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center><table width="100%" cellpadding="50" cellspacing="0" border="0" background="http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae342/maclisa3/stars/lisalindsay55.gif"><tr><td width="100%"><p></p><table width="100%" cellpadding="50" cellspacing="0" border="0" background="http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o299/rockerpoet/ajdlfkjaskldjf.jpg"><tr><td width="100%"><p></p><table width="100%" cellpadding="50" cellspacing="0" border="0" background="http://i977.photobucket.com/albums/ae259/talibland/ChesireCatBackground.jpg"><tr><td width="100%"><center><font color="purple" face="ar hermann" size="6"><b>
<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/alice in wonderland disney" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://i563.photobucket.com/albums/ss71/hellsingqueen/aliceinwonderland.jpg" border="0" alt="alice in wonderland Pictures, Images and Photos" /></a>
<font color="purple" face="ar hermann" size="8"><p></p><marquee width="100%"><font color="grey" face="SEGOE SCRIPT" size="20"><img src="http://b.pcc1.fubar.com/88/99/1939988/2148009832.gif" class="title=" /></font></marquee><br /></font></b></font><center><a href="http://www.fubar.com/lounge/79014" target="_blank">
</a><a href="http://s1179.photobucket.com/albums/x399/xelfx1/Decorated images/?action=view¤t=alice_wp_01_1024.jpg" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x399/xelfx1/Decorated images/alice_wp_01_1024.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a></center><font color="purple" face="ar hermann" size="20">THINGS ARE GETTIN TWISTEDWILD AND CRAZY FUN ALL AROUND
</font></center><center><br /><a href="http://www.fubar.com/lounge/79014" target="_blank"><img src="http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm9/Stunner-sorrows/twisted_wonderlandbannerbymegif2.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a>

<font color="purple" face="ar hermann" size="20">COME WILDEST LOUNGE ON FU</font></center><img src="http://b.pcc3.fubar.com/88/99/1939988/229046071.gif" class="title=" /><center><br /><center><br /></center></center></center></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></center>

To those who can't go. Im not wealthy by no means. Ive wheeled & dealed my way into completing this renovation. Ive used every favor I had. & Bought every bit of surplus used off residents around me. The house was ran a muck with meth smokers who had turned the place into a "camp" The entire center of the house was roted due to water running on it 24/7 for 7 years w/leaky pipe's. That allowed for moisture ants & rats & mice to move in. It had a forced air furnace & duct work system in it that the rodents had resided in. The "human" residents covered all the windows w/thick plastic & never let light in. & never cleaned or took their garbage out. & they impacted the septic system. By renting out the lot to other meth smokers, that equaled to 9 travel trailer's. None of which cleaned or allowed for garbage service. It took 35 dump truck loads of garbage/yard/& the meth heads, left over belongings off the property. We had to enter wearing masks & gloves. These people created what I call a "Hanta Virus Bomb". This virus is air born & easily created with Rodent Urine & feces, Moister & Never allowing day light in. There are only 2 things that will kill the Hanta Virus. 1. Day Light 2. Any disinfectant. These "people" lived in this house like this for 7 years. There were dead rats in the black water of their kitchen sink. The deepest amount of shit & piss was found in the 4 year old little girls bedroom. Along w/trails showing how the rodents ran up & over laundry & onto her bed. I was able to get a hold of another part of relations to that little girls family. I showed them the pictures of what I found. & explained to them what the hanta virus was.& in the photos I had taken was a pic of a 3 foot deep draw full of un opened respiratory medications proving these "adults" in the house were more then aware. I was able to get an aunt & uncle to get the children from their relatives & have them examined. They tested positive for the Hanta Virus & now the children have a better chance at life away from the monsters that kept them. Turned out. The children didnt belong to the "people" who had them. Un fortunately but fortunately they are now in the system. The house is now transformed. & I should me in it by the first week of November. I didnt plan any of this out. It just worked out this way. I get to go to hawaii, cause I do not have to pay for anything for several months due to all that i just explained. I earned it. & Im going to go visit my old boss from when I was 17 years old. He lives in Hawaii. I intend to stay for 2 weeks. This is also the first time ever in my life. That I will be living entirely alone. No room mates, sister or brothers, children or Grandchildren or anything. So that alone saves me a lot of money in a huge way to. I know this is long & all. But eh,.. were here in the mumms due to boredom. At least you know a bit of something more then you did. :)@:Hammie, Thank you & you too. :P@:RR, I knoooooow huh! OMG! Thats all its been too! Im just about near finishing up cosmetically now. IM sooooo happy about that! LOL@:Imy in Klover, That one made me laugh out so loud it made all the crew come in asking whats so funny!  Thank you! @:ALAN B Stard! Nice one! 



