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InkdPixie's blog: "Random Thoughts"

created on 02/15/2007  |  http://fubar.com/random-thoughts/b55641
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24371992/?GT1=43001 Absinthe’s mind-altering mystery solved Proof positive: High alcohol content responsible for psychedelic effects Courtesy of the Albert Maignan's painting of "Green Muse" (1895) shows a poet succumbing to absinthe's mind-altering effects. LiveScience Absinthe’s mind-altering mystery solved Most viewed on msnbc.com By Charles Q. Choi updated 1:51 p.m. ET, Tues., April. 29, 2008 An analysis of century-old bottles of absinthe — the kind once quaffed by the likes of van Gogh and Picasso to enhance their creativity — may end the controversy over what ingredient caused the green liqueur's supposed mind-altering effects. The culprit seems plain and simple: The century-old absinthe contained about 70 percent alcohol, giving it a 140-proof kick. In comparison, most gins, vodkas and whiskeys are just 80- to 100-proof. In recent years, the psychedelic nature of absinthe has been hotly debated. Absinthe was notorious among 19th-century and early 20th-century bohemian artists as "the Green Fairy" that expanded the mind. After it became infamous for madness and toxic side effects among drinkers, it was widely banned. The modern scientific consensus is that absinthe's reputation could simply be traced back to alcoholism, or perhaps toxic compounds that leaked in during faulty distillation. Still, others have pointed at a chemical named thujone in wormwood, one of the herbs used to prepare absinthe and the one that gives the drink its green color. Thujone was blamed for "absinthe madness" and "absinthism," a collection of symptoms including hallucinations, facial tics, numbness and dementia. Prior studies suggested that absinthe had only trace levels of thujone. But critics claimed that absinthe made before it got banned in France in 1915 had much higher levels of thujone than modern absinthe produced since 1988, when the European Union lifted the ban on making absinthe. "Today it seems a substantial minority of consumers want these myths to be true, even if there is no empirical evidence that they are," said researcher Dirk Lachenmeier, a chemist with the Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Laboratory of Karlsruhe in Germany. Lachenmeier and his colleagues analyzed 13 samples of absinthe from old, sealed bottles in France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and the United States dated back to the early 1900s before the ban. After uncorking the bottles, they found relatively small concentrations of thujone in that absinthe, about the same as those in modern varieties. Laboratory tests found no other compound that could explain absinthe's effects. "All things considered, nothing besides ethanol was found in the absinthes that was able to explain the syndrome of absinthism," Lachenmeier said. (Ethanol is a word for common drinking alcohol.) The scientists are set to detail their findings in the May 14 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. © 2008 LiveScience.com. All rights reserved.

I'm leaving...

My soul needs fixin' and I need to start paying it some attention. I'll be back in a while, friends. Be kind to eachother, please. I love you, will miss you & will be thinking about you. Be back when I can. ~A
This stupid fucking douchebag got pissed off cause he shouted me and I wasn't at the computer the respond to him so he left me this and then he blocked me like a fucking pussy....and then he commented "LOSER" on my main pic. Go tell him how to treat a REAL woman, my darlings, will you? WTF, Goddess fucking forbid that I actually eat dinner with my husband! I'd originally shouted him to find out why he did the exact thing to my Shellbug when she wasn't even logged on!!! I guess it's his MO. He's at: http://www.fubar.com/user/355403. Yes, he's really called "Batman". Sorry, my babies, just stressed lately and he gave me THE PERFECT reason to vent! Batman: NOW GO FUCK OFF BITCH OK!! Batman: WHAT I DONT RIENDS...HOW DARE YOU MESSAGE ME THEN IGNOR ME?? HOW FUCKING RUDE YOU TRUELY FUCKING AREHAVE BECAUSE I DO NOT ALLOW IT IS RUDE F ->Batman: Wow, you're a real charmer. Don't even know me and this is how you speak to me? You must have women banging down your door. Batman: DONT WASTE MY FUCKING TIME OK! punishment...: do u have to be in a relationship? ~Shellbug ...: I LOVE YOU ANGEL.. YOU ARE THE BEST.. IN THE WORLD Batman: guess you go off a guy quick?? Batman: hi hun hows you yes single

Twin Souls

Twins Souls "And when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight even for a moment." The moment your soul was created it possessed male-female, ying-yang polarity and energy. God's love for you made sure that these two forces of consciousness, the masculine and feminine, would be bound together throughout eternity. The two halves have been called twin souls, twin vibrations, twin rays or twin flames. Said another way, you only have one twin aspect of your soul in the entire universe who vibrates at the same frequency of light that you do. This is quite an awesome thought. However, the story is a bit more involved than this simple explanation. As mentioned elsewhere, soon after our souls were created we left the joy and bliss of the Absolute to enter and experience the universe. Originally we were ONE complete soul, one family, one Being. There