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The Adventure Part 1

She stood in the room, ashamed and embarrassed. She knew that everything she was about to do was wrong, and if anyone knew what she was doing, she would be the talk of the town. She slowly slid her pants down until she was just standing in her t-shirt and underwear. Many times at home, she has been in the same exact outfit and thought nothing of it, but now standing in this room, it was completely different. It was now as if she was completely naked, not wearing anything appropriate. Thinking back at the people that had seen her like this she began to wonder why she was embarrassed to be standing like this. How many different guys, that she had had crushes on, had seen her in this exact same outfit. It was an odd night to come to her family’s house and not see her in just a t-shirt. It wasn’t as if she was a nudist or anything, just not a big fan of clothing. Her not being a fan of clothing was what actually first brought the two of them together. He was always making fun of her need to walk around at least half naked. She began to chuckle under her breathe, and surveyed the room. It is not like she had never been in a hotel room before, with even less clothing on. As a child, she had spent many nights in hotels, on road trips with her family. As a little child, she was even less a fan of clothing than she was currently, so her clothing never lasted. She always ended up in just her underwear until she was about 6 when her mother had to put her foot down. She began to survey the room, allowing herself to become more comfortable with the atmosphere. Looking around, she took noticed to everything that was around. The normal things that you would expect to find in any sub-standard motel room. Two double beds, with two pillows on each and a cheesy flower comforter. In one of the corners of the room, there was a small desk that was big enough to hold the phone, a lamp, and maybe something as big as a laptop. In another corner, there was a short chair, close to the ground. She had guessed that this was what was supposed to be used when there was company for those who used the motel room for a daily place to stay. Next to the desk was a small dresser that housed a cheap TV on top of it. Everything seemed to be normal, perfect, the way any hotel would be set up. Then in the corner of her eye she saw a flashing red light and reality set in. Back to the moment in time where this was wrong, where this wasn’t normal. If people knew what she was doing what would they think? Why did she have to do that? With that she again felt ashamed and embarrassed. She began to cover herself with her hands, and looked down at the floor. She wasn’t sure about this anymore, she wasn’t sure that she was ready for her face to be forever captured in a videotape. A videotape that if the wrong person got a-hold of could ruin her and any future plans that she may have had. At one point in time she planned on becoming a famous writer, and currently she was on a path to becoming a teacher. She knew that if anyone ever saw this video when she was a teacher, she would be immediately fired. She reached for her pants and with that felt a light slap. She looked up to see who had just slapped her. When she looked up she immediately remembered why she was doing this. A gentle smile came across his face as he held the hand that he just slapped and kissed it lightly. He pulled her close and hugged her tight. “You know better than that. You agreed to this. You said you were okay.” He hugged her tight again, and kissed her cheek. “But, if you aren’t sure about this, we can stop this right here.” She looked up into his light green eyes, which were completely focused on her. She stared at them for just a few seconds, and saw that if she stopped this he would be hurt and disappointed. She looked into his eyes and saw nothing but concern and knew that at any point in time if she wanted him to stop this he would. At any point in time if she said, destroy the tape he would, and that meant all copies of it. She just smiled at him as he kept his arms wrapped around her. “I am sure.” He released his hand from the tight grip that she had placed on him, in a desperate attempt to not only hold onto him but to hold onto her pants. Again, he lightly slapped her hand, as she let go of the tight grip on the pants. He then bent over, and picked up her pants, and folded them and then carefully placed them on one of the beds. He then turned and faced her again, and lightly kissed her lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tight. He just held her. She knew from this gesture that everything was going to be okay. They weren’t your usual couple, in a physical sense, but everything made sense to them. Since the first day that they had met, things had just clicked. There was never a dull moment between the two and they were always laughing and joking. It was as if everything was perfect. They were so much alike, that is was uncanny. They were both extremely intelligent in the book smarts sense. Both were also extreme smart asses, they could take any simple comment and turn it into a smart ass comment. Also, both were perverts. Some how the conversation always turned to sex with them, everything though the time they spent together wasn’t spent just having sex. He was tall and slender. Standing at about 5’11 maybe 6’ at the most, short dirty blonde hair, and light green eyes. He was generally described as a good looking young man, and had no trouble picking up women. She on the other hand, was short and chubby. She stood at about 5’1 with long light brown hair that was curly. She also had light brown eyes, which were hidden behind a pair of black square glasses. She was not extremely overweight, but she was chubby and had a little stomach. She was never called an ugly girl or anything, and it wasn’t like she had trouble with men. She was just never the kind of girl that was drop dead gorgeous. She was more worried about other things in life, like getting a good career. The odd thing about them was their sexual differences. He was more experienced, a lot more experienced. He had many sexual partners, and had tried many things. When they met, she was a virgin. She had had many boyfriends and had kissed them and everything, but not much more. There was one boyfriend whom she had gone as far as giving a blowjob to, but never had sex with. As unusual as they were for on looking people, they made perfect sense to each other. Complete opposites in the physical sense, but perfect sense every other way. As they stood there, his arms on her waist and her arms around his neck, everything just made sense. He lightly tickled her sides, and she giggled. As she repeated to herself everything is going to be just fine. He then began kissing lightly at her neck, trying his best to relax her. He then reached for the bottom of her shirt, and whispered in her ear are you sure about this? A light nod was the only answer that he needed, as he grabbed the bottom of her shirt and slowly slid it over her head as she removed her arms from around his neck. She stood there now, completely exposed. She was just in her panties. The rest of her body, exposed to him and technically to the rest of the world. She tried not to focus on the amount of shame that she was feeling as she again wrapped her arms around his neck. He then began kissing her lips softly. Running his hands up and down her body as the goose bumps began to show. He then turned her around so that he was facing the bed and with that gave her a slight nudge, which was all she needed to fall backwards onto the bed. She lay on the bed as he propped himself up above her. He looked at her and just smiled, everything was going to be alright. He continues to prop himself up over her and kissed her lightly. The two had already planned out the whole event. Since the two did not see each other on a frequent basis the two had many conversations about what would happen the next time that they saw each other. The past few days had been spent carefully planning out the way that this evening would go down. With that he stood up so he was overlooking her. He knew exactly what to do, and so did she. She slid herself back on the bed, and then switched positions, so that he head was at the headboard. He walked away from the bed and away from her view for just a few moments. When he returned, he returned in just his boxers with some grip ties in his hand. For the rest of the evening not a single word would be exchanged between the two. He returned to the bed, and crawled up between her legs. He kissed her lightly and smiled at her as he grabbed both her arms and pulled them above her head. It seemed to be such a familiar motion to him, and unfamiliar to her. She closed her eyes as he did everything that had been planned out. He quickly tied her hands to the headboard with the grip ties that he had brought with him. He rubbed his fingers over her eyes, beckoning for her to open her eyes and let him know that everything was okay. She opened her eyes just long enough to giving him an approving nod with her eyes as he kissed her lip let her know that he got the signal and that it was okay for her to close her eyes again. She did has he returned to what he had planned to do. He began kissing her neck as she lay there, motionless but not without control. He ran his hands all over her upper body, grasping at her breasts. He lightly pulled and tugged at her nipples. As he pulled and tugged at her nipples, he knew that everything was okay when he heard a slight moan escape from her lips. He began to pull and tug harder at her nipples, and with this her moaning also got louder. Although, he was already enjoying himself, he enjoyed listening to her moan, and watching her struggle he still had something else to do, as they had planned out. He slid the rest of the way down her body, to her feet. He lightly tickled her feet, as she giggled and struggled for him to stop. He then stopped, and placed her ankles, spread out to the sides, and again tied her legs down to the bed. He had not planned to do what he next did, but he thought it would be best for her. Even though this was just for their personal use, he knew her every fear about it. So he got up, and walked towards the flashing red light in the corner. She, however, did not see any of this movement. She was too worried, too scared, her eyes were closed so tightly. In her mind she was somewhere else. In her mind all she did was kept repeating everything is going to be okay. He walked toward the flashing red light, and readjusted the camera in the corner. He moved it, so that her face was completely out of the frame. He then walked back over to the bed, and shook the bed a little bit with his foot. He then propped himself up above her. He lightly touched her cheek. She opened her eyes and smiled, then immediately closed them again. The evening was plan, she knew her part. She was to lie there, and let him do as he wanted. Nothing that he was going to do was going to be a surprise to her, she knew every detail of how things were suppose to work. He reached over to the nightstand, and pulled a blindfold over her eyes. He was concerned only about her being comfortable with this. He then leaned down again, and whispered in her ear, which was un-audible to the camera, are you sure about this. She was still gripping her eyes closed tightly, under the blindfold. She had thought many times about stopping it. She nodded her head slightly and sucked in her lips, then exhaled a deep breathe. He laughed slightly at her and kissed her on the lips. It was the last kiss that she would receive, on the lips at least. It was now time to begin the planned out events of the evening. He kissed her neck one finally time to reassure her that everything was going to be okay. He then went to work. He again, began to tug and pulled at her nipples. He placed his forefinger and his thumb on her nipple, and squeezed hard. She winched in pain, but knew she was not allowed to say anything. The more she winched, the harder he squeezed. He also was slightly turning the nipple. He knew that this was okay; he knew that she liked the pleasure of the pain. He then repeated the same thing on her other nipple. She began to bite her lower lip, as her nipples hardened. He knew this was his signal to move on to the next step. He then got up again, and walked away from the bed a little bit. He reached into a bag, and grabbed out a small shiny silver vibrator. He then came back over to the bed, and rubbed the cold vibrator over her nipples, as the goose bumps developed. He then placed the vibrator between her legs. He began rubbing the still cold vibrator over her clit. She jumped a little bit from the cold. She still knew she couldn’t complain about the cold. He then turned the vibrator on. The quick vibrations caused her leg to begin to shake. He then turned the high powerful vibrator on, even higher. With the quicker vibrations it was all she could do to keep herself from moaning. She began to moan very loud, as her large and powerful orgasm spread through her body. He enjoyed listening to her moan, and as her cum began to drip out of her pussy. He knew that his goal was to get her to cum again as quickly as possible. He slowly slides the vibrator down, and spread her lips with his fingers. He then slides the vibrator into her, with it on as powerful as it could be. She began to shake and twitch, as another orgasm hit her body. She was trying her best to move her hands to grab onto something to take some of the focus away from the orgasm to the mattress or something. She was tied down however and was unable to free her hands. The orgasm hit her pussy with its full power. She moaned loudly, as the feeling of happiness and content ness came over her body. The force of the cum escaping her body was too powerful, and too enjoyable. She was moaning loudly, and clearly. Her body shook with the orgasm, and as she finished cumin she giggled. He knew that they had agreed that he wouldn’t kiss her anymore after he started pleasing her, but he changed his mind. With her giggle, he couldn’t help but smile, and turned the vibrator off. He then turned his body towards her, and leaned up and kissed her on the lips. As he was kissing her, she freed herself a little bit, and whispered. Everything is okay, I am enjoying this, continue. With that, he knew that she had forgotten about the camera in the corner, and he was free to carry out their plan.

