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Carla Steve's blog: "Guest Post"

created on 05/13/2013  |  http://fubar.com/guest-post/b354138

Immediately after the onset of Islam in the heart of Arabia, most of the conversions carried out by Prophet ﷺ and his companions were attributed to the recitation of Quran. Many a time, angers were cooled down, apathies were converted into interests, hostilities were turned into affections and enemies were made friends. Such is the beauty of our Holy Book. No wonder, it is the miracle of Holy Prophet ﷺ.

Why learning and understanding Quran is imperative?

When after Allaha, Ummah of Holy Prophet ﷺ is the custodian of Quran, it is imperative for every Muslim to understand Quran and grasp its message. Linguistics have proved that language acquisition best occurs in early childhood. Therefore, learning Quran for kids should be a must at as early an age as possible. Parents should make sure their children receive adequate Quranic education besides worldly education.

Options of learning Quran for kids:

Most parents are exceedingly conscious about the choice of schools for their kids so that they receive best education in most appropriate environment. Quran for kids is an equally, if not more, important consideration. After all, you cannot let your child being misguided in something that is the only way of salvation in eternal life. Besides, safety, protection and healthy environment for your child are highly important considerations for all parents. Therefore, it is wise to weigh your options of Quran for kids coaching carefully before making a choice. Here are some of the options at your disposal.


A local masjid or seminary:

Though many people still send their kids to masjid and seminaries, some people in western countries are not able to do so. Many parents in the western countries don't have the facility of having a masjid or seminaries near by with good teachers. Hence due to shortage of a good teacher effects their kid's learning.


A registered Quran teaching center:

Many registered institutes now offer classes of Quran for kids in various cities. This choice, however, has its own setbacks. Not all cities have proper registered institutes for Quran coaching. Secondly, in large cities, such institutes are often out of the reach of a large populace. If you opt for this choice, you might need to arrange pick and drop service for your kid. Besides, such institutes are often very expensive for most parents to afford.

Coaching at your home:

This is the option that most parents look up to, though finding reliable coaches for such service is not easy. Often, the most skilled teachers are highly occupied and prefer to teach the disciples in large groups to save their time. 


Online Quran classes:

In the era of technology, one of the smartest solutions that parents have is online Quran coaching. Devoid of all the above mentioned hazards, online Quran classes enable the children to learn and understand Quran in the safe confinements of their home. Besides, it provides the parents with a variety of teachers, schedules and courses to select the most suited ones for their kids.

Children are gifts of Allah Almighty that carry an exclusive power of grasping things faster than their elders. Quran education in the current era is essential for an individual searching for the right course. It widens up our ways and leads our life on the path of Allah’s happiness. The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) said:

"The believer who recites the Qur'an is like a citron whose fragrance is sweet and whose taste is delicious. A believer who does not recite the Qur'an is like a date-fruit which has no fragrance but has a sweet taste. The hypocrite who recites the Qur'an is like basil whose fragrance is so sweet, but its taste is bitter. The hypocrite who does not recite the Qur'an is like a colocynth which has no fragrance and its taste is bitter." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Quran holding Primary Importance for Muslims

Quran education plays a fundamental role in the character building of children. It keeps them away from the wrong deeds and makes them do everything according to their religion. Quran is the complete code of life. It becomes shelter for you in the hours of stress, anxiety and tension. It tells us how we should spend our life in this temporary world and what should we do for the better life in the world hereafter. As our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:

“Anyone who recites (i.e. learns off by heart) the Qur’an and then forgets it will meet Allah on the Day of Resurrection in a maimed condition.” (Abi-Dawood)

Efficient Institute working to make World Efficient

Learn Quran Kids crafts the world educated with knowledge of Quran. It is an online Quran teaching institute that is specifically focusing on our kids. They instruct our children the correct way of Quran recitation according to appropriate rules and regulations. Quran learning is necessary for the better growth and development of our children, therefore Learn Quran Kids is offering them the opportunity of increasing their wisdom. Their basic concern is to facilitate every child upon this earth and make them learn online from highly skilled and efficient teachers. They adjust themselves according to kids schedule and provide lectures online at the comfort of home. As Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:

"Allah does not listen so attentively to anything as He listens to the recitation of the Qur'an by a Prophet who recites well with a melodious and audible voice." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)


What favors Learn Quran Kids is specifically providing for the children around the globe?

