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Ragdoll's blog: "good stuff"

created on 06/26/2008  |  http://fubar.com/good-stuff/b226467  |  12 followers

Poached Eggs and Wheat Toast

When People ask me who did I vote for in the last Presidential election..I tell them Poached Eggs and Wheat Toast..I get alot of befuzzled looks...I explain that in all truth I did not Vote..In 2008 I voted Democrat..for most of my adult life I had been a Republican...But Like alot of America we felt we needed Change..we wanted to change history.. show we had progressed..Take a Gamble on the Illinois Senator and see if we can in fact bring about change...And we did..but not exactly what we were hoping for...I bought into the lie once and that was enough for me..Its not that Im an Obama hater really I strive not to hate anyone at all..I just get sick of the Party politics..Its Not about being affiliated with one party or another..Its about who is the best one running who can take us back to a place in our lives where it ran smoother peaceful when we woke up proud to be a part of a Nation that has made mistakes but realized that we learn and grow from them..Not hide our history or rewrite it..take our mistakes and learn from the buttwhippin that comes with it... a lesson to be a better America. Kinda like my mom who would not blink twice about bustin our behinds, all of us..sometimes all at once, to teach us a lesson..and teach us strength..and self reliance to get a backbone and keep going..was it pleasant hell no..but it DID make us Smarter..Tougher..and yet made us appreciate the tender and good moments too. She protected us She controlled what influences were around us and could infiltrate our family...If it was bad or suspicious in anyway..Guess what It Didnt Happen..She wasnt going to gamble the strength and integrity of her family..Did it seem cruel Yes but did it work? Hell Yes...
Weve almost lost hope in the middle class of the American Dream that slice of Apple Pie...No Politician can give that back to us at the moment unless they deal with those who have unfairly hogged the Pie for themselves..Deal with Corporate America make them pay their fair share and give back to society. They wont support a Living Wage for their employees then Take away Tax Free Statuses .Deal with the Tax codes on Churches and Organizations who do not fairly pay any taxes back into the communities they somehow "serve" Listen Im not against religion or its freedoms but Taxes are needed they just cant keep coming from the base of Society that has been taxed to death and not from "churches" that arent really a religion but use our IRS codes to live better than the rest of us.Quit serving Interests that do not in the longterm support the Moms and Pops The Communities The Homeless The abused The Vets Our Police Forces and every senior citizen in this Great Land...Ill continue to Vote for Poached Eggs and Toast..until we get a person running for office that can understand the value in that alone~

Imagine the world with a Government Shutdown~

Federal payments and Grants do not come from the Dept Of Justice to employ more Officers...crime spirals upwards...We lose Faith in Police and Govt sends Military in to do Policing of the streets..

Our Border Patrols are told to STAND DOWN..so Illegals and Crimes From The Drug and Human Trafficking go unchased and Infiltrate more of Our country...DOT Officers are Furloughed and there is less Scalemasters at The Trucking Scales..but that means more Unsafe Trucks and Smuggling of Drugs and Humans by Trucks go Undetected...Foods that come in to this country cant be inspected Properly for condition and disease or Infestations!

Our own CDC in Atlanta is basically run by the Dept Of Health And Human Services...Government money..what if they were to shut down..the delay in getting vital information out to the public of potentially pandemic/epidemic situations.(yet Government is Stockpiling Antibiotics and antiVirals)

NOAA.Gov is shut down but only the barebones of sites that are dedicated to provide the public with weather info that protects life and prevents damage to property are in operation.

God Bless the Truckers that keep our country supplied and products moving..but striking or shutting down commerce sends No message to Tyrannical Government who will just use the loss of commodities moving and the stress it makes in society another tool for them to use to control our food/farms/plants/vehicles (SEE ANTI HOARDING ACT)

It almost seems like the very things we should do as Americans.. (and Revolt) will be the very things Government will want. Martial Law Will be imposed..we will not be allowed to move freely withing society as free people..our homes will be searched and any things deemed contraband by government will be confiscated. We will have a food supply thats tainted or worse rationed out...Our banks that have operated on an I.O U system will crumble as we will not be able to pay our Countries debts..Social Programs that take care of the unemployed/Underfed/Disabled/Aged/In firmed will go by the wayside..