was no separation. However, when we entered the physical universe of duality and opposites, in which we currently find ourselves, all of that changed. The ONE Soul, which was originally whole, began to separate and divide itself into smaller and smaller fragments of Itself over the ages. This was needed so that we could eventually relate to one another as races, nations, and families or as individuals while in the universe of opposites. When that happened, relationships were born. And it is through relationships that we create opportunities to know ourselves, to remember our divine origin, to seek reunion and oneness with one another and eventually return to our Source. The twin relationship plays a very important role in all of this, as part of the divine, cosmic plan. At the end of the soul division cycle our individual souls made one final and very painful decision. We separated from our twin, the other half of our soul self, when we lost our way on planet Earth and became physical man and physical woman. We did this for a reason. As part of the divine plan, separation had to be experienced at all soul levels. This included twins within the same soul, so that we could initially experience and feel what separation was like. Then, when the time was right, we would reverse the entire process and experience the ecstatic joy of reunion. Over the ages, and throughout our many lifetimes, the experiences and feelings of separation constantly reminded us of our yearning and craving for completion with our Source and with our twin. That inner hunger for wholeness is why we search for romance and relationship. That is why we have families. That also is why we seek God. We are trying to re-create the same oneness we felt in the beginning. At some magical moment in cosmic time each of us will reach a point during our personal growth and evolution where separation is no longer the path of choice for us. The signal that would ignite the experience of soul reunion would be our spiritual awakening. In the process we would also realize that we are divine Beings of Light. Awakening to our true spiritual nature takes us on a inner journey that leads to the opposite of separation, which is reunion. As you can well imagine, reunion brings with it feelings of love, joy, bliss and ecstasy. At that moment, the soul begins to crave oneness with its Source. Part of this hunger will be satisfied by reunion with our twin. From what I read, this is when the journey home to our Source begins in earnest. Our spiritual awakening will eventually inspire us to question, and then cause us to discard, the false beliefs we have about traditional relationships, which are primarily ego driven and fear based. We will discover that, in order to have a lasting, fulfilling and meaningful partnership, the positive energy of unconditional love will have to replace the negative influence of the ego. Once twins begin to think and feel this way they are setting the stage for reunion. And once reunited, the twins will still have to work at their relationship to make it a lasting and rewarding one. Twin reunion by itself does not guarantee happiness. It simply sets the stage for it. Bringing a powerful spiritual awareness into a newfound twin reunion will provide the sustenance and glue for its balance and longevity. Another very important step prior to reunion is the need for balancing the male-female energy within each of us. The masculine half has always retained some of the original feminine energy that the soul possesses, while the feminine half still holds onto a part of the masculine essence it once was united with. Since that time, we have roamed around in this incomplete, unbalanced state of being looking for soul completion. We'll continue to experience life after life and relationship after relationship until we decide we've had enough separation from our other half and want something more fulfilling. Several important things must happen before lasting twin reunion can be experienced. And it must be achieved by both partners. The first is spiritual awakening and a return to God-centeredness. The second is minimizing the influence of the ego in choices made. The third is achieving a healthy balance of the masculine and feminine energies so that each twin can bring that inner harmony to one another to complete the whole. Twin soul relationships will not last unless both partners are spiritually mature. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that it is very easy to fall in love with the "picture" of the twin soul concept and be blinded by all that it promises. That has to be brought into proper focus and balance. Another danger is over-idealizing and hyper-romanticizing your partner and your relationship to the point where you believe you will live happily ever after regardless of what the future brings. That is not true. Depending upon one's level of spiritual development, twin souls can have varying degrees of ego issues just as other partners do. Over many lifetimes soul mate relationships have been and continue to prepare us for lasting twin reunion. They are a very important part of the process and should be blessed as such. Most often, soul mate unions will last longer and be more rewarding than the electrifying, but often stormy, twin pairings. Twin soul ship is a very highly charged partnership and the two must be spiritually ready for it to last. When they are, their union will transcend all others. (Taken from here.)


