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The Queen Mates

The Queen Mates Life is harsh at times, but it’s the nights that bring some hearts into its brilliant, beautiful colorful reality special those who mere humans trembling just a whisper about their names, it was time to embrace the darkness of night, it was the night for creating the perfect child to be place within a womb of no normal human woman, yet this one woman was more breathtaking the haunting of no moonlight upon this night. She was the single hope and fate of her people, people that mere human would wish remain forever only stories or wicked horror movies, but she was real and coming out of her sleep to move about life with one single purpose upon this wicked, deadly night….to find one male and breed. The Midnight Queen of Death will soon arise upon night. Most figure-flattering rose from her sleeping chambers voluptuous breasts rose like two perfect round and perky melons where weary travelers could see and drool with need of substance from them, she stretch her long slender arms out, than her long slender fingers with nail like talon brush through her long flaming red hair, she breathe in the night life to give her what she need before the rising the sun hope he was about her essence, so she may have the one thing from his body, she need upon the blessed night….the life seed from his manhood that would give her people the future queen of new bred. Keylia sled one of long slender legs over her coffin, she smiled as she sled the other leg over, she rose like a winged demon from her coffin. Keylia listened to hear the night cries of those, who are yet like her, but watchers of those, who can not yet walk among the day like them. Keylia was knew her fate in life, she knew her father fate was death before she was able to fly across the dark sky to hunt life down like cattle at their mercy. Keylia was one that could walk among the day and night, but choose to belong to night. Her heart didn’t flutter to the scent of blood upon the stirring wind of death. The tub was filled with hot water and her favorite scent of floral, she slip off her white silk gown and step over into the water, she lower her heavenly body down, she toss her long flaming hair over the edges, three women come into the room, two washes her long flaming hair with scent shampoo and oils to offer a shining and haunting glow about it that would make her color sparkle like gleaming stars, the other woman bathe her, once she washed, she slowly rose and the women bowed, than one offer her large red towel to wrap around her body. She steps out. One woman begins to dry her. The other begins to dry her body, as the last one place a dress out on the bed. She turns to goes over to the bed; she drops the towel like disrobing queen about to offer her virginity body to her new king. She turns to face three women; they go to their knees and bow. ‘I need my hair to be perfect set and make-up too.’ They said together, ‘Yes our queen.’ She stood merely 5’9 and 124 pounds of pure lustful death. She took a deep breath in and turns to move about her room, she slips on short red silk dress, she steps into her red high heel shoes, she sits down for two women to fix her hair and one woman fixes her make-up to fit the outfit, she rose and turns to skim about her large room. She let out a deep sigh, she said, ‘Why are you missing from my life, Maximus?’ The one lost mate she can never have back in her arms or life, but she turns her mind upon another. Once she sees she is ready, she motion three women to leave her room. The door open and closes. The one who was always there before she took a life, during and after her mate was killed. Queen Keylia missed her favorite mate, Sebastian, but she sent him away, so far she had regretted sending him away from her reach. ‘Sebastian, I miss and long for you to be here and within my lonely arms, I pray you have forgive me for sending you away, but I just could not forget Maximus.’ She said standing on her balcony to take flight upon her hunt for a mate, she was no longer wanted or desiring her any from her family, so she take flight heading to the one place out of sight of her family. Her wings stretch across the darkening sky of life was a warning that the night now belong to the hidden evil now lurking about. Stunning was the night sky basking in the star light with no moon showing its frightened face upon life, now was the time of autumn harvest feast of the dark ones. She flew like a haunting vision against the sky; she landed upon the board walk and moved about the mere humans, she was on her search for single man, who will give her what she wanted upon this night. A child to carry on her in place in the near future, she wanted freedom to be with Sebastian, if she bore a child, than there was no more need to mate with any one else but Sebastian. Los Angeles, California A man step into a shower to wash off his daily scent from work, he is going out tonight to find the perfect woman to take to bed, he is tired of being a thirty-two year old male virgin, he hates lying to his co-workers about his hot girlfriend that he doesn’t have in his life, but he doesn’t want to look like a fool being his age and still a virgin. His hands run about his luscious body of Latino and Greek hotness, his long blondish/brown hair and sweet green eyes is going to dazzle the ladies tonight. His takes the washcloth lathers it up with soap and washes his cock, he looks down at it, it is hard as rock, he says, ‘I guess you are eager too tonight. We are going to get some sweet action tonight. I am no longer holding back. No more good guy here, I am going to do and be the nasty bad boy in bed all night long for a sweet honey willing to come and do nasty and naughty things with me.’ His hands stroke up and down, he drop the washcloth and his bare hand had to relieve some of his pain, his stroke was long and tight, he moved faster and faster, he press against the wall with one foot, the other against the flooring, his back against the wall and his hand stroking faster, his tongue running across his lips, than he said, ‘Oh yes mommy, suck my big thick cock.’ His moaning filled his shower. His heart race, his legs tremble, he scream out, ‘Oh hell yessssss!’ His white creamy seed fell down on the floor of the shower and wash down the drain, he dropped his foot down and lean against the other shower wall with his flat against the wall, and he allowed the hot water to just run over his body, while he came back down for what he brought out in his body. He turns the water off. The door slides open. His 6’3” perfect shape steps out with a still hard cock. He dries off his body, he slip on sexy black satin boxer, he slips on black t-shirt than he walks into his bedroom, he pauses to sigh, he hates this bedroom no action, but knew he was going to get some tonight, he felt throughout his entire essence. He moves to the closet across the room, he stops to open his window slightly, he loves to cool breeze off the ocean this time of year, it was not summer or late fall yet, but once in while he could get a gentle cool breeze. He moves back towards the closet, he opens the door and looks for the perfect outfit, he decides on the black dress pants with the light blue satin shirt to wear, he slips on the dress pants, he looks in the mirror, he wonders if should slick back his long hair, but he decides not. He slips on the light blue shirt, he looks and likes what he sees, he moves away from the closet, he slips on his black shoes, he walks out of his bedroom, he grabs his keys out he goes into the night, he moves about the streets, he going to the new club where all people gather… Latino Heat Club has been open nearly over a year now, he has not been lucky since he first start coming here, but he knew he would lucky tonight. A place where all horny men come and get some hot and wet pussy aching to fuck all night long, it was also a place where women came to get lucky with finding a wicked bad boy to make all naughty and very nasty fantasies come true, so hit jack-pot, but others found nothing worth taking home to meet mother or fuck. He enter the club first, he moves about the club scanning the hot mommies in the building, it’s a huge building, so he takes a bottle of Corona with him. He comes back to the bar, he orders another corona, and he sits there waiting. He asks several ladies to dance. He dances three times, than he goes on a dry spell. He takes a deep breath and softly says, ‘Hey god….where is my princess and hot passionate mommy tonight? If she not coming…will you please poke her and remain her I am here waiting for her.’ Keylia moved and moved about the night life, she followed the females to a bar, she enters. Tonight is one of the nights offering one last chance to embrace hidden, but dangerous passion within Midnight Velvet Club, which would later be created by her offspring mate’s for a more private and better way of hunting their prey? Only the chosen one can indulged in the luxurious passion flames of her embrace of fatal love within her haunting call into Midnight Velvet Club, where all human were bait and prey. She knew her daughter will bring forth the new way of life, where human no longer ruled the world with their selfish greed and destructive ways upon the world, her sole heir would bring forth the flowing of red velvet blood upon life. Keylia moves about the darken streets heading towards the Latino Heat Club, she taps the door with her open hand, her blue eyes shimmer as the small opening opens. Her sweet essence make me stop and drooling, as she walk pass them, she smiles to her affect upon human males, but she is here for just one, she pauses and smell the air, she catches his scent, she smiles and says, ‘I can not believe my luck tonight, he is sweet virgin ripe for the picking.’ She moves down the stairs, she moves about the many bodies. Men were touching with their fingers her arm and brushing against her breasts. Men holing, ‘Hey mommy, come over here to me. I got what you need to suck, ride and own.’ She passes them by. The queen seek her chosen one, she will find a stud, a man worth mating with, a man who is pure as the day he was born. Keylia saw him moving about the club, he saw her too; he stood there watching her as she took a sit, and he saw it was not long after, she had many men asking her dance. He wanted her go to the dance with one man at time, he was staring and watching her on the dance, her moves was haunting to his mind, his heart and soul tremble to her sweet essence stirring him in ways that he never dream a woman could stir him, he lost her. He moved again and again to find her. Keylia was moving out of his sight on purpose, but she could still see him, in fact, she was not going to let him stay alone for much longer, she went back to her chair, she sit there waiting for him to come back around to her, she smiled to he was staring at her again, she rose from her chair and goes to the dance floor once again to dance, but this the tall and dark bartender had asked her for a dance, her hands sway about her body like wings of many angels gracing her with great honor, her long hair flow like long slender fingers motion him to come to her, the bartender moved closer to her, he touched her body in wicked ways. All was envies of Jai, who was getting the best from her upon the dance. He stared into her eyes, which were flashing of lust and desire for him to kiss her, his lips moved slowly down towards her. A tap on his shoulder stopped him. ‘I think I would like to dance with her now.’ He said to the bartender. Jai turns around says, ‘You are being rude, man. I am busy with her.’ He says, ‘I think she rather be with me now.’ Keylia touches them both, she softly says as her fingers brush across Jai face, ‘No need to be meant and nasty to each other, I merely one woman in the vast room of many. Jai, I will dance with him. You are needed back at the bar.’ She watches Jai go back to the bar, she smiles at her daughter’s father, she called him to come to her, and he did. He had enough of her dancing with other men, he wanted to dance with her , but when he turn around to say something to her, she was gone from his sight, he moves about the dance looking for her, he has to find her. His heart is frantic, his soul is screaming with need to find her. Keylia is back at the bar. She likes this cat and mouse game, she is playing with him. She turns up her drink. She waits. He moves about looking and searching for her. He pauses, he sees her once again on the dance floor dancing, and he stands there to watch her dance more. She sizes him up, she knew he carries a sweet weapon between his legs, he plays the playboy role well, but she could smell he was not worldly man; he was still waiting for the one to dare him into her bed and offer the one thing no other woman would have from him…. But his game was up tonight, for Keylia was here to claim him as hers, she moved about his essence with such pull and charm, he was forgetting he was only to have fun than go home alone. Her darken painted lips of death moved in way that sent him pre-cumming in his black satin boxer, she smiled and turn away form him, she slowly turn up her drink, her lips brush upon the sweet liquor, but she was not yet ready to taste the drink, when she was so close to gain him as hers upon this perfect night of mating season. She love the fact he was playing hard to get, so she moved away from the bar He moved closer to her. She rose and bumps into his body, she smelled his scent, and he was perfect as she thought, she softly said, ‘I am so sorry.’ He smiles at her, he touches her face, which was his third mistake of the night with her, he than said, ‘Its okay.’ How he wanted to tell he hated losing her in the midst of all these people, but he didn’t say nothing about it to her. ‘No, I really sorry, let me make it up to you by buying you another drink.’ He sits down, he pats the stool next to him, and he says, ‘Sure, if you don’t mind joining me.’ God, he was praying to for her to sit down and be close to him, he just wanted to touch, kiss and ask her to go back to his, but his tongue would not move, his words would not come out, he just watch her sit down in front of him. He took a deep breathe. Keylia smiled and sit next to him, she smiled and she wanted to tell him, she was not leaving here without him, but she would not let on she knew what he was think and feeling. He says to the other bartender, ‘Two champagne please.’ She looks into his green eyes, she smiles and leans into his lips. The kiss made him soar; it made the room spin out of control. It made him feel wonderful strange and ignites with such passion, he pulls her into his body, and he rises from her lips, he says, ‘My place is just two blocks away.’ She said simply and only to him, ‘Lead the way, but I would love to dance with you, before we rush to off to your place.’ He rose from his stool, he was honor to dance with her, but he was hoping she would bring him into share ecstasy before this night was up. His virginity was hers to take, she knew he would not stray from her reach, she held his interested too tightly. He was tall, he was well form in shape, his long brown hair dance about his shoulder, and his sultry green eyes were seeking something he had yet to find in his human life. Now she walks towards him in wicked but sinful way, she reaches out to him. He looks around, he turns back to her, ‘you wish too dance with me than my lady, let’s dance of hidden love and wicked passion.’ ‘I wish to share much more than just a mere sinful dance with you. Come dance with me now my sweet lover to be.’ He reached for her hand. Keylia smiles at him, as she lead him to the dance floor, the music was beating a tempo her body could move about his like snake charming wishing no demon of death would do upon his body, she glide about his body like wet blanket smothering him, but offering something much erotic and dangerous to dare with her, her hands and legs slither about his body like frisky cop out to devour than arrest him. She pauses to allow him to catch his breathe. He stands there looking into haunting blue eyes of heavenly angel, he feels drawn to her. Keylia touches his face than their bodies seem to move and glide about the room, the door open and closed. Sirens and flashing lights about the street still didn’t break his look within her powerful spell. Space and time seem to move faster than his mind, he is no longer on the darken club or streets; he is somewhere else with her now alone. He wants to say something, but doesn’t. Keylia is control everything, she will have this one tonight. Keylia must have him; she has waited for this