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SexQuiz SexQuiz What Do You Know About Tantric Sex? Do you believe Tantric yoga is about twisting your body into good positions for sex? That's what pictures of Tantric couples might make you think. But Tantric yoga is really about what's happening in your mind--not your body--when you make love. Take this quiz to see what we mean. Each question is on a separate page and is followed by another page that provides the answer. Take the quiz http://www.thirdage.com/features/love/sexquiz/112098/112098.html More Quizzes More Passion Pieces: What's your lovemaking style? Find out now! Go > - Is your love life healthy? Take our quiz. Go > - Discover Kama Sutra sex. Go >

What is Tantric Sex?

Nitya Lacroix from The Art of Tantric Sex TANTRIC SEX is meditative, spontaneous and intimate lovemaking Through it you learn to prolong the act of making love and to channel, rather than dissipate. potent orgasmic energies moving through you, thereby raising the level of your consciousness. Tantra transports your sexuality from the plane of doing to the place of being. There is no goal in Tantric sex, only the present moment of perfect and harmonious union. Tantra teaches you to revere your sexual partner and to transform the act of sex into a sacrament of love. Tantra teaches that lovemaking between a man and woman, when entered into with awareness, is a gateway to both sexual and spiritual ecstasy. In India, traditional Tantrikas spent many years under the guidance of a spiritual teacher and engaged in elaborate yogic rituals to purify and master the body and mind. These practices were intended to awaken the powerful psychic energies through which the adept could enter into higher states of consciousness When a disciple was deemed ready he or she partook in sexual rites with a partner. Through the sacred act of love, they sought to merge the dual nature of their sexuality into an ecstatic union. Through this came the harmonization of their own internal masculine and feminine polarities and a realization of the blissful nature of the Self.
Supreme Bliss is the zenith of sexual ecstasy which transforms orgasmic energy into expanded consciousness. Supreme Bliss Tantra is the modern system of spiritual transformation based on ancient personal eastern sexuality which uses sexual energy to extend lovemaking, supercharge passion, deepen intimacy, strengthen love, and create continuous full-body mind-altering Tantric Orgasms. If some of this interests you, let us mentor you through the highest quality Tantra training, Tantra books, and Tantric guides so that you can enjoy a spiritual and ecstatic Tantric Sex Life.
AT tantra tantric sex site was created by experts trained in traditional tantric yoga and tantra positions, specifically, the ancient Tibet style of spiritual or sacred sexuality ("AT"). We offer free info, instructional books and CDs. What you can experience through this is indescribable. Imagine trying to explain color to people who have only seen black & white their entire lives - that's how different it is. Usually credited to Hindu practices, such techniques were practiced in ancient Egypt, Buddhism, Jewish, and Christian cultures. There are two basic types of tantra - tantric sex, one lovingly shares spiritual and sexual/emotional energy with the spouse and is connected with God. The other styles, sometimes called "sex magic", selfishly "drain" energy from the partner. We only offer instruction in the first type. Expert or beginner, you'll find something for your needs "AT tantra tantric sex". This site has no pornographic content, stories or pictures and is thus "child safe". What is "Primal Power" Tantric Sex? "Primal power" is basically a promotional "buzzword" that sounds better and is easier to repeat than "traditional ancient Tibet tantra tantric sex". Obviously, we feel our style is "the best", or we wouldn't practice or teach it. But other than the selfish styles mentioned above, we honor and admire other sacred sexuality practices and offer supplies for them (or to enhance regular old romantic evenings or weekends!). Amongst ourselves, we personally just refer to our style as tantra, tantric sex or tantric-yoga (see tantric yoga-tantra yoga ) (although those terms cover many other types). Among many other things, it teaches sexual interaction that has MAJOR benefits for both partners - including greatly enhanced sexual pleasure and "energy rush". The Major Benefits: 1. Males can delay orgasm indefinitely & make love as long as both partners desire; 2. Females can have virtually unending orgasms; 3. Males can share and "virtually experience" their partner's orgasms, as their own. 4. Males experience a post-orgasm energy boost, rather than the typical energy drain; 5. Greatly enhanced intimacy; 6. Ecstatic "high" from the continued buildup of orgasmic energy and meditation-like aspects. Other Spiritual/Mental Benefits: 1. Greatly improved concentration 2. Greatly improved meditation techniques 3. No sexual distractions 4. Transcending superficiality 5. Greater overall energy, vitality, strength 6. Less sleep required How is all that achieved? During sex, the mind is focused on specific thoughts and feelings that greatly enhance the experience. Once tantric sex is experienced, there is no going back. In comparison, regular sex, even GREAT regular sex, is like experiencing life through a black and white TV, instead of living it in full color - AND experiencing it with all your senses. It's THAT different and that much more fulfilling!