Happy Heart Day & All That Sappy stuff! Feel Free To Swing By & Help me Level, Or just say hi.


Its become more then evident that the majority of the people on this site are either physically or mentally disabled in some form. ORRRR,.. Straight up predators, to habitual liars & then thieves if given the chance. The lack of enforcement, to right the wrongs is as telling as the greed on this site. Where did all the celebrities go? Cant risk another law suit,.. now could we? The "lull" as I'm so kindly putting it,.. thats very clearly going on with this site, aka black to grey cloud looming over it,... seems very much a reflection of how terribly wrong the rights of so many have been infringed upon. Not to mention the fact that there are so very many whom are only interested in harming &/or taking advantage of others in some way or form. Can't leave out the free-loaders & money grubbers whom only seek to take, take, take. Again,.. much like the greed on this site. Its astounding. Its a wonder that the creators even sleep at night with the type of guilt that should be on their minds. Or, is that what all this "drinking" scene is about? "Drink up! It just might go away?! In all my years, having owned & been in business,.. Ive never seen such rude & clear malice towards the rights of others, then Ive seen be conducted by this site. You kids, clearly never learned the term "bread & butter". Look it up! Its Terribly gross, really, when you stop to think about it. I see this site & the "generation" whom created it, as a reflection of whats to come. The internet has de-sensitized human beings from even being human towards one another. Just look around at the crap spewed by so very many on this site. & they call them selves adults too! This site is a clear cut reflection of whats to come. The "gimmies" of this world, actually believe they know it all, & are going to get along just fine in the future, with their piss poor attitudes & lack of ability to be responsible. Let alone lack of manners. You should be grateful that your given an ounce of time let alone attention. Why? Its what you've earned. You did set the presidence. I would like to take a moment to applaud all the genius parents out there that sat their "off spring" in front of the TV/computer/video game, which in turn has created a rather large mass of true blue pieces of poop, & frankly nothing less then either cysts on societies ass,.. or a heaping useless mound of flesh. That when it becomes necessary,... ( & it will!),...they, will be the easy true targets when it comes to life & death &/or elimination. This alone maybe the only true contribution this "gimme" generation will have, & will be thanked for. I'm amazed that anyone of these things called human beings, can have an ounce of pride much less anything useful to provide to humanity other then sitting on their ass's developing one more useless game scene after another or in this case? Site's like this. There was a time when this site was good clean fun,... till greed set in. Get a grip boys! Your far from Donald Trump! At this point your nothing less then useless/FIRED! P.S. As For those whom are my age & older & cant quit get it? I, apologize for your immaturity & lack of ability to pull your self off momma's/Your state's tit & or keep your self from living vicariously through your children or the idea's you created in your own mind. &/Or, your bitterness you seem to think the rest of the world must know, & pay for.

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Ok,.. so, what do I mean as in fu-Everything? 

Im not fu-married or do I have a fu-boyfriend let alone do I even have a crush, or any of that fu-scene thing.

Im looking to be spoiled as much as I spoil.

Im looking to have someone whom isnt interested in keeping me teathered to this computer or the phone.

Im interested in a realistic relationship. & It doesnt matter if he is married taken or otherwise, less your women come a bitching at me.

Then thats an immediate block. I dont/wont deal with rediculous bullshit. 

I do have a boyfriend but he works constantly & just isnt available as often as I would like. He doesnt mind that Im here & enjoys the comments many make, as well as loves that many get off & so much more to pics of me. None the less, this is why it doenst matter if your married or otherwise.

Though I am taken, my life out side the internet is very real & not apart of the internet. As it should be.

Your looks will get no where with me. Its your actions that speaks volumes to me. On every level. If any man thinks his looks is all he needs to get bye with me? Its nothing less then an epic fail at best. Its his actions Im interested in. 

