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'Demon' DieTrich Thrall circa. October 2007

The Worst, The Best (And [thr]All the Rest)
The Best, the worst, and the general fucking awards for the Fall 2007 'Deja Vu' MARAZENE / Mushroomhead / Psyclon 9 tour.

Well it's official. The tour is over and I just wanted to thank everyone for the support that was shown by old and new friends along the way. Soo much fun and what better way to recap than an official 'Best of tour' Amazingness.

Hold onto your hats ;))

Best of MARAZENE/Shroom Fall Tour

Best Show:


1) Orono, ME
1) Fort Worth, TX

You might get a different answer from someone else but those two are my favorite for completely different reasons. So many good ones this time around. No particular order:

Madison, WI
Jacksonville, NC (again)
Allentown, PA (again)
Chicago (Mokena, IL) of course.
Peabody's with DOPE.

Best Post Show:

For different reasons and in no particular order...

St. Petersburg, FL
Fort Worth, TX
Allentown, PA


Poopy Show:
The Pit in Jacksonville, FL. Very odd to have gone from the top to the bottom in 24 hours. Jax, NC to Jax, FL = A world apart.

MOST Shows played on tour by ANY band on Deja Vu Fall tour package:
MARAZENE. 34 shows in 37 days.

MOST Shows played on tour in a row by ANY band on Deja Vu Fall tour package:
MARAZENE. 20 shows in a row. From Nashville, TN on October 16th to Cleveland, OH on November 4th we fucking threw down EVERY fucking night. Fuck yeah ;)) K Sleeeeepy now Zzzzzzz...

Coolest Pre-Show Moment:
The SkumF***er freaks in Lawrence, KS @ The Bottleneck chanting 'MAR-A-ZENE' before we went on stage. They fuck near gave Chicago a run for their money ;))

Coolest Moment during ANY given Show:
SkumF***erz in the pits chanting along during SkumF***erz and moshing during SeeThe and MachiNAtion...

Best Mosh Pit:
Nov. 4th @ Peabody's. Crazy/Cool

Thing I personally said the Most:
Either 'What in the FUCK are you Doing?' (usually to a member of I Decay or Dragonfire) or 'What the fuck is going on?' (usually to whoever just happened to be standing there when I walked in a room... AND in my best Whey-lin influenced accent =O

Best Beer:
Orono, ME --- Black & Blue (Guinness mixed with Blueberry Ale) Uhm... like Holy Shit that's a good fucking beer =p
Runner up: Pumpkin Ale at The Social in Orlando, FL. Fucking right ;))

Most resilient and Best Beer finder:
Dawn! Psyclon 9 merch girl and fellow lover of the Guinness. That's hot <3

MOST Beers drunk by ANY member of ANY band or crew member on entire tour package:
'Demon' DieTrich Thrall. About 350. Give or take a few ;)) Actually... you could probably give a few... =O

Most Assists:
Jack (AKA Pig Benis) for coming through and letting me use his bass cab for the tour after we found out Kris was sick.

Best Embellisher:
Jimmy running sound for us for the last week. Such a retarded difference. Kudos.

Biggest Thanks for coming through:
Dan 'Little Dan' Fox for obvious reasons. Just kept getting better from show to show.

Biggest Fucking Tour Saver:
Pat (Shroom monitor pro). Fort Worth, TX Uhm ya thx or we'd be some f***ered SkumF***z =O
Runner Up: Jen in Indy for making sure the Thrall smelled Downy fresh and not Poopy Mess after My Worst Crap Moment...

Worst Crap Moment:
Smashing a beer bottle in my suitcase by accident in Baton Rouge, LA. My clothes were already pretty ripe from not laundering for a few days and the glass shards just made everything that much more cuddly for our fourteen hour drive to Indianapolis. So a Big Negative Yaaaaaaay to the Physics involved in that little Anti-Thrall MachiNation =((

Most Disappointing Moment:
Realizing we were going to miss the sold out Columbus, OH Al Rosa Vila show =(((

Most Anticipated yet Disappointing City to perform in (for myself):
2nd tour in a row = New York City. I get so excited to visit the Big Apple and the turnouts have been a bit flat.