They provide them Quran education with:

  • Quality rather than speed;
  • 3 days free trial;
  • Various discount options;
  • Focus on Tajweed;
  • Certificate upon completion;
  • Skype lectures to study at home.

Quran Learning – a Pleasuring Experience

Learn Quran Kids focuses on making children learn Quran  with right pronunciation and craft their accent to make it heart touching. As the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) said:

"He who does not recite the Qur'an in a pleasant tone is not of us." (Abu Dawood)


"He who does not memorize any part from the Qur'an he is like the ruined house.'' (Tirmidhi)


This is a golden opportunity that you will never regret. Make your kids educated by Learn Quran Kids as nothing is important than the Quran learning for this world and the world hereafter. As our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:

"Read the Qur'an, for it will come as an intercessor for its reciters on the Day of Resurrection." (Muslim)

Learn Quran Kids provides an opportunity coming to your door just for the sake of your betterment and your learning. It is an online Quran teaching institute working all around the globe and round the clock to make Muslims aware of their religious obligation. They have experienced and knowledgeable staff delivering exclusive online lectures to all age groups. Quran holds significant importance for Muslims. Allah said about his last revealed book:

“Allah has sent down the best discourse, a book containing subjects resembling each other, mentioned again and again, shivered from which are the skins of those who have awe of their Lord.  Then, their skins and their hearts become soft enough to tend to the remembrance of Allah.  This is the Guidance of Allah with which He brings to the right path whomsoever He wills. As for the one whom Allah lets go astray, for him there is no one to guide.” Az-Zumar (39: 23)

Comparing Traditional vs Online Quran Classes For Kids

The following table summarizes a comparison between Traditional Quran Classes vs Online Quran classes for Kids.

Traditional Quran Classes

Online Quran Classes

A visit is required by you or the teacher

No visit – you need computer & Internet

Slow if group study

Fast paced as always one to one session

Travel cost for student or the teacher

No waste of time in traveling

Class timings adjusted according to tutor

You select your own feasible timings

Class may be missed or not on time

On time and regular

Difficult to schedule a makeup class

Ease to schedule a make up class on holidays

Finding a good teacher is difficult

Finding trained and expert staff is easy

Generally 1 day trial period

3 days free trial

Classes might not be delivered in English

Classes are given in English

No money back guarantee

Money back guarantee

Generally you have to pay

Free for needy

No discounting

Discount options available

Lack of Female tutors

Female tutors readily available

No system of certification

Certificate given upon completion


Why enroll in Learn Quran Kids

Learn Quran Kids is providing online classes to make people expert in Qirat and polish your power of pronunciation in an easy manner. While teaching you in right accent and rules, they also keep patience and adjust themselves with your ability of learning. Learn Quran Kids online improves your recitation. They put their maximum efforts to make their students efficient, precise and accurate in Quran reading. With affordable pricing, the teachers of Learn Quran Kids also know the art of handling distinct students online. They, by their online Quran classes, make you enthusiastic towards Quranic studies.

Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:

"On the Day of Judgment, it will be said to the Man devoted to the Qur'an, 'Go on reciting the Qur'an and continue ascending the stories of Paradise and recite in the slow manner as you had been reading in worldly life; your final place will be where you reach at the time of the last ayat of your recitation." (Tirmidhi)

Quran recitation fulfills our religious compulsions and makes us a better person for this world and for the world hereafter. So, do not wait and get yourself registered in online classes of Learn Quran Kids as early as possible.


Our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H.) once said:

"Whoever reads Qur'an and learns it by heart, and regards what it makes lawful as lawful and its unlawful as forbidden, will be admitted into Paradise by Almighty Allah Who will also accept his intercession in respect of 10 such persons of his family who shall have been doomed to Hell." (Tirmidhi)

 [M Wahaj  1]Link to http://learn-quran-kids.com/quran-for-kids-what-are-my-kids-quran-learning-options/

Everyone who wishes to recite Quran should have a firm grip on the basics Noorani Qaida. Noorani Qaida is one of the basic qaida's who provides the foundation of reciting Quran.  It has Arabic alphabets that are used in Quran. One must know how the alphabets sound and how they are combined with other alphabets to make different words and pronunciations. Quran is a diverse holy book of Muslims. Allah has written the words very beautifully describing everything from the beginning of times till the end of judgment day and discusses afterlife. It is an obligation of all Muslim children, men and women to develop a skill to recite Quran clearly and correctly. Click here to download Noraani Qaida.