What actions?

Keeping my drink level up, rating & commenting my page. 

Surprising me with anything new that I havent seen or had on here before. Just as I will do the same for him.

Now,.. I can't expect one man to cover all of this.

So,.. I'm thinking I can have,

a fu-husband,

a fu-boyfriend,

a fu-lover

a fu-crush & a fu-sugar daddy?

Not in that order of course. None the less, Im certain it will work its self out.

Being I cant expect anyone to be on here any more or less then I am.

Hence why 5 might work over just one?

Im not seeking to gather up men er a tribe or anything of that sort. Just looking for loyality & genuine friendship. That will help me play this fu-game for what it is, Just as I will do the same. 

Though I can be flirty & I will add all whom send the best Qualifications & expectations to me, to my family. Thats the 5 that wins. Not everyone,  but only those whom win with the best Qualifications & expectations. 

Am I being greedy? LMAO! Im on fubar! The name alone is greed before anything I suggest is.   Moving along,...

I do have nudes, & even have money shots,... & as those shots say clearly,... you want those? You will pay out some money.

Though Like some on here I wont be asking you to pay my rent or my bills. Let alone seeking a profit.  Just bye fu-shit. Thats all. (blasts/HH/Bling)

There are only 3 shots & thats never going to change.

Im far from embarressed, as thats very evident should you have already been a friend of mine for some time now?

I like to exploit the ignorance of those whom havent a clue as to what is art, to whats porn. By using myself, exploiting myself & being the difference! Now my point in doing this fu-resume thing? 

Welp,.. its something to do. & Could potentially be alot of fun.

Wit & intelect is whats going to win this. Ive a lot to offer to the right fu-guys. & Many surprises I wont reveal at this time. But as this progress's I will reveal more. Thats if this actually progress's? Now I look foreword to reading all thats sent! I do read all mail! & Lets get this thing going! 




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Just a reminder that F.o.x.x.i.e below and myself have Auto 11's on until 1am EST...
here's the links below to the 250 pic folders for max points PLUS you get an additional 24,000 fubucks...just click & bomb...thank you..

Click here for Foxxie's 250 Pic folder with Autos on
Click here for Johnnydevil's 250 pic folder with Autos on Now to the real stuff..so yeah..it's been awile since I've done a pimp out..and well, I'd like to introduce you to

a few new friends while you're all taking a break from points and all of that fun stuff...take a couple of minutes

to check them out, well worth your while most definitely...

First off, my beloved F.o.x.x.ie ♥....



..next is someone who supports the war of fakes and nonsense on here, and is one of the good Fu people as

well...I've been promising her a pimp for like three weeks and she hasn't complained..lol


h0n3ym00n3r 2 tWeek☆

@ fubar

..next is someone you may or may not know .. however, her blogs are just as much if not moreso, amazing than

mine...another real fu member..

♫BrightEyedArtist♫ if youre incapable of

being an adult? Walk the fck away now!

@ fubar

..next is someone who spent the good part of this morning rating my albums with 11's and when offered something,

actually delcined...now around here , if that's not a good person, I don't know what is...

~*BossLadywitdaSeXxyEyEz *~*♥


@ fubar

..next are these two, good friends and also and are about to take the Fu to a whole new level together...hrmm..

★Porcelain Doll™★







..wish them all the best...

..and most of you know this one as well, another one that's about to take this place to another level beyond points

like we have, truly one of the nicest people I have met on here...

♡Confidence Is What Makes Me Sexy♡FAN

Me Plz!☆It makes me Happy & its***FREE***



...and hers ...




..and yet another warrior against the cheaters, fakes and nonsense, alongtime friend and family member, and another

one who's not afraid to speak their mind...




..and another good friend of mine on here, who is going through a real life tough time at the moment, and could use

some support, another one of the good ones...:D

⌘Kiss'd⌘Proud Army Wife Dangerous

Curves memeber her lil fairy

@ fubar

...also, another longtime friend of mine on here, same causes that are fought for as well...congratulate him on the

little one...

∆ SeXy ∆' - StewieGriffin - FuBaRs ONLY

Source For Games, Fun, TV & More - PLS RATE



..and finally, ( I know you've stopped reading..lol) another longtime friend on here who enjoys helping out real

friends and never asks for anything in return...