Most Unique Moment on the Tour:
Fort Worth, TX: I am in the Rockyards backstage bathroom minding my own business taking a piss. Psyclon 9 has taken the stage and started their set and I am picturing Nero and co. on stage. All of a sudden the door is like kicked open and Philip armed with bass guitar and P9 set in progress rushes over to the sink by me. He begins the dry hurls and I wisely and smoothly grab my beer which is sitting on the sink and move it over to the toilet so it is safely out of the way of any kind of infiltration by foreign stomach bile danger. Philip purges a few times and is mindful to aim using the skills of a seasoned touring veteran and even issues an apology to me saying he's sorry for disrupting my pee. I calmly reply that he has no reason to apologize and that he is welcome to barf next to me at anytime and at anyplace and that I have his back cuz that's what touring bassists do for each other ;)) Philip and I exchange hugs and he runs back out to finish the P9 set renewed and reinvigorated... =))

Most Drunken Moment (Me):
Seminole, FL After the show we drove to grab a hotel room and Nikk is like 'Yo D go work your magic'. So I hop out drunk as a fucking skunk and walk around the corner, take a piss and walk back to the van. Nikk's like 'Did you get a room?' and I was like 'O yeah' so I turn around and walk a few steps and kinda walk around for a bit and then I was like 'Waitaminute where am I...' and I go back to the van and Nikk's like 'Did you get the room' And I was like 'O yeah.......' =O

Most Drunken Moment (Nikk):
The Skummy Bear raised all kinds of hell in Fort Worth, TX and I'm only so happy I wasn't around for the madness (lmao) I knew what to expect the next day though. I was at a hotel room with friends and suggested they come back for a quick bite and a shower. I gave everyone the heads up ON Nikk that he was probably no longer the lovable cuddly Nikk that they may have previously encountered but more like a Black Bear out out in the forest swatting at berries in a tree, operating on pure instinct. Sure enough and right on cue, Nikk walks (I think the word is 'saunter' lol) into the hotel room not saying a word to anyone and heads to the bathroom. Not a glance exchanged to anyone. He disappears for about 10 minutes then walks (saunters) out of the room again not saying a word (LOL) You would've had to've been there.... ;))

Best Suprise:
Meeting a certain someone in Cleveland on Nov. 4th. like woah ;))

Most relentless Ball Buster:
That one girl in Waterloo, IA Like how dare you (lol) =P

Worst (non)Suprise:
Three classless motherfuckers from my hometown of Minneapolis. Who woulda thought??

Club with the Most Penis's Drawn on their Dressing Room walls:
Webster Theater in Hartford, CT... uhm like wtf?? A Shrine To Dick... I kid you not... Special thanks to one Rick Thomas (AKA sTiTch) for putting his favorite merry band of SkumF***erz in the Green Penis Room =O

Best overall club owner and believer in the SkumF***er Nation:
Chris 'SkumF***er' Zitterbart --- Peabody's

Best dressing room:
Mokena, IL @ Pearl Room and Streeter's in Traverse City, MI Frank knows hospitality and damn knows how to paint a Green Room... well... GREEN...
Runner Up: Streeter's in Traverse City, MI was a pleasant and comfortable suprise ;))

Worst Dressing room:
Aww Jacksonville, NC I think. The monsoon that hit earlier in the day probably didn't help. But a KILLER show nonethefuckingless.

Most sleepy moment:
Huntington, WV after like driving for 20 some hours back and forth in Indiana with this vehicle and then that vehicle... *bleh*

Most beautiful scenery:
Coastal Maine <333

Most scariest scenery:
The four nuclear reactors we drove by in like an hour on our way to Huntington, WV

Most Desired Scariest Scenery:
A Mooooooose in Maine like charging our tour vehicle!!! Fuck yeah bring it Mooooose RAAWWRR!!!

Official Tour Asshole:
Assholes come in all shapes and sizes. Assholes emerge from all points and destinations and there never seems to be an end to the lengths of general assholiness one can attain with seemingly minimal effort. You know an asshole when you see them. It's almost like you can sniff them out. Just follow your nose as they say. And nothing could've said asshole any more clearly than when 'Brix', our merch and lone crew member for our tour thought it was a good idea to just up and walk off without saying a word before my hometown of Minneapolis show. But not to under asshole-sell himself. This asshole gained even more shit crumbs on his putrid little pucker by thinking it was a good idea to show up in Madison and pretend (as most assholes always do) that they had done nothing wrong. In a long line of assholes I could name and line up around the corner, Brix, please enjoy your moment in the sun. This Asshole Award is especially for you.

