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All the top people in charge of this great country and our lives are totally INSANE, IRRESPONSIBLE AND IGNORANT, ABSOLUTE INSANITY RULES the White House! What can you expect from Bush's crowd of moronic political ADVISERS, planners and *counselors / guides, secret services etc.? This is exactly how you get a President killed! Hello Mr. President in case you do not know you are a CANCER and the moon rules your sign, for God sake how can this elite crowd of people church goers be so religious, and be so blind to God's OBVIOUS *moon sign/messages at the same time is a mystery to me? Those political educated heads handle so much responsibilities and the life of our children dying in Iraq including the President himself but don’t expect them to heed God's or Dr. Turi *taboo Moon Power nonsense stuff. I teach my students to NEVER, EVER launch anything important, travel or put themselves in arms way AFTER THE FULL MOON if they can avoid it. This rules apply for every one of you but especially for all water signs and above all to those born in July and YES Mr. President as a CANCER you are under the full jurisdiction of your ruler above, the moon. When will your moronic cream of the crop political entourage etc. realize that the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above their scholarly heads and that she literally CONTROL the affairs (and your lives) Mr. Presidents Bush and Mr. President elected Obama?


Hey may be you smart guys in charge of my safety, you should check this guy further, he seems to know what the hell he is talking about! Get his 2009 Moon power NOW! www.drturi.com/orders3.html#moonpower


Hey may be you smart guys in charge of my safety, you should check this guy further, he seems to know what the hell he is talking about! Get his 2009 Moon power NOW! www.drturi.com/orders3.html#moonpower When will you all elites of the ALL branches of the government learn to heed God's signs and make a good use of this *FAUX PAS, so elected President Obama may benefit from true wisdom and stays alive longer? But will Obama's crowd of political *counselors read Moon Power of the Bible? Well you have your answer so do not be surprised if anything dramatic (and it will) takes place some days in the future. NO ONE is above God's rules but NO ONE in power has been taught how to see, understand and heed the creator's divine message. God's True Face!


Moon Power God's true manifestation or deceiving junk created by controlling groups? CAUTION PLEASE – RELIGIOUS PEOPLE DO NOT LOOK! I promised one of my readers to post these offending pics and his own message. From/// DT Please put these up in your next newsletter it shows that you do have lots of supporters on the net that think like us. You are right Sir, the Age of Pisces is on its way out and I welcome your uncanny unique new perception of God. It took me a while but after reading you for many months there is no more doubt in my mind you are right and I encourage everyone to do the same. Thanks DT keep saving us, you're the best. M



Not only you escaped with serious injury Mr. President but the shoe is an omen (its part of my gift to translate physical omens too) and a shoe is what is used to walk on the earth too. This means a serious sign for you to wake up with a kick on the head and be more logical and rational in dealing with a totally religiously poisoned country (and allies) and realize that they are as Cosmic Conscious are you and your entourage. Now the *legacy of doing secret trips when you feel like to Iraq (or when your moronic political entourage decides if OK for you to do so) the waning moon energy wont go away that easy and will escalate out of your control drastically. You gave *birth to a negative energy and EVIL was born out of your and your adviser's ignorance and refusal to respect the Cosmic Code (or God' signs). Protesters across Iraq Tuesday urged government authorities to free the TV correspondent who threw his shoes at U.S. President George W. Bush. At least my work will benefit the mass and make a note of my heeding after the full moon?


The brother of the journalist who hurled his shoes at President Bush said his sibling's actions were "spontaneous" and represented millions of Iraqis who want to "humiliate the tyrant." Dhirgham al-Zaidi described his brother's hatred for the "material American occupation" and the "moral Iranian occupation." Now do you want more proof? DO NOT OR AVOID FLYING AFTER THE FULL MOON unless you respect the rules, and many of my newsletters taught you how to travel safely during a waning moon because life DOES NOT STOP after the full moon. The past of God in you (your will) is much stronger than the moon and the stars, but unless you build enough cosmic consciousness you can only become a robot of the stars (or the moon). So if you are newcomers to my work, please do not email me to learn more, do like all my other advanced readers and catch up with them please. www.drturi.com/newsletter/


Rescue crews scoured the Caribbean Sea on Tuesday for a plane that took off from the Dominican Republic en route to the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Dominican Republic Civil Aviation agency said. Agency director Jose Tomas Perez said the flight left Santo Domingo at 4:30 p.m. Monday, and the plane later sent out a distress signal to Miami, Florida, that it was experiencing an emergency. There were 12 people onboard, including the pilot. But that is not all, I was on the telephone with Terania last night trying hard to build some spirit of hope in her (she went through hell last few weeks because of foot surgery). She was quite depressed and crying suffering the moon impact on her psyche. I explained to her to be strong as all the problems and pain she was going through were induced by the waning moon, and as I was talking to her she screamed "OMG OMG Hun!" Then I heard her yelling on top of her lungs, MOM MOM call 911 right now, MOM, our neighbor's house is in fire!