Phone Call (Part 2)

I love when he gets aroused, I love the feeling of the power I have over him with my sexuality. By this time I am sure that he is aroused, so I began to rub on my damping pussy though my underwear. I know that I have a horrible habit of not being able to hide what I am doing, but I am not sure that I want to hide it. "MMMM" was all I could manage to say as I began to rub at my wet pussy through my underwear that was getting wetter and wetter by the second. "Baby, are you being naughty?" "No baby, of course not, I am just thinking about how good it would taste to have your dick in my mouth right now." "Oh, tell me about it, tell me what you want to do to my cock." "I want to take your hard cock into my mouth, it is hard isn't it?" "Fuck, yes, slut, it's hard for you. Now tell me what you want to do with that pretty little 18 year old mouth of yours." Now I was getting really aroused and my hand had slipped down underneath my underwear. My hand was slipping and sliding around as my hand ran over my wet pussy. I had forgotten that Dennis was on the phone, and began to rub at my clit, enjoying the feeling of the wetness it was providing me with. "MMMM. God. Fuck. Yes." "Tell me what the hell you're going to do with that nasty little 18 year old mouth of yours." "I have decided that I don't want to suck your dick anymore, I want you to fuck me. That's right I want you to fuck me." My fingers slowly slid into my pussy and I began to slowly slide them in and out. On the other end of the line, I could hear Dennis's breathing getting harder and harder as I began to moan more and more. I knew that he wanted to play with himself, and I wanted to hear him get off. "Oh, God, baby, my pussy is so wet. I want you to slide your fucking dick into my tight little 18 year old pussy. Do you think you can do that? Do you think you can fuck my tight little 18 year old pussy? Can you stretch my tight pussy out?" All of a sudden I heard a little stroking motion in the background.Dennis had begun rubbing his dick, jacking it off slowly. His dick must have been coated with pre-cum because I could hear the stroking motions. "I want to fuck your pussy so bad. God you are a dirty 18 year old whore aren't you? You want my 29 year old dick in your pussy don't you?" I began fingering myself harder, and harder. I loved when he talked dirty to me. I know that I began to moan louder and louder. The feelings of my tightness wrapped around my finger, as it was coated more and more with wetness. I spread my legs to be able to fuck my pussy harder. "God, yes, I want you to fuck me real bad. I want you to bend me over the bed, fuck I just want you to bend me over wherever, lift my skirt up, slide my panties to the side and fuck me. I want you to pull at my hair and slam in and out of my pussy." "Dirty whore, you want my 29 year old cock. Are you sure you can handle my 29 year old cock?" "I can handle your 29 year old cock everywhere. I want you to fuck my pussy, and then fuck my mouth." I slipped another finger into my pussy and began to slide my fingers in and out, faster and faster. I know that Dennis was getting more excited because I could hear what had started off as gentle stroking motions and noises, getting louder and louder. I loved the sound that his cock made as he stroked it up and down, thinking about me. I could not help but slide the two fingers in out of my pussy as fast as they would go. I wanted his cock to be there, I wanted to fuck him. I know that I had just gotten fucked my Josh, but I wanted fucked by this cock that was so aroused for me. "You want me to fuck your mouth. Can I grab you by your hair and push you down onto my cock? Can I be the one in control and slide that beautiful mouth of yours up and down my cock? Can I control you? Do you want my 29 year old dick in your mouth?" "God, fuck, yes. I want your dick, everywhere. I want to fuck you so bad. I can't help." My fingers easily moved in and out of my pussy. As I tried to avoid moaning and let my breathing get harder and harder the phone. Dennis was trying to hide what he was doing, but it was pointless. The stroking motions he was doing were so arousing. I could hear him jacking off his dick just for me, and I knew that he knew I was sliding my fingers in and out of my pussy just for him. "I need to come see you, so fucking bad. I need that 18 year old mouth of yours." "Just like I need to cum for me right now, please baby, come for me." With those final words I slammed my fingers into my pussy one last time, and let out a giant moan. With my moan, Dennis let out a quiet moan. With these moans I knew that my pussy juices had just covered my fingers and part of my hands. As always I giggled as I finished. "Hey baby, feel better?" "Shit, I just made a huge mess; I really need to come see you. Really need to cum see you."

