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Bam Bam RL Hubby 2 Tigger's blog: "history"

created on 10/21/2013  |  http://fubar.com/history/b356147  |  2 followers

Club Tantalize X Rules

                                                         LOUNGE RULES













10. WEED WILL BE ALLOWED ON CAM SMOKING ECT. HOWEVER, NO OTHER  DRUGS ON CAM PERIOD. (clarification is that as long as its not THE actual drug. then paraphernalia is ok)



What are the rules About Lounges & Lounge Cams?

So its been a strong debate on what a lounge can and can't do. To clear up some confusion here are some DO's & DON'TS of both Lounge Rooms & Lounge Cams.

Lounge Cam Rules:

No Children under the age of 18

- This does include infants & newborns.

No Pornographic Material

- (i.e. Special Adult Film on T.V.)

- This does not include T.V. shows within appropriate Televison Content Rating System (TV [Y] - TV [14]).

No Sexual Innuendo

No Sexual Intercourse (of any form)

No Sexual Play (ie. foreplay, etc...)

As long as the lounge is {(NSFW)} a Lounges Cam can show any part of the body provided it does not violate the above rules.

Please Note: The rules listed above also pertain to Fubar's Broadcasting Feature.

History 3

so last i left off was was about two and a half years ago. in that first year at moms I ended up  getting with someone named Brandy from fubar. she had been married and we got together talking slowly bc she was going though a divorce from what she had told me. she ended up asking to come stay with me claiming her younger daughters dad had felt up her 15 year old. and we let them come stay with us here in san antonio. I had been working for direct tv so worked a lot of hours . when they came down it started out really good. but her youngest would often throw tantrums so loud kicking and screaming that was so loud the neighbors several times came out onto their porches to see where it came from. the little girl was spoiled rotten to the point she kicked and hit adults. The 15 year old was a really cool little chick. but the relationship lasted 3 weeks. she ended up breaking up with me after 2 or 3 weeks it was rough with me and her two kids. my mom. stepdad and my aunt who has a lot of mental issues including having about 50 personalities.. something i found out the hard way.  my aunt at one point ended up pushing the 7 year old over something to be honest i cant remember what it was but the kid was spoiled and mean and my aunt was batshit crazy. i got between them bc brandy was ready to get in a fight and my aunt smashed me in the face with a shoe out of no where.. she broke my glasses. and ultimately I called the cops on my aunt bc she had assaulted a child and me. and i didnt want it to get worse than it was. they took her away to evaluate her at the hospital and later released her. and even though to this day she did what she did she starts a lot of drama with everyone in the family . but back to brandy. apparently she got with another dude after breaking up with me. still living with us she had a guy sending her money and using me for what she could. and i was a sucker bc i cared so much for her. she would often use my laptop bc hers was a piece of crap. i got up every day to go to work and she didnt do much of anything it turned out she was doing stuff on cam with a dude .. the irony its the same thing she did with me when she lived in california. when mom and my stepdad saw that she was using me they said she couldnt stay .. she was suppsoed to leave every few days for a month.. then my sister was talked into letting brandy and her girls stay with them bc the 7 year old was getting worse and worse and my mom has bad heart conditions and couldnt take it anymore. so brandy stayed with my sister and was supposed to only ne a few days .. it ended up being couple of months. until i got a new gf i had met here in san antonio. one day everyone got together at my sisters and had a bbq brandy was around.. and ended up pulling the girl to the side talking shit about me and my family and the girl ended up telling my sister and her hubby and me what was said. at this point everyone including the new gf was sick of them and we all were having a discussion.. brandy was listening at the door and the finally left a few days later . i havent heard anything from her since.  


 I ended up dating Rachel for a few months and she ended up getting drunk on the 4th of july .. literally slapped me across the face for no reason... everyone was laughing and talking and the next thing i knew CRACK right across the face.. literally everyone was like why the fuck did you do that.. apparently she drinks vodka and attacks people. i found out she has done similar before. we ended up leaving later after a long talk and she ended up going to jail bc she attacked her mom..  we only found out bc she just disappeared and noone knew anything.. her mom talked to me and told me a lot more what happened. and i got rachels wallet and card and stuff and my sister and her hubby managed to bond her out while i was working using rachels money. we helped her as best as we could but i broke up with her bc she ended up being a violent drunk. she used my sister for a place to stay .. even though i said no get rid of her . my sister helped anyway and eventually she moved out.


