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"Don't be seen on Halloween", New York State says to its worst perv offenders! If you're a level 3, be scarce! A practical use for Megan's law! It only means there are 800 strangers in NY state from whom a kid won't be taking candy from - 'cause they're not allowed to give it! A good move by government for a change! Read on... ALBANY - The worst of the state's convicted perverts have been ordered to make themselves scarce on Halloween, the Daily News has learned. Under rules to be enforced by the state Division of Parole, registered sex fiends must abide by a curfew that begins at 3 p.m. Monday and runs until 6 a.m. Tuesday. They also are barred from wearing masks or having any interaction with young trick-or-treaters who ring their bell. "As a parent, I know that nothing is more frightening than the prospect of someone preying on your child," Gov. Pataki said. "That is why we have directed the state's criminal justice agencies to do everything in their power to make sure our children are safe from sexual predators on Halloween and every day." The new restrictions apply to 270 Level 3 sex offenders - the worst of the worst - in the five boroughs and 539 in the rest of the state, officials said. To make sure the convicted molesters and rapists get the message, Pataki said parole officers will be knocking on their doors and calling their homes "throughout the night." The New York Civil Liberties Union questioned the Pataki administration's plan but stopped short of saying it would go to court to challenge the restrictions. New York's move comes after officials in Westchester County and New Jersey announced similar efforts to limit the movements of known predators on Halloween.
Over the past month or so, I've put up some testing websites. I guess I went crazy. One website is based on a Japanese chat system - it's at: http://randomfolks.com Another I've been working with is at: http://forum.ggblvd.com/seo And over here I experimented with combining RSS and old fashioned NNTP: http://naplesplus.us/usenet/index.php Oh, a test in horizontal scrolling at: http://naplesnerds.com/wordpress (this one won't go far - but it was fun to play with the concept of a horizontal webpage) Then, there's my experiment with social networking at: http://all.naplesnerds.com and FINALLY my online gateway to Usenet is online at: http://naplesnerds.com/test *whew* - lots of experimenting. And that's just the working experiments. Lots of unfinished/failed experiments sitting around. Lemme know what you think, eh? Kenneth Udut - simplify3

Advertising stinks.

Man, getting the "word out" about naplesnerds.com is ROUGH. I did it for naplesplus - and it's all over the web. I did it for NeighborHelp Referrals' Affordable Trapping, and we get TONS of calls when someone needs trapping. But Naples nerds --- man, this is going to be tricky. It's a subgenre of people in an area where beautiful and popular are considered important. It's getting ppl out of the woodwork. I could have made a generic forum, but I thought, "No, no, go with something YOU would enjoy". I think it'll work out, but it'll just take some time. I have faith in the software, faith in the "process". Part of my problem is lacking "real friends" in Naples, FL, otherwise they could get it going for me. Part of the problem IS that I have many acquaintances but none of whom would consider themselves nerds, geeks - maybe misfits but that's about it. "my kind of people" is always hard to find, no matter where I'm at!! Ken, webmaster of naples nerds (naplesnerds.com)
Holy crap! I've got over a million points on fubar! Horrah for me! Time to party! woo-hoo! Collier County News

