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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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Dr. Turi’s 3rd UFO Encounter www.drturi.com My Third UFO Experience Life was simply great; I had graduated from the Royal School of Music in London, with the highest distinction marks and won the silver Musicianship cup. I landed a contract with Phillips record company and my first single was on the market. I saw the people dancing and I heard my voice on the radio, blowing out of the speakers in numerous discothèques. I was a happy guy savoring the results of years of monstrous labor. Yet I also knew that the far-fetched forces above my head had more incredible experiences in store for me. My brother Jo had a discotheque and he asked me if I wanted to sing there to promote my record in the area. I accepted and once again took on the long journey back home to France. When Jo was young he always dreamed of owning an old farm with many animals, in 1981 his own dream became a reality when he purchased and restored an old structure. The farmhouse was less than fifteen minutes away from the village in a remote wooded area. As you well know, the night life in France starts around 11.00 PM and contimues throught the night. We usually left the farm around 10:00 PM every night and came back exhausted the next morning. I had an easy life, spending much time sleeping, eating, and riding horses during the day, until we started the process all over again. On November 11th, 1981 at about 10.15 PM we were to experience one of the most dramatic UFO experiences anyone can ever hope for. We left the farm that night as we always do around 10:00 PM. It was a cold night but the warm heater of Jo’s brand new Mercedes and the soft comfortable ride was a real pleasure. Often I thought how much Vincent would have appreciated the luxury of a modern day motorcar. Vince was gone now for over ten years and I still missed his loud laugh and loving nature. Jo was driving smoothly through the tiny serpentine road scaring away multitudes of rabbits. We had to cover about three miles through endless vineyards to reach the RN7 main road, and then drive for another 30 miles to his discotheque. I was quiet, simply anticipating my number and wondering about a pretty girl I met the night before. Then from the corner of my eyes I saw what seemed to be some far away flickering lights. Because they were coming from the vineyard I thought someone must be working late. As we drove further into the night the light became quite obvious and came fast in our direction. Then wondering I ask my brother, “Hey Jo, are there people working in the vineyard tonight?” Jo responded sarcastically, “Louis, it’s November. All the grapes were picked weeks ago, there is nothing there. Relax.” Incidentally, Jo was born in November. Thus his Scorpio sarcasm was nothing new, and a part of his character I was used to and never took personally. He kept driving, but not without peeping through the right window were the weird lights were now obviously coming from. What really grabbed my attention was the height and the circular movement of what I obviously perceived as powerful bright beams. Jo kept driving, denying my requests to stop and watch those strange lights. The lights were much closer than anticipated and almost immediately right above the car. For no apparent reason the Mercedes’ reliable electric system died instantly and the car came to a standstill in the middle of the small road. Jo and I looked at each other wondering what just took place, while an immense bright light submerged the entire area around the car. We both immediately looked up through the windshield but could not discern anything. I thought of a helicopter above us but I did not hear the usual noisy flaps of the blade cutting the air for lift. There was no noise, just a humming vibration above us. I calmly said to my brother, “Jo what the hell is this? I am going out to check this thing out.” I wanted to investigate whatever was above us and I did not feel or think for a second about any form of danger. Jo was well respected by all and had this macho personality about it, but that night I saw a side of my big brother that I did not expect at all. He screamed, “Are you crazy or what, stay in the car you’ve got no idea of what’s up there.” I managed to escape his terrorized grip and slide out the door. I looked above my head but the light was so bright that I could not discern anything at all. I walked around the car ignoring Jo’s scream for safety. Then after a few seconds the powerful beams dimmed and went off. It took a little while for my eyes to adjust from the bright light to semi darkness. Then I glanced again and began to recognize a round shape and a golden reddish beam coming from its center. I kept forcing my eyesight to adjust to get a clearer picture of what was there, and