The methods below were recommended by experts in tantric sex, accupressure, and Oriental body work. To do the techniques properly, you need to know a few things. First, all the types of touch described below should be slow, soft, and gentle. Change the way you touch her every 30-60 seconds. Alternating sensations--from touching to kissing, lighter or harder touches--builds the sexual charge. Another tip: Look for areas which feel cool to the touch. When you softly stroke the spot until it warms up, you release energy that enhances her arousal. Eastern medical traditions define arousal as an increased energetic state with corresponding physical changes. By stimulating strategic points you increase her overall energy and awaken every inch of her body, making her ready and eager for orgasm. Now, a short glossary of the lingo. Yoni (pronounced yo-nee) refers to the female genitals. The "lingam" (lin-gum) refers to male sex organs. Meridians (or energy channels) are tributaries of the body through which energy flows. Chakras (shack-ruhz) are energy centers in the body. The "root chakra" is sexual energy which resides at the base of the spine, near the anus. That lower back area is also called the "sacrum" (sack-rum). Sacred Spot is the Eastern equivalent of the G-spot Qi (chee) is the vital energy which animates all living beings. Shen is the combined energy mind and spirit, the force which allows us to connect with other human beings. Helpful hint: try these techniques when you are both naked and relaxed. The Hot Spot: the eyes What You Do: keep your eyes open throughout the erotic encounter and gaze steadily into hers, even if she drops her eyelids. What It Does To Her: Known as "Soul-gazing," this technique transmits a huge amount of sexual energy. People have reportedly achieved orgasm just by gazing at each other. The Hot Spot: the tip of the nose What You Do: Use this as your starting point for touching. Begin simply by lightly caressing it with your fingertip. Gradually extend the caresses down to her neck, armpits, breasts, stomach, genitals, and back up again to her nose, slowly creating a circle of energy which encompasses her from nose to yoni What It Does To Her: the tip of the nose is on the meridian which connects to the Root Chakra. Touching it sends energy flowing through that meridian. When you trace the meridian with your fingertips down to the Root Chakra and then up again to her nose, you create a complete circuit of energy which awakens her sexual desires The Hot Spot: just under the eye, in line with the pupil What You Do: Lightly stroke down her face, beginning at the point beneath the eye, which connects to the stomach channel. Press your thumb along the channel, while working your palm very gently down her cheek, neck, breast, and all the way to the knee. Another fine technique is to cradle her head with your left arm as you stimulate the channel with your right hand. You can also kiss and nibble your way down the meridian. What It Does For Her: the stomach channel is a primary meridian through the breast. A tremendous amount of sexual energy is freed by moving energy in and around the breast area. The Hot Spot: the frenulum (that little connective tissue inside your mouth between your upper lip and the gums). What You Do: Gently suck her upper lip between your lips (no teeth, please), so that your lower lip lightly rubs her frenulum. What It Does To Her: The frenulum is a direct channel to the clitoris. Women have been known to get clitoral orgasms from this. The Hot Spot: the area between the base of the skull and the top of the shoulders What You Do: grasp, squeeze, bite, and suck in the area where the shoulders join the neck. There is four or five inch circle just where the shoulders start which respond well to light biting. Move up the back of the neck to the base of the skull, alternating biting and sucking. What It Does To Her: These points often carry a lot of tension which the stimulation releases. They are also on meridians which connect directly to the sacrum and the pelvis, the two key areas for sexual awakening The Hot Spot: the thyroid glands, located on either side of the throat, just behind the jaw-bone and a couple of inches down from the earlobe What You Do: Very gently massage the glands with your fingertips What It Does To Her: Freeing up the energy in those vital glands increases her sexual response. The Hot Spot: between the shoulder blades What You Do facing her, reach your hands around her back and lightly rub the area to warm and stimulate it. Slowly move closer until your chest is pressed close against hers, continuing to massage her between the shoulder blades. Gradually massage more deeply while holding her in your arms What It Does For Her: In addition to the energy you create between her shoulders, the contact of your chest in front and your hands in back causes energy to pass through her heart. The Hot Spot: the nipples. No big surprise. What You Do: tickle, tease, caress, nibble and kiss. Don't hang from them like a nursing baby but focus on giving her a variety of