Phone Call (Part 1)

It was Friday night; I had just gotten home from an evening with the guy I am currently sleeping with. Nothing special had happened, of course we had sex, but it was nothing minds blowing. I was home from college on Easter break trying to enjoy everything and not get caught up in the craziness around me. Since moving out and going to college, my parents had turned my bedroom into a storage room, it was almost impossible to even get into my old bedroom much less sleep in my old bed, if it was still in there somewhere. So I was sentenced to sleeping on the couch, which wasn't as bad as it could be. My couch is a huge couch that can fit two people laying on it comfortably, I only know this because of the nights I spent fighting with my brothers on it. So I had just gotten home from an evening with Josh, nothing special. I decided to lie down and take a load off; I knew that the next day would be spent baking cakes and getting dinner ready for the big family gathering. I had striped down to the bare minimums. I flicked on the TV and hoped on the couch, laying there in just my white boy shorts and a white tank top. I began flipping through the channels, thinking that I would eventually find something to either watch, or fall asleep too. I had just taken off my glasses to turn and face the back of the couch, when my cell phone started ringing. I was surprised when I realized that it was the special ringer, the ringer only two people have, my mom and Dennis. I jumped up off the couch to grab my phone, thinking that it was going to be my mom asking me to bring her back a drink or something. So I assumed that it was just her, didn't even look at the caller ID. "Hey Mom, what do you want?" The voice on the other line just broke into a chuckle "Baby, I'm not your mom, but you can call me dad if that makes you feel better." I suddenly realized that it was Dennis. Dennis is a gorgeous man. I met him online, on a sex site, and ever since then we have talked daily. He is a tad bit older than me; he is 29 years old, almost 30. He is a well established business man who just got out of a relationship. He was on the sex site looking for someone to hook up with, have casual sex, and get over the woman he referred to as the love of his life. While I was a young 18 year old, on the site for no particular reason but continued to stay on. I was surprised when I got the message from Dennis, because he is really good looking. He stands about 5'10 with dark hair and dark eyes. He can charm the pants off of anybody, and I mean anybody. We have never met in real life, every time we make plans to do something, something always comes up, but that's okay. We have a fun relationship, we talk about everything, we listen to music while on the phone, and we talk about how hot people are. Dennis is just a blast to talk, but he has this thing where he likes to hear about other people's sexual history, so I knew what the conversation would come to. "Oh, hey baby, on your way home from Jay's?" "Yea, baby, what are you doing?" "Nothing, I just got home from being with Josh" "Did you two fuck? Did he at least fuck the hell out of you?" I am not always the most comfortable talking about my sex life, but I thought to myself what the hell, I am alone, and I am almost naked. I began to giggle, and Dennis knows what that means. "He did, didn't he? Tell me about it baby" "Well, yea we only fucked twice though, tried a new position too" "Yea, how did that go?" "Good, it was fun, it felt so good. Only bad thing is we broke the bed." "You broke the bed baby; damn you shouldn't be that rough" "It was his entire fault, not mine, how was Jay's?" "Ahh... you know... it was Jay's it was good." "Didn't find someone to take home?" "Naw, I could have had someone to fuck the hell out of but I passed on the offer." "Awww my baby didn't get laid." "Yea, I think I am saving it up." "Saving it up for whom?" "For you, I would be crazy not to come and fuck you." By this time I could tell that he was beginning to get aroused. His voice always changes when he gets aroused and his breathing gets deeper. I could hear him beginning to breathe harder.

Control (part 2)

He then untied her blindfold with his hands, very skillfully while still moving his finger in and out of her pussy. Just as the blindfold dropped to the floor, he grabbed her by the hair. Gently pulled her head back "Look at me!" She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. He was gorgeous. He was a tall confident black man, which was very arousing. He was very dark skinned with hair in tight curls that was kept closely shaven to his head. She immediately recognized him from the restaurant, she saw him sitting in one of the corner booths. When she saw him at the restaurant she was tempted to go up and talk to him, she went to school with him. She had always thought during her freshman year that he had a crush on her. She already knew him from the internet when she started school, but didn't realize that it was him that she had talked to him on both the internet and at school. As soon as she had finally scanned her eyes up and down him, she went to talk, but he didn't want her to talk, so he put his hand over her mouth, and then picked up the blindfold in her mouth to act as a gag. He pushed her head back down against the table, but her head was still turned to the side so she could look up at him. Her eyes were now filled with lust, and he was right that she wanted this as bad as he wanted her. With the lust in her eyes, was all he need as he reached down and unzipped his zipper. He slowly pulled out his thick black cock, as he eyes got large. She had never seen a black cock before, and she had never even seen one that large before. Soon the lust in her eyes turned to fear, she was afraid that he was going to hurt her; that he was going to stretch her beyond belief. When he looked back down at her, he could see the fear in her eyes, as he stroked his cock with one hand, he slide his other hand up and down her back "It will be okay baby, I promise not to hurt you" With one final stroke up and down her back he slide his hand down to her ass. He stroked her ass, as he stroked his dick fully to life. When he felt that his dick was fully erect he slid up her skirt. He gently ran his fingers across her pussy again, and then stuck just the tip of his cock at the entrance of her tight, wet, pussy. He looked down at her and noticed that she wasn't looking at him. He grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her up to him "Look at me, you whore! Look at me!" As soon as she looked up him, he pushed the head of his cock into her love box. With the sensation that she was getting from having him inside of her finally, after two years, she just moaned through her panties that were soaked in her pussy juices. With her moan he knew that she was really enjoying herself. So he reached down and took her panties out of her mouth. As he was taking her panties out of her mouth, he slid the rest of long thick growth into her tight pussy. Just as the panties came out of her mouth a loud growl came out of her mouth. The growl was all that he really needed, and it sent him over the edge. He started pounding at her pussy. Going faster and faster as her moans got louder and louder. Once he finally got into a rhythm he started talking to her, he knew that she liked me talked to while she was getting fucked. "Look at me, you dirty whore. God, your pussy is so tight. I can't believe your pussy is so tight" All the while he kept slamming his cock in and out of her pussy. Suddenly he stopped. He slid his thick cock out of her pussy. With the removal of his cock, a sad sigh came out of her mouth. "Quiet whore, I need better access. Don't complain, or I will stop fucking you completely, is that understood??" With that he gave her a quick slap across the ass, but she did not answer him. "Answer me whore, are we clear?" With a voice of sadness, she looked back at him and stared directly into his eyes. "Yes Sir, I am sorry." With that, he stepped away from her body, and pulled his pants down to his knees. Then he slammed his cock back into her pussy. She growled again as he cock slipped into her pussy that was completely soaked with her pussy juice. His cock was by far the thickest that she had ever had in her before, and she could feel herself stretching around him, stretching and grabbing at his cock to adapt to his growth. He knew that she had only slept with one man since she had lost her virginity, and it was the one man that she slept with on a regular basis. He knew that she had to still be tight, but he was wrong about how tight she really was. He had never really been with a girl that was so tight. It was almost as if she was still a virgin. He himself couldn't help but groan each time that he slid in out of her tight virgin like pussy. As he fucked her faster and faster, he groaned louder and louder. His groans were enough to send her over the edge. She slammed her body back against his. She then also slammed her head down, and closed her eyes as her orgasms ripped through her body. Her pussy grabbed at his cock, and he knew that she was going to cum, and that she was going to be loud. To avoid any distractions, from other customers in the restaurant coming into the restaurant and asking what was going on, he reached down and put his hand over her mouth. She bit at his hand and her pussy spasm around his cock. Her orgasm ripped through her body, as she bit as his hand, and her juices covered his cock. "Who do you belong to, you whore. You know that you belong to me now.You're such a tight fucking whore. God, your pussy is so tight, you whore. God yes, you whore." With that, he pulled his cock out of her pussy. He grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her still trembling body up against his. Then he turned her around. He pushed her head down. "Open your mouth, whore. Open it now; you are going to suck my cock. Open your mouth fucking whore" She was still trying to recover from the orgasm that had ripped through her body, but she knew if she didn't listen he was going to get really mad. So she opened her mouth, as she opened her mouth, he slipped the head of his cock into her mouth. "Suck my cock whore, yes, oooo, yes, mmm, yes, that's it whore suck it." As she regained her composure of what was going on. She increased the intensity that she was sucking his dick with. She sucked at his dick harder, and harder. "Oh, fuck, yes, I am coming, you fucking whore." With that he pulled his cock out of her mouth. He started coming and groaning as he shoots his load all over her face. As soon as he finished shooting his load all over her face he stood up and pulled his pants up and placed his cock back inside of his pants. He pulled her up and planted a kiss on her mouth. "Now fix yourself, I am hungry. Make sure you get that mess of your face. Be careful I don't want anyone to know what has happened here." With that final statement he turned around and walked out of the bathroom. Beth washed her face make sure that she got all of his sticky mess off of her face. Then she looked at the box that sat on the counter, and her underwear on the floor. A smile came across her face as she picked the underwear up and placed them in the box. She closed the box, and retied the bow around the box. She fixed her make up and walked back out into the restaurant. She walked right up to him at his table, and placed the box on the seat beside him. With that she bent over and whispered in his ear "Thanks for the afternoon of fun, if you want to eat lunch with me I will be at my table" He smirked, as he picked up the box and followed her to the table. The couple sat down at the table, very close together. As they sat there, he started rubbing his hand up and down her tight, occasionally brushing against her pussy. As the waitress came to the table she said "Hello, I can tell from the smiles on both of your faces that you are having a wonderful afternoon, I hope that it continues." The couple looked at each other and laughed, and he said "Oh, I'm sure it wills Ma'am, thank you." Beth knew right then and there that her afternoon of pleasure was not over yet.