...I figured it would be nice to do this today, a little change of pace for everyone...check them out please and

make a new friend or twelve today ..:D

..bought to you by :




A bit of something for you to listen to. potentially while you are supporting me in rates/blings/blasts/buzz, & such. To earn your way into my family. W/O Notice,
I will add you to my family. Due to how frequently you support me. Though should you not come back? W/o Notice,
You can be removed from my family. I don't ask much. Or demand a thing. Its my way of thanking you for your time. While appreciating you. Thank you. This is to you from me. Hit the arrow to the right of this pic. Turn up your speaks. I listen. ") Thank you.


By now, most of you know that this site made some adjustments to this site so that if you rate pictures too fast, you'll get the "sorry, you're rating too fast -- ignored!" message. While most people are used to it by now and some people prefer it this way, others are still peeved by this course of action because for a lot of people this is their main avenue of earning points for leveling purposes. We have been told that with so many people rating at an expeditiously fast pace due to the "EZ Rate" pics that many members have, the server slows down the site and the powers to be slowed down the time intervals allowed between rates to compensate and allow the server to catch up. I for one disagree with this explanation and will offer my reasons for such. I first suspected there were ulterior motives involved when the picture rates were slowed down AND the Secret Admirer game was introduced. My first thought was that if they were hurting for server speed and slowed down the picture rates because of such, why introduce a new option that would bog down the server? I again suspected something was going on when right after the slowdown of the picture rates went into effect, the figure this site has on the top of each page showing how many members online increased significantly. My opinion was that if so many people were upset about changing the rating speed, the number of people would obviously drop by at least a little. I decided to do a little investigating and my finding were, at the very least, eye opening. I am about to share them with you. Some background is in order. When I was on my fact finding mission, I found a web site call Alexa.com. This site is a database showing web traffic statistics such as traffic history, reach, rank, etc. for various other sites on the internet. This is not unlike the Nielson ratings for television or Arbitron rankings for radio. When I researched Fubar on Alexa.com, I found that traffic has been on a steady downward trend the past few months. Below are links for a couple of graphs that shows the traffic trends for Fubar: Link- http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss321/chinagrove2009/dailyreachyear.jpg To explain what reach is, according to Alexa, reach “measures the number of users. Reach is typically expressed as the percentage of all internet users who visit a given site. So, for example, if a site like yahoo.com has a reach of 28%, this means that of all global internet users measured by Alexa, 28% of them visit yahoo.com.” Link- http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss321/chinagrove2009/trafficdailytrafficrank.jpg Ranking is a bit more self explanatory but in short, it’s a combined measure of page views and users(reach). As you can see, traffic to Fubar peaked in February and again in July, but since has gone down and lately has been at best, stagnant. This meant less money for this website since less traffic means less money. To answer this challenge, Fubar introduced a new tool that members could purchase to aid them in leveling-the Auto 11’s. With the Auto 11’s, members can level faster and the site has a new source of revenue. For all concerned, a win-win situation. This happened around September-October and if you’ll notice on the above charts, that is when there was a slight spike in traffic. This worked for a while. However, there was little to no growth in traffic since and Fubar needed to find a way to increase revenue to make up for the shortfall in traffic. How could this be done? Slow down the picture rates. Think about it. Since it now takes almost twice as long to rate a given amount of pictures, people will be on this site almost twice as long. The longer amount of time a person is on Fubar, the more opportunity one has to make cash purchases. As for the Auto 11’s, since one gets approximately half the points during an Auto 11 as before, they’d have to purchase two times as much to level as they did before. Also, take a look at the Happy Hour bookings. A lot more people are purchasing more than one Happy Hour at a time because now, they get half the points as before because of the slow picture rates. Right now, you’re probably wondering what does web traffic have to do with this site needing added revenue. One word-FuMall. The sponsors and advertisers in the FuMall pay Fubar based on how much traffic the sponsors get by way of traffic from Fubar. The more traffic there is, the more money that is made. More reach, more money. The higher the ranking, the more money that is made. It’s all about the money folks and we are the cash cow. Some of you might say that since they slowed down the picture rates, the number of people shown online has increased and according to the above charts, there is an upward trend in traffic since they did slow down the picture rates. To this I say you’re correct. Nevertheless, one has to look deeper into the numbers and trends to find an explanation. As for the number online, back in September-October I remember the number online as being in the 55,000-60,000 range (if you think I’m wrong on this number, please let me know). The number online as of 9:30 pm CST on February 19 is 69,907. The question that begs to be answered is why has the number they show to be online increased since September but traffic to this site has decreased since then(according to the above charts)? The only thing I can think of, but is pure speculation is that the numbers are inflated. I don’t know much about running a website or servers and such but I do know that any number can be entered where it says how many are actually online. So if there are only 20,000 that are actually online, one can type in 40,000, 60,000, whatever. You’re probably thinking that even if that’s true, then explain the little spike in traffic since they slowed down the picture rates on February 1. Very simple-if you remember when all this started and people kept getting the error message, we didn’t know what was going on. We were told to clear out our browsers cache and cookies. Well, when one deletes the cookies from their browser and visits a website they go to on a regular basis, the site will add a new cookie to replace the old one, thus showing up on the site as new and increased traffic. I do have to admit that this is a well thought out “dog and pony show” for the sponsors and it puts a nice spin to make a bad situation appear good. I understand after explaining all this some might say “if you don’t like this site or support this site, then go someplace else.” First of all, such an attitude is characteristic of one who gives up easily and accepts things at face value. I am neither. If I don’t think something is right, I will speak up on said issue and thus, the reason I wrote this blog. Second, never did I say I didn’t like this site. My argument is that if one really cared about this website, then that person should not accept the slow ratings so easily. If I didn’t like Fubar and didn’t support it, I wouldn’t have bought a VIP plus some of the amenities this site offers and would have quit coming here a long time ago. I do like this site and most of the people who are also part of the Fubar family. I also like the truth and therein lies the problem. I detest being misled by certain individuals on this site and the charade that was put before us to justify the picture ratings fiasco. I dislike not being told the whole truth from the beginning. I find it reprehensible that Fubar.com possesses the attitude that our (the customer) opinions do not matter and if we don’t like it, tough. I firmly believe that if this site was completely honest with us from the beginning and told us the truth, then most people would have understood the dilemma that Fubar faced and would have been more receptive with the picture ratings being slowed down. Unfortunately, that choice was not made. Fubar chose to go the path of subterfuge and deception. The issue that lies before me now is whether Fubar will force me to delete this blog under threat of deleting my account. While this site does have this right, does it mean by Fubar exercising this right that I have made valid points in my argument? Does it mean that by threatening to delete my account or outright deleting my account altogether, that I’m “hitting a little close to home” and this site doesn’t want anyone to “stir up the pot”? Does it mean that by wanting me to delete this blog that there is some truth to what I have written? My response would have to be that if this blog is pure fiction, then there is nothing to worry about and I would not be asked to delete this blog. Stay tuned. One final note-the opinions expressed in this blog are mine and mine only.