gentle, pleasurable sensations. Still no big surprise. What It Does to Her: Surprise! The nipples directly correlate to the clitoris. The Hot Spot: The crease of her wrist. To find it, place your thumb on her wrist bone and gently roll down it into the little groove between the bone and her hand. What You DO: massage and apply pressure to the groove What It Does To Her: This technique transmits energy to the heart, which is the seat of passion, caring and love. It also remedies disturbances in Shen. If she's tense or distracted, this will balance her Shen and relax her, draining her of sexual anxiety. The Hot Spot: a few inches below her navel, in the area just above the pubic bone (also known as "dan-tian," or "the elixir field"). What You Do: You can use soft, light touches or just rest your palm there, letting the energy flow from your hand into her body What It Does To Her: Touching here stimulates her sacred spot from the outside. When pressure is lightly applied to the area, she starts to breathe into that area and experiences enhanced arousal. The Hot Spot: the sacrum What You Do: Use varying types of touch, starting with light pressure and moving up to harder touch. Watch for increased breathing and physical movement in other parts of their body to see which she responds to best. You can also scrape your nails against the sacrum or grasp the soft flesh back there, gently tugging the skin away from the spine before releasing it. What It Does For Her: Work in the sacrum increases the amount of energy which flows into the pelvis and directly enhances arousal. Stretching the skin away from the spine opens up and unblocks the energy channel. The Hot Spot: the outer lips of the yoni (labia majores) What You Do: Gently massage the outside of the lips. Don't open the lips up or go inside. Slowly caress and tease the outer area only. Then stroke gently down to the inside of the groin and thigh on one side and back up on the other side, creating a circuit from her yoni to her thighs. What It Does To Her: Isn't that obvious? It drives her wild by creating and moving energy around her pelvis. The Hot Spot: the yoni What You Do: Simply by placing your right hand on the woman's yoni, and your left hand on her heart, you breath in the energy from her heart and breath it back into her yoni, creating an energy loop from the seat of passion to the seat of pleasure What It Does To Her: Do I really have to explain this to you? The Hot Spot: the hollow between the Achilles tendon and the ankle bone What You Do: using two hands, massage the hollows on both sides What It Does For Her: This point is on the kidney meridian. Blocked kidney energies cause sexual inhibition; if she has a deficiency of Qi in the kidney (a common problem), her overall energies and her libido will be low. The massage restores Qi, revitalizes the kidney energies, and creates full-body arousal The Hot Spot: Starting between the first two toes, slide your fingers up a couple of inches from the web to where the bones join. If you're a foot lover, you could begin your encounter at this spot. What You Do: Massage that area on both feet, 30 seconds each. What It Does To Her: This is a point on the liver meridian, which encircles the external genitalia (in Eastern medicine, that means everything from the cervix out, including the vagina). It's also an important point for draining tension and helping her to achieve relaxation. The technique communicates caring. PANEL OF EXPERTS TRUETT BRIDGES, MD, board-certified anesthesiologist, formal training and certification from the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. Contact: East-West Medical (Atlanta), (404) 843- 3400. BILL HELM, Certified Instructor for the American Oriental Bodywork Therapy Association; Director, Taoist Sanctuary; Dean of Allied Arts, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Contact: Taoist Sanctuary, 42-29 Park Blvd., San Diego 92103 (619) 692-1155. RAYMOND POWERS, Certified Tantra Therapist, practicing and teaching Tantra, Sound/Light Healing, Bio-Energetics, and Touch Techniques. Contact: In Los Angeles, (310) 364-0622. Email raypows@earthlink.net or visit his homepage at Ray Powers ILLUSTRATIONS BY WILL BRAME PLAY SAFE STAY SAFE KEEP IT LOVING copyright © 1998-1999 gloria-brame.com All Ri
Because Tantra is a mystical subject, it is nearly impossible to define. Tantra is a spiritual, sexual science that is not static in its definition. When we embrace Tantra, we become more "complete." By identifying and stimulating our innate sensual spirituality, we discover parts of ourselves that have been repressed. We can learn to use Tantric energy for sexual pleasure and awareness above all. Familiarity with Tantra can help a person enjoy their sex life to its fullest potential. It can help do away with guilt or fear, and break down self-imposed or limiting cultural boundaries (as is the case in most Western societies). Tantra teaches us to become familiar with our mystical nature, and when we do so, our boundaries (sexual and otherwise) expand. We enter into new realms of awareness. We