"The fire moving in our backyard, MOM, MOM I am scared!" she kept screaming... I was petrified because there is nothing I could do to assess the danger she was in or help her. Then I heard her mother screaming on the phone OMG OMG, GET OUT GET OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW! Her father joined a second later ordering then to evacuate, grab anything and run out in the street. I felt so helpless knowing my most precious and cherished person on earth was in danger, this feeling was just terrible because I have absolutely no fears of anything when someone I love needs me. During the entire commotion she stayed on the phone with me and I was able to guide and comfort her then finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, the Dallas fire brigade came along and put the fire off. I kept her talking and comforting *Hypnotizing her on the phone, after the drama finished and then she finally fell asleep and was able to rest. I also told her that I perceived this *omen as very serious and decided to write another SOS To The World newsletter today. Christmas will unfold under this window PLEASE BE CAREFUL many unaware souls will not see the year 2009 and fall for the Lord Of Heades. Expect NEGATIVE DRAGON WINDOW FOR DECEMBER 21/22/23/24 2008 Famous Death/Dramatic News Police FBI CIA Secrets Scandals Crime Terrorism Finances Sex Serial Killers.


Ugly Hidden Face Of Death Evil Spirits A Mad Dance Innocent Children Mother Cry Police Drama Reality Strike A Famous One To Die Written by Dr. Turi 11/11/06 Expect more light on that terrible drama!


Investigators said Friday that they think remains found near a home where Caylee Anthony lived with her grandparents are those of the missing toddler. Moon Power sample - Note: Attention Pluto is back with us. During a waning Moon trend you can only experience dramatic happenings. Don’t be a victim of the Lord of Hell and be aware of Pluto’s destructive power. As always, use extreme caution in all you do. Anything you say or do under his power will follow you for the rest of your life. Killers, rapists, psychotics, and the worst of society will become active. While Pluto reigns, you’d better stay home and let the ignorant be killed. This is the time to really pay attention and make good use of my work. If you are a police officer, be very careful out there. Work, Career and Business: You are now walking on fire! You’d better use all the “savoir faire” you know if you are to go through this lunation without trouble. A serious wake-up call will come to many abusers, as the heavy hand of karma will fall on them. Businesses or corporations will be forced into restructures, and those who don’t fit the bill will have to go. The possibility to lose (and rebuild) it all will be a serious consideration for some karmic souls. Not a time to deal with money matters; keep a low profile until the next New Moon. Partnerships: The offensive secret life of a person may surface; you may learn something valuable about a partner. Whatever you find out, do not divulge the secret. Stinky moneymaking schemes will play an important part of this trend; listen to your intuition in all you do. Stay clear of dark alleys; your life hangs upon your awareness. Many people will learn the hard way these days. Even so close to Xmas, nasty happenings can and will take place under Pluto's power. Family and Friends: Do not expect relatives to be diplomatic during this trend, especially if the family is experiencing financial stress. Do not fall for Pluto’s destructive or sarcastic remarks; words of love and support will pay off in the end. Be ready for dramatic news from someone close to you. Whatever happens, be strong; life must go on as Pluto has important work to do and he is part of a celestial design imposed by God. Time to further my work and offer knowledge to those you care for by letting them read Moon power. Love Affairs: Secret affairs of sex and passion may be divulged to the public, forcing people to take a stand in destroying and rebuilding relationships. This might happen to you too. In any case use tons of diplomacy to save unwanted trouble in your love life. If you are a water sign or have any planet in Scorpio, be ready for a wake-up call of some form. Stay clear of any new relationship and stick with the old one or refrain from social interaction until the New Moon and you will be safe. Travel and Communication: Expect news pertaining to secrets, sex, the police force, and medical discoveries. Be careful of what you do or say during this trend. Drive carefully; stay clear of strangers and strange places. Be ready for dramatic news to disturb the media. Environment: Pluto will have fun destroying it all, remember he belongs to the divine celestial family and has a specific work to do. His dramatic impact on earth (and people) is needed. What Pluto demolishes he also gives the opportunity to rebuild even stronger and better. Be ready for dramatic news with the police and nature’s forces soon. Famous Personalities: Some famous people will be called back to God. Many famous spoiled children get involved with the wrong crowd and some are found shot to death along a road. Pluto cares not if he deals with the famous or the commonplace. CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton fainted during a luncheon speech Monday in upstate New York, citing a 24-hour virus, but she recovered and resumed her public schedule. NEW YORK (AP) -- Ossie Davis, the actor distinguished for roles dealing with racial injustice on stage, screen and in real life, has died, an aide said Friday. NEW YORK (AP) -- Ossie Davis, the actor distinguished for roles dealing with racial injustice on stage, screen and in real life, has died. He was 87. Events: Hopefully knowledgeable Jupiter will slow Pluto’s rampage and thirst for blood. Under his power many jealous souls lose control and kill or injure people and the police always make the news. Nature also goes out of order. Shopping: All water and earth signs will see important parts of their businesses or financial lives taking a specific direction within this lunation. In addition, Jupiter is with us too, so the worst might be avoided under his protection. A visit to your local church to pray for Pluto’s victims will do you well. Do not invest in weapons; if you do, you might have to use them later. Anything bought now that can be used for metaphysics will bring unusual power to you. IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL MY READERS! ALL OF YOUR EMAIL addresses will be deleted from our software program as of 01/01/09 and will be replaced by the new 2009 VIP very large worldwide list. This FREE VIP newsletter is another sample of what I produced regularly for my Cosmic Code VIP subscribers throughout the year and will STOP as of January 1st 2009. I gave you a chance to judge my work by offering it for FREE for a while ONLY! DO NOT MISS MY FIRST VIP 2009 Newsletter and enjoy a tremendous amount of personal and universal guidance and predictions. Read ALL about your own Dragon and be prepared for his impact in your life by house and sign. I am getting swamped with so many radio and TV projects and will NOT be able to write to the mass any longer. Be smart INVEST in your Life, Christmas food and toys wont last my work will stay with you forever! Make the right decision and INVEST in TRUE WISDOM, INVEST in God's signs INVEST in you and your loved ones. Join the thousands of readers worldwide NOW for $50 or PAY $100 next year! Also my Celebrity VIP taped reading deducted price of $450 will be back at $700 as of Jan, 1st, 2009. Many of you took this opportunity to enjoy true guidance, healing and predictions with me LIVE and I want to thank you for your trust in my work and your incredible supportive endorsements. Now email Terania at teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com and join the long file of people who cannot afford this deal NOW but still want to do it later so you still qualify for the discount. Any of my deals is dated and you can SIGN UP for it and use it at a later date. I am only asking you to be patient because I did not find a way to clone myself yet…We are at the end of testing our new newsletter software and Terania will email you the directions in time for your password.