Ms. Absinthe's laptop died suddenly on Friday Feb. 29th from a massive hard drive attack. Numerous attempts were made to revive it but it was beyond repair. It went quietly and quickly. It leaves behind a loving family and takes with it thousands of pictures and the beloved porn of it's family and closest friends. Services will be held all month via text with Ms. Absinthe if you have her number. VIVA LA LAPTOP!

Valentine's Day 2008

"Lover's Heart" (copywritten 2/14/08) Can you love me? Will you love me? Will it be my pire? You're inside me Deep inside me You, you are my fire. I never wanted Never wanted to love you You never gave me a reason... Not to. I miss you, I miss you I wanna k-k-k-kiss you I wanna I wanna p-p-please you I just... I just... I just...love you. 2/14/08 CSS

Breakfast with Jacky boii

My 21 y/o hot-ass, sleaze boy, glam bam babydoll from that "other" site made this vid and I'm killin myself laughing!

A mirror reversed

Kafka called it "Metamorphosis". I call it preparation.
Military Pay Somebody has started to straighten some of these thoughtless and ungrateful people out. I am even more grateful that it was someone serving in one of the branches of military. Military paid too much? You be the judge! This is an Airman's response to Cindy Williams' editorial piece in the Washington Times about MILITARY PAY, it should be printed in all newspapers across America. On Nov. 12, Ms Cindy Williams (from Laverne and Shirley TV show) wrote a piece for the Washington Times, denouncing the pay raise coming service members' way this year -- citing that the stated 13% wage was more than they deserve. A young airman from Hill AFB responds to her article below. He ought to get a bonus for this. "Ms Williams: I just had the pleasure of reading your column, "Our GIs earn enough" and I am a bit confused. Frankly, I'm wondering where this vaunted overpayment is going, because as far as I can tell, it disappears every month between DFAS (The Defense Finance and Accounting Service) and my bank account. Checking my latest earnings statement I see that I make $1,117.80 before taxes. After taxes, I take home $874.20. When I run that through the calculator, I come up with an annual salary of $13,413.60 before taxes, and $10,490.40, after. I work in the Air Force Network Control Center where I am part of the team responsible for a 5,000 host computer network. I am involved with infrastructure segments, specifically with Cisco Systems equipment. A quick check under jobs for Network Technicians in the Washington, D.C. area reveals a position in my career field, requiring three years experience with my job. Amazingly, this job does NOT pay $13,413.60 a year. No, this job is being offered at $70,000 to $80,000 per annum... I'm sure you can draw the obvious conclusions. Given the tenor of your column, I would assume that you NEVER had the pleasure of serving your country in our armed forces. Before you take it upon yourself to once more castigate congressional and DOD leadership for attempting to get the families in the military's lowest pay brackets off of WIC and food stamps, I suggest that you join a group of deploying soldiers headed for AFGHANISTAN; I leave the choice of service branch up to you. Whatever choice you make, though, opt for the SIX month rotation: it will guarantee you the longest possible time away from your family and friends, thus giving you full "deployment experience." As your group prepares to board the plane, make sure