Control (part 1)

She sat there with her legs crossed. She always been weary of meeting strangers off the internet, but something about him seemed so safe and secure. He had a way to make her trust him, and she thought it was finally time they met. They had been talking on the internet and the phone for over two years. The two had shared an intimate connection that neither of them knew was possible from just talking on the phone. She sat there with her muscular legs crossed. She pulled and tugged at her skirt and kept pulling it down, she was afraid that someone would be able to see up her skirt. She was weary of wearing skirts to begin with because she didn't like her legs, they were short and muscular and pretty overwhelming at first site. She spent a lot of time walking, so her legs were built up. It is not like she was a small girl to begin with, but she wasn't huge either. She was well built, even more well built since she started school. She had lost a good bit of her gut that she had in high school, and her ass was firmer and tighter than it ever had been before. Of course, the first thing every man noticed about her, whether it was intentional or unintentional was her large chest. She confidently walked around with 46 DD's in her shirts. She never wore extremely tight shirts to show them off, but today she wore a tank top, but a button down shirt over it. Just as she adjusted the buttons on her shirt, her cell phone rang. "Take off that silly button down shirt; I told you, I wanted to be able to see your breast. I have heard you talk about them so much; I want to see if they are like what you told me, or if you were lying and need to be punished." She looked around the room, trying to see if she could catch a glimpseof him, but it was pointless. Every direction she turned she could see a person on their cell phone, talking. She had never seen a picture of him before so she could not be sure which guy was him; she looked back at her shirt. She began to unbutton the shirt, and unbuttoned the shirt, but left it on. Then reality came back to her, as she heard his voice on the other line of the phone. "I said take it off, not just unbutton it." Slowly, unconfidently she slid the shirt of, and placed it on the seat next to her. She was very insecure about showing her breast of, so she crossed her arms over her breast. This act only pressed the breast up higher, placing them more out in the open then they had been before. As her breath increased as she became more excited her breast showed more and more. She closed her eyes and recalled their most recent phone conversation. In the conversation, he had described his most fantasy ever. She remembered that it had been his fantasy to get her aroused in public, to the point that she was squirming with anticipation for him to fuck her. She felt the dampness filling her panties. She was always extremely aroused by the thought of being overpowered, and he knew it. With the dampness filling her panties, she uncrossed her legs, and then re-crossed them making sure that her pussy was at least getting rubbed while she did this. "Are you having a problem, you whore. What are you thinking about? Tell me now, or I will turn around and walk out the door, leaving you wanting and needing me; regretting that you ever crossed me." She snapped back to reality as his voice filled her ear. She opened her eyes, and blankly stared. Her breathing increased. Her nipples started to get a little harder and poke through her shirt, as she tried to speak. Before she could answer his question, his voice filled her ears again, this time more demanding. "I SAID TELL ME NOW WHORE!" She began to stutter a little bit, as this shocked her. "I-I-I-wa-wa was thinking about the last conversation we had." "What about the conversation slut? Where you getting turned on thinking about it again?" "We-well yea I was remembering how turned on it got you, to have control over me, well at least how much you said it turned you on." "Do you think I was lying to you whore? Do you think that my fantasies don't turn me on? That I don't get off thinking about overpowering your helpless body. Do you think that I haven't dreamt about those nipples, which by the way are particularly popping out of your shirt? You should probably stop thinking about the dream, before your tits pop completely out, leaving you exposed in this restaurant. From the looks of things in here I don't think that the mothers would appreciate your wonderful tits hanging out in front of their young children." "Where are you? I want to see you," before she could finish her sentence he interrupted her. "Patience my dear, apparently you didn't listen to my fantasy to close,I want to watch you squirm, now first things first. I want you to uncross your legs and open them a little bit so I can check to see if you wore underwear or not. If you wore underwear and disobeyed me, I suggest you get up and leave the table now. Go to the bathroom and take them off and put them in your purse." She looked down at her crossed legs, she knew that she wasn't supposed to wear underwear but she did anyways. She was scared to have someone know that she wasn't wearing any. Her skirt was a little short for her liking, and she knew that if she were to bend over her bare ass would be sticking out. She wasn't about to piss him off, and have him leave. She had already began to get aroused and she would be damned if she had to please herself when there was a man willing to please her. "I will call you back, when I get back to my table," is all she could manage to say. "Don't call me, I will call you. Actually, reach under your table. Pick up the box. I want you to take that box with you to the bathroom. Place your underwear in the box. I knew that you were going to disobey me. As you walk past the hostess hand her the box, and ask her to deliver it to Kevin. Now, I know that you are going to want to watch her, and watch her walk towards me, but I have you fooled. If I see you looking at her, I will not touch you at all. Is that clear? If so, just nod your head, and hang up. Oh, you should let your hair down, right now, and adjust your tits; I don't want you getting kicked out of here." She stood up and walked away from the table, grabbing the box. I can't believe that I am really going to do this. This is completely crazy. She rushed into the bathroom, as her face flushed. She ran into a stall and slammed the door shut. She placed the box on the sink, she was in the handicapped stall, and shook her head. "He IS crazy" She didn't know what to do, as she stared at the box. Then the realization came over her that she hadn't opened the box. "I wonder what the crazy bastard put in here." She opened the box, and found a letter, with her name written on it. She carefully opened the envelope that held the letter. She then read over the letter Dearest Beth, I was beginning to think that these two years I have spent lusting over you were pointless. I thought that you would never want to meet me. Then I remembered there was something you didn't know about me. I am black. I am sure scanning the restaurant you didn't see many black men, so you have already got a good look at me. I know that it probably shocks you that I am black. We have spent over two years talking, and you never caught on. How does that make you feel? Don't you think that you should pay better attention to me? Well anyways, darling. I know enough about you. I know all your deep dark fantasies and secrets. I remember before you were even old enough to be talking about and describing sex, you describing it. Then I remember your 18th birthday. You were so excited on your 18th birthday, because you would finally be able to go into a porn shop. You wanted nothing more than to buy a dildo, because you wished and wished to feel a hard throbbing cock inside of you. Every time I would offer to come see you and sleep with you, you would love it off as if it were a joke, but I wasn't joking Beth. Then late at night, after you bought your purple dildo, you would call me, horny and needing. The dildo wasn't working. You needed someone to describe their fantasies to you, to moan for you. I always did that. If you will also remember that you told me your fantasies. I remember the one that you talked about the most, being raped. I remember that it was your fantasy, the one that made you the most wet, to be raped in a bathroom. You wanted it to be clear that you didn't want to be raped by a stranger but by someone you knew. Well Beth, I think you know me well enough to not consider me a stranger. I think you should continue back to what you were doing. I will explain this all later. You are gorgeous my love, I love you. Your body is amazing. I have seen your body, as you sit in your hot tub, playing with yourself. I have also seen you lying in your bed slamming your dildo inside your pussy. It has made my cock stand straight up, many times. So take off your underwear, so I can see your nice bare pussy. I will see you soon my love. Love Always, Kevin She blinked. He had stared at her in her bed before? Had he really violated her privacy that much? It was obvious that her body didn't care and the thought of being watched turned her on even more. She slowly slide down her underwear off, and sniffed them. After she folded her completely soaked underwear and placed them inside the box. She then sealed the box, and straightened her skirt. She closed her eyes, and took a deep breathe and unlocked the door. As soon as she opened her eyes and pushed open the door, there he stood. At the time she didn't know if it was him or not so she thought that she should scream. She opened her mouth to scream and just as she did, he ripped open her box and shoved her panties into her mouth. He then reached into her pocket and grabbed a blindfold, and placed it over her eyes and tied it around her face. He then dropped the box that he had grabbed from her hands to the floor and pushed her back into the stall. He pushed her over the sink. "Stay there slut, don't move, don't make a sound. If you try to scream you will just choke on your panties and we wouldn't want that, now would we. It is I my love. Is this what you really want?" She just simply nodded her approval. Then he turned around and pushed the stall door shut and locked it. He then walked back up behind her. He began to rub his hands up and down her body. She squirmed a little bit under his touch she was very ticklish and the sensation of just his finger tips touching her skin was driving her mad. She wanted to scream out, but she also knew that she was enjoying it. He then reached up and grabbed her by her shoulders, and pulled her back. "You are gorgeous my love. Your body is driving me crazy," as he pushed his crotch right into her ass. "Do you feel that, you whore? Do you see what you have done to me? I was going to wait until after dinner, to do this. Then last night, when we were talking and you were rubbing your pussy, thinking about my fantasy. Don't think that I didn't know that you were touching your pussy. You can't exactly hide that from me. Your soft whimpers and moans drove me crazy. I knew that you were getting aroused by my fantasy just as you were today. Were you getting aroused by that again today, whore?" Then he reached up under her skirt and slid his finger around her bare pussy. When he heard a soft moan come from her mouth, he slid a finger into her pussy. "Mmm, my slut, you are so wet." He then begins to slide his finger in and out of her pussy, slowly. Moving in and out, making little circles inside of her pussy. As she whimpered and moaned under him, letting the desire take control over her body. He then reached back down to her and pulled her up by her shoulders. He removed the gag from her mouth. "I will take off the blindfold, only if you promise not to scream when you see me. Do we have a deal, my whore?" "Yes, I want to see you"