More losing weight tips

These are the raw notes I've been taking while reading, "You: On a diet" by Dr Michael Roizen and Dr Mehmet Oz - hope this helps someonw! L-carnitine - 3gm / day turns carbs into muscle ideal waist size men: 35, max 40 - above is dangerous ideal waist size women: 32 1/2 - max 37 waist is defined as around your belly button - suck in your gut. Eating a handful of nuts every day keeps you feeling full. Cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity which makes you feel full, reducing blood sugar + cholesterol levels at the same time). Dosage: less than 2 teaspoons a day. for 40 days. * Steep your favorite herbal tea with a cinnamon stick adds flavor to the tea * Add one-half teaspoon of cinnamon to unsweetened applesauce * Add cinnamon to your breakfast cereal or oatmeal * Sprinkle on toast * Adding cinnamon to butter or cream cheese * Sprinkle cinnamon on your morning cup of coffee, cocoa or cappuccino playing video games can actually be GOOD for dieting as it keeps your hands busy, so you don't eat! The liver is responsible for your metabolism! Oatmeal eaten in the morning prevents afternoon gorging. walk 30 minutes/day, either at once or in parts. "omentum" - fat storing tissue next to your stomach that causes organ damage when you have too much of it. CART - cocaine amphetamine regulatory transcript - reduces appetite NPY - decreases metabolism + increases appetite These two fight it out for the same space. Leptin = satisfaction Ghrelin = hunger ghrelin increases with lack of food, lack of water, lack of sleep + lack of sex. Leptin increases with enough water, food, sleep + sex. Don't eat any foods with: Simple Sugars Enriched, bleached or refined flour HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) INSTANT ENERGY: glycogen reservoir stores only 300 calories. Burn that off, and you start burning fat!!!! TRICK YOUR BODY INTO THINKING ITS NOT HUNGRY: Eat a little fat 20 minutes before the meal: six walnuts twelve almonds twenty peanuts Simulates production of CCK, slowing your stomach from emptying. Eat fiber in the morning makes you less hungry in the afternoon. Oatmeal cereal whole grains fruit Start with 1 or 2 grams of fiber before meals + at bedtime and slowly increase to 5 grams. (konjac root has a fiber effect as well: 1 gram an hour before eating.) Switch to 9 inch plates. Never eat directly out of a box or carton. One serving size of food is usually the size of your fist. Eat slowly - take at least 20 minutes. Red pepper eaten early in the day decreases food intake later on. Example: Egg White omlette with red peppers. lactobacillus GG Bifidus Regularis These are good bacteria which repopulate your small intestine, calming down the dangerous bacteria. Especially helps if you have GI irritation, gas and internal inflammation.
Roll with It
Roll your shoulders forward for a count of 10 and back for 10. Swim shoulders back for 10 and forward for 10. Your goal is trying to get full range of movement with your shoulders. Notice any areas that you don't move fluidly, and try to open them up by relaxing as you move your hands in full circles. Between sets, get in the habit of rolling your shoulders five times forward and five times back.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


The Chest Cross
Strengthens chest and shoulders: Cross your arms in front of your chest in a series of quick horizontal motions.. Do it with both hands face up, then face down. Next move your hands rapidly up and down. Then twist your arms back and forth like you have tennis balls in your hands. Try to do each of these variations 25 times.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


The Clapper
Stretches chest: In a standing position and keeping your chest up, clap in front of you; then bring your hands behind your back and clap your hands together. Keep your hands as high as you can during the movement. Do 10 times.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Push-Up Pride
Strengthens chest: Get in the appropriate "up" push-up position for you by either staying on your toes or keeping your knees on the ground. Lower yourself until your chest nearly touches the ground and push back up. As you straighten your elbows, push your spine towards the ceiling (to help engage your back muscles). Keep a long, solid body. Pull your heels away from your shoulders, keeping a long, solid body. Don't let your stomach hang down toward the ground, because that will cause unnecessary tension on your lower back. Instead, keep your stomach tight to strengthen your belly muscles. If your lower back starts to hurt, raise your butt slightly. Keeping your chin slightly up, look 6 inches past your fingertips. This forces you to use your chest and not overextend your neck while doing push-ups. Do as many push-ups as you can (this is called exercising to failure, and it's what helps build strength proteins in your muscle). If these are too hard, just hold your chest off the ground without moving. Or you can do a pyramid push-up routine: Do 5 push-ups, then hold in the up position for 5 seconds. Then do 4 and hold for 4 in the up position, all the way down to 1.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Meet You at the Corner
Stretches chest and arms: Face a corner of a room and stretch your arms to the side in line with your shoulders with elbows at right angles. Put pressure on your arms to stretch your chest by leaning into the wall for 20 seconds. Keep your chin up and face directly into the corner.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