to note the spouses and children who are saying good-bye to their loved ones. Also take care to note that several families are still unsure of how they'll be able to make ends meet while the primary breadwinner is gone -- obviously they've been squandering the "vast" piles of cash the government has been giving them. Try to deploy over a major holiday; Christmas and Thanksgiving are perennial favorites. And when you're actually over there, sitting in a foxhole, shivering against the cold desert night; and the flight sergeant tells you that there aren't enough people on shift to relieve you for chow, remember this: trade whatever MRE (meal-ready-to-eat) you manage to get for the tuna noodle casserole or cheese tortellini, and add Tabasco to everything. This gives some flavor. Talk to your loved ones as often as you are permitted; it won't nearly be long enough or often enough, but take what you can get and be thankful for it. You may have picked up on the fact that I disagree with most of the points you present in your opined piece. But, tomorrow from KABUL, I will defend to the death your right to say it. You see, I am an American fighting man, a guarantor of your First Amendment rights and every other right you cherish. On a daily basis, my brother and sister soldiers worldwide ensure that you and people like you can thumb your collective nose at us, all on a salary that is nothing short of pitiful and under conditions that would make most people cringe. We hemorrhage our best and brightest into the private sector because we can't offer the stability and pay of civilian companies. And you, Ms. Williams, have the gall to say that we make more than we deserve? Rubbish! A1C Michael Bragg Hill AFB AFNCC IF YOU AGREE, PLEASE SIGN AND PASS THIS ALONG TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE AND SHOW OUR SUPPORT OF THE AMERICAN FIGHTING MEN AND WOMEN. THANK YOU. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. AB Shanahan, Kelly M. USAF 2. SrA Macdonnell, M USAF @ Travis AFB 3. A1C Jessica Brewer USAF 4.Ashley O'Kelley 5. D Rogers 6.A1C Clara J. Brucker USAF 7. Amn April L. Severson USAF 8. Amn David "Smitty" Smith USAF 9. A1C AnneMarie Anello USAF 10. A1C Bush, MIchael R. II USAF @ Charleston AFB 11. A1C Lewis, Michael J USAF @ CAFB 12. A1C Bilodeau, Stephanie USAF @ Dover AFB-> my add on...not to mention the hours we work. i hear rumors of us going back to 5 and 2-12's. 60 hours a freaking week. way insane 13. SrA Brower, McGuire AFB USAF 14. SrA Caufield, Andrews AFB, MD USAF 15. Angela Cushing 16.Amy Pickett PAFW to SrA Pickett Andrews AFB 17.Cindy Mitchell..Wife to SrA Mitchell..deployed 18. Nicole Smith, USAF veteran 19. SPC. Todd M. Dicken, USAR (Its about time someone said it!) 20. Ssgt. Jason M. Fox, U.S. Air Force 21. SrA Graham, U.S. Air Force 22. SrA Saludares, U.S. Air Force 23.Carlos Labra 24. SrA Alice Labra, USAF @ Lackland AFB 25. SPC Joanna Estrada, US Army, Fort Riley, KS 26.SPC.Vereen,Jarrett, Us Army Ft.Bliss,TX 26. SGT Brandyburg, Felicia , U.S. ARMY 27. SPC Postell, David, U.S. ARMY 28. SSG Williams, Virgil C., U.S. Army 29. SGT RUDD, Gordon R, U.S. ARMY 30. PFC Morris, Sterfanie, U.S. Army, Camp Hovey, South Korea 31. PFC Perry, US Army, S. Korea 32. SPC Owen, US Army, S. Korea 33. SPC Blake, John, U.S. Army, Camp Castle, South Korea 34. SPC Sinclair, Joseph D, U.S. Army, Camp Castle, South Korea 35. SPC Loforte, Michelle, U.S. Army, Fort Bliss, TX 36. SSG Offerman, Ft. Bliss, TX 37. GSE3 Bollmann, USN 