Governmental Loans will not get processed for housing and those needing help to keep from losing their homes wont be processed thus creating more homelessness..which by the way is now a crime in some states where people who are now homeless are being shipped out of the city to "CAMPS" (see SOUTH CAROLINA)....  

and Its a Crime to Feed the Homeless (see Raleigh N.Carolina) Every area of our lives will be and is affected by this.

Worse Case DoomTime End Of World Predictions you say???

well 99% of every word here is the truth and happening Now...This perfect Storm is all coming together and We The Sleeping Complacents are about to wake up to a very scary next few months....

The scripture in the Bible says " Pray that your Flight not be in Winter..." Matthew 24:20

Typically winter is natures harsh time but also winter is the typical season for Hibernation...Oh Yes we the People have been in Hibernation for a very long time...

   Our winter has made it very hard for us to rise up and see whats really going on...it will be harsh to rise up and protect ourselves from any enemy who has been smart enough to let us "slumber"

Weve been happy to just let Government take care of all the Human Issues we need...We passed the Buck on Humanity and Now We all will have to either Take FIGHT or FLIGHT in all of this...

Too Bad We will be fighting Ourselves Americans whether Dem/Rep/Independant/Ect

 There is No Place Left to Take Flight Too....They are CLOSED TO AMERICANS NOW.....

Much Love..~Ragdoll~

 " I could watch you sleep for hours" ... I was taken back..coming too

and realizing he was sitting indian style on the bed, looking peacefully at me.

I focused a lil more wondering what time it was..How long had he been sitting like that?

"Good Morning Beautiful..."... "Good Morning", I managed to say.

Realizing extreme thirst, I searched for the bottled water I hadnt finished earlier, eased up on my elbows and took a drink to kill the dry throat.

"Its 8:20 am, he said. "Oh my, how long did I sleep?" " Give or take..about 3 hours." "I'm sorry I fell asleep..."

"I'm not! ", he said firmly, "it gave me a chance to look at your beauty... uninterrupted...."     I could feel the blush rise to my cheeks. With those words, I melted. I dont know why, but that was the sweetest words I could ever wake up to.

I really didnt know what to say, The last time I remember any man just watching me sleep and not sleeping with me was when I was 16. That was too many moons ago to think about what that was like.

He interrupted my thoughts by saying..."Hey beautiful are you hungry? I want to order us some breakfast, I know this great lil place! "

He was on the phone and placing an order before I could wake up enough to say no...    He asked how I liked my eggs, I said over medium with the yellow semi hard on top and bottom but still soft in the center. But hey scrambled works for me...!

Im high maintenance in the egg department I gathered...!

He put on his shoes and made his way to wherever breakfast was coming from. His house was everything you'd expect from a bachelor, He had all the boytoy electronics...nice change from the empty beer cans and pizza boxes you would associate with bachelorhood. But the king sized waterbed, full wave action is what got me. I hadnt seen one set up in many years. I still have mine, but its been packed up since 1999, stored away in the forgotten recesses of the garage. Evidently I took a 3 hour nap on his , falling asleep watching the weather channel....my favorite show.yeah..right!

I peeled myself up and out of the bed..remembering why I did not elect to have mine set up anymore. You just look stupid with your butt sinking down into it, trying to use your arms to catipault yourself up and over the bumper rail padding.....and this bed was on a low pedastle anyways! I felt the elevation was already below sea level! Im glad he wasnt there to see me feel like a retard.