The Hippie
Stretches hips and hamstrings: With your feet flat on the ground, bend forward at your waist. Alternate bending one knee and keeping the other leg straight (but still keeping feet flat), and let your head dangle down, releasing all your tension. Stretch each side for 15 seconds.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Steady on the Plank
Strengthens abs and shoulders: Get into a push-up position with your elbows and toes on the floor, while pushing the area between your shoulders towards ceiling and keeping your stomach pulled in towards lower back, to support it. Keep your buttocks tight and your eyes looking at the floor (ignore the fact that you suddenly realize you have to vacuum). Hold the position for as long as you can. If you can last more than 1 minute, make it more difficult by dropping your chin 20 times out in front of interweaved hands, or by trying to balance on one foot.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Whose Side Are You on, Anyway?
Strengthens obliques (the muscles at the side of your abdominals): Turn to the side by putting an elbow on the floor and rotating the opposite hip toward the ceiling. Keep your body in a straight line and resist pushing your butt back. Keep your abs tight as you hold the position for as long as you can. Alternate sides. If you can hold for more than 1 minute, you can increase difficulty by repeatedly dropping your hip, tapping it on the mat and bringing it back into the lateral plank.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Up, Dog, Up
Stretches abdominals and obliques: From a down push-up position, with your hands below your shoulders, lift your chest and torso up into the air so your upper body is nearly perpendicular to the floor as you come onto the tops of your bare feet. Lean backwards to stretch your abdominals, but keep your butt relaxed. Hold for 10 seconds, then look over your right shoulder for 10, then your left shoulder for 10, then back to center.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Leg Drop
Strengthens entire abdominal areas: Lie on your back and put your knees at a 90-degree angle and your feet in the air. Drop your heels down, tap the mat, and bring back up to 90-degrees. Do as many as you can (to failure). Advanced: Do it with straight legs.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


X Crunch
Strengthens upper abdominals: Lie on your back with your feet on the ground and knees at a 45-degree angle. Cross your arms behind your head, putting your opposite hand to opposite shoulder forming an x behind your head. Rest your head in this x and keep your neck loose (in the beginning, you can put a tennis ball under your chin as a reminder). Using your abdominal muscles, crunch up about 30 degrees from the floor. Without holding your breath, you need to suck in your belly button to the floor to tighten the natural girdle you have (it's a muscle called the transverse abdominis) to keep the entire 6-pack tight. Also pull up your pelvis muscles (like when you are holding in your pee) to strengthen the bottom of the natural girdle. Do as many as you can. Stretch your abdominals afterward (see Up Dog Up).

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


The Rickety Table
Strengthens upper back: Put your hands and knees flat on the floor with your fingers spread apart and pointing directly forward. Keep your back flat and parallel to the floor. Look down 6 inches above your fingertips. Reach your right hand forward and your left foot back and stretch them as far away from each other as possible, keeping your right hand higher than your head. The higher your arms goes up, the more work your back has to do and the more effective the exercise. Now, bring your right elbow to your left knee. Do 20 on this side, then alternate and do it with the other leg and arm. For more advanced, you can move your arm and leg out at a right angle from body, keeping them above your spine. Your stomach should be pulled in the entire time, supporting your lower back.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Strengthens lower back: Lie flat on your stomach, reaching your arms out in front of you with palms down. Spread out your extremities straight out in all four directions and lift your arms and legs simultaneously for enough repetitions to cause some mild fatigue. Continue to look down during the movement, and don't over extend your neck up. This exercise is about how long you can make your body-not how high you can get it. Focus on squeezing your butt as you lift.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


The Seated Pretzel
Stretches lower middle and upper back: Sit down with legs stretched in front of you. Bring your right foot up and set it down on the outside of your left knee. For back support, put your right hand behind your right butt cheek. Bring your left toe straight up. Reach your left hand up like a stop sign and drop your chin, and then twist to right and bring your left tricep to outside of the right thigh. To go deeper, twist more to apply pressure against your right thigh. Act like a string is pulling the top of your head up to elongate the spine. Breathe by expanding your rib cage like you are blowing up a balloon.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Seated Drop-Kick
Strengthens quadriceps: Sit with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend your right leg up with knee pointing towards the ceiling. To keep your back straight, interweave your hands around this knee. Act like there is a string pulling from the top of your head elongating your spine (and don't bob your head). Lift your left straight leg 6 inches of the ground, keep your left toe pointed towards the ceiling. Lift for 25 times, then switch legs. Do each leg twice.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Invisible Chair
Strengthens entire leg: Sit in a chair position (with no chair!) with your back against a wall, and with your hands palms up resting on your knees. Keep furniture near you or under you, so you can grab it to help yourself back up when you're done. Keep your heels directly below your knees and at a 90-degree angle; your shoulders should be rolled back and the back of your head against wall. Hold for as long as you can, and try to work up to 2 minutes. Keep your face relaxed and breathe.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Nice Thighs
Stretches quadriceps: While standing on one leg, bend the knee of the opposite leg and grab the foot behind your back with one hand (use one arm to hold something to keep balanced). Pull the foot toward your butt while lifting your chest forward and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Switch legs. Keep your abs pulled in the entire time, to support lower back. Hold each for 20 seconds.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