And so there you have it (lol)...

On the road this weekend in Sandusky, Detroit, Milwaukee, and a little hometown fun in Chicago before a week long nap ;)))))



Fall Tour Update

"MARAZENE would like to thank the entire SkumF***er Nation for all of your support following last weeks disappointing announcement regarding our brother Kristov's current health crisis.

Marazene understand the importance of a touring opportunity for an independent band such as ours. While bands such as Static X, Nine Inch Nails, or Korn could easily reschedule a National Tour, Marazene are forced to consider numerous pros and cons. So many logistics had to be in the bag by the time we got the update on Kristov's health situation. We could all just turn around, throw in the towel, and give up but that's not Kristov's way of dealing with his health nor is it our way of dealing with our band.

Kristov needs to focus on fighting this. He can never be replaced. That can never be questioned. He'll be back. And Marazene will only be stronger in the long run.

We're fortunate to be in the right place at the right time to have Dan 'Little Dan' Fox jump on board to cover live drums with such little notice. He's an amazing talent and probably the only person in the world who could've filled in for our brother Kristov during this generally shitty turn of events. So a very special thanks goes out to him.

And so on behalf of Marazene and with Kristov's full endorsement, Marazene will continue forward with our Fall tour plans!

Special thanks and mention go out to members of Mushroomhead who have patiently stood by us as we decided how best to proceed with the tour.

Marazene have always endured on the very hard work of it's team and the unwavering support of our friends and fans! None of this would be possible without you and we thank you again for sticking by us during this difficult time!"


MARAZENE Press Release
Street date 09.25.07
As reported by
MARAZENE On Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles

MUSHROOMHEAD Percussionist To Perform With MARAZENE On Fall Tour

In a follow up to last weeks announcement, Chicago based Machine / Metalists Marazene ( http://www.myspace.com/marazene ) have announced that MUSHROOMHEAD percussionist Dan 'Little Dan' Fox will fill in for them on drums on their upcoming tour.

Drummer and co-founder Kristov Kemp had confirmed to the band only last week a cancer relapse that will require immediate chemotherapy treatment and which will force him to sit out the Fall tour.

The blog posted by multi-instrumentalist and co-founder DieTrich Thrall

"MARAZENE would like to thank the entire SkumF***er Nation for all of your support following last weeks disappointing announcement regarding our brother Kristov's current health crisis.

Marazene understand the importance of a touring opportunity for an independent band such as ours. While bands such as Static X, Nine Inch Nails, or Korn could easily reschedule a National Tour, Marazene are forced to consider numerous pros and cons. So many logistics had to be in the bag by the time we got the update on Kristov's health situation. We could all just turn around, throw in the towel, and give up but that's not Kristov's way of dealing with his health nor is it our way of dealing with our band.

Kristov needs to focus on fighting this. He can never be replaced. That can never be questioned. He'll be back. And Marazene will only be stronger in the long run.

We're fortunate to be in the right place at the right time to have Dan 'Little Dan' Fox jump on board to cover live drums with such little notice. He's an amazing talent and probably the only person in the world who could've filled in for our brother Kristov during this generally shitty turn of events. A very special thanks goes out to him.

And so on behalf of Marazene and with Kristov's full endorsement, Marazene will continue forward with our Fall tour plans!

Special thanks and mention go out to members of Mushroomhead who have patiently stood by us as we decided how best to proceed with the tour.

Marazene have always endured on the very hard work of it's team and the unwavering support of our friends and fans! None of this would be possible without you and we thank you again for sticking by us during this difficult time!"

Kristov Kemp was first diagnosed with intestinal cancer in May 2006 and had surgery to remove a cancerous growth and numerous lymph nodes followed by chemotherapy for much of the remainder of the year. Despite the intensive treatment, he continued to perform with Marazene as they toured the Midwest in support of the self release of their debut album, 'MachiNation'.

Marazene only weeks ago announced their upcoming tour with Megaforce recording artist MUSHROOMHEAD and Metropolis records PSYCLON NINE. The three bands had previously toured together for four weeks in the Spring.

courtesy: De Los Santos Productions

My Brother Has Cancer

"We are saddened to announce today that our brother Kristov will be forced to undergo immediate chemotherapy to battle newfound cancerous growths. Test results received this past week confirm new growths in two critical areas. As per physician recommendation, Kris will begin chemotherapy this coming Monday.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Kemp family during this unexpected and disappointing turn for the worse and we appreciate everyones understanding and patience as we deal with this situation privately.