later my sister and her husband and the kids moved to the northwest side of town and he was doing drugs and stuff and beat the shit out of her.. he went to jail and i moved in with her and the kids to help her. he was in jail about 6 months and we were finally getting the kids under control bc how they have been  raised. he got out of jail and the next day was back in the house. even though there was a no contact order.. and he hid in the house so people didnt know. pretty much he kissed her ass until he felt safe.. then started his bs.. eventually me and him got into a fist fight bc i was sick of his mouth plus in a bad mood. hes verbally abusive and though he has cheated and been abusive on my sister over and over he accuses her of doing shit. ironically she hasnt ever done anything . he is her world. and he uses that.. i moved out when i had been talking to soemoen named ruby.

 Ironically i knew ruby from fubar. she was older by 11 years. to sum it up things werent what i thought they were. and in jan of 16 i got in a wreck at work and was fired. bc they have a 3 strike policy . i had been in three accidents and found not at fault.. but they fire after three strikes the let me go. between several things and work. i wasnt happy and didnt want to stay in the relationship and my sister asked me to come stay back with them. so i packed my stuff up while they were all gone and got most of my stuff and moved out. i didnt want confrontation in person because i did care about her but things didnt feel right for a lot of reasons.  we talked in text for while  I wont talk shit about her she was a beautiful woman and a sweetheart to be honest. but things didnt work .

this last year was rough bc my back went out and i started the process to get help. but the lack of time and money have made it hard. so i started college taking online classes with Ultimate Medical Academy  and i got a job online working from home it took a few months to get it all together. so far out of 8 classes i hae a 3.21 gpa . i messed up and didnt pass one class the last period and barely passed my other class but i pulled it together and got a b in that class.

this leaves me right now.. single and keeping my eyes out fo that person that might be the rght woman in my life. im not going to chase anyone but ill just watch and listen and see what happens.. who knows.. but getting to know someone is the biggest key in my life and working on me for school and trying to work to pay a few bills and keep child support and insurance for me and my kids.

I was recently told by my kids mom the reason she abandoned me was the night my daughter paige passed away i was on the computer. and paige was moved to be on kathy when Tristan was asleep . she blames me.. even though i was the one checking on the kids she told me that i should have heard my daughters gasping breath as she couldnt breath. how .. she was on her moms chest.. she passed peacefully.. they said she passed from creeping pnumonia. that night at the hospital they told us to get counseling.. i did eventually. kathy never did. but she blames me for our daughter passing away. for a while i blamed myself asking if there was anything i could have done. and the answer is no. whether i was across the room on the computer. or if i had been asleep in the bedroom. there was no way to hear paige because she let go in her sleep.

We moved back to the east side over by moms about a block and half away. my brother in law was put on a ankle monitor and finally working and they put him back in jail. the irony is he was supposedly clean from drugs but they busted him for breaking the ankle monitor thing for going to work when they knew. that is what he is telling my sister . who just had baby # 5 by him. they named him Nastu .. a character name from a anime cartoon. lol go figure. my nephew has cleft palete but is beautiful no matter what. today he was holding my fingers in his tiny hands.  my sisters kids are a handful.. were all trying to do this together helping each other and its had bc the kids are super ... uh.. chaotic and dont listen that is whats going on with me. curently. ill try to do more updates more often.

Below are lounge and dj bulletins for Club Tantalize X


(sa)(z)(sk) WELCOME TO Club Tantalize X!!! SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE TUNES!!! REPOST FOR THE LOUNGE AND YOUR DJ PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!! http://fubar.com/bulletins.php?b=1203111277(sa)(z)(sk)



(sa)(z)(sk) WELCOME TO Club Tantalize X!!! SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE TUNES!!! REPOST FOR THE LOUNGE AND YOUR DJ PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!! http://fubar.com/bulletins.php?b=3815071501 (sa)(z)(sk)

DJ Bam Bam The Original since 2006 thats right bitches!  

(sa)(z)(sk) WELCOME TO Club Tantalize X!!! SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE TUNES!!! REPOST FOR THE LOUNGE AND YOUR DJ PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!http://fubar.com/bulletins.php?b=1506255610(sa)(z)(sk)



First and foremost the Staff chain is as follows. All Staff are to report to their appropriate bosses then Lilly as the GM, Bound N Silk as co owner and SilverRise Fox as main owner.

