.

“I’m not surprised you heard something you don’t like.  You know what they say about eavesdroppers,” she reminded me.  “I warned you that I’d be listening.” I said.

“And I warned you that you didn’t want to know everything I’m thinking.”

“That you did.” I agreed my voice still rough.  “You aren’t precisely right, though.  I do want to know what you’re thinking…everything.  I just wish…you weren’t thinking about certain things.”  She scowled.  “That’s quite a distinction.”  “But that’s not really the point at the moment.” I said to her.  “Please then tell me what is?” 

We were leaning towards each other across the table now.  I had my hand folded under my chin.  “Do you really believe that you care for me more than I care for you?” I asked her silently, leaning closer to her as I spoke.  “You’re doing it again” she said and shook her head.  “What?” I said with surprise.  “Dazzling me,” she admitted, trying to concentrate as I looked back at her.  “Oh.” I frowned.  “It’s not your fault.” She sighed.  “You can’t help it.”  “Are you going to answer the question?” I asked her.  “Yes” she replied looking down.  “Yes you are going to answer, or yes, you really think that?”  I was irritated now.

“Yes I really think that.”  She kept her eyes down on the table, tracing the wood grains with finger.  The silence dragged on.  I finally spoke in my soft velvet voice.  “Well you’re wrong.” She glanced up at me and saw the gentleness in my eyes.  “You can’t possibly know that,” She disagreed in a whisper.  She shook her head in doubt.  “What makes you think so?” I replied gazing into her eyes.  She stared back at me, struggling to think clearly, to find a way to explain.

She held one finger up “Let me think,” She insisted.  I changed my expression, satisfied that she was planning to answer.  She dropped her hands to the table, moving her left hand so that her palms were pressed together.  She stared at her hands, twisting and untwisting her fingers, and then she finally spoke.

“Well, aside from the obvious, sometimes…” she hesitated.  “I can’t be sure…I don’t’ know how to read minds...but sometimes it’s seems like you’re trying to say goodbye, when you’re saying something else.”

“Perceptive,” I whispered.  The anguish came back to my face.  “That’s exactly why you’re wrong, though.”  I began to explain, but then narrowed my eyes.  “What do you mean,’ The Obvious’?”

“Well look at me,” She said which was unnecessary, because I was already staring.  “I’m absolutely ordinary…well, except for the bad things like all the near death experiences and being so clumsy that I’m almost disabled.  And look at you.” She said and waved her hand towards me.

My brow creased angrily for a moment.  “You don’t see yourself very clearly, you know.  I’ll admit you’re dead-on about the bad things.”  I chuckled darkly, “but you didn’t hear what every human male in this school was thinking on your first day.”

She Blinked.  “I don’t believe it…” she muttered to herself.  “Trust me just this once…you are the total opposite of ordinary.” I said to her.  Her face flushed, and then she quickly reminded me of her original argument.  “But I’m not saying goodbye.” She pointed out.

“Don’t you see?  That’s what proves me right.  I care the most, because if I can do it…” I shook my head, struggling with the thought.  “If leaving is the right thing to do, then I’ll hurt myself to keep from hurting you, to keep you safe.”  I finally said.  She glared at me.  “And you don’t think I would do the same?” she spat back at me.  “You’d never have to make that choice Bella.”

My mood abruptly changed, and a mischievous devastating smile came across my face.  “Of course keeping you safe is beginning to feel like a full time job, that requires my constant presence.”

“No one has tried to do away with me today,” she replied dryly.  “Yet,” I added.  “Yet,” she agreed.

“I have another question for you.” I said casually.  “Shoot.”  “Do you really need to go to Seattle this Saturday, or was that just an excuse to get out of saying no to all your admirers?”

She made a face at the memory.  “You know, I haven’t forgiven you for the Tyler thing yet,” she warned me.  “It’s your fault that he’s deluded himself into thinking I’m going to prom with him.”

“He would have found a chance to ask you without my help…I just really wanted to see your face when he asked you.” I laughed.  “If I had asked you, would you have turned me down?” I asked still laughing to myself.  “Probably not,” she admitted.  “But I would have canceled later…Faked an illness or a sprained ankle.”

I was puzzled.  “Why would you do that?” I asked.  “Well…you’ve never seen me in gym have you, but I thought you would have understood.”  I shook my head sadly.  “Are you referring to the fact that you can’t walk across a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over?” I chuckled.  “Obviously.” She said and rolled her eyes.

“That wouldn’t be a problem.” I replied confidently.  “It’s all in the leading.”  I could see she was about to protest, and cut her off.  “But you never told me…are you resolved in going to Seattle, or do you mind if we do something else?”