The Event Planner

She swung the door of the office opened. She did not understand why he asked her to met him at his remote office, it seemed kind of ridiculous to drive for 45 minutes just to have a meeting about planning an event. She always knew that these event planners were strange, but it was her job to plan to office party for Christmas, and she wanted to get a head-start before it got busy. She knew that if she threw the perfect party than she would be in-line for a promotion. She didn't really want all the responsibilities that went along with it, but she did need the money. She walked into his office with a "you do what I want attitude". She confidently walked towards his desk, and stood there. He wouldn't honestly have the nerve to not stand up and shake her hand, would he? But he wasn't trying to be rude, he was just distracted by what she was wearing. He had never had such a young client, and wondered why she was trying to plan a Christmas party so early, but he didn't really care right now either. She stood in front of his desk, one hand on her hip, one leg in front of the other, cocky, but he liked it. She wore a little black sundress. The dress had a v-neck cut and soared to the middle of her large ample breasts. The rest of the dress had a simple a-cut that went up the leg that was front up to her hip, well almost her hip. He was sure that once she sat down, and crossed her legs he would be able to see her panty line. He traced her body with his eyes, and then realized that her foot was tapping. He shook his head slightly, stood up and reached a hand out. "Sorry, I lost my head there for a second" was all he could manage to say, as he shook her smooth small hands. She had a firm hand shake for having such a small hand. "The name is Elizabeth Linn here, I presume you are James Jenks, the event planner?" It was five minutes into their conversation and he was making himself like a complete fool already, this was off to a great start. "Hello, Mrs. Linn, I am Mr. Jenks. I was wondering why you were planning a Christmas party so early in the season, it is only the summer. I can not get accurate prices for things, until closer to Christmas." He hadn't asked her to sit down yet, did he realize that he was acting like a complete idiot. She started to speak, "I prefer to be called Beth, Mr. Jenks, I may look and act like a professional but I am still young at heart. As far as the cost of the party, I wouldn't worry about it to much, the company doesn't have a set budget for it. I wanted to get it planned and out of the way so I can work on my next project. Is it OK if I sit down?" He again found himself just staring at her, and was dumbfounded by his manners. "Of course, have a seat Beth. I am sorry, I do not know where my manners are today." Beth realized that he was staring at her. She knew that he must be about her father's age, but he looked nothing like her father. He had strong masculine features, like he had lived a tough life, not a sheltered life. He looked the part of an event planner,well dressed and well groomed. She looked in his eyes, and they sparkled as she looked at him. He must have liked the outfit she had chosen today. She had planned to met her boyfriend afterwards, but of course she also expected Mr. Jenks to be a drab old man. Her mind began to wonder, as James, as he must of told her to do so because she heard herself say James very slowly in her mind. James, what a sophisticated but rebel like name, found his mind and began talking about the details of the party. Beth scanned his body, and nodded politely. She was looking for a sign of his age, any sign, then she saw it. His wedding ring. The blood in James ran hot. He could feel himself getting hotter, and the bulge in his pants getting larger. He knew that she was probably about the same age as his oldest son, maybe only a few years older. He knew with every bone in his body that what he was feeling was wrong, but he didn't care, she was hot, and she was checking him out. Wait, wow! She was checking him out? Did he just say that in his own head? He must have lost his mind. He changed his glance back to her eyes, but her eyes where not focusing on him like they were before. Her eyes were glued on his left hand. He knew that he was married. He knew that she must have be no older than 20. He knew that he needed to have her in his office too. He was old enough to be her father, was her final guess. He was also married, but he looked good. Sitting there with a nice white polo shirt, and nice khaki pants, and those black leather shoes. He looked like a business man, not like a husband or a father but any other man that she would hit on. She decided in her own mind that she was going to ignore the wedding ring, and ignore the fact that she had a boyfriend, and have herself some afternoon fun! She was glad she had chosen to wear this outfit. It was intended to seduce Nick, her boyfriend, but what the hell, she could seduce James with it too. She bent down and grabbed her pantyhose that had gathered at her ankle. She slowly slid up her hands and the pantyhose to straighten them out, and to seduce him. She ran her hands the whole way up to her mid thigh, then stopped, looked at James staring at her, and continued her way up her inner thigh. Once she reached her sweet spot she stopped, and slid her hands right back down her leg, to insure that there were no wrinkles. She repeated the same motions on her left leg. Once she had finished, she looked up to see James standing behind his desk. "Is everything all right?" She could tell that everything was all right as there was the sign of a straining hard-on, wanting to be freed, at his zipper. She took her hand, fixed her hair, and then continued to run her hand to her breast, and held it there. She began to rub little circles on her breast. James stood up behind the desk as she as fixing her pantyhose. God shelooked hot all bent over like that. God look at that, her tits are practically hanging out of her top. God they were so hot. Oh no, now she was staring at him. He knew that he had a rather large visible erection, and that he would have to take her focus of it, because he knew that he could not cheat on his wife. What in the world is she doing now? She is rubbing her tit. Her large ample tit. Man do I wish I was the one rubbing that tit. If she doesn't stop it now I will have to just take my cock out and play with it. Forget if she is here or not, she is driving him insane. She saw his cock twitch as she continued to play with her breast, so she thought it was best that she stopped. Didn't want him cumming anywhere that wasn't her pussy. "Yes, everything is all right. Why don't you have a seat, you look a little" she looked down at the bulge in his pants "tense." He sat down, and slid his seat under his desk. He then put his one hand on his lap, well what appeared to be his lap. He then began lightly stroking his cock through his pants. She was driving him wild and he couldn't keep his hands off his cock, he wish it was her small strong hands, but knew that she didn't want him. He must have forgotten where he was and what he was doing for a second,because a few moments later a long low "ooo" came out of his mouth. "Excuse me?" was all that she could manage to say. She wanted to see what he was doing under that desk, she wanted to be under that desk. Fuck it, she was going to be under that desk, doing exactly what he was doing. She dropped a pen on the floor, and bent down to get it, then she slowly slid off the chair, onto the floor, and underneath his desk. She sat underneath his desk for a minute and watched him stroke his fully cloth, and fully erect cock through his pants. Then he realized that she had said excuse me when he let out a moan, and shook his head. He looked up, and she was gone, had he scared her away? Right as he was asking himself, if he had scared her away, he felt alight tug at his zipper. He hadn't been so aroused that since she was gone he was going to take his cock out, had he? She could only watch him for a minute, stroking his cock, before she had to see it. She forgot where she was, that he was married, that she was in a happy relationship, for a minute. She reached up between his legs and tugged at his zipper. Once she had managed to get his zipper the whole way down, she pulled at his cock, and pulled it straight out of his pants. Then she just let it stand there, all tall, proud, and erect. Then she crawled up closer to smell it. "MMM" Oh no, she had said something, shoot. She didn't want him knowing it was her.