Breakfast arrived along with a cold fresh bottle of water. I graciously accepted his kind gestures. I didnt know how well breakfast would go down. I am not much of a breakfast eater. I usually have to wake up, get a cpl cups of coffee down me and be awake a few hrs before eating. But I had always been taught to mind my manners and not offend. So I tried to eat and carry on pleasant conversation.

" I could look at your eyes forever.. Your Eyes are so beautiful" You have very beautiful lips.

Toast stuck to the insides of my throat! I need water!!! Drink woman drink...! This is coming on heavier than the butter on the toast...What do I say? How do I handle this. This is rattling my chains and I havent been awake an hour yet, and no coffee to jump start my brain cells...think woman think.....what to do? I looked at him deeply squarely in the eyes, with all the confidence and politeness I could muster and said..."Thank You, Those are very nice compliments. You are very kind to say those things." It is very nice to hear!"

"Those damn eyes of yours are gonna get me into trouble woman"

" I hope not" I responded...."Really Im harmless"

"Maybe so....But Im not," and with that he leaned into me and kissed me softly, with the invitation to return to his bed to spend the day. "I could definetly cuddle with you all day and be happy" he added. A flurry of emotions and hormones surged to the surface. Here was the oppurtunity, here was the situations all girls dream of. When a guy will take your hands after breakfast and dance to Kenny Chesney songs with you in the middle of his floor. Dip you so deeply that you thank God youre the most limber gal your age on the planet.This could be good.........But what do I do?

"Thank You for the lovely thought, But I really must be going. Thank You for breakfast."  I didnt want to leave but I have to keep all dignity intact....

Let me walk you to your car....( A real gentleman too!) He leaned into my window and kissed me so softly so sweetly. I was Melting inside.

I drive away feeling like a class act! The best kind....keeping virtue mostly intact...Leaving the scent of me behind, lingering in his mind... My eyes..those damn grey wolf eyes with the yellow ring around the centers...he will remember them. And hell yes my lips are soft, but they are only for the man I love deeply and passionatly with every part of my soul..and no other. He comes to me in my dreams...and loves me like no other can...He consumes me in the nighttime hours leaving me drenched with dew from my own body....arching up for him as I sleep...talking to him in a language that only lovers deep in the night can understand............ I know why he could watch me sleep for hours...I dance for my dream lover every night....



Keep living, Laughing, and Loving...

My FINAL 10K Likes Run

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I Need All My Family and Friends to Heavily Promote me in this Achievement

I am Humbled already by the amount of Support I had In My Last Attempt and ask if those who helped me then will once again jump on board and pull this off with me.

I am Unable to do Mumms so I will do every other known resource available to me to increase my likes periodically thru out the day

If You Know Me  Share Me..status me...Make a Pic and Link everyone on Fubar to it

I Know It is alot to ask  But It Takes everyone to pull this off..If I am able to get 25K instead of 10K I will Thank God Almighty for the Miracle and the achievement as well.


Thanks to all who have brought me this far

My Fu-Hubby Travler9 You are My ROCK of Solid Support

My Wonderful Family and Friends whom I adore with all my heart

 It will be a wonderful time and going to go thru 42 cups of coffee to make this happen