then there it was… Less than thirty feet above me I clearly saw a majestic motionless flying saucer. I pondered for a moment wondering about my own senses. Am I sleeping or what, is this thing real? Then I frantically called Jo to come outside the car and witness the object with me. I began to run like a crazy maniac screaming and banging the top of his car to get his attention. “Oh my God, oh my God, Jo it’s a flying saucer, its real man, this is the real thing, come out Jo, come on!” In no way was Jo to take a chance as I did, and saw everything through the windshield and the safety of the Benz. I had all the time in the world to see the magnificent spaceship in its entire splendor. It felt as if they really wanted me to acknowledge the wonder of extraterrestrial life. I was also convinced of the intelligence operating this marvel, because when I showed sign of distress with my eyes, they immediately dimmed the powerful lights. I could then discern easily the numerous red, yellow, blue, gold, green and white circular lights under the belly of the saucer. The powerful stream of beams returned to life exploding in brightness. Then as swiftly as the saucer came through the night, it disappeared dangerously close to the roof of a nearby farm. Jo restarted the car successfully and said to me, “Louis this did not happen, you can not say a word to anyone about it.” I was so upset with him for that urge to secrecy, but thought I had better control myself and regroup my own good sense following the phenomenal experience. I did not engage in conversation with Jo until we arrived at the discotheque. In normal circumstances by the time we reached Jo’s bar, the staff, barmen, servers, cloakroom personnel, DJ’s etc. were doing the last preparations to what would be a very busy night. But when Jo and I turned up that night, I noticed the discotheque was already up and running. I observed it but did not elaborate on this fact back then; only years later I fully realized what had happened that night of November 11, 1981. Totally in denial and still in shock, Jo did not notice as much as I, the obvious missing time and the clear indication of the abduction that had taken place earlier. I had never heard of or seen a flying saucer before and had no idea or reason to believe in the phenomenon. In some ways I was also happy that Jo was a solid witness to this miraculous sight. My older brother never really trusted or believed anything before: no God, no evil, no UFOs, no magic and no stars. He was born like the majority of people, skeptical and unwilling to accept anything other than what his rationale dictated through his human limited senses. There is no doubt in my mind that my brother needed and got a serious wake up call that night. Like many other people, my brother had a reputation to maintain and knew many people from all walks of life. Talking about UFOs may not be a favorite topic for any young soul. Only when someone is ready for the experience may he become a part of it. Fearing ridicule is a troublesome feeling, and Jo kept this secret from the rest of the family for nearly 15 years. One day to my delight and surprise he finally admitted to all, the plain truth about this incredible encounter. I recall now it was Christmas. Ridicule is a real feeling and Jo kept this secret from the rest of the family for nearly 15 years. Years later, at the Christmas table after a few drinks and to my delight and surprise Jo finally admitted to all the plain truth about the incredible encounter. He asked everyone’s attention and said, “I do not know how to say this to you guys but do you remember what Louis said about a flying saucer above the car?” Every one of my brothers and sisters were listening carefully. “Well Louis did not make it up… this really happened on the way to the discotheque I used to have.” He added, “I am sorry Louis but I had to deny it because I was afraid of looking weird in front of some of my partners.” Then my sister Noelle said “Yeah, something weird happened to us too one night when he drove me to the hospital, I don’t know what but I had some weird dream after that.” It felt pretty good to be supported by my siblings. Then I asked Jo, “Hey what made you change your mind about the UFO encounter?” He responded, “Well my son is behaving like you did when you were smaller and he is telling me all sorts of things about small people with big eyes. I have learnt to keep an open mind since this night.” I was in shock to learn that my own nephew may be going through the same thing than I did when I was a kid. He quickly proposed a toast to the ET’s laughing his head off. I just hope for his son’s sake that those ET’s are the good guys and would not leave him with serious scars. Many famous UFO investigators can only dream about what so many of us had to really deal with. Some of them have huge egos and little intuition. I gave a well-known female