Main Owner - SilverRise Fox

Co Owner - Bound N Silk

GM - Lilly

Head Greeter - HarleyBaby

Head Cammer - Ashbaby

Head Promoter - Looking for promoters

Head DJ - Demon

Head Enforcer - Mechneck

Server Owner Satyre (Forbidden Hosting)

1. Real life comes first
2. Respect all staff members.
3. ABSOLUTELY No personal issues in the lounge if you have issues please talk about the issue outside of the Lounge
4. If you can't make it in for your shift, or have to leave early please contact your next level of staff. 
1. You have 3 staff buttons, silence, eject, and ban, the first two are not to be used unless a warning of two times to the individual is not sufficient then you have permission to use the ban, The head enforcer or asst head enforcer must be notified of any such actions.
2. If a lounge member breaks any of the main rules- the process is as follows:   a) 1st warning (sb warning. make sure to let the user know in lounge to check sb)   b)2nd warning automatic silence the user . c) eject . Screenshot and DELETE what is going on out of the lounge. By doing this the conversation goes to the Lounge history so all uppers can see what happened. Also if offenses are bad enough it can be giving as screenshots to the bouncers.
3. Ban is used as a last resort but can and will be used to protect the lounge and users. If you are unsure of making any decisions please by all means contact your head manager.
1.All greeters are to be doing their jobs as directed. its your job to greet people coming into the lounge and trying to keep conversations going.
2.Remember to use your Greeter drops as they were made to be used.
3.Please be courteous to our visitors and provide them with the best place that they can be in as we have to make a go of this lounge and expand our members cause we are depending on this as we are a new lounge and without them we will not succeed with staying open.
There are several ways to promote. be it games or droppign the picture drops into peoples comment boxes. please contact upper staff for these html box drops. its part of your job to try and get people in lounge.
1. When a lounge member tries to direct the cams, it is your responsibility to let them no that there is no directing cams or making advances at the cam staff.
2. When you are on cam you to refrain from showing any body parts unless you ask you head cam manager or general manager to get the ok and let the bosses know so that they can lock down the lounge to NSFW before this is done.
3. As part of the cam staff you will be also responsible to try to get other members and visitor's to get up on cam in the lounge.
4. If you have children at home and they are visible to the viewers of your cam you need to ensure that they are not going to be on the cam with you in the lounge as children are not permitted to be on the cams reguardless of the circumstances. This is as per Terms of Service for fubar.
5. Try to keep a smile on your face as much as you can and also you have to play nice with the viewers that are watching your cams.
6. If you are feeling like the something is wrong please feel free to ask one of superiors about and questions or concerns.  
1) Please notify the management or the owners if you are unable to make it in for your scheduled shift as we need to have you here for this.  
2) We always need a dj on stand by as well for emergencies.
3) Please be respectful and professional to the members and staff when requests are made please try to take care of them. We are a all genre lounge. however. if your doing fast tempo beats and someone requests a slow song please politely msg them explaining you are doing upbeat tempos and ask if they have an alternative request. 
4) You will be provided with the passwords to the music server for this lounge and this lounge only.
5) When a Lounge Visitor or Member or a fellow Staff Member requests a song in the lounge all Dj's are have the choice to take their requests and get them up in their Sams List, no matter what genre it is or what song it maybe all have to played if requested in a timely manner as allowed by downloading and/or loading them to your play list.
We all are family here and we all need to treat each other as family and not like bitter enemies. No drama will be allowed in the room from any staff member at anytime.  Banning of staff members will not be tolerated in this lounge and if this is done you will be automatically terminated immediately unless there is reasonable cause for such a action.If there is an issue that has to be addressed by all means bring it to the attention of your departments manager.We really have to all work hard to make this lounge a success cause if we dont we will close.
All Members of the staff have worked very hard and had a lot of time involved in getting this room operational and set-up so that you would have a place to enjoy ur self at and please dont let us down.
These rules are subject to change but all will be notified of any changes it is the staffs responsiblity to take notice and review these rules and ensure that they fully understand their responsibilities of the positions for which they are hired.
Sincerely Yours,owner and co owners

History 2

So here I am again. i guess i can pick up from where i left off earlier.


