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JeremyH22's blog: "lalala"

created on 04/27/2009  |  http://fubar.com/lalala/b292855

Story setting
    around 5000 years ago knights were above the law slaves to the king and queens of the world this is a story of a young boy Michel who would rises to power and set this dark world right, then leads it down a path no man wants to take!

chapter 1
    “ The boy has been born” Everyone  needs to gather for this day. our salvation is soon to come people shout in the street, who they talk about is a boy not born  in power but who shall rise up becoming a knight and bring down all that is evil. Ha sometimes I think about these thing these stories that were told to us as we grow up, about Michel the born son who throws evil from the chair brings light back to the dark time. My name is Luk I will be the one to train this boy when he comes to age, I being a knight of the table, one who serves the king in all of his needs, I do indeed think that this time that we live in is evil but a new born child who by the age of 19  will take rule of this world is kinda hard to trust in. Years past and I watch the young Michel grow, now at the age of 5 you can see in his eyes the burden that the people of our world put on him. Its wrong they tell him stories about what he will do what will happen to him, that he will grow into a man who will take this world and turn it good again. Days past as the boy sits people that tell him stories start to fade and soon stop talking to him altogether,  as if the people are scared, of this young blond boy who has the most innocent face and heavenly blue eyes and bleach blond hair, how  people are  scared of just a mere boy.  But the alone Michel grows stronger and stronger in my eyes showing me that he maybe he will be the one to turn this world around.
    “Michel no stay out of there “ screams Luk as the young boy runs into the work house of the blacksmith stumbling and falling into the fire, burning the boy screams for help as Luk come into the shop pulling him out of the fire and quickly treating his burns, that is the first time the boy meets Luk starting a relationship that neither of them are ready to being, knowing that he will have to train this boy to kill a king in dew time and everything they will go though to get to there. Although they have met the boy does not here much from Luk as he is  just  a ghost fade in a dark shadow of the night watching over the young boy, making sure that nothing bad will happen to him as he comes to age.
    Every day as  Michel wakes up in his eyes is fear, fear of what he might become, Michel does not act as a child of 5 should, he stays where trouble will not find him, he does not seem to get along with the other boys they stay there ground and don’t come near him, he is very quiet almost like a mute, you can tell what he is thinking just by the look on his face, sad and alone the young boy only when his mother is around he smiles and shows some joy in life ..
    “NO” screams Michel as knights of the table come into the shop where him and his mother live, grabbing his mother by her arm and slapping her across the face.
    “ we said we wanted the meat by today, where is the meat whore”
as the knight throws  her to the ground, “ we best have the meat tomorrow or you will pay”. Crying on the floor Michel tends to his mother, tears slowly running down his face,”one day they will pay mother I promise you”. Being as silent as she can you can tell that something is wrong, as she held Michel in her arms “im sorry son but I cannot get the meat for them I cannot let you be here, I do not know what they will do”.
    The next morning the sun rises late and Michel’s mother comes to wake him asking him to run to the shop down the road and get eggs for his mom who wants to make a good breakfast for her growing baby. So Michel leaves, walking silent down to the shop Michel comes past the Knights that were at the house the day before smiling and laughing as if it was just another day, so he continues on his trip to get eggs,  upon his return he sees smoke, he starts to run as if he knew what had happened, as he turns the corner he see that the place he calls a home is surrounded by flames and the knights from the day before stand laughing like they were before.
    “No mother no” screams Michel as he runs toward the home that is now  scorched with flames, a knight by the name of  aurtius grabs him and says  to him your mother was a whore deserved what she got, throwing him to the ground and walking away.  Slowly tears start to roll down Michel’s face as he lays on the ground he stays there crying not knowing what to do for where will he go what will he do.  Running down the way come Luk come Michel come with me you will be safe I promise you.
    Again 5  years past, and  the boy is 10 years of age and it is  time to start his training. You do ask though if the king knows that this boy this mere child will kill him in due time why does he train him now, if you ask the king this he laughs nothing will stop him he says he will reign and then his son after him and this world will be as it  is for a long time to come. Sitting in on his thrown you can see the fear in his eyes but no one will ask any question past the one answer for they also fear the he will kill them and then turn and exicute the child.  Training is hard on the young teaching  them swords, spears, how to protect yourself everything one should know so when the time comes to go to battle for the king, they will serve him well.