Need of learning Noorani Qaida
Without getting proficiency in a qaida, one cannot read the holy words of Quran properly. If you pronounce a single word incorrectly, it would change the literal meaning of that word. Being a Muslim, obviously you do not wish to change the meaning of holy words only because of your incompetency.

Learn Quran Kids brings you thorough Noorani Qaida classes for all the beginners. For every language you need to learn the alphabets first and then you start on with small words and simple sentences. Similarly with Quran, you need to get a grasp on the basic alphabets then the simple words. The accent and pronunciation also makes a big difference. If you take a step in learning ALLAH’s book then you will find peace, success and happiness for sure.

Benefits from Noorani Qaida
For a strong and tall building, it is important that it must have strong foundations. Likewise, if you want to master the recitation of Quran, learning the lessons of Noorani Qaida is important. Once you get through with Noorani Qaida, the difficulty in pronouncing and reciting Holy Quran will be much less. Noorani Qaida is one of the oldest and the essential pre-requisite of reciting Quran. Learning Quran has uncountable benefits as the hadith shows

Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said:

“He who recites the Qur’aan, memorizes it, accepts its halaal (lawful things) as halaal and haraam (forbidden things) as haraam (i.e. his beliefs in these matters are correct), Allah Ta’ala will enter him into Jannat and accept his intercession on behalf of ten such persons of his family upon whom entry into Jahannum has become incumbent (i.e. Allah Ta’ala will forgive them because of his intercession).”
(Ahmad, Trimizi)

You can also learn how to read Quran with Noorani Qaida with Learn Quran Kids.

Quran is the word of Al-mightly Allah. It contains the rules and regulations and the steps on how to apply those rules in our daily lives. We can't say that a muslim is a good one if he or she is not reading or listening to Quran on regular basis.

Science has shown that early age is best to train or guide as our brains are more receptive at an early age. What is learned at this stage is often recalled easily with little effort. This is one of the reasons that children are sent to school at an early age so that a solid foundation is formed on the basics.

Learning is an important facet of our life. We generaly learn by many way e.g.

  1. Learning from experience
  2. Learning from home; from parents, friends, relatives
  3. Formal learning in an institute

When a child is born from 1-2 years, the sole way of gaining knowledge is via self-experience. The kids look at the surroundings, hear sounds, feel objects and thus creates an understanding of what is good and what is bad e.g. when a kids hears the sound of a bell they enjoy but when they hear the sound of dog they get frightened. So there are few inbuilt mechanisms embossed by Allah at the time when you are born.

When the child is is at the age of 2-5 some sort of training from parents gets started. This could be either in the form of poems, language words, name of objects, any surah from Quran etc.

When the child is at the age of 5+, they are normally put into some school so that they can start learning in a formal way where after each year a new syllabus is taught.

All of these learning makes your brain to improve in storing information, analyzing information and improves problem solving.

OK now as we have understood what learning methods we follow, we need to see the importance of learning Quran by Kids. Again as scientific research has revealed that early training of any knowledge is best for retaining it for a longer period hence it is important to start getting your kids to learn Quran. You might have heard that kids of less than 12 years have memorized the whole Quran in just few years’ time but rarely have heared that some one of 30 or 40 years become Hafiz of Quran. This is because memorizing is lot easier at early child hood. Likewise, it is easy for your kids to learn the concepts of Tajweed in their early age. Once they learn correctly it remains with them for the rest of their life and they can even teach their children themselves without requiring any external help. Hence early learning Quran by Kids is very important.

At Learn Quran Kids, we ensure that your kid learns Quran with Tajweed. There are many out there who don't focus on Tajweed hence the Kids Quran recitation still has problems e.g.

  1. Kids don't know the correct Makhrij of a letter
  2. Kids don't know the rules of Tajweed
  3. Kids don't know where to stop and where to continue while reading Quran

Hence it is very important to choose the right institute to train your kids to learn Quran in the proper way.

Deciding venue is one of the most intricate tasks in wedding planning. Many couples are keen to give an exclusive touch to their reception so that their photos do not reflect a conventional wedding apparatus. This makes many couples plan their weddings on destinations other than wedding halls, hotels and motels. Particularly in places like Miami – with exotic beaches and beautiful landscapes around – people have numerous options to plan their weddings on such remarkably beautiful destinations so that their wedding photos turn out to be breathtakingly gorgeous. Though Miami wedding photographers are used to destination weddings and are well equipped to deal in multiple outdoor conditions, there are several things that you must take care of if you are to throw a wedding reception party at some odd destination.