“I’m open to alternatives,” she said.  “But I do have one favor to ask.”  I looked at her warily at her open ended question.  “What?”  “Can I drive?” she shot out.

I frowned. “Why?”  “Well, mostly because I told Charlie that I was going alone, because at the time I was.  I don’t think he’ll ask again, but leaving my truck home would bring up unnecessary questions.  Also, because you’re driving frightens me.”

I rolled my eyes.  “Of all the things about me that could frighten you, you worry about my driving.”  I shook my head in disgust, but my eyes turned serious.  “Won’t you want to tell your father that you’re spending the day with me?”  There was an undercurrent to my question that she didn’t understand.

“With Charlie, less is always more.” She said.  “Where are we going anyways?”  “The weather will be nice, so I’ll be staying out of the public eye… you can stay with me, if you’d like too.”  Again I was leaving the choice up to her.

“Will you show me what you meant about the sun?” She asked excitedly.  “Yes” I said and then paused.  “But if you don’t want to be…alone with me, I’d still rather you didn’t go to Seattle by yourself.  I shudder at the thought of the trouble you can find in a city that size.”

She looked irritated by that remark.  “Phoenix is three times bigger than Seattle…just in population. Not in physical size.”

“But apparently,” I interrupted her, “Your number wasn’t up in Phoenix.  So I’d rather you stayed near me.”  “Actually, I don’t mind being alone with you.”  “I know” I replied.  “You should really tell Charlie though.”  “Why in the world would I do that?”

My eyes suddenly went fierce.  “To give me a small incentive to bring you back.”  She gulped, but after a moment she replied.  “I’ll take my chances”

I exhaled angrily, and looked away.  “Let’s talk about something else.” She suggested.  “What do you want to talk about?” I asked.  I was still annoyed.  She glanced around; my guess was that she was making sure no one was within listening distance.  She caught Alice’s eyes, Alice was staring at her.  The rest of my family was scrutinizing me.

Bella looked swiftly back to me.  “Why did you go to Goat rocks last weekend…to hunt? Charlie said it wasn’t a good place to hike, because of bears.”  I smirked at her.  “Bears?” She gasped.  “You know, bears are not in season,” She added sternly.

“If you read carefully, the laws only cover hunting with weapons,” I informed her.  I watched her face in enjoyment as it slowly sank in.  “Bears?” she repeated with difficulty.  “Grizzly is Emmett’s favorite.” I said, scrutinizing her reaction.  “Hmm.” She said, taking another bite of the pizza, and then she took a long drink of coke without looking up.

“So.” She said after a moment, meeting my gaze.  “What’s your favorite?”  I raised my eyebrow and my lips turned down in disapproval.  “Mountain lion”  “Ahh.” She said in a disinterested tone, reaching for her soda again.

“Of course,” I said, mirroring my tone to hers, “we have to be careful not to impact the environment with injudicious hunting.  We try to focus on areas that are over populated with predators, ranging as far away as we need.  There’s plenty of deer and elk here, and they’ll do, but where is the fun in that?” I smiled teasingly.  “Where indeed” She said and took another bite of the pizza.

“Early spring is Emmett’s favorite bear season… their just coming out of hibernation, so they are more irritable.”  I smiled.  “Nothing more fun than an irritated grizzly bear,” she agreed nodding.

I snickered, shaking my head.  “Tell me what you are really thinking, please.”  “I’m trying to picture it…but I can’t,” She admitted.  “How do you hunt bears without weapons?”  “Oh, we have weapons.” I flashed my bright teeth in a brief, threatening smile.  “Just not the kind when they consider when writing hunting laws.  If you’ve ever seen a bear attack on T.V, you should be able to visualize Emmett hunting.”

I saw her shiver for a brief moment.  I followed he gaze and it led straight to Emmett, I chuckled.  “Are you bear like too?” she asked in a low voice.  “More like a lion, or so they tell me.” I said lightly.  “Perhaps our preferences are indicative”

She tried to smile.  “Perhaps,” she repeated.  Her mind was somewhere else.  “Is that something I might get to see?”

“Absolutely not!” I said and my face turned whiter then she had ever seen it, my eyes were suddenly furious.  She leaned back in her chair stunned.  I leaned back and folded my arms across my chest.

“Too scary for me?”  She asked when she was able to control her voice.  “If that were it, I would take you out tonight,” I said my voice was cold and distant.  “You need a healthy dose of fear.  Nothing could be more beneficial for you.”

“Then why?” she pressed, trying to ignore my angry expression.  I glared at her for a long minute.  “Later.” I finally said, and I was on my feet in one quick movement.  “We’re going to be late.”

She looked around, and noticed that the cafeteria was nearly empty.  She jumped up and grabbed her bag from the back of the chair.  “Later, then,” She agreed.

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