Much Love  see you tonight and all day tomorrow as well



You don’t know me. You only know what he has told you of me. Perhaps that I am crazy or boring or selfish. Or that things that have happened to 
him in his life are somehow my fault. Those are his usual lies. Surely you are smart enough to look into some of that for yourself, rather than just 
believe a man with a motive. But you don’t know me. If you did you would not violate me and trespass in my family. If you knew me you would 
know what the last 14 years have meant to me. If you knew me you would see the love I have for my family, the passion I share with my husband 
and the fierce protection I exercise over my children. You would know I care deeply and I don’t hold grudges. That I forgive easily and carry the 
weight of our family on my back. That I have been to hell and back and survived so I don’t give up easy. You don’t know the depth of my soul, the 
audacity of my heart, my faith in my God. You don’t know what I’ve been through and overcome and I will not tell you because you don’t belong 
here and you don’t deserve to have intimate knowledge of me. I have nothing to prove to you and obviously, if he has painted me in a negative 
light, I don’t care. Because he knows my worth. That’s why he is still here. You, nor anyone else, will push me out of my life. You will not steal 
what I have built for my children. You will not take what does not belong to you. Not from me. I have stood by this man when he had nothing. 
Together we built what we have today. I know how it feels to take his name, have his babies and hold his head up when he is weak. I know how it 
feels to fall asleep in his arms and wake there without guilt or fear of being “found out”. Mine is the name he whispers when he is afraid, when his 
father died and when I hold him in our bed. I know how it feels to have him proudly say, “Here is my wife and these are my kids – my family” 
when he introduces us to strangers. And to hear the world acknowledge our family, the beauty of our children and the smile on his face. I know 
how that feels. You do not. No, you don’t know me. And you don’t deserve to step into my life.
You don’t know my children. How they resemble their father. How they learn from his every move. They always watch. Listen. Absorb him into 
their minds. They worship the ground he walks on. I made sure of that. Little girls need their fathers and a healthy relationship with him to 
develop mentally and emotionally. I support that in our home. He is our leader and our rock. You don’t know my children. You don’t see the fear 
in their eyes at the thought of losing their family. You didn’t wipe their tears and hold them when they saw your pictures. You weren’t touched by 
their insecurity when they see and find out about another one of you. They aren’t babies anymore. They are smart and perceptive. Beautiful and 
intelligent. Not fooled by the likes of you. They don’t want you here. They want their family. They want to know that they matter more to their 
father than yet another desperate lonely woman. They want peace and emotional safety in their home.
You don’t know my husband. I know him inside and out 14 years’ worth of mostly ups and a few downs that made us. 47 years that made him. 
His family, his needs, his desires, his weaknesses and his strengths. You don’t know him. You know what he tells you of himself. What he pretends 
to be in a dirty little secret world. It’s in his heart to serve the Lord and lead his family as a Kingdom Man, but his flesh is weak. Satan preys on 
him to distract and destroy and you are but one of many of the enemy’s tricks. Yes, TRICKS. My husband is caught in a spiritual battle and he is 
losing as you continue providing satanic ammunition. Manipulative texts, dirty pictures and Satan laughs at both of you and the destruction you 
seek to deliver. No, you don’t know my husband. If you did, you would know that he will not leave me. Not for the kids’ sake or child support but 
because he LOVES me in a way you will never know. In a deep and eternal way that doesn’t stop even if our relationship did. He desires me in a 
way he never has anyone else. I provide a sense of safety, stability, warmth, passion and freedom that no one else will. Unconditional love and 
acceptance in the safety of his covenant of a family. If you knew my husband you would know the juvenile infatuation that prompts him to reach 
for you will prompt him to reach for another if he was without you. That the chemical reaction in his brain is nothing more than a horny-teenage 
impulse and is unstable at best. The deep, abiding and familiar love he seeks he has at home. That when he is truly alone, it’s his family, not his 
harem that he misses. If you knew my husband you would know that romantic texts and sweet nothings are his player’s lines. Not his love 
language. He speaks his love in his actions – love is an action word for him. He shows it in making sure his family is taken care of in every way. 
All his empty words might get you to send one more dirty video or maybe get him laid, but he will tire of you soon. If you knew my husband you 
would want the best for him. You would want him to listen to the Spirit and God and move in the direction he moves him, which is not anywhere 
near you, my dear. You don’t know him.
And lastly you don’t know yourself. If you did, you would value yourself too much to settle for being someone’s part time, down time or pass time. 
No matter what loss you have suffered in your life (loss of a spouse) to create this gaping hole in your heart, my husband cannot fill it. It’s a burden 
he cannot bear and even if he left me to be with you, the weight of your need would smother your future together. It’s a need only God can fill and 
he needs to heal you before he can bring you a man to love you in the way you desire. If you knew yourself you would be honest about a 
relationship with a taken man and the destruction it causes. You would guard your heart and not be a trap for any man. If you knew yourself, for 
the sake of being a woman you would refuse to hurt another woman, let alone her children. If you knew yourself you would save yourself for a 
man who is proud to have you by his side instead of denying he knows you. You would require a man to be free and available before you would 
give any piece of yourself to him. You would not fight for or pursue a man who was not equally invested in your love. You don’t know yourself.
I can only hope you know me better now, my man, my children and yourself. I pity you and I pray for you. And I forgive you. I pray that you will 
be relieved of guilt, healed of your hurt and that you find happiness. And I pray you leave my family alone for all of our sakes.
His Wife,