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Frank got OWNED!

Presents to you, The Man who named me BrightEyedArtist.

IS NOW OWNED!!!!!! M.gifW.gifA.gifA.gifH.gifA.gifH.gifA.gifA.gif

w.gif image.php?u=301519&i=2073773476&tn=1 I OWN THIS BULLDOG!!! S.gifO.gifspace.gifO.gifW.gifN.gifE.gifD.gif
w.gif image.php?u=301519&i=3697302152&=1
Clicking on anyone of his pics will take you directly to his page.

His influence, Took me from rookie to very soon to what I am now & possibly more. He is one of few here, that is straight forword & has nothing but my best interests in mind. I genuinely just enjoy talking to the guy. One of those fun perky things in life kind of guy. He can be grumpy,...but who isnt? image.php?u=301519&i=3518812866&=1 Send him a drink or something friendly. Tell him Bright Eyed Artist sent you. He is a crack up & all kinds of fun!image.php?u=301519&i=378886221&=1 One hell great guy, as he continues to show me. His naming me BrightEyedArtist has gone so far as business cards & now on my upc codes for my art work. Thank you Frank! I OWN YOU!!!! MWAAAAHAAAAHAAAAAA! You know I think,... Image and video hosting by TinyPic This Eye Candy Brought to you By: image.php?u=476992&i=4007209307&tn=1

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