38. DC2 Pettit, USN 39. MN3 Roewe, USN @ Sasebo, Japan 40. MN3 Harvey, USN Sasebo, Japan 41. MN3 ESPOSITO, US NAVY, SASEBO JAPAN 42. MNSN FRANTZ,MICHAEL C., USN< SASEBO JAPAN 43. MN3 Tassey, USN Sasebo, Japan 44. HM3 Peoples, U.S. Navy, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines 45. HM3 Schlunsen, US Navy, Naval Medical Center San DIego 46. HN (FMF) McGraw, US Navy, 3RD MED BN, 3RD MLG 47. CPL McGraw, US ARMY, 187th INF REGT(RAKKASAN) 101st ABN 48. Stacy W. Family Readiness Instuctor Army Reserves 49. Erin L. Navy GF, Marine sister, Army and Navy granddaughter 50. Andrea A. C., AF wife 51. Connie ~ Granddaughter of a retired Navy man, cousin to a few Army men. 52. A1C Muffley Casey S. USAF Minot AFB 53. A1C Beusch, James J. USAF Minot AFB 54. A1C Beusch, Dawn R. USAF Minot AFB 55. A1C Harris, Christopher A. USAF Dobbins ARB, Grandson of a great man who served his country in the USAF. 56. A1C McClain, Keith F USAF Minot AFB 57. PFC Trahan, Lucas E USMC, Okinawa 58. LCpl Johnson Jr., Darrel A USMC, Kansas 59. PFC baker charles H USMC, okinawa japan 60. Euchner,Yvonne 61. McKay, Michael (former USAFR and MOANG) 62.PFC honeysuckle dustin 82nd airbourne 63. nikki gibson- army wife 64. Daisy Shingleton-army wife 65. Spc william sego 82nd airborne fort bragg NC 66. Kylie Spence 67. SSG Mojica,Cesar (USAJFKSWC, Special Forces trainee) 68. SPC Harris, David - 82 ABN DIV 69. SPC Adamo, Paul - 82d ABN DIV 70. Nikki Johnson-Grandaughter of a Marine and a Fighter Pilot-North Carolina 71. Aaron Gagneur- 101 Airborne Division Air Assault 72. Jacob Sellers - 101st ABN Division Air Assault 73. Stacy Cozine - 101st ABN DIV (AASLT) 74. J. Busch - Panama City Beach Fire Recue (USN grand dad) 75. Kristin Parnell - Army wife and Air Force daughter 76. Angela Sammons 77.AOAN Applewhite- USN, NAB CORONADO 78. ISSN Lapham - USN, Norfolk 79. A1C Thielman- USAF, Ramstein Germany AB 80. SrA Wentworth-USAF, RAB GE 81. SrA Jones-USAF, Ramstein AB Germany 82. SrA Clark - USAF, Whiteman AFB MO 83. A1C Korf- USAF, whiteman AFB Mo 84. A1C Warren- USAF, Whiteman AFB, MO 85. A1C Pierce-USAF, Kliene Brogel, Belgium 86. K Brantley, USAF dependent Whiteman AFB MO 87. C. Johnson USAF 88. J. Dutcher USAF dependent, Whiteman AFB 89. S. Brown USAF, Whiteman AFB, MO AirForce Wife 90. SGT Daniels, Keisha-101st ABN DIV (AASLT) 91. SGT Rice, Ashly-101st ABN DIV 92. SPC Boucher, Samantha- 164th MP Co. Ft Richardson AK 93. Barbara Schultz- Army Mother 94. PFC Van Horn- 1102nd GSU Ft Richardson Ak 95. PFC Donnelly, Bobbie 96. PV2 Tavel, Gwynnne 212th MP CO Weisbaden Germany 97. PFC Miles, Darian 190th MP Co. Kennesaw, Georgia 98. PFC Howell, Jeffrey HHC STB Ft. Riley Kansas 99. PFC Scronce, Jacob HHC STB Ft. Riley Kansas 100. Wife of PV2-Parker, Latishia...Ft. Riley Kansas 101. Terry M. cousin in Army Ft Hood. Tx 102. SPC Uribe, Tosha 602nd maint. co ft. hood tx 103. Wife of PFC-Johnson, Jessica...Ft. Hood Tx 104. PFC Michael Reynolds, 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade 105. Robert Dale, Grandson of a retired Navy man, nephew to a few Army men and air force and brother to a marine. 106. Karen Crockford, Air Force and Army granddaugter, daughter of a Sailor, girlfriend of a Marine. 107. Shannon M, Girlfriend of a deployed Marine Cpl 108. Heather Causey full military family an USMC FIANCE 109. Heather Crum-Daughter of an Army vet & USMC GF 110. Meggan Gonzalez- USMC Wife 111.Ashley Davis- USMC Wife 112. Natasha Weiker - Granddaughter of WWII Vet, Stepdaughter of USN Vet, Sister of USN, ... 