One of the most important considerations at outdoor destinations is maintaining a comfortable temperature. Mostly destination weddings are planned in summers and summers in Miami are fairly hot and humid. If your destination does not allow you to provide air conditioning facility, you better drop the idea and seek for alternatives. No wonder, your guests will be bothered, but the person who is going to be most adversely effected by the absence of air conditioning is you i.e. the bride. Clad in multilayered silks and laces wedding gown, the bride must be seated in chilled surroundings to be comfortable on her reception. Or else, your photographs will feature a sweating, glaring bride with obvious discomfort seen on her face. Your photographer is not to be blamed for this.

Take a bridal emergency kit with you to your wedding destination. Though this rule applies to indoor wedding venues as well, but many things can be made easily available at hotels, resorts and party halls. The need to be prepared aggravates in case of outdoor weddings. Your kit might include cosmetics for touch up, hair brush and hairpins so that you can conveniently take off your veil and put it back on without making a mess out of your hair. Your photographer will appreciate a freshened lipstick or makeup fixer before you pose for him in the midst of the ceremony. Safety pins are handy and can be very useful in making emergency amends in damaged dresses and uneven sheets. Furthermore, first aid collateral has to be a vital part of your wedding emergency kit. Let’s not assume the worst, but an ailing grandparent or a child with skinned knees is not uncommon at outdoor destinations. You might not need many or even any of the items, but you cannot possibly rule out any chance happenings and the subsequent need of such things.

Find a wedding photographer in Miami who is willing to pay a visit to your destination prior to the wedding day. It is imperative to assure good photography.  There is no way he can anticipate the lighting and other conditions and prepare himself accordingly without having been to the place personally. Many a times, professional photographers – being experienced – happen to point out some practical hazards about the destination that people ordinarily miss out. For instance, he might need technical assistance to support his equipment on your wedding. Or he might pint out the right place for setting up your stage from the camera perspective.

Miami marriage photography is a ripe and busy industry with so many photographers – old and experienced as well fresh and struggling – offering their services. For picky and choosy couples who want something extra from their wedding photographers, the job is not only to call a studio, make a deal and be over with. In fact, if you want flawless photography results, you must consider some key tips.

First thing to consider is to hire your photographer on the basis of his style, not the price package he offers. While you search for a photographer, check different portfolios and styles to know what attracts you most. Short list the photographers on the basis of style and compare their rates and packages. A preference would be to negotiate for a lesser costly deal with the photographer of your choice. If his style appeals you, he is likely to satisfy you in fewer hours with lesser clicks.

An important thing to do before your wedding day is to streamline the family photos you want to take and keep their number minimal. It won’t only save you a good number of images for your exclusive couple shots, but also keep the photography session smooth. Too many family photos lined up never let the session go smoothly – an elderly person is always tired or a baby is always messy. These things irritate the photographer and consume a lot of his time. You better save his time for your own photo shoot.

Worst you can do to your photographs is to pose with an anxious and dissatisfied look. A very important rule is not to sweat yourself over small and trivial things. Things do not always go as planned and it should not be a matter of grave concern unless your canopy falls over your guests or your caterers broke the deal an hour before the schedule. If not for this, let spur of the moment changes settle in and enjoy the spontaneity of things. Trust your photographer with what best he can do in the existing scenario. A long as you are happy and your guests are enjoying, nothing else matters.

If you want some distinct and classic images in your wedding album, let it be decided prior to the wedding with your photographer. Choose you hues and ask your photographer to make lights and camera changes accordingly. No wonder, some images look outclass in black-and-white or sepia tone.

Though you are supposed to trust your photographer for best ideas and techniques, yet it is good to show him some sample shots that you love and want to incorporate in your album. You can find these shots online or pin point some selective shots from your photographer’s previous galleries. It will give him an idea of your taste. However, care not to be finicky over every single shot.

Finally, make sure your beautician does your make-over keeping in view the camera’s eye. Not as many people are going to see you live as are going to see your photographs. Wear what looks best in the camera.

If you want to avoid trips and spills or want to prevent dirt from building up, then rubber matting is a great option putting around your house, gym or car. You might have also seen rubber floor matting out or inside someone’s door allowing the guests before getting in to wipe off their shoes or to prevent the carpets from damage or dirt. Rubber mats have been used for a long time now for a variety of purposes such as to protect the inside of house from dirt or damage, to avoid slipping, for yoga, in gym and more; it turned out to be that rubber mats contribute to far less injury rate.

