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*************************************The surprising secret of success************************************** Failure! You see, successful people are not afraid of failure. In fact, they have probably enjoyed far more failures than they have successes. But it’s how they deal with failure that’s important. For them, each failure is a positive experience – something that has taken them one step nearer to success, whereas most people have a deep fear of failure and will do anything to avoid it. So, to get over your fear of failure (and you must if you want to succeed in anything), you should try to do one thing a week which you’ll probably fail at! Terrible singer...? Then get down to the karaoke evening and belt out a song. Can’t play tennis...? Challenge a friend to a game and thrash around the court for an hour. The more you accept and deal with failure, the easier it will be for you to plough through life’s little disappointments until you start achieving your goals. For this and more CLICK HERE

How a pair of trainers can prevent gardening accidents

***************************************** Gardening can hold many perils… the whirring blades of the lawn mower, a sharp pair of shears hidden beneath cuttings… a mob of angry wasps... But the most common form of gardening injury is nothing as gory as this... No, the biggest threat to your well-being when gardening is pulling a muscle or putting your back out. And this can be easily avoided by treating your hour in the garden like a gym work out – and doing some simple stretching exercises before you get started! * Sit down and put one foot up on a stool or bench so that your knee is straight. Stretch forward and run your hands down your outstretched leg until you feel your thigh muscle tightening. Hold for 10 seconds, then switch legs. * Stretch one leg out to the side as far as it can comfortably go, then bend the opposite leg at the knee and stretch away until you feel the muscles in your outstretched leg pulling. Hold for 10 seconds, then switch sides. * Standing up, bend one knee and grab the ankle from behind. Pull your heel towards your buttocks and hold for 10 seconds, then switch legs. * Hold your hands behind your head, then lean first to one side, then the other, and hold each position for 10 seconds. Repeat this twice. * Whilst gardening, try and eliminate as much bending from the waist as possible. Kneel instead. And don’t get up too quickly. Slowly unfurl and get to your feet, treating it like an exercise in itself. If you’re particularly worried about your back, buy a weight lifter’s belt. Most gym equipment shops will have them, and they’re designed to protect the back from sudden lurches in weight. Don’t worry – no one will see you. Anyway, if it prevents you putting you back out, who cares what you look like? For more valuable inforation like this, head over to my website.
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Dear Friends, In today’s society we seem ever more reliant upon thethoughts and opinions of mainstream medicine as the lastword in treatment for our various ailments. So, today I’m delighted to introduce you to a new reportlifting the lid on hundreds of medications most doctors willnever prescribe you. These are wonderful natural remedies commonly available toyou and me – but many doctors simply don’t know they exist.Their training is all about drugs and surgery. On page 15 you can read about the arthritis remedy you willfind in your garden. It’s been used for centuries to relievearthritic pain... Are you plagued by persistent back pain? On page 38 there’sa quick remedy that may be available from your supermarket! And there’s hundreds more – 6 natural ways to get rid ofcoughs, the foods that combat sinus problems, and how to useorange juice to lose weight, to name just a few. To read afull report about this groundbreaking publication, clickhere: http://www.fsponline-recommends.co.uk/apnatural?enmcbc01 Make sure you’re getting the full picture about your health– read this report to discover how to improve your overallhealth safely and naturally. Click here for more information: http://www.fsponline-recommends.co.uk/apnatural?enmcbc01
**************************************** The three sentences that will land you the job *************************************** At the end of a job interview, you will always get the question, “Do you have any questions for me?” That’s something I certainly say, and it surprises me how many people simply say no. (Surely there’s SOMETHING they want to find out about?). However, most people will fill in this question with things like “How many holidays do I get?” or “What are promotion prospects like here?” These are both good questions, but they don’t set the world alight. But today, someone turned the tables, and made a very good impression. They asked me 3 questions... “Why did you join the company?” “What do you find is the best part of working here?” “What’s your typical workday?” And these 3 questions really made me think the candidate was focussed on the role, and wanted to make sure it would work for them – which is an excellent attitude to project. It also used a bit of elementary psychology: people love to talk about themselves – me included. And this made me like the candidate all the more. So, when your faced with this question at the end of the interview, also ask a question of the interviewer that gets them talking about their experiences. And try ending the interview by asking, “I’m really interested in this opportunity. What are the next steps I should take?” They will not only see your commitment and enthusiasm, but they’ll feel compelled to give you more information about the selection process, which could be useful. Right, that’s a positive aspect to the workplace. Now, I’d like to look at a negative aspect – something that’s creeping in more and more to our lives, and something that could be affecting you without you even knowing it! But first, take a quick look at this. It’s something I’ve banged on about before, and something that could hit you and your family hard if you’re not careful... Okay, here’s the negative side to the workplace that I want to talk about... work addiction. Working hard to get ahead in life is one thing, but continually staying late, working at weekends and arriving at the office at six in the morning to beat the competition has become an unhealthy obsession for some. So, do YOU show any symptoms of being a workaholic? * You work late nights, weekends, and are always bringing work home. * You feel guilty when you’re not working. * You are left with days of untaken holiday at the end of the year. * You’ve started to miss family birthdays. * You have no time for friends or hobbies. * You live mainly on junk food, often grabbing a quick sandwich to eat at your desk. * You feel awkward asking for help, even if the task is clearly a team job. * You continually accept more work when your schedule is already overloaded. If any of the above applies to you, then there’s no point denying it – you’re a workaholic. And if that’s the case, I want you to use the New Year to kick this addiction and get your life back on a more balanced, healthier footing. You see, the unbalanced life of a workaholic can lead to a whole host of problems. You might start suffering from headaches, backaches or stomach aches. Your ability to interact with people will diminish the more you lock yourself into your work. And this in turn will stop you achieving the success you’re working so hard (too hard!) for right now. So, starting from today, learn to incorporate some ‘off’ time into your busy work schedule. By letting off steam, your performance at work will be sharper and stronger. You can start by: * Making sure you take a 5-10 minute break every 2 hours (that’s a minimum), and spending at least half an hour a day away from your desk. Go for a stroll, and leave work behind. * Make sure you take holidays. Plan one this week. And really, taking a holiday means taking NO work with you. * Start a hobby. Find something that interests you, something you can lose yourself in. If you can become absorbed in another pursuit, you can put work pressures to one side for a while and recharge your batteries. * Spend more time with family and friends. Remember how important they are to you. This side to your life needs special attention, especially if you’ve become so entrenched in work life that you behave the same at home as at work. Dealing with your family and friends requires different skills to dealing with colleagues. Remember, easing off at work a little will bring its rewards. Your health will improve, statistics show you’ll live longer, and you’ll actually improve your performance in the workplace as well.