113. Kristen Schalk - Girlfriend of a 101st Airborne Division Soldier (Infantry) 114. Heather Speck- wife of 1-28th Infantry Solider (Love You Baby) 115. April Cefalu- Wife of a 1-28 Infantry Soldier 116. Spc. Turchi-US Army 117.Ashley Turchi-amry wife 118.Kim Darnley-army mom 119.Mary Lackey-army mom 120.Angel Amick-army sister 121. Jenna McManus - USMC (1st Battalion, 8th Marines, Charlie Company) sister, granddaughter of retired United States Navy Officer 122.MASA Urbanski-United States Navy Wallops island,va 123MASA NASH-USN WALLOPS ISLAND VA!! 124. Amn Aylsworth- USAF TACP 101st AIRBORNE 125.A1C McCasland - USAF 43d Civil Engineering Squadron 126. Amn Wright - USAF 17th Civil Engineering Squadron 127. ktg - Army Airborne Ranger girlfriend 128. Michelle Brown-Army Combat engineers proud wife 129. Karen Causey- Proud Army Wife 130. Julie Springer~ Proud Army Wife...whose Husband is overworked and underpaid. Besides...how dare u put a price on YOUR freedom! 131. Steven Trejo Sr proud BFF of a deployed Marine 132. Steven Trejo Jr proud nephew of an Uncle KIA in Desert Storm 133. Damian Trejo proud nephew of an Uncle KIA in Desert Storm 134. Dante Trejo proud nephew of an Uncle KIA in Desert Storm 135. Sora Trejo proud niece of an Uncle KIA in Desert Storm 136. Elizabeth Trejo proud niece of an Uncle KIA in Desert Storm 137. Christina Trejo ~ Proud BFF 2 a deployed Marine, niece of an Uncle KIA in Desert Storm, Great Niece of an Uncle wounded in Namm, cousin to a Marine, cousin to a Navy Seal, BFF to an Army Infantry wife, and Coastie Brat! 138. Staci- Proud Marine girlfriend :) 139. How eloquently stated! Mandi Bethel-Horn-Proud Marine Wife 140. Erika P. USMC WIFE 141. Alicia Kaisen~ Proud USMC Wife 142. Lauren O. ~ Proud USMC Wifey 143. Jessie Avila~ VERY PROUD USMC WIFE, Camp Lejeune, NC 144. Virginia Loven ~ proud USMC wife 145.Annie Mullins~USMC wife 146 Christina Parker~USMC wife 147. Daniel Apiag~Son of a 20+ year Navy Veteran 148. Nikki Baker-Granddaughter of retired Navy Chief, cousin to a Navy man 149. LeeAnn--proud gf of a smokin' submarriner...in the Navy, of course 150. Josh Bailey- brother of a US Army Ranger, son of a retired Colonel and grandson of WWII and Korean war Vet 151. Michael Turnbow-US Navy Vet 152. Armand Riley-US Navy Vet 153. jon roche just an american THANK YOU 154. Nikole Renee ~ Sister of an Army Vet (173rd Airborne Infantry-Served in Iraq & Afghanistan) 155. Mike Eshaq former Cpl. USMC 156. James Piche~ PVT ANG 157. Angi Szalai-Supporter of our Armed Forces!! 158. Scott J. Giard ~ Former OS1, US Coast Guard. 159. Justin D. Olson~BM1, US Coast Guard. 160. A1C Slaughter~Travis AFB 60th CES 161. Amn Dagza - Whiteman AFB 509th CES 162.A1C Castaneda- Nellis AFB 99th SSS 163. A1C Bunte-Nellis AFB 99th SSS 164.A1C Woolery-Offutt AFB 55th SFS 165. A1C Ankenbauer Jr - Robins AFB 166. A1C Murray - Robins AFB 78 SFS 167. A1C Doell - Barksdale AFB 2nd SFS 168.A1C Terrence Cole-Edwards AFB 95th SFS 169.Minette Rivera - proud fiancee of A1C Terrence Cole 170. PFC Van Gelder- U.S. army 1-25 sbct 171. PFC Cohen- U.S. ARMY 1-25 sbct 172. PFC Willey- U.S. Army-443 mp co, proud son of air force veterans, brother to a marine, grandson of a IWO JIMA vet 173. PFC Brewer-U.S. Army Reserves 320th MP Unit 174. PFC Mohr- Army National Guard 32nd Mp co. 175. PFC Rawson- Army Reserves 391st Mp bn Hq 176. SPC Moore - MOARNG 1137th MP CO 177. PFC Cowan- Texas National guard 178. PFC Merck- 304th MP BN, DET 4, United States Army 179. PFC Theriac-354th MP BN, United States Army 180. SPC Baxter-233rd MP CO 181. PFC Choate- 2-130 Inf 182. Theresa Napiorkowski-My Husband and Sons protect your freedom! 