    “ way to go Michel your doing a great job” shouts his trainer Luk. At a age of only 11 Michel seems to excel faster than any of the others, people say that to do what he has to do the gods must be on his side that, but according to Luk, Michel works hard and understands the battle he could take down anyone that is not a full grown man say’s  Luk but we all know that he says that only because he is the trainer after only a year the two, boy and trainer have grown a very special bond. Now knowing that the scars on his face and arms would have been his death if not for Luk They love each other like father and sons see Michel not being born into power means he can only be a worrier not a knight which is where Luk comes  into play in the story of Michel, somewhere down the road Luk going behind the kings back finds a son he lost from a women he knew only one night, the son to be a person of royalty to be able to give his life to the king and queen and become a knight of the table, that son being Michel a child who is grown into a man  who will rule in just a mere 3 years.
Chapeter 2: the death of the savior
    Michel still just a worrier trying to prove to the king that he can be trusted is sent to battle, a war that no one thinks should be, this battle being Michel’s first he is scared but Luk standing at his side he knows he should not fear. “ are you ready to fight for the king” the crowed of men screams “charge” as all the men run into battle the thoughts that cross each mind are alike, will I make it to my home will I see my wife, children
    . Slashing, stabbing as Luk and Michel fight through men blood being spilt over the land. “after this was this place will be sacred” yells Luk. The battle draws threw the day and the men rest know that tomorrow will be a day of dead also.
    As Michel walks threw the army of people he notices that people he once knew are no longer there that they must be dead on the battle field. Soon to see heaven if they have not arrived. There already.
“ Luk will we all die is this war for nothing” ask Michel
“ I don’t know people die yes but they die for a cause that our king thinks is right, sleep now for tomorrow we will end this war”
    Michel wakes the next day to a sun brighter than he has ever seen the light bounces off  the sand causing a red gloom in the air almost like hell Michel thinks to himself. the line of men is there again ready for battle. As they wait to charge and black cloud is cast over them moving at speeds that no person understand, as the cloud comes closer arrows start to drop from the sky a cloud of arrows piercing the front of the battle line one of which being young Michel,
“ no Michel” scream Luk as Michel drops to his knees blood dropping to the ground, Michel laying in  a bath of his own blood slowly fading, looks up and using all of his streath stands up tears running down his face, he starts to swing his sword with all of his might. Holding his wound stabbing and trusting to end this battle disappearing into the battle Luk loses the young boy,  As the battle comes to an end Luk finds Michel struggling to stand up.
“ im sorry this happened Luk maybe im not the one who will turn this world right”
    “ I will see you agian my friend” says Luk as tears run down his face
Sitting there holding Michel in his arms watching as the sun slowly goes down Michel’s eyes slowly fade to gray and all life is lost.
    After a day Luk gives Michel as funeral of knights, the day draws long as Luk sit’s waiting for Michel to return to be reborn, brought back as the story tells that he will be. But days past and the weeks, but still no return of the boy the son the Luk lost. Struggling to grasp what had happened to understand that the boy he loved as a son was not the one that he will not be coming back he cries.
    Every time the sun goes down Luk is reminded of the fade of life in Michel’s eyes    
CHAPTER 3: a year past
    A year has past since Luk last saw Michel, losing all faith that one day the young man will return to him he waits every night at the mound of resurrection, a mound that is sacred to our people it is where everyone who has fallen has returned.
    Late on a night where the sun shines red, reminding Luk of the fallen of the war and the blood stained sand that scared Michel so. Rushing to the mound thinking that it would be Michel the flash has to be Michel, and upon coming to the top of the mound a young man blond hair naked lies shivering on the ground.
“Michel, Michel is that you have you returned” screams Luk as he runs as fast a he possible can to get to the man he thinks is the boy he once called a son.. As he comes to him the man looks up and it is, it is Michel but his eyes are no longer the same color now a dark shade of blue almost black as if it was not Michel at all but someone who just looks like him, tears rolling down Luk eyes the boy looks to him,
“ you told me that you would see me again my friend” says Michel as Luk falls to his knees in tears, tears of joy that the boy, that the man was given back to him after such a long time,
“ you are the on Michel, I will serve you forever until the day I die and that day I will die for you”
picking the man up and taking him to where he will know call home.
    The next day Luk wakes, Michel sitting on the ledge of the house looking out to the sun which is starting to rise.
“ what is on your mind boy” ask Luk as Michel with the strange blue eyes looks to him and start to explain what had happened, he explains that when he first died there was a light ten times bright than any light he had ever seen, and he arrived at heaven where he came to the gods, the gods told him that his time to die was not yet here that he would be sent to the darkest place to become the man that he will need to be to accomplish his destiny and then the light was gone, nothing but dark surrounded him. As he sits in the dark there is no time hours fade into day then days into months then months to what seemed to be years. He says that where he was the sun never rose only a red moon but the moon did not come at first only after he started to walk, walking what seemed to be thousands of miles. At first Michel says that it was only him that it was silent, and that he spent this time thinking of his mother of all the fallen men in battle for a king that leads the people to wars that are wrong, dark for a power that no man should want. He tells Luk of his inner struggles wondering if he would ever make it back to the people would he ever make it to a place where the sun would once again rise.