Rubber mats are also widely used in kitchens for preventing the busy chefs fromit turned out to be that rubber mats contribute to far less injury rate tripping and to easily clean up any ingredients spilled over the floor. However, without rubber mats, it will take a little longer to clean up. Many people also like using the rubber matting in their cars owing to the fact that it prevents the car carpeting from getting stained and tainted as well as it makes it easier to clean up. So, using the rubber mats allow you to keep your car in a better condition and increases the life of carpeting in your car.

Although flooring can get damaged, stained and discolored; however, it is very rare for rubber matting to get discolored because its manufacturing involves hardwearing, durable rubber that can endure appalling conditions. Most of the rubber mat types available in the market are able to withstand vicious climatic conditions such as rain, snow, hail, sleet etc, without causing any discoloration. That is the very reason that most of the people keep rubber mats outside their front door, no matter if it is raining or snowing.

Mostly it is very easy and trouble free to clean the rubber floor mats. For the most part, all it takes is for you to take the rubber mat out in a parking lot or road and shaking it for getting off all the dirt, muck, grime and mud. If you do not find this method working well for you then you can always go for a pressure pipe or powerful hose and making sure that all of the clammy or sticky matter gets off.

If you give it a little thought then it would not take much to convince yourself about rubber matting being one of the most practical and helpful things to invest in; keeping your house, car and other stuff clean, preventing the individuals from slipping off and even adding to your house décor. Now if you do not yet have any rubber matting in your house then you are highly recommended to opt one. They make certain the safety and keep all the debris away. Since rubber matting is very easy to clean, so they can also prevent carpeting areas from staining. And the best thing is that they are very reasonable that anyone can easily afford.

Antique Persian Rugs highly regarded for their craftsmanship, beauty, and history, and dazzled admirers as far back as Alexander II. The fine antiques can only be fully appreciated through and understanding of where and how they came to be.An authentic Persian rug should be crafted in Iran, formerly known as Persia. The techniques used to create Persian Rugs are rooted in ancient tradition, built as far as 500 BC Pazyric carpet is the oldest surviving Persian rug, in 2500 years, and amazingly, still retains its vibrant colors. Because they are hand-woven, each rug is not only unique, but you let a viewer talking about tribal weavers and personal history.

Intricate patterns of A Persian rug is made of pictographs, each with their own meaning, meant to record the weaver, or the recipient, personal history. Hundreds of plant and animal symbols, each with a unique sense, make up the lexicon of carpet, while the colors in which they are rendered represents more esoteric concepts, such as joy, strength, or sadness. Symbols include camel wealth, the peacock for divine protection, and the pomegranate for fertility.

Depending on its size, an antique Persian rug can be taken anywhere from a few months to a lifetime to complete. The process begins with hand-spun wool or silk, colored with indigo dye derivative, sumac, Larkspur, and other natural resources. Younger Antique Rugs sometimes made with synthetic dye, which began to appear in 1870's. Although synthetic dye produce a more uniform pigmentation, natural dye have a way of gently, causing them to get into a highly prized patina. Persian Rugs are some of the most beautiful and durable, carpets in history as a result of hand-weaving and dying techniques that have been passed down through generations.

Antique Persian Rugs and Antique Persian Carpet suddon seen a spike in prices - up to the point where a single rug recently sold for almost 10 million dollars! This trend is probably not going to change so while prices are still relatively low, investors and collectors hunting and as time goes on - less and less pieces are available. So long as this trend continues, Antique Persian Rugs are one of the best investments one can make. At least people get the visitors to them every single day and nothing to worry about whether or not they still be there tomorrow (wish we could say the same thing about today's stock market).

Making Personal Injury Claim

A person is entitled to get compensation, if he has become a victim of personal injury in any case of accident occurring as a result of other person’s negligence. Negligent person, company or authority is liable to compensate the victim of personal injury. A claimant can lead his claim all by himself and he can ask for the desired amount of compensation from the insurer of defendant party. As, a common man is not aware of legal issues thus he cannot bring the case in court that is why the defendant party may not accept their liability or resist paying full compensation. In such condition services of specialist personal injury solicitor can prove helpful. Other side and their insurer know well that an expert solicitor can bring the case in court so to manage their reputations they try to settle case out of court. Otherwise personal injury solicitor can bring the case in court in order to prove negligence of the defendants and to receive compensation amount according to the loss of the claimant.

Source: Clearwater Solicitors LLP

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