183. Terri Robinson- USMC WIFE 3/5 Wpns Co.. I know for a fact he does NOT get paid enough. Father and two brothers in the Army! 184. PFC Napiorkowski-2/130 185.A1C Davila- AF Mountain home, id 186. A1C Orton- AF Mountain Home, Idaho 187. A1C Brown- AF Mountain Home AFB, ID 188. A1C Patrick- AF Mountain Home, ID 189. Dolly Girodo - Wife of A1C Girodo - USAF Mountain Home AFB, ID 190.Caroline Harman-wife of SRA-Mountain Home AFB, ID we are a family of four and barly make ends meat! 191.SRA Nathanel Harman-Mountain Home AFB, ID.. 192. A1C Stone-USAF-Mountain Home AFB, Id. 193. Kate and Ezekial Stone-wife and son of A1C Stone-USAF Mountain Home AFB, Id. 194. Audrey King- Proud wife of SGT. King-Fort Benning Georgia! 195. Carole Basel Wife of SSGT Daniel Basel 196. Catrina Money Proud Wife of TSGT Curtis Money-F.E. Warren AFB 197. Mary D. ~ PROUD USAF Wife 198. Maria T. - proud daughter of retired SFC A. Tabulina, Fort Lewis, WA 199. MK2 Carlson-U.S. Coast Guard-Sector Miami 200. MK2 Woebkenberg-U.S. Coast Guard-M.S.R.T. 201. GM2/SPC Dorgan USCG/US ARMY 202. SGT Trevino US Army ...Call me crazy, but I remember year long deployments. You six month guys were lucky. 203. SSG Rose U.S. ARMY FRT. LEWIS, WA 204. SGT Becerra- US Army... SIx Months?? Year long?? how's 15 months damn i wish I was in the army back then.. :P 205. SGT Fisher U.S. Army 2nd ID. FT. Lewis WA. 206. SPC. Carroll US. Army 2nd INF DIV. FT. Lewis WA. 207. SGT Orebaugh, US. Army 2nd INF DIV. Ft Lewis WA 208. SGT Booth, US Army 2nd INF DIV, Ft Lewis, WA 209. Erin Vannoy Proud wife of a First Class Navy Man NAS Lemoore 210. Amber Peterson, Proud Wife to AT1 Peterson NAS Lemoore 211. SSgt Colbert, Jill Peterson AFB Colorado Spring and my husband SGT Colbert, Aaron Fort Carson/Iraq 212. SrA Michael Yates; Osan AB, ROK USAF 213. SrA Sean O'Connor, USAF 214. A1C Kayleigh Malanosky, Osan AB, ROK, USAF 215. SrA Adam Sneed, Osan AB, ROK, USAF 216. A1C Christopher Cagley USAF, Macdill AB, Tampa 217. A1C Sergio Gonzalez, Aviano AB, Italy 218. A1C Amanda Gomez, Lackland AFB, TX 219. SrA Christopher Bailey, Lackland AFB, TX 220. SSgt R Washington, Lackland AFB TX 221. SrA Monique Monteiro, Lackland AFB, TX 222. SrA Gagner, Rachel C. Ellsworth AFB, SD 223.Brandon, Melissa Veteran Macdill AFB, FL 224 TSgt Brandon, Stephen Macdill AFB, FL 225. Rebecca Pinkerton, ex wife of Major Robert Storey ARMY who is currently in his 2nd tour of Iraq, south Bahgdad. We have a 12 year son who cries himself to sleep in fear. Rob's words Christmas day, it is bad over here, don't tell Quentin. 226.Puts things into prospective, made me tear up!!! Fantastic job, well written.....Renee Jimenez (3 relatives recently served and/or are serving in the Military) 227. Diane Broadbent: family and friends and clients who have served or who have spouses serving for u! 228. Jacquelyn Hanners: Grateful American 229. Layne Harmon: Boise, ID. 230. Michelle Garrett: Missoula, MT 231. PR2 Michaelah Barcus, NAS JAX, FL 232. W. D. O. Strong, Fmr. AD and proud Veteran. HM USN @ NAVHOSP Great Lakes, IL, Corpus Christi, TX, San Diego, CA & Pensacola, FL. Signed with tears in my eyes. Some people just have NO CLUE! 233. C. S. Strong, Fmr. military husband, Patriot and proud American.
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