After getting my place in mattoon i had my place and a computer and met this wonderful girl in canada.. named melanie and we talked back and forth for about a year.. and i took my years vacation up to montreal canada and saw her for a week.. and went back afterward.. completely smitten and totally in love with my half french canadian half egyptian gf. i made arrangements and left my job after another couple of months.. leaving that job to be with melanie up in montreal canada. and things were really good for the most part.. except she didnt like to go anywhere bc of certain phobias.. so she wouldnt get a job or work.. and um.. well.. i took a under the table job cleaning apartment buildings halls ect for a while.. barely making money .. and she ends up pregnate after 4 months. omg im gonna be a daddy i was so happy.. but things with her and i were back and forth .. and i dunno i did some stuff online with someone i shouldnt have. i dont know why i did.. but after i did .. i felt guilty as hell.. and so i went to her and told her. and she forgave me at least she pretended to.. at about 7 months pregnate she started acting weird.. moody.. not just hormones.. apparently she was going to her moms and freaking out.. so they tell me since i dont have my visa i need to go to texas and stay with a friend.. he was gay and like a little brother to me.. so .. i get the ticket.. and were all at the bus station.. they are crying and going on about how much they love me and miss me already.. and its killing me... and then i ride the bus from montreal canada ... all the way to victoria texas.. all total with layovers delays and road time.. it was about 72 hours .. 

I was there and it rained literally for abotu 25 out of the 30 days of the first month and ended up sick with astma and bronchitis and chest problems but i started getting over it after a month.. it was what 3 or 4 weeks into it and i ws putting applications in .. and my gay room mate starts making comments. apparently he told melanie i wsa talkign to someone or something .. when i wasnt.. the next thing i know.. she calls me and tells me that shes going to have the baby alone.. and she never ever loved me. i tried everything i could to find out what happened and work things out with her.. but nope it didnt happen.. a couple of months later when im working and paying half of the bills and supposed to get put on the lease with him. .. he starts making comments to me about how he had a crush on me.. thennnn his married bi friend starts coming around and telling him what to do.. basically his new bf didnt like me.. and they kicked me out.

by then i had been talkin to someone in the dallas fort worth area and she came and got me in comes Julia to my life.. her father owned a roofing company and he started teaching me how to do everything.. measure roofing.. all that stuff. and julia was real sweet at first.. but she had lupus and fibro mialgia. i hope i spelled it right. anyway .. i couldnt even touch her or kiss her cheek without causing her pain.. and then it turned out she was severly bi polar.. and when i caught her screaming and yelling at the baby niece.. i had enough.. i talked to her father and he told me basically i should move on. and that he was sorry i had been through things with her. that he really liked me and understood. that i was a damn good worker .. it surprised me he was so frank and nice.  and i started talking to a girl up in park rapids .

enter stacey.. i get on the bus and go up there leaving julia.. and i end up in the land of freezing ass cold.. GO VIKINGS BTW... stacey was a mixture of irish and italian.. and a freaking little spitfire. but um.. she started acting weird.. and we split up but stayed room mates.. and  she freaked on me a lot.. even putting her hands on me.. but i didnt do anything but tell her to keep her hands off me. eventually i moved out and got my own place.. and ended up with another room mate from a temp job i had .. and i was working at both mcdonalds and a gas station called casey's.

so i get my own apartment and im working at caseys. and mcdonalds both for about 120 hours or so a every two weeks.. for a year.. and i get fired at caseys.. for giving a pita.. that was expiring and going to be thrown away that night.. i gave it to a homeless dude that another worker told me can i give him something.. so i did bc it was going to be tossed anyway that night.. but i forgot to mark it down on the paper .. the manager who gave free food away all of th etime fired me..  so down to one job.. and started having bad allergy and sinus attacks and because i missed too much work i lost that job.. and thankfully a good friend became a gf .. enter rachel.. she was so awsome.. and she loved me so much.. and i loved her to death.. but not like she loved me and i felt in my heart that i couldnt be with her as a bf but as a friend and room mate.. i still talk to ray ray and shes a good beautiful person i love so much!. but then she lost her job and we ended up having to move out of the apartment by the river.. i miss that place to this day. So i ended up coming down to san antonio and staying with my mom and stepdad and my sister and her hubby going back and forth and working for my old boss that had the carnival stuff.

during that time i started talking to a girl on fubar.. i wont name her name .. im just gonna say the girl... that fucked me over.. she was supposed to come see me in san antonio.. we were together about 4 months or so .. and it turned out she went to see a friend from a lounge that talked to me daily.. called me bro.. .. and i found out what happened i was completely surprised.. maybe i shouldnt have been following my luck overall.

So I go on the road for my boss .. and go to delmar and other places in california working at the fairs.. and another girl from fubar was really sweet.. and beautiful and i adored her.. and well.. after my gig was done working in delmar i went there to her to be with her and her kids. things just didnt work out. i will not say why because she is still on fubar to this day . but the situation with her i did not feel safe for several reasons. 