Meeting Mr. Dave (part 2)

Should I take him here in his office like I have wanted to for the pasttwo weeks, or should we go somewhere more private thought Beth as Dave sucked hard on her tongue tasting his own cum. It had been part of most of her fanasties to take him in his office, or in the gym, it would make the sex so much more exciting, there would be such a larger chance of them getting caught. She also did not want him to get in trouble, sure she wanted to make him pay for teasing her for the first two weeks but she only wanted him to pay with his cum not with his job. She knew if he lost his job then it would not be the same in her fanasty anymore, he would just be another guy that she could have not a teacher that she shouldn't have. As Dave pulled away from her mouth, she looked into his eyes, they were still filled with lust, a burning fire, a need to fuck her in the most animal primal way. When she saw that look in his eye she knew what she had to do, take him in his office once, and once he had a taste of her sweet pussy they could move to a more private place where she could seduce him, make him beg for it again, and punish him by not giving in right away. She tried to stand up, but he pulled her back down, it was obvious that he liked the feeling of her hot, wet cunt on his leg. But she was not about to give him everything that he wanted and stood up fast again before he could grab her. She stood completely naked in front of him and his eyes roamed her body. She is completely gorgeous, such a tease, look at her body, I need to have her. She waited for him to finish gazing at her body and return his fiery eyes back to hers. The fire in his eyes had grown hotter and it appeared as if his eyes were twirling with want, need and desire. She knew that she would have to give into him sometime. She had been slowly seducing him for such a long time, and she had not been pleased herself. She had a fire burning in her stomach she needed to orgasm but she was not going to until he buried his hard cock into her wet pussy. He looked at her with a look of complete desire, his eyes seemed to be screaming "I NEED TO FUCK YOU NOW!", but she did not want to break the silence. The silence in the air as they stared into each others built an thick fog of sexual tension. They both wanted the same thing, but neither one was going to be the first one to talk. She knew that she would not be able to hold out long once his body was rhymatically fucking hers. She simply turned around and placed her hands on hisdesk. She knew it was a bold move for her to not say what she expected him to do once she was in this position. She just stood here bent over his desk, waiting for him to take her in this primal way, the way the animals would do it, a way where he could watch himself entering and leaving her. She stood there for what seemed like an eternity, but she finally heard the chair moving, he knew what she wanted. This girl really is going to be the death of me, but God if I die, I will be the happiest man alive Dave thought to himself as he watched her bend over his desk. Did she know this had been what he thought about the late nights he spent in his office after students were gone, grading papers, organizing things. Each night he sat in the exact same armchair he was in now, he had been distracted by the image of Beth bent over his desk, and would have to leave before he got out of control in his office, he knew that he shouldn't do anything in his office. But when he saw Beth bent over his desk, he knew that it was right now. He slowly stood up and walked behind her. His mind was made up, he wasn't going to talk, he was just going to tease her for a few minutes, then fuck her. He slide his hands onto her back and started to massage her back. I am not about to be teased Beth said to herself as she pushed her ass back towards him. Dave just moved to the side so she would not get any contact with his hard cock. He rubbed the small of her back for a few seconds and then his large hands moved to her ass. God, her ass is so firm he thought as he cock jumped with excitement. He slowly moved his hands over her large firm ass, squeezing lightly, massaging it. He knew that he would not be able to resist this girl long, but he wasn't going to give in right away. She moaned as he touched her so skillfully, like he was an expert at this. Slowly his large fingers worked their way down her ass crack, right to her dripping wet pussy. He slipped one finger in and held it there, only for a second. When she began to moan he pulled it right back out. With his finger drenched in her pussy juice, he moved around to the front of his desk. She looked up at him with those big eyes filled completely with desire. Ha, I can tease her. He slide the finger into his mouth and sucked it slowly. When he had finished sucking it he licked his lips as a side that he tasted good. He then moved to the back of the desk and slide one finger in her pussy again, returned to the front of the desk. This time he was not going to be the one tasting her pussy she was. He bent over the desk slightly so that their eyes were level. What is he doing?? Her eyes were too fixed on his to notice what he was doing. He slowly pulled his finger up from beside his body and before she knew it the tip of his finger was on her lips. She could smell her own sex on his fingers and she didn't know why but this aroused her beyond belief, but she was not going to willing give into tasting herself. With the slightest pressure the tip of his finger separated her lips and his large slim finger slide into her mouth. The taste of her own juice was in her mouth. It was so sweet, she loved it, and began to feverishly sucked on his finger. God, she is still teasing me! Dave thought, and when the sucking became to hard, he pulled the finger out. O.K., O.K., enough with the teasing, I need to bury my cock in her pussy now! He moved around to the back of the desk, he took his time though, building the anticipation for both of them. When he reached where she was bent over his desk. He just stood behind her. Hi cock with hard with want and desire, her juice was obviously flowing out of her pussy coating her inner thighs. He gazed at the site, she wanted it so bad. He moved in closer, so the head of his cock was just slightly touching her pussy. She gasped with excitement. He was going to bury all of his manhood, his hot manmeat, into her hot wanting wet cunt. He stood there for a few seconds before he slowly slide the tip of his cock into her pussy. His cock had been covered with her spit and his cum, so it was lubricated. She moaned loudly as his cock invaded her pussy. He had only placed the tip of it in, but she felt a hot flash move through her body. She knew that an orgasm was working its way through her body, if he didn't finish putting his cock into her pussy, she was going to cum for the first time before the hot, passionate sex, began. She removed her hands for the desk, letting her upper body fall against the desk. Her hands now free she reached for his ass to push him the rest of the way in. She cant wait any longer, that's to bad I'm going to make her wait he thought as he saw her moving to grab his ass, and caught her hands with his before she could. He squeezed her wrist lightly as a sign to put her hands back on the desk, and she knew what it meant. As he let go of her wrist she reluctantly placed them back on the desk, and propped her upper body up. He stood there with only the tip of his cock in her pussy, as her muscle stretched to accommodate him, for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was about five minutes. She began to try to move her ass back, but stopped before anything could happen, because she knew if she made a mistake he would stand there with only the tip of his cock in her pussy longer. This is the end of my self-control Dave thought as he slowly slid the rest of his cock into her pussy. While he was sliding it in, he could feel her muscles tighten around him, he had made her cum already. She moaned loudly and as the final flood of pleasure came over her she screamed "I'm cumming!" Those words seemed to hang in the air, and they were all it took for Dave to lose all his control. He began to slide his cock in and out of her pussy fast. He hadn't even had the chance to go slow. He knew that once he was in her pussy he would not be able to resist himself, and he was right. He fucked her fast, and with each stroke made sure to get all of his cock in her pussy. To make sure that he had all of it in, he watched as his balls slapped on her pussy. Her juices were flowing out of her easily, and they began to soak his balls. Dave could not focus on his balls however he watched his cock slide in and out of her pussy as her juices covered it to, forming a milky ring around his cock. She had regained some of her strength now, and her pussy began to grab at his cock as if it were milking it. She began to moan louder and louder as another orgasm worked its way through her body. This orgasm was going to be so much more powerful than the first she thought to herself as her body began to shake with the need to release her cum. She turned her head around. He looked at the fire burning in her eyes, it seemed to be taking over her once subtle brown eyes. He knew that this fire only meant one thing that she was going to cum and wanted him to cum with her. He looked his eyes on her, as he began to slide his cock in and out of her pussy faster and harder. With one loud scream of "OOO" she began to cum. She could not make out any other words as the orgasm took complete control over her body. As her pussy tighten around his cock, Dave rammed his cock into her pussy one last time and held it there. His balls began to tighten as his cum worked its way through his shaft straight into her pussy. He had dreamt about this so many times and he was going to show her that he had wanted her and he had control and has his orgasm took over his body managed to scream "BETH!" as he cock emptied his loud into her pussy. Both of their bodies continued to shake after they had came. Dave did not remove his cock until she had stopped having mini-orgasm. Once Beth's body stopped shaking he slowly pulled out of her. This was more amazing then I ever could imagine they both thought. Dave did not have enough power to stand on his own yet and stumbled his way back to his chair. Beth did not move from the positions he was in. The mixture of their cum slide down her thighs. They both just remained this way for a few minutes. Once they had regained their composure, they both stood up and got dressed. Still nothing was said, but as they looked into each other eyes they knew that they were not finished yet, just finished in the office. As Beth turned to walk away, she looked at the clock, it was only four. There would still be some teachers in the building. She turned back towards Dave, Mr. Dave as she knew she would have to address him now, and looked. She finally broke the silence "What do I say if they ask me why I am still here?" He looked at her and a big grin came over his face "Tell them, you were in my office, you needed some extra credit, but otherwise just go wait in your car, I will be out in a minute, then you can follow me home" They both laughed and Beth turned around and walked out of his office. Her thighs still drenched with their cum, their cum that was still running out of her bare pussy. Her boldness and his desire had made one of their fanasties come true. Dave had fucked Beth in his office, when people were in the building, Beth was now his Naughty Student.