Step Taps
Stand in front of a set of stairs. Place one foot two steps up; leave it there as you raise the other foot up tapping that step for 20 consecutive times and then switching legs. Using your arms to propel you up, as a sprinter would do. You barely want to hear your foot tap back down and back up. The softer it hits the more burn you get and the less impact on your knees.

Source: YOU: On a Diet, by RealAge doctors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz


realage notes

Age: 35.8 - "realage": 40.6 Some notes from Realage.com recommendations for Ken: 400iu Vit E 10 tablespoons of tomato paste w/healthy fat good oil is canola and olive oil for cooking soybean + corn is good too. no butter / lard / coconut or palm oil 5 servings of vegs/day Good choices include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, carrots, celery and cucumbers. Age reduction benefits kick in when at least 1000-3500 calories are expended through exercise each week. 30 minutes of walking @ once, or brisk walking 10 minutes @ a time, 3 times a day. Before strength training, stretch the muscles you will use under mild tension for 10 seconds. 8-12 reps for each major muscle group. 6-8 glasses of water a day w/meals. Avoid late night eating. 2-3 hours before bed. Start a meal with a small slice of bread w/olive oil or a bit of desert. A bit of fat slows the emptying of the stomach. eat in a calm environment. 210 minutes of cardiovascular exercises per week.
This morning, I spent a mere hour cleaning up my office/bedroom. I used 1 gallon ziplock bags and got rid of the small crap laying around. 1 bag was for receipts. 1 bag was for returned postcards from business mailings (had hundreds lying around) 1 bag was for vitimins/supplements/health things. 1 bag was for office type supplies (all pens, staplers, etc in here) 1 bag was for varoius notes (notes taken on index cards, 3x5 notebooks, etc. If i knew it would be that easy, I would have done it a year ago! hope it helps someone!
[my response to a MUMM about starting a revolution of the poor against the rich in the USA] the truly poor do not have a computer. The truly poor are not on fubar. We all have money problems but people you consider rich, many of them honestly believe they're poor. I didn't have cable TV 'til I was 12. Did that make us poor? No. That makes us without cable TV. My clothes were all Goodwill and hand-me-downs until I was in high school. Some were my older sister's clothes, for whom my very smart mother bought BOYS clothes and made them girly for her, then when it was my turn, they became boy-y (boy ee?) Did that make us poor? No. Beyond all of that: A revolution. Hmm. Not likely to happen. And if there ever WAS a revolution, here's what would happen: The infighting within the revolters would kill the movement. Or: Let's say the revolution was a success. Then what? The "winners" of the revolution would have power. What happens when little people get powerful? They become WORSE than the people they overthrew. If you have a decent system of government to REPLACE the current system in the USA, then you might get somewhere. But without a plan of what do if you "win" - you will fail, get executed as a traitor when the old guard comes back into power and that's that. Revolt against your parents. That's what they're for. Revolt against your school. Heck, steal a blank postit note at work as a sign of workplace revolt. But Government? They're too bloated to get turned over.
misunderstanding is part of the fun of living in a society. You say "A dog farts in the wind while a rainbow kicks a leprachaun's ass". the other person only hears the word "rainbow" and says, "You like rainbows? You pansy!" "no no", you reply "I'm talking about dog farts". "WHAT!?!?", they reply, "You like ass?" - etc etc... Bad communicators pick ONE WORD out of the previous thing you said and expound on it, rather than hearing the whole thing. It's their mental deficiency, not yours. What do you think?
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