Walking for Fat Loss???

Walking for Fat Loss??? by Jesse Cannone CFT, CPRS, CSPN
Burn Fat Fast Ebook Cover
With obesity and disease increasing dramatically, many fitness experts are recommending walking for weight loss and fitness. Some are even going so far as saying that walking is the best way to burn fat and lose weight. I strongly disagree with this and am going to show you why walking is NOT effective at burning off body fat. Yes, you read that correctly... Walking is NOT effective at burning body fat and if your goal is fat loss you might be wasting your time. I am not saying that walking is not beneficial, I am saying that if fat loss is the primary goal, there are far better choices that will deliver far better results. The primary benefits of walking are increased blood flow and circulation, improved recovery, and a strengthened immune system. There are several reasons why walking in not the best choice when it comes to fat loss. Here are just a few: 1. Walking does NOT burn a lot of calories The lower the intensity of the activity or exercise the smaller the number of calorie s burned per unit of time. For example, you can burn more calories in 15 minutes of bicycling at a high intensity level than you can in 45 minutes of easy walking. 2. Walking does NOT result in a large increase in metabolism Another downside to walking is that because it’s generally low intensity it results in only a small increase in metabolism that will only last approximately 1-2 hours after the walk. On the other hand, metabolism increases are larger and last longer (4-24 hrs or more) when you perform high intensity cardio workouts. 3. Walking does NOT deplete muscle glycogen Low intensity exercise like walking does not deplete muscle glycogen levels and therefore, later that day if you have excess calories they will likely be stored a s body fat whereas if you deplete the glycogen the excess calories will primarily be stored in the muscles. So why then do so many fitness and health experts recommend walking for weight loss? One reason is that people don’t want to hear that they have to work hard so they figure some activity is better than none. Another reason is that the body burns more fat for fuel when exercising at an easy pace, however, the total amount of energy used is so small that you end up burning off little body fat. That’s also why when you choose the “fat burning” program on your treadmill or bike it has you exercise at any easy level. Yes, you’re burning fat, but so little that you’d have to exercise at that easy pace for hours and hours each day. High intensity cardiovascular/aerobic exercise is much more effective in burning off the excess body fat. In fact, several studies have been done to prove this. In one study they compared one group who did moderate level aerobics for 45 minutes with another group who performed high intensity workouts for 15 minutes. They did before and after fitness testing including body fat analysis and found that the group who performed the high intensity aerobics lost nine times as much body fat! Want more proof? Here's something I cover in depth in my book http://www.achieve-fitness.com/cmd.php?Clk=1697084.... Compare the bodies of a walker, marathon runner, and sprinter. If you are not familiar with what a sprinter s body looks like, it is very muscular and has little body fat while on the other hand the body of a walker will likely have the opposite, little muscle and more fat. The sprinter does little or no low intensity exercise and does primarily short hard bursts of work while the marathoner overtrains so much they burn off both the body fat and the muscle and that’s why they tend to look almost sickly thin. So what should you do then if your main objective is to shed those excess pounds of body fat? Two things: 1. Perform some form of high intensity cardio 2-4 times per week 2. Stabilize blood sugar to minimize the storage of new fat I know some of you by now are saying “I can’t do high intensity exercise, I have a bad knee” and don’t worry, I have a solution for you. The good news is that high intensity is all relative to you and your current fitness level. For example, fast walking up and down hills may be high intensity for you... it all depends. So don’t think that you have to start running or something like that. Just slowly start to increase the intensity of your cardio workouts while also maybe decreasing the time because you can either work hard or you can work long. Also, you can make almost any activity or exercise high intensity.... here are a few examples: increase your speed use an incline or hills increase resistance perform intervals ( the most effective method) Obviously, some exercises/activities or better suited than other s but the point is if you want to burn more fat and make your workouts as productive as possible you need to increase the intensity. To learn more about high intensity cardiovascular exercise please check out the following articles: Forget the Fat Burn Zone - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/aftrack.asp?AFID=367419&u=www.achieve-fitness.com/forget.htm In Search of the Ideal Aerobics Routine - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/aftrack.asp?AFID=367419&u=www.achieve-fitness.com/ideal.htm Heart Rate Guidelines - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/aftrack.asp?AFID=367419&u=www.achieve-fitness.com/cardio.htm As with any changes to your fitness program be careful and don’t over do it. Just because high intensity workout s b urn more fat don’t think that you’ll get even better result s b y doing it everyday - that will quickly lead to over training and a loss of muscle which will only make it even harder to burn off the fat. Be sure to also check out my Burn Fat FAST! ebook and audio program here: http://www.achieve-fitness.com/cmd.php?Clk=1697084 The BURN FAT FAST! E-book shows you how with little or NO exercise and GUARANTEES your success! Click on the link below to start burning fat fast!
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