Enter Jess.. i was djing in a lounge a country one of all places. and i met this girl that was from pawhuska.. the town i went to school in.. and turned out she was best friends with my twin brothers kids. lol she ignored me the first time.. but later i ran into her again and we started talking in chatbox and in the lounge. and i thought she was really cute. judy ann my brothers kids mom.. vouched for me.. and after a few months of talking i went down to her in pawhuska.  Since jess is still on fubar.. im not going to go too much into what all happened.. but i will say this.. me and her both made mistakes.. and i have to admit.. i love her and miss her so much.. it hurts so much to find out that things happened the way they did. and like she said.. things just werent working out.. after almost 4 years the relationship ended.. now.. im in san antonio.. starting my life over.. and trying to get a really good job ill know within the week if i have it.. and im staying with my mom and step dad.. and my aunt.. and spending time with my sister and nephews. and im looking into possibly going into school sometime.


I will update this stuff more in the future.


my history 1

So I guess some people want to know about me. fine here we go.. I was born in oklahoma.. and moved to texas where i grew up until i was 15.. when mom n dad got a divorce. where i moved back to oklahoma.. yay parental divorce.. had to start over with not knowing hardly anyone at all. it sucked. i went all through highschool in a little town called pawhuska oklahoma.. where i literally scraped by on the skin of my teeth. I was such an angry teenager.. i guess parents divorcing and a lot of other crap made things really hard. my senior year i got married .. to someone that supposedly got caught cheating on me with her ex. yeah.. yay for me again right? .. that took six years to get the divorce bc she didnt want to split up with me.. even when she was with other men.. writing me constantly.. i just couldnt find it in me to forgive my wife for taking my love and completely crushing it under her heel. It made it really hard for me to trust females.. and i dunno. anyway.. a year after i graduated in 97 i moved to san antonio .. woot back to texas!. i came down to help take care of mom who was real sick.. and did that for about a year without working.. eventually i found a job after mom was better and started working for the people that ran brackenridge parke with the sky ride and train and stuff.. and also worked for the owners son who had some food joints and carnival rides.

I did that for 4 years before i found someone that was able to catch and keep my eye.. and she moved with me for 3 months then we moved up to illinois and eventually had my daughter Cheyenne, then a pair of twins  a boy Tristan and a girl Paige. but paige was sick and in and out of the hospital. eventually she was put in the st louise childrens hospital and after several months they released her back home. she was home a week. and right at 6 months old and she and her brother fussing so i put her with her mom on her chest and would watch check on them once in a while .. when the next thing i knew kathy woke up and started screaming.. paige was blue and not breathing. I did cpr on her while kathy went to call an ambulance.. but she was gone.. her eyes were lifeless.. something that ill never ever ever be able to forget.. sometimes to this day i wake up from nightmares crying.

After paige passed away things were never the same.. our relationship died .. and on a fluke. i got fired from my job.. for unknown reasons other than they said i had not done anything wrong.. but had to be let go. ill never understand that... i was running a business selling stuff for SMC .. and selling Candles that were special made ect I was making really good money.. and after the holidays Kathy asked me to go visit my brother in missouri.. and i said ok whats a week. sure.. so we pack stuff for me and i head off.. and she leaves me with him.. 15 minutes later.. he tells me she left me.. i was like yeah i know she just left.. and he says.. no.. she left you .. doesnt want to be with you. The funny thing is .. she would disappear for 3 to 8 or so hours or so. and i would watch cheyenne and tristan.. and thought it was just part of her grief after we lost paige. it turned out that she was probably messing around with someone that she got with from her job right after she dumped me off.  score another one for making it hard for me to trust girls again....

so who has an identical twin that no matter how much you love em. you guys have an almost impossible relationship to get along!? "jumps up and down" Me. I wont go into what all happened but i stayed there a few months and ended up moving back to illinois to mattoon to try and be with someone.. little did i know i would end up homeless.. yup thats right.. 3 months in mattoon not knowing anyone but a new gf.. that ended up being bi.. and a psycho.. nuff said .. by the time i found a job that was permanant.. i was in the shelter 3 months.. i got a place a job and everything and was doing well.. i worked at walmart for about 15 months.

im gonna take a break.. look for part two sometime in the future.. its funny .. how writing this has totally and utterly drained me mentally bc of the bad memories.

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2 years ago
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