investigator obvious signals at Victoria Jack and Brian Hall’s San Jose Marriot UFO conference in September 2002. But the reporter gulped her margarita totally unaware of a real and solid case and therefore she missed all the valuable information. My good friend Dr. Roger Leir was telling us great stories about a case he investigated himself in Brazil surrounded by other friends; Shawn Atlantis, Robert Short, John De Haan, Ben Uriarte, David Icke and others. Again a magnet will not attract a piece of wood and many researchers in all fields will never know what they really miss by not listening to their intuitive voice. They are all investigating these things second hand. They are looking at evidence, traces UFO's have left. Yet sitting next to them was a man who has had a lifetime of real contact, and who has actually been on an alien ship. Not only that, but this person was given a message to transmit to the world and they do not seem too interested in that either. Dr. Turi’s Fourth UFO encounter www.drturi.com My fourth UFO experience At that time we were renting an apartment in Oceanside, California. My wife Brigitte is an extraordinarily good-looking girl and she wanted to become a model. She entered a contest in a beauty pageant set for the upcoming weekend of August 11, 1991 in Anaheim. Brigitte was born in May under the steady and family oriented sign of Taurus, and she was excited about the opportunity but a little too reserved to really succeed in this business I thought. However like a good husband, I supported her wishes and actions all the way. At about 9.00 PM I suggested Brigitte work on her “beauty sleep” and by 10.00 PM we were lying in bed. I gave her comforting words of hope and we both fell into Neptune’s world of dreams. Suddenly I awoke, squished by my screaming wife. I immediately thought she had a nightmare and tried to calm her down. Her face was contorted and her entire body was in serious uncontrollable convulsions. Her beautiful piercing blue eyes were turning reddish as she screamed for help. I really thought she saw the devil that night. Regardless of all my efforts to stay calm I was worried sick; in eight years of marriage I had never seen my wife behaving in such an extreme way. I had to put my hand over her mouth to stop her terrified screams, for fear the neighbors would call the police. I dragged her convulsing body into the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face, asking her to stop screaming. After a few minutes she regained a little control over herself. I glanced at the clock; it was about 2.00AM on Sunday August 11th, 1991. She did not know why but she wanted out, so we walked outside in the warm night air on the surrounding green area of the complex. She was telling me that something was in the house and she did not want to go back inside. I persuaded her that nothing was there and she simply had a nightmare. She was petrified, but I promised to check over the apartment for her. She made me look under the bed, inside all closets and remote areas of the apartment I did not even know existed, for the monsters in the night. I kept talking to her softly but her gaze had changed into a terrified mixture of agonizing fright. We went back to bed but I could feel her heart beating fast and loud. I enveloped her in my arms trying to bring a feeling of security, and she finally went back to sleep with all the lights on. I did not really close my eyes for the rest of the night wondering about what Brigitte had seen or experienced earlier in the darkness of the bedroom. The clock woke us up at precisely 6.30 AM and my first thought for my wife. She was still holding me tight and said, “Are they gone?” What did you see last night?” I queried. “I don’t know but I was very scared” she answered. “Do you really want to go to Katella in Anaheim to this beauty pageant? You might as well forget it, you look very tired” I said. “No, let’s go,” she said, “I want out of this house and we can always visit Grandma there.” At 8.00 AM sharp I was fuelling my gas tank and about to get on interstate 5 North in direction of Los Angeles. We were driving quietly then I could not help myself to ask Brigitte what happened to her in the apartment. She listened patiently to me but could not find any plausible answer to what or why she behaved so erratically the night before. The morning was nice and warm and we both enjoyed the coastline and the Pacific Ocean’s blue water. We drove past the emigration checkpoint. Soon after the US base of Camp Pendleton and after the 405 HWY intersection, I noticed the huge sign of Jamboree Road. Interestingly enough the road seemed to get wider and wider as I drove under the underpass. This is the last thing Brigitte and I remember, driving into what seemed to be a thick cloud of smoke. “Honey what are you doing?” she said “pick up your speed and drive on your lane, do you want to kill us or what?’ she added nervously. I was driving at less than 30 miles per hours on the highway where the speed limit was in those days 55 MPH. The jarring road bumps dividing the lanes made me feel as if I woke from a dream, as I quickly adjusted the speed limit. I could not understand why I would drive that way and maybe I fell asleep, I thought. All around me felt strange and eerie and I could not recognize the landmarks anymore. Brigitte and I had driven to Los Angeles hundreds of time and we both knew the way very well. “Where are we Honey? Are we lost?” I asked her. I could not make sense of my environment and really thought we were on a different highway. “Don’t worry darling and keep going we have a long way to go still, I have not seen any signs for Anaheim or Disneyland yet.” she said. I drove another couple of miles looking really hard for any familiar road signs or well-known sites. Nothing that I knew was there and my frustration got out of hand. I again asked Brigitte for some sense and she kept telling me we were miles away from our destination. Then to my surprise she opened the glove compartment and took the US map and opened it. I used this map only for very long distances from one state to another, in one of my many appearances in many conferences all over the continent. Why would Brigitte look for Anaheim on the United States map? I thought. We have been there hundreds of time and we never even thought of looking to any map as we knew the way so well. It was practically impossible for us to get lost and I was still experiencing a strange bewilderment inside of the car. I could not make sense of anything as I became even more disoriented. I decided to do something about this unnerving situation and drove to the first exit, hoping for direction from a person or from a gas station. Brigitte reluctantly agreed to put the US map back in the glove compartment and to drive off the highway. “We are so far away, we have a long drive ahead of us honey, and we’re going to be late” she added tensely. “It’s OK baby, it won’t take me long,” I said and I took the long exit off the highway. The ramp led me to a large empty parking lot. I carefully parked next to a single white Toyota pickup. On the back of the vehicle three Mexican men were enjoying cold lemonade and warm burritos. “Hey guys, sorry to bother you but can you tell me where I am” I shouted. Their facial expressions told a lot, wondering about the lunatic man disturbing their breakfast. They probably thought of me as being not only lost but also deranged, and finally one of them answered in broken English. “Hey Amigo, you’re on the Glendale Zoo parking lot but it won’t open for business for another hour.” “Glendale Zoo? And where the hell is this place” I asked. By now the three gentlemen were staring at me, wondering about danger and my sanity. I had absolutely no idea where I was and most of all how I got there. “Where is Anaheim?” I asked politely. “Well you passed it a long time ago my friend,” the oldest of the three man said. “You are past Los Angeles on the parking lot of the Glendale Zoo” he reaffirmed. I was baffled, I was shocked and I was trying really hard to understand how I could have gone so far from my destination. But the time did not make sense to me and asked the man again. “Excuse me, what’s the time please?” I asked. “It’s exactly 9.00 AM,” he said. I could not even speak anymore and went back to my car clock to check out the time. How was I to tell Brigitte that we were nearly two hours or so past our destination when we left home less than 30 minutes ago? In her mind she was expecting to drive 1-1/2 hours north again to reach Katella city. To my surprise she was again looking into the US map for directions. She had no clue yet of the elapsed time and our location. The world seemed to have stopped on us and the bewilderment we experienced was intolerable. I finally realized that Brigitte and I had been abducted. The last thing I needed was to freak her out and I had to find a way to announce what had really transpired with us soon and safely. It then dawned on me that my wife had a premonition or a UFO visit the night before and this would also explain her erratic behavior at home. So I calmly sat next to her and gently held her hands and said, “Honey do you remember what we talked about just before you married me?” I asked. “Nope I do not, about what? We talked about so many things” she said. “Well I told you that if you were to spend your life with me you may also have to experience the incredible, do you remember?” I asked her. “Oh my God, do you mean the UFO stuff? You know I don’t believe in this honey,” she answered rather amused. She was in total denial as is often the case, but I did not challenge her as I needed time to build a safe psyche to accept the fact that she and I were abducted. “Brigitte sweet heart, what time to you have on your watch?” “Its 9.15 AM,” she