www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter Also many of you chose to send me a check/money order to sign up for the VIP deal ($50) but many of you will NOT get the newsletter as promised on the first day of 2009 because Mike, Terania or I can not read your handwriting or your email address is missing… So simply call 602-265-7667 or email us after the New Year to get what you paid for. Once more here is the address: Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016 The best for last! "Home of the Voice America Network and World Talk Radio" Voice America 7th Wave Channel, announces the Cosmic Code with Dr Louis Turi is scheduled to launch on Thursday, Feb 26 from 3 pm to 4 pm Pacific Time. Watch it LIVE (or on you tube later) Talk to Tony, tell him how excited you are and what you would like me to concentrate on. mailto:tony.tomko@modavox.com Here is a description of what I will talk on the air for you: Questions and answers pertaining to the Caller's Personal Forecast and Guidance Questions and answers pertaining to Nostradamus' Homeopathic Healing Questions and answers pertaining to the Dragon's Head and Tail Questions and answers pertaining to Nostradamus' Astrology Questions and answers pertaining to the Subconscious power Questions and answers pertaining to Dream Interpretations Questions and answers pertaining to General Metaphysics Questions and answers pertaining to the Moon Power Questions and answers pertaining to the Transits Questions and answers pertaining to Past Lives Questions and answers pertaining to Talismans Questions and answers pertaining to the Tarot Questions and answers pertaining to Omens Questions and answers pertaining to Spirits Questions and answers pertaining to UFOs General teachings of Universal Laws Famous people's Charts and Fates Serials Killers Charts and fates General Universal Predictions Cities Countries Forecasts All Mystical Topics Current News AND SO MUCH MORE! Feb 26th is my birthday so PLEASE celebrates with me the naissance of my new worldwide radio show "The Cosmic Code" With Dr. Turi and the birthing of mankind's worldwide Cosmic Consciousness with your host and God chosen true spiritual guide! But Why My Birthday? Ponder and Feel My Friend Let Me Convey Divine Your Thirst Into Reality It's Your God Given Right, Your True Spirit's Freedom Let Me Deliver God's Universal Life Force into Your Soul Let Me Guide You Back Home To The Stars Where You Came From I am God's servant born February 26th in the cuspy constellations of Aquarius/Pisces... That's why! - Humbly Yours Dr. Turi


The Cosmic Code is REAL become my supporter please! Click on this link and change the world with me! www.drturi.com/download/TURI_Sponsor_Kit_-_Final_Modavox.pdf ON THE AIR WITH TAZZ AND PAULA December 18, 2008 from 11-12 Noon. http://tazzandpaulashow.com/ Live a comment for me there please http://tazzandpaulashow.com/interview-with-dr-louis-turi-12112008/


teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com Question? Help? Talk to Terania 972-623-7689 Stay Safe Blessings to all Dr. Turi

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