Meeting Mr. Dave (part 1)

He stood there right in front of her everyday. She knew it was wrong to lust after a teacher but most teachers did not look like him. He was tall, tan, muscular, and blonde. He was what every man should look like, but he was her teacher none the less. When she moved to Canada she had been completely afraid of what the people would look like, and treat her. She was an American for Petes sake. Her family had left America because they did not believe in what the country now stood for, so here she was an American in political exile. When she had arrived at school the first day the students all stared her down, pointed at her and laughed at her. But over the first few weeks they had come to like her and treat her as one of their own. The teachers were a different story. All the teachers immediately took to her, liked her attitude and work ethic, except Mr. Dave. Mr. Dave was the gym teacher. He asked the students to call him Mr. Dave because he was young and he didn't think that he was above his students, but they insisted on him being called Mr. something. He was the young blonde specimen that she had her eye on since she walked in the door, only to have that dream crushed when she learned that he was a teacher. It was made even more horrible when she had learned that he was her teacher, the last teacher she had to see everyday. So everyday she would go to gym class in her tight shorts and tight shirts hoping to catch his eye, but nothing. She was forced to watch him flirt with the other students like it was nothing, and then have to go home and masturbate thinking about Mr. Dave touching her. Her first two weeks were filled with thoughts of him and only him, and she had not given any of the students a shot at having her. Though after the first two weeks she realized that he was never going to give her the time of day so she moved on and began flirting with the other students. She was in the hall one day kissing and playing with one of the boys that had become her new toy when Mr. Dave walked by. She looked at him as he watched her kissing this boy and saw that there was a flare in his eyes. She decided she was going to see if it bothered him that she was with someone else so she grabbed at the boys crotch. Before her hand could get to his crotch Mr. Dave had grabbed her hand and pulled her away and said "Come to my office, now, young lady!" The students in the hall ooed and ahhed as Mr. Dave forcefully pulled her down the hall, outside, into the gym building. When they finally reached his office he let go of her hand and said "What the hell do you think you are doing?" She looked into his deep eyes and said very nonchalantly "Pissing youoff. Ever since I stepped into this school my mind has been filled with thoughts of you and only you. You paid me no attention so I figured you didn't want me. Then when I was just kissing him I saw a flare in your eyes I knew that you really want me so I was going to test you." He looked at her. Had he really just heard what he had thought he did? A student was lusting after him, he made a students insides churn and made her hot? He couldn't believe it, not this student at least. Every man in the building had wanted to touch her, wanted to be the one that makes her hot. She was gorgeous, long flowing curly hair, big eyes, and a great body. He knew that she had to have been lying. He was going to see if she was telling the truth or just trying to get out of trouble for her displays of affection in the halls. He looked into her eyes and could see nothing but innocence and beauty and stated "If you want me that bad then kiss me right now, there is no one here and no one will be in here until its time for the last class, so if you want me prove it" He thought he had caught her in a lie, there was no way that she was going to kiss a teacher during school on school property. He held his breathe. She studied him for a brief second and thought to herself I am going to do this goddamnit, if he only knew. She stood up and walked towards him, not taking her large eyes off of him for a second. The closer she got the more he squirmed in his large leather arm chair. She stiffened her eyes on him so it was as if she was not looking at him but staring into him in and at the same time he stopped moving. She finally reached him and ran a hand up his chest and said "Your scared of me?" She had figured it out, the reason he ignored her and paid her no attention, he was scared of her, he was scared that he wouldn't be able to resist her if she came onto him, and he was right he couldn't. He placed a hand on her shoulder and one on her hip and said "I am not scared of you, I just want you to kiss me" As the word me came out of his mouth she placed her sweet lips on his. He willingly opened his mouth to accept her kiss. As he did she slide her tongue into his mouth and started to massage his, running her tongue the length of his and pulling it towards her own mouth. It was a strong kiss but not overbearing but it was amazing. She had never kissed anyone like this before and didn't think she ever would again. Finally she pulled her tongue out of his mouth, and slowly removed her lips from his, as he gasped "You really just kissed me?" She smiled that smile that every time he saw made him melt, made his heart jump to think of the things that she could do with that mouth, and after that kiss he was sure that he was right about the things she could do. "You wanted me to kiss you did you not Mr. Dave? I told you that I have wanted you and that I was not just trying to get out of trouble, do you believe me yet?" He ran his fingers over her large breast and just simply nodded his head as he stared at her body, her eyes, her lips, her breast, her stomach, and finally reached where her skirt ended with his stare. He quickly looked at the clock then right back at the skirts hem line. It was Friday, there was no afternoon classes today for the students, the teachers would all be sitting in their classrooms planning the next weeks activities, he could take her there right in his office like had thought about many times and no one would have to know. Then he snapped back to reality, he couldn't do this she was a student. He looked back at her eyes and said "Ms. Linn, it was wrong for us to do that I think you should have a seat, over there, and we should talk about it" Did he honestly think he could get away that easy, she thought to herself. The man just kissed me like we have been lovers for years now he doesn't want me anymore, it doesn't work that way, doesn't he know that. She was going to take advantage of this in every way possible, she knew she had to if she was going to get him to please her. So she turned away, and walked towards the desk. She had honestly planned on sitting in a chair but as she reached the desk she knew this would be much more powerful, and turned back towards him and stare at him as she slowly slide her ass onto his desk and sat. He stared at her, he couldn't believe this. Was Beth trying to seduce him, did she really want him that bad? He was going to take her here he was now determined. She slowly slide her legs apart so she was sure that her bare pussy would be exposed to him if he happened to look up her skirt, her pussy that she made sure was bare every time she wore a skirt incase he decided he wanted to look up her skirt. And he did look up her skirt. As he did a smile came across both of their faces. "Ms. Linn I do believe that you are in dress code violation, would you please remove your skirt so I can check to see if you have proper underwear on" Her face quickly turned red from the heat that was filling her pussy. She looked into his deep eyes and asked "Will you turn around please I am not comfortable with being watched while I am undressing" Your wish is my command he thought to himself as he slowly turned around. She had took this opportunity to completely expose herself, he wants to see my pussy he can see everything else then. She quickly undressed and told him that it was OK to turn around now if he still wanted to check her underwear. In his head he knew that this was wrong but god he wanted that pussy and that mouth. He turned around faster than he had planned. As his eyes reached her body he gasped. "Ms Linn you are completely naked" She shrugged and walked