replied. “OK Brigitte now do not panic, stay calm baby, OK? We are about two hours or more north of Anaheim on the zoo parking lot in Glendale, just after Los Angeles.” I added, “It should be 11:15 to have reached this far North.” Her big blue eyes were innocently looking at me in total loss. She did not say a word for a while and began to cry. “But how is it possible honey, we just left home?” She said. “I know girl, but don’t worry you’re safe now, it’s over.” I asked Brigitte to secure her seatbelt and drove back in direction to our initial destination. I quietly kept talking to her, trying my best to build a form of security where there was none. They could pick us up at any moment if they chose I thought, but I had to keep Brigitte mind, away from this possibility. I certainly did not want her to experience a panic attack right here in the middle of nowhere. As always, the traffic was very dense through the city of Los Angeles, it took us nearly two hours to reach Anaheim. The feeling experienced after any abduction is quite detrimental, as your common sense does not reason with your awareness of reality. A sense of invasion to your very body, mind and soul makes you feel extremely vulnerable. Such a powerful event involves so much more than words can express and only those who have had similar experiences can relate to what we felt. We were so confused and so tired that I had to stop and rent a very expensive room for us. In no way could I convince Brigitte to go back home, and from the hotel suite she called her good friend Mary. She begged her to come, pick her up, and then drive to another friend of ours in Phoenix Arizona. She wanted to distance herself from the creatures, the apartment and the experience. So I supported her decision and wished her a safe trip to Arizona. The very next day I drove back home, and then again to the Glendale exit, trying to make sense by investigating the time and the mileage. I came to the conclusion that only if I had driven above 150 miles per hour, providing there were no cops or traffic in Los Angeles, could I have made that journey in what seemed to be a 30 minute trip. The next few weeks were spent at home alone, or I thought I was. I had gone through an abduction that memorable August day and a part of my existence had been stolen against my will. I did not know what exactly happened, but I made a commitment to myself to find out. The desire to find out was burning inside and I did some research on the subject of UFOs. I called a man named Shawn Atlantis, and we set an appointment with and he came to my home with some recording equipment. Brigitte and I revived the traumatic experience and Shawn became a very good friend of mine over the years. He knew Brigitte never dealt or knew anything about UFOs before, and he was very compassionate in helping us. I told Shawn that in my case it was not the first time, and he patiently listened to the rest of my incredible UFO experiences. Then Shawn mentioned a Doctor in Victorville California from a reliable source, willing to investigate my case using hypnotherapy. I accepted and I was on my way to discover what really happened to me. A famous researcher and film producer was invited to record the session and swiftly installed three cameras in the doctor’s office. I was offered some cold water and asked to lie down on a comfortable sofa. A nice, soft, relaxing music enveloped the office to cover up outside noise. The Hypnotherapist soft voice brought me back to my childhood, then progressively to the sensational day of August 11, 1991. I slipped into time and space and began to talk. Under hypnotherapy, the following is an account of those events as they really occurred: Brigitte and I were driving on highway 5 North, then I turned the radio off just before the sign of Jamboree road. Brigitte first mentioned the road getting wider as we drove through what seemed to be a thick white cloud. I could not see much and slowed down, wondering about the gentle soft dreamlike feeling encompassing us. I did not feel the road or median bumps anymore and Brigitte took my hand, staring at the cloud. We were sucked into a flying saucer belly. At this juncture we were in what seemed to be a large metallic underground parking lot area. It was a bit dark and very quiet. Two very large men dressed in silver suits came from the left side of the car. Brigitte was screaming tightly, holding on to me. “Oh my God, what’s going to happen to us” she said terrified. “It’s OK Brigitte, I have been there before, and you are safe” I said. I told her we were going to be separated for a while but to have faith and all would be OK. One of the men opened the door for me and I followed him towards a steel door. The other man took Brigitte to a different area, but for some reason, I was not worried about my wife due to a strong pervasive peaceful felling. The extraterrestrial left me at the door