become empowered and more fulfilled -- and the orgasms experienced in this state of consciousness are not just incredible, they're explosive and potentially unending. it's all about sexual freedom Tantra is the total surrender of all mental, emotional and cultural conditioning, so that universal life energy can flow through you freely. Tantra not only expands consciousness, it liberates it. It treats sexual energy as an ally, rather than something to be suppressed or discussed behind closed doors. It does not deny sex, just the opposite in fact; it embraces sex. Tantra is the only spiritual path that states that sex is sacred and not a sin. There is a most beautiful word for sex in the Sanskrit language, and that is Kama, which means sex and love go together; they're undivided and indivisible. Most everyone is familiar with the classic Kama Sutra, the 7th century Tantric scripture. let your sexuality run rampant The essence of Tantra is the full expression of existence; a merging with, rather than a withdrawing from sexual energy. This energy is used as ignition for firing the body's biological energy system, merging it (and you) with universal energy. In Tantra, sex is used as the cosmic union of opposites, to create the polarity charge that connects with the primordial energy from which everything arises in the universe... the totality of All. The basic difference between unenlightened sexuality and Tantra is that sex becomes sacred and divine when you approach it from your heart and body, rather than solely from your mind. Some sexual positions from the Kama Sutra that you should try... Next >> sexual awareness and enjoyment Tantric sex is meditative, spontaneous and very intimate lovemaking. You learn to prolong the act of making love and to focus on, rather than dispel, potent orgasmic energies moving through you, thereby raising the level of your consciousness. Tantra transports sexuality from simply doing to actually being. There is no end goal in Tantric sex, only the present moment of an ideal, harmonious union. Tantra teaches you to worship your sexual partner and to transform the act of sex into a sacrament of love. Lovemaking between two partners, when entered with awareness, can be a gateway to sexual and spiritual ecstasy alike. Tantric sex attempts to awaken powerful psychic energies within through which we can enter into higher states of consciousness. the power of ecstasy Imagine that you and your partner could merge the dual nature of your sexuality into an ecstatic union through the act of lovemaking. Now that's a spicy meatball! As sexual beings, we have the ability to raise the energy within ourselves and use it to experience mystical states of consciousness. In effect, we become "gods" of our own bodies. And honestly speaking, who doesn't want to be a god? sexual positions of the kama sutra The flower in bloom Your woman draws up both her knees until they nestle the curves of her breasts; her feet find your armpits. She cups and lifts her buttocks with her palms, spreads her thighs and places her heels next to her hips, while you caress her breasts. Sounds difficult? Well, practice makes perfect. The jewel case Your legs should lie along hers, joining them from toes to thighs. Your woman can remain below you, or you can lie side by side, in which case she should always be on your left. To add a twist to the element, your thighs are interlaced and squeeze each other in a pulsating rhythm. This is called "The Squeeze". The rustic Let her to lie on her back with both her thighs pressed tightly together and make love to her, keeping your thighs outside hers. Because the vagina ends up embracing and engulfing the penis in its entirety, it becomes quite enjoyable. Striking Your woman is in a sitting position with raised thighs, and her feet should be placed on either side of your waist; when you penetrate her, push your entire penis forcefully in and out of her. The cat Let your woman lie on her stomach while you grab hold of her ankles in your right hand, lift them high up and make love, all the while rubbing her face, neck and between her chest with your other hand. The tripod While standing against or near a wall, hold up one of her knees firmly in one hand and make love to her; but leave her hands free to explore and caress your body. Sounds good to me. The buffet While she's lying on the edge of a flat, sturdy surface, withdraw your penis completely from her vaginal area, and then penetrate her wholly in one shot. Do this continuously until she reaches orgasm (chances are this shouldn't take too long). always keep in mind... Remember that you should always maintain eye contact with your partner and allow yourself to feel with more than just your penis. Your entire existence should be involved in the process. And your soul, according to Tantra, completes the experience. Communication is still the greatest key to healthy sexual relationships, so talk to her before, during and after your sessions. Until next time, keep exploring the endless possibilities.
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