Powerful Words From A Woman who Will Stand Up and Fight for her Man ~Her Family~ Her Love~ HER Future~

SaltedCaramelPretzelBark photo SaltedCaramelPretzelBark_zpsa897d575.jpg

Salted Caramel Pretzel Bark

2 sticks of butter

1 cup of light brown sugar

1 bag of pretzels (you'll use about 3/4 of the bag)

12 ounce bag of chocolate chips

Sea salt

Preheat the oven to 400. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, cover with pretzels In a medium saucepan melt the butter over medium-low heat. When it begins to bubble add the brown sugar. Stirring occasionally let the butter/sugar mixture meld together and brown. This should take about 3 minutes. Do NOT let it boil, you will have sticky goo that is no good. When you have a nice, brown caramel pour it over the pretzels, slowly and evenly. You can then use a spatula to spread it out, you have to work quickly and gently. It hardens fast so even pouring is the best method. Bake the sheet for 5 minutes. Remove the sheet from the oven and sprinkle the whole bag of chocolate chips evenly over the mixture. Place back in the oven for about 45 seconds. If you let it sit there too long the chocolate will burn. Remove from the oven and use a silicone spatula to evenly spread the chocolate over the top. Sprinkle with sea salt and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour.






Economic Collapse The Second Depression?

When Major Billionaires are dumping all their holdings of stock in American businesses and Major Banks..what does that tell you?

Watch what the big names such as Warren Buffet are doing and draw for yourself your own conclusions.

We are being told that the worst is yet on the horizon and we are being fed smokescreens of recovery.

The worst is predicted to occur this year 2013 could last as long as 2016.

Could You afford $28 a gallon for gasoline if whats being said comes true?

Learning to live like Lil House On The Prarie just might be a good idea!!!

 Live Laugh and Love....Pull Together in the Worst Of Times

Food Porn.....YUMM

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Bacon Wrapped, Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts: 

1 boneless skinless chicken breast

2 tablespoons cream cheese

1 tablespoon green onion, Chopped

2 pieces bacon, Partially Cooked


Pound out Chicken breast so it is about 1/4" thick.
Mix together cream cheese and green onions and spread cheese mixture over 1 side of chicken breast.
Roll Chicken breast up to conceal cream cheese.
Wrap partially cooked bacon around chicken breast and secure with toothpick.
Plase on baking sheet and back for about 30 minutes at 375.
Broil for about 5 minute to crisp bacon.

Home Made Fe-Breeze

*** Homemade Febreze ***

What you'll need: 1/8 Cup of fabric softener (I used Downy April Fresh)

2 tablespoons Baking Soda

Hot tap water

Spray bottle (I used my empty 27 oz. Febreze bottle)

Preparation: Using a funnel, pour fabric softener and baking soda into your spray bottle.

Fill spray bottle with hot tap water and shake well.

Now go spray every fabric surface in your house and take a nap on your very comfortable and now un-stinky couch. :)

Store-bought Febreze: $5.59

Homemade Febreze: $0.15

Total Savings: $5.44 OR 97.3%!

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