which immediately opened sideways. I entered a small room and stood in front of a tiny porthole looking at the distant earth. Our planet was the size of a basketball similar to observing a full moon a full moon on a clear night sky, and certainly indicated we were a very long distance from home. I then started to complain about heat and some form of electric light coming from the inside of what seemed to be a decontamination room. The first stage was over and I was now facing a second steel door which slid upward. I entered the flying saucer pilot room and no one was paying any attention to me. Teams of dignified robots, the greys, are flying the device, busy looking at large screens and handling a round floorboard with lit buttons. A few tall human-like people seem to supervise all actions from different points of the saucer. I wanted to see Brigitte and I knew exactly where to go. I walked towards a large screen. There she was, laying down unconscious with three Greys working on her. I was neither surprised nor upset about the entire deal, I felt I knew what was going on and somehow could only agree. She was lying on her back on a clear glass table in a position where she was to deliver a child. I knew all was going according to a plan that could not be changed, and walked to another door. I was like a conscious robot but with no will of my own and I knew it was time for me to go. I entered a room that could be described as a bright dentist’s office without the surgical equipment. I saw one of the supervisors silently observing my move as I sat on a cold metallic armchair. Then from above, a thick electronic helmet-device descended slowly from the ceiling and covered my head and eyes. I was not scared and seemed to have had been there before. I felt my entire body turning in to a frozen electrified corpse as a sensational energy was discharged from my brain to my feet. I was fully conscious within the entire experience and told the Hypnotherapist about being like God. I felt a great peace inside my soul where all the reasons of my being and my fate became clear. I felt as if I had been given an objective understanding of the complexity of the universe along with a super drive to make the world aware of it. I was one with God, one with creation and one with the universe. What really happened is that I was blessed by a downloading of the secrets of the Universal Mind by an extraordinary extraterrestrial intelligence. After the session, the doctors and the UFO investigators decided not to immediately let me watch the tape. Brigitte was speechless and silently crying as I walked out of the room-soaking wet. Amazingly, later as I watched the tape, my entire body started to sweat huge water drops and my entire clothing was damp. Then I was informed to look at two different screens where the first and last frames of the video were frozen. One of the best ways to check if someone is really under hypnosis is to look for any move during the session. In my case both frames were in completely identical nearly two hours later. The only difference was my totally soggy clothes and body. Then the shock came when Brigitte noticed and showed me with a two inch unusual scar just above the pubic hair line. The cut seemed to have been made with a laser beam not a regular scalpel used in conventional surgery. It became clear that Brigitte had been pregnant and the fetus was taken away on that trip. For what reason I do not know, but I knew for sure was the incredible changes that took place in my own psyche. I completely and entirely painted all the walls of my house with astrological and UFO symbols. Then came an immense urge to master Nostradamus’ divine astrology. Metaphysics became more of a fanatic obsession that led me to read people’s minds and fates accurately and make unarguable well-documented predictions. Those premonitions are much too numerous to mention here including the 9/11 WTC terrorist attack in New York, the Asia Tsunami, Kobe earthquake SARS disease, Katrina etc. and all well over a year before it unfolded. Check my website for more predictions and records of my successful forecasts at www.drturi.com Blessings to all Dr. Turi Important note ALL Dr. Turi articles posted in all websites are copyrighted, please ask permission to the publisher to use any of Dr. Turi's material. Check some pictures at http://www.drturi.com/gallery.php Thank you Mike DTteam http://www.globalenquirer.com/ WORLD WIDE http://cherrytap.com/drturi - CHECK THE PICS! http://www.myspace.com/drturi http://www.drturi.com Order And Services http://www.drturi.com/readings.php Free Newsletter http://www.drturi.com/news/ Astropsychology, Hypnotherapy, Cabalistic Healing, Motivational Speaker, Author, Marriage Counselor. Telephone: 602-265-7667 - Fax: 602-265-8668 - " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." - Dr. Turi
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