    After a day of talking the night draws on the two men, as the story of Michel in the after life also  comes  to an end. Where Michel came to a gate where he could see the light but a dim light that was far our of his site. As he approached the gate a demon appeared, standing taller than any man, fire surrounding his dark body,
“ you Michel child of the gods can you find the strength to bet me to follow your path to the light”
Michel scared still in the blood drenched armor that he wore on the day that he died grasps his sword and runs at the demon leaping and slashing the sword toward the demon, is knocked down to the ground as he hits blood spits from his mouth. Michel says that at this point he did not know if  he was going to be able to make it to the light struggling to stand comes to his feet.
“ I swear demon I will kill you if it takes my last breath I will defeat you”
grasping his sword for what might be his last time and concentrating all of his energy his hands and sword start to glow blue the same as his eyes, and he flashes back to something the gods said to him in his brief time spent with them,
“Michel you will need to find your strength, look deep and feel the power of all the souls that are at peace”
Running toward the demon brings his sword to his side and with all of his might coming  down on the demons head and his sword slides right threw the demons body leaving it laying in front of him,  two  pieces, with the demon defeated  the gates opens and he started to walk when he arrived at the light he was struck with lightning.” then I herd you call my name”. Michel then stands and walks toward his bed” good night Luk rest well for the days ahead will not be easy”.
Chapter 4" a darker rise to power
    In order  for Michel to successfully kill the king and his only son and  take his thrown he will need to defeat the twelve knights and their apprentices before making his way to the room of the king and a room of the prince and killing them before they  wakes. The twelve knights of the table meet once a night right as the sun goes down to drink a drink for there fallen knights he will sneak in to the table room on the day of the knight he will become king and poison there wine so as they drink to there fallen knights they will also be drinking for the fall of  themself also. As for the knight apprentices Michel says to not tend to that he will take care of this.
    Michel wakes before Luk on the morning before his plan and leaves to poison there drinks and do what he has planed for the apprentices. Michel coming to where the apprentices meet to gather in the morning starts to harvest the power he had used to destroy the demon walks to the group.
“What do you think your doing here” yells one of the soon to be knights. As Michel approaches him thrusting his sword threw the heart of the man pulling the sword out and starts to swing on the group of men slashing, blood in the air men crying over there fallen friends as the last man falls the power flows out of Michel dropping him to his knees. Catching his breath Michel comes to his feet walking up to each man chopping their heads off tying them to a rope, then  walking toward the sun  disappears into the distance.
    As the night draws Luk heads to the fallen knights toast at the table room knowing that the wine that they will be drinking will be there last. Coming to the room he smiles as he yells hello walking into the room smiling at his fellow knights glass sat at each thirteen seats. As the sun draws to an end the knights gather around the table and sit,
“ a toast to our fallen knights our fallen friends for all there souls be at peace with the world and have a happy after life”. Drinking down the wine the men here a small up rising out side walking toward the window they look down to see the heads of each apprentices on swords stuck into the ground as they turn to run down the steps they seem to not be able to move, as they slowly start to fall to there knees, losing their breath feeling there hearts slowing to a stop and the darkness that is surrounding there eyes blinding them from all light they see Luk dead at the table and the men die slowly fading into the afterlife weather its be a good one or a dark one no one will every know.
    Not knowing that the man that was his father his trainer was dead, Michel climbs the side of the castle blending with the night into the room of the kings son and walking to his bed
    not waking the prince he draws a small knife from his undershirt taking it to his neck covering his mouth as he comes across the neck blood pouring slowly onto the bed the princes  eyes open staring deep into the eyes of Michel, the fear in his eyes brings a tear to Michel’s cheek as he leans down and whispers into his ear,
“ im sorry  you were not evil child, but the innocent must die here,  peace be with you on your travels ”.
    Walking threw the castle toward the kings quarters killing anyone who  turns to cross him, creeping into the room pitch black everything but the gold trim around the bed and a small candle on the table beside the peacefully sleeping king. Walking up to the king you Michel knows not how he would like to go about killing a king for no one he knows has ever killed a king and evil in him that just wants to jump on top of him and slash him till he stops moving blood splattering everywhere, another part oh him who want to wake the king to tell him about the evil that he did that he would die for the sins that he commented the evil that he did he would.
    The king wakes up

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