We will have an announcement shortly on how this will affect our Fall tour plans."


For those of you not 100% on what's going on, Kristov is my drummer and business partner in MARAZENE, and even more importantly, he's my friend. I've known him since I moved to Chicago in May 2001 and we have been working together for years.

Thanks for your continued love and support.



MARAZENE Press Release
Street date 09.20.07
As reported by
MARAZENE On Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles

MARAZENE Drummer Suffers Cancer Relapse, Tour With MUSHROOMHEAD Uncertain

In an official statement from the band on their Myspace blog, Chicago based MARAZENE ( http://www.myspace.com/marazene ) have revealed that drummer and co-founder Kristov Kemp has confirmed to the band a cancer relapse on the eve of their scheduled upcoming National Tour with MUSHROOMHEAD.

The text from the blog follows:

"We are saddened to announce today that our brother Kristov will be forced to undergo immediate chemotherapy to battle newfound cancerous growths. Test results received this past Tuesday confirm new growths in two critical areas. As per physician recommendation, Kris will begin chemotherapy this coming Monday.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Kemp family during this unexpected and disappointing turn for the worse and we appreciate everyones understanding and patience as we deal with this situation privately.

We will have an announcement shortly on how this will affect our Fall tour plans."

Kristov Kemp was first diagnosed with intestinal cancer in May 2006 and had surgery to remove a cancerous growth and numerous lymph nodes followed by chemotherapy for much of the remainder of the year. Despite the intensive treatment, he continued to perform with Marazene as they toured the Midwest in support of the self release of their debut album, 'MachiNation'.

Marazene only weeks ago announced their upcoming tour with Megaforce recording artist MUSHROOMHEAD and Metropolis records PSYCLON NINE. The three bands had previously toured together for four weeks in the Spring.

courtesy: De Los Santos Productions

MARAZENE Press Release
Street date 08.21.07
As reported by The number 1 source for METAL News, www.Bravewords.com
MARAZENE On Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles



Chicago based Machine / Metalists MARAZENE will spend the fall touring the U.S. with MUSHROOMHEAD and PSYCLON NINE beginning on September 28 in Detroit, MI.

This tour will mark MARAZENE's second North American run with MUSHROOMHEAD and PSYCLON NINE after the three bands spent over 4 weeks on the road together this past spring. It also marks Marazene's third National Tour for 2007 overall, notable by the bands unsigned and unmanaged status.

Confirmed tour dates so far:

8.24 --- Alsip, IL @ O'Malleys
9.02 --- Chicago, IL @ Martini Ranch (2nd Annual F***Fest)

(w/ Mushroomhead)
9.28 --- Detroit, MI @ Harpo's
9.29 --- Mokena, IL @ Pearl Room
9.30 --- Grand Rapids, MI @ The Intersection
10.02 --- Sauget, IL @ Pop's
10.03 --- Lawrence, KS @ The Bottleneck
10.04 --- Maplewood, MN @ The Rock
10.06 --- Columbus, OH @ The Alrosa Villa
10.07 --- Huntington, WV @ The Monkey Bar
10.09 --- Hartford, CT @ Webster Theater
10.10 --- Poughkeepsie, NY @ The Chance
10.12 --- Orono, ME @ Ultra Lounge
10.14 --- Allentown, PA @ Crocodile Rock

More dates are pending.

The group recently announced their 2nd Annual F***Fest, an intimate gathering scheduled for September 2nd at Martini Ranch in downtown Chicago. Following a tradition established the previous year, MARAZENE will perform an 'in your face' show at a smaller capacity hometown club that is expected to sell out easily.

As previously reported this past June, MARAZENE became the first nationally touring band from the metal genre that exists in the real-world to make the jump from reality performance into virtual performance in SECOND LIFE, a Matrix-style social interactive virtual world.

Marazene self released their debut album, 'MachiNation', on 06.06.06 and completed two National tours with Megaforce Records MUSHROOMHEAD and Pure Records DEADSTAR ASSEMBLY as well as dozens of Midwestern regional tour dates in support, all under the banner '100% DIY'.

courtesy: De Los Santos Productions

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