towards him. She was going to take him here now and she didn't care if she got caught. When she reached him she reached her right hand down and grasped his cock through his shorts. "Since I am completely naked Mr. Dave I think you have far to much clothing on, you should get naked" Your wish is my command he said to himself as he slide down his shorts and boxers and slide his T-shirt over his head. His body is even more amazing than I ever imagine was the only words that could come to her head, she knew she couldn't speak, she would show him that he was gorgeous with her mouth. She planted a firm kiss on his lips and then moved to his jawline, his neck, his collarbone, down to his pecks. She had planned to kiss straight down to his cock but when she reached his pecks she knew she wanted to suck his nipples that were hard with the anticipation. She slowly slide his left nipple into her mouth and forcefully sucked and she pinched the other with her left hand and grabbed his cock with her right. She did not move her right hand his hips were bucking wildly as she sucked and played with his nipples. She knew that if she kept this up he was going to cum just by her sucking his nipples and having her hand wrapped around his cock, and that is exactly what she wanted to do, make him cum has many times as possible. She switched nipples and began to suck on his right and play with his left. He started to groan and moan loudly, she knew that he was going to cum. She stopped playing with his left nipple and began to squeeze his balls as if she was milking them to cum for her. And he did just that with one final scream of ecstasy he emptied his balls into her hand and onto the floor and rolled his head back. God she was amazing and he knew that she wasn't done with him just yet. He stopped bucking his hips and stared into her eyes that were now fixed on his "Get up cmon now, your amazing, you know that, you are just as amazing as I thought you were going to be" She just looked up at him with her eyes that were only full of lust.She had no emotion in her large eyes except lust. A lust that would not be filled until she had made him come multiple times, had tired him out, had made him realize that it was wrong for him to make her wait this long to have her way him. She did not move her eyes from him as she slowly rubbed her hands up his legs as she stood up. Did she know what she was doing to him, touching him a way he had never been touched before. Sure he had been with his fair share of gorgeous females, but never known in such a forbidden way, she was one of his students she was only 18, it was so wrong. It was so wrong but so right at the same time, the way she touched his body, she made him shiver with the slightest touch. He had just emptied a huge load in her hands and onto the floor and her just touching his legs in the slightest way was making his cock grow hard. He had never been able to regain his erection is such a short time in such a non-sexual way. She again planted one firm kiss on his inviting mouth. She knew she had complete control over him, it had never been his intention to give her the control. He had thought about taking her in his office so many times, about just lifting her skirt and fucking her wild, he knew she didn't wear underwear under her skirts, he could tell in class when she had her tight little shorts on. But when she had started taking control over his body, it just felt right, something just let go inside of him. He was breaking all the schools rules, and could get fired, but if he got fired god would he be the most sexually pleased man. She licked her lips and his stare traveled down her body, just as it was traveling up he got her licking her lips. "What do you plan on doing now Ms. Linn, you have made me cum that was your goal wasn't it?" She simply licked her lips again and shook her head. My god this girl is going to kill me was the only thought that came into his head. She pushed him with her index finger only and his body was still numb from the mind-blowing orgasm he tripped. He finally got on after the second push that she wanted him to sit in his arm chair. As he stumbled into the chair she immediately crawled between his legs and spread them apart and staring at his cock, it was more amazing then she imagined when she had stared at his cock in class. As he looked down at her, he was going to question what she was doing. He had never had a woman suck his dick before, was she going to blow his mind, literally? As he looked at her she licked her lips again and slowly slide the tip of her tongue on the very tip of his cock. His cock jumped with anticipation. She was going to suck him dry, he thought she was only teasing him. She continued to slowly lick the head of his cock, making sure to lick each section separately, each section getting its on tongue washing. She reached with her right hand and gently placed his balls in her hand and began to roll them in her hand as she licked the head of his cock. He looked down at her with a fire in his eyes, he must be enjoying himself she thought, he finally opened his mouth to speak "If you don't start doing something beside licking my cock I am going to force it in your mouth!" She thought for a brief second about letting him take control, and knew that today wasn't about him being in control. It was about her fulfilling every fanasty she had had of him since she laid eyes on him. One being making him go crazy with her tongue, and it appeared as if she had. She decided that she would give in to his wish, and slide her tongue on the underside of the shaft and pulled the shaft into her mouth. Omigod her mouth is so sweet, hot, and velvety he thought as he let out a grunt of approval. From the grunt she knew Mr. Dave was enjoying himself and that she could get him to come very quickly. She slide her tongue around the base of his cock until it was on top of the shaft. She wanted him to cum again just as badly as he wanted her to make him. With her tongue on the top of his shaft she began to suck hard. She knew she wouldn't have to slide her mouth if she sucked with enough pressure. To make sure that his first blowjob wasn't completely boring she moved her tongue between sucks ever so slightly to a new spot, to feel like she had moved her whole mouth. An she knew that she had assumed right when he started bucking his hips wildly. He grabbed her hair and just held her face and mouth against his hard cock and his grinded his cock into her mouth, but this did not stop her from continuing to suck hard. In a matter of seconds he started to grunt louder and more frequently and she knew that his load was on its way to her mouth. She was going to make sure that she got to swallow as much of it as she could, she had thought about how salty but sweet his hot load would taste in her mouth and she wanted to know if she was right. She reached up with her hands, letting go of his balls, and grabbed his ass forcefully and pushed it against her face. She held it there with her might as Mr. Dave screamed in ecstasy "You better swallow all of this, MY GOD!!" and emptied another load this time into her mouth. She swallowed firmly as each spurt of his man hood filled her mouth, but there was too much. She let what she could not swallow simply fall out of her mouth on to her face, down onto her chest. But she was still determine to swallow all of his load and she started to slide a finger on her breast and get it covered with his load. She took her sperm covered finger into her mouth, as he slide his limp dick out, and suck all the sperm off, and repeated this until her breast were almost bare. She is sooo amazing he thought as he let out a sigh of relief as he watched her clean her breast of his sperm. He wondered why girls like the taste of it so much, so he was going to taste his own. He grabbed her lightly by the arm and pulled her up into his lap, and kissed her forcefully, placing his tongue inside her mouth, licking it and sucking on it, hoping to catch a taste of his own man load. And when he reached the back of her tongue he did just that. He found a small sticky patch on the back of her tongue that she had either not swallowed because she could not take anymore or because she had wanted him to do exactly what he was doing.
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