night to come for her. It’s the moment she will be blessed with her heir. A future heir that will all to her and her kind, she moves him about the darken house, the door opens and closes. They float up the winding stairs. Door too his building open and closed. Two huge doors open. they enter, he stared only at her, she press the button sixth floor, she kissed and stroke him in ways he felt lost and confused, but so awakening to passion, he just wanted to rip their clothing off and mating like wild dogs. The elevator open, they moved down the hallway to his door, she willed it open and close, she moved towards the bedroom, the door closed behind them. Candles burst with fire. The window sleds open just a little to offer the fire some reason to dance wicked about his bedroom walls. She has him locked into her hold now, she steps back. She whispers out, ‘I want everything from you.’ He smiles and said, ‘Take all of me.’ She smiles and says with such thrill to him allowing her to take what she needs, ‘I shall take all of you all night long.’ The room is filled with candlelight. The walls are satin red like blood flowing down the walls, the bed is metal, but black, the drapes on the windows are thick and closed, the curtains upon the bed are red and black the seem to hide a place where he hopes he will end up on with her. He wants her to be the first woman to teach him everything, he has waited for all his thirty-two years, it has been hard to keep his virginity, but he knows this woman is the right one to surrender all over to. He watches her move about lighting the candle like she is magically lighting with invisible lighter. She moves like haunting ghost about the large room, the candles flicker of danger, but his heart is too willing. He doesn’t know yet, he is no longer in control of his heart and soul, she controls it now and forever. Her movement is like floating angel descends back his way. He takes a deep breath, he reaches out to her, ‘I want you now, my bewitching angel of mystery. I want to give you all. I need to your devour me in ways no other woman can or ever will.’ She smiles as wind howls of looming death, she watches the howling wind move back the curtains upon his bed, she moves her hands about her body where her dress falls to the floor, she stand naked before him, she sees the gleam of lust in lurking within his hopeful eyes she will not stop now. Black metal bed stands in the middle of her bedroom with haunting red and black curtains like a haunting essence pulling him into her web of death even more, his body moves about the room like he is not even walking. He isn’t. Keylia is holding him close to her body, as she carries his hot and eager body to her bed of waiting death. The warm breeze of lingering death open the drapes upon her bed, their bodies come to rest upon her bed, her hands easily remove his clothing, her finger touches his lips. Keylia softly whispers into his ear, ‘There is no need for any more words to be spoken. I know and see what you wish from me. Allow me to share a passion no other woman in this entire world can share with you. I will give you a passion worth dying for.’ He smiled, as he is lower back upon her bed of waiting death. Keylia’s cold, white ash hands sled up his body like ice cubes, her tongue roams like he is her sweet treat of sin upon her bed of death that will soon flicker away into darkness forever, she is not going cross him over, she is only taking what he foolish offer her. Her haunting licks are like liquid fire upon his flesh, her wicked teasing upon his lips driving him crazy with need. Her bites and nibbles about his lip, ears and fingers, which become her sucking toy makes him trembling like strong oak giving up its foundation to move where she commands him to re-root himself. She command his body, heart and soul to surrender to her, she smiles and kiss him with deadly passion, she allows him to touch her body like young boy upon his first journey onto new land, his hands tremble, as he massage her two wondrous mountains called breasts. ‘Suck on them. Bite them. Do whatever to me you wish. I will not break.’ His touch his wild and untamed, unschooled in ways to make a woman purr like season lover could, but she needs this one more than a season lover. His innocent of sexually games and delight was her perfect answer for the child she needed that was foretold will be blessed upon this wicked night. She guide his face down between her legs, she coach him how to lick and bring her to place she needed to be. She moans to the passion he is now giving her, she rises and moves him back upon the bed, her long flaming hair strokes him like a feathers brushing against his flesh upon a warm summer night of passion. She bites and scratches his flesh like hot cat in heat yearning to mate with her tom-cat of choice. She strokes his cock with her breasts in ways that he screams out, ‘I want you now. I want to make love you now….I can’t hold back anymore.’ His blood boils like a hot water to wicked touch and acts upon his body, he moans to his delight, he can’t believe how wicked her tongue is on his body, her fingers move about his flesh, her nails grow long and hard like death talons about to rip his body apart, so she can feast upon his lifeblood. Her blue eyes were now light golden honey color, but with each more sinful act they share together, her eyes turned blood red. Keylia smells his awakening to the point he needed to cum, she moves slowly back down his body, and her mouth and tongue control his passion. Her strength pushes him against the bed. He gasp to her tongue sliding around his erect cock that is well endowed for most human men, but she has seen much bigger cock in her many lifetimes. Keylia sucks his cock, as one hand massage his huge family jewels. His body trembles. His heart is racing like a car out of control, his pulse is like angry lightening upon life, his mind is screaming to his greatest pleasure coming true. Within a single heart beat…..things changed quickly. His passion becomes his screaming to the painful biting upon his cock, he is virgin, she feels him struggling and grabbing at the bed covers, she drinks him almost dry, she rises to look into his eyes, she says, ‘I can give you life. A life where you will be free to soar like no mere human can soar. I can give you one night of sin, if you ask me. I ask one thing in return. You give me one night of life into my womb.’ He gasp, but his eyes told her, he was willing to give it her what she seek from him. Keylia straddles him, she rode him all night long, and her scream sent her kind fleeing into the shadows, their princess was mating. Keylia had chosen one to breed with, now she would get her one wish, a life within her dead essence. With such ease she handles his huge length and thickness, she rides him till the sun begins rise, she looks down at him, she says, ‘I have what I need from you now. I give you eternal to rest knowing, I was the your first and last lover.’ She moves frantic as his seed spills and flow into her womb, she stretch her arms out, her long flaming hair turns white as snow, her nail turn into talons, her fangs turn blood red, her eyes turn solid white, she screams out, ‘I have a daughter! I have been blessed with a child from this union!’ She looks down at him. His blue eyes fill with terror as his cock still spills his seed her womb, he struggles with little will he has left, and his body trembles, as her wings stretch out, she mates as she carries him back to her island, she descends upon her bed laughing and screaming an eerie cry to her family. She smiles and lean down to his ear, she coldly says, ‘I am sorry, you are not worthy of forever being my mate.’ Her talons rip out his throat, she rise off his body. Keylia moves to the door, she opens it. The flock of her evil family enters to feast upon his flowing blood, he was short change out of living forever with her. He was dying as the others drank his blood, which flowing like water free from its damn by her ripping open his throat, his blood soaked the bed, but not too bad because her family was sucking up as fast as it flowed from his growing cold body. ‘Why?’ Was his last word out of his sweet lips of death? Keylia looks up at the sky; she smiles and says, ‘It is done. Life is mine. She shall be born in soon. The signs are near for her birth.’ Her hands touch her growing belly; she smiles and never looks back what is happening to the father of her child. She turns to look at him be devoured by her family, she says, ‘Because I can.’ Keylia walks out of the room, she walks down the winding stairs to the coffin waiting for her, her hands runs across her belly, she smiles and says, ‘Soon my daughter. Soon you and I will change this world into ours. You are the key, my sweet unborn child, you are the salvation too our people. Your father was good, but foolish man, yet I honor his death with your life in my body. You will be Reina the Princess of Destiny.’ Her belly swell like three month pregnant human woman, she moves about the house, she longs for two more days, upon the third her daughter will be alive and living within her new family. Morning she lays to rest as her child grows stronger. Upon the second night she rises. She is now six months with child, she smiles and moves about the house, always knowing Samuel is watching and waiting, she touches her belly, she says, ‘I have chosen for you a mate, he is strong and willful, he will fight you each step of the way. I choose for you Draco. He is good werewolf, he has no mate. Reina, you are the one, who will turn this family fate around. You will lead us into the promise world. Follow your heart and soul; trust yourself and your love for Draco.’ She pauses to see Samuel coming closer; she turns and hisses at him. Samuel quickly cowards away from his queen, he wants not her wrath. Keylia says, ‘I need to warn you about Samuel, but in time. Trust one other….Sebastian. He could and should have been your father, but I wanted a different father for you, one that binds all three species into one. Now my daughter, you are the foretold child. Now you will bring forth the future destined to be ours.’ Keylia had missed her mate for six lifetimes, she vow she would never mate or have another child, unless her mate was reborn, which he never was, so she lingering in her hollow life, until tonight. Deep down she loved Sebastian, but he was not like her mate, she had lived over nine life times, but her beloved mate was killed upon one wintry night in Romania, when the vampire hunters came upon their castle. He made her flee; he was killed for sparing her life. She lost her child and her mate within the same night, her son was expel from her womb like nothing, her pain and tears weep like raging storm of death, than she went cold as ice when her mate heart was cut out and his head chopped off. She screamed out his night upon the wind of wrath…. ‘Maximus! Maximus, my love!’ She refused to move on, but it was Sebastian who made her dare to live on. The one vampire that was her coach, her first lover before she chose Maximus as her life mate, now he was once again beside her pushing her to live on for the sake of the family, who need her more than ever now. Upon the night she vows to pay humans back… Now she had, a human was the father her child, who bring all humans down. There was something about the scent and feeling in the air that made her feel the need to find one pure male to have her one moment with, she found him, now she carry the child that would bring it all together, three species into one. Did she make the right choice? Was what she did to get with child the right thing for her unborn child? Everything seems right, but something in the depth of her unbeating heart she felt something was wrong with it. Would this child of hers be welcome into the family? Keylia went to her coffin, her belly begins to swell, she touches it and the baby kicks her hand, she says, ‘Yes, Reina, soon you will be here. I hope to greet you with happy news, but I fear what the family will say of my choice of human male to mate with, but our little secret between mother and daughter.’ She moved about the house, she reached out to Sebastian. ‘Sebastian, it is time to come home. Reina will need your help and guidance within this family.’ Sebastian felt her call, he stirred in his hidden coffin, and he would leave when it was safe, now time was hard for their kind to move about Romania. Morning rose, Keylia laid in her dark and endless curse of coffin; she waited for the night rise again when she would give birth to her daughter. Something was wrong, very wrong upon this mating and night, she toss and turn within her coffin, this child was at risk, she flung her coffin top open and rose, she moved slowly towards the stairs, she had to get help fast, this was her bloodline heir, she could not lose this child. All the hope and future for the new bred rode upon the birth of this child. Keylia cared only about her child not what could fall upon her dead essence, she moaned to the pain that rip through-out her body, yet she push on, it was mid-day. The door was pushed open. The howling wind stirs the watchers. Trees begin to fall about the world. People scatter in their homes to raging storm that came from hell. Vampire’s screaming like death. Werewolves howl like calling their mate into their den for mating. It was time for her to be born. A sign was given to the family of the chosen one birth. The day and night collided into one. The sky burned like hell fire within it, stars burst like fireworks within the great massive heaven, and the ground shook like the world was coming to end. The waters of upon earth seem to rise and fall like the unborn child was commanding it, she was the one promise to them, she would become the ruler and future of the world. She bring forth the new way of life. The family hears her screaming. Queen was in trouble. All rush to her side. Keylia was upon the floor in blood, the vampire’s and werewolves looked at each other, this was not good for their queen or them. The women help her into the bedroom. Keylia knew she was in trouble, she says to the women, ‘My daughter name is Reina. Please care for her, if anything happens to me.’ One of her family females strokes her long flaming hair out of her face and said, ‘You will be here for her. Nothing will happen to you, my queen.’ The queen grabbed her hand and said, ‘If something does. Watch over please…..she will need help and guidance.’ The female said, ‘My lady, all will be here for her like you will.’ Keylia knew something was wrong, her child was given her too much and too much trouble. No child of their kind brought so much pain and torture upon her mother. Her inside felt like death was ripping her open from the inside, she gasp and screamed, her hands grab at the railings, she screams, ‘Take this child out now! Save my daughter! Save her not me!’ The women smiled and looked at each other; they knew this was not good. Keylia breathing got slower, she hardly said a word, she no longer scream to her pain, she barely was there when the two women push upon her belly to make the baby come out. When the mid-wife shook her head and rose. All knew they could not save the queen, but they had to save the child now. Their queen’s heir was more important than saving the queen, who was now about dead upon the velvet blood of death. The mid-wife cut the queen belly. The blood was sponge up quickly for the baby to have. The child was taken from her dying mother belly. The queen gasp her last breathe never to lay eyes upon her only child. All waited news about the queen and her child; most prayed it was the foretold female child that would bring the three species together as one. Some fear it would be another male child; many of the women were having males rather than females. It was curse upon them for cross breeding and their children breeding to make the perfect bred of horror upon the world. Hours passed. A small crying sound begins to ring out. The women clean up the baby. The mid-wife clean up. The door open and closes. The wind stops. The fire in the sky stops and stars stop bursting like fireworks, the world stops trembling. The water flow normal once again upon world for a moment last in dark fear. She that was foretold is born. Vampires and Werewolves were shaking hands and smiling. The look up at the woman standing at the railings, than her words, ‘Queen has died.’ All fell to their knees in sadness. The woman said, ‘Yet her daughter is alive and well. The queen requests her name to be, Reina.’ They rose and cheered out her name. ‘Reina! Reina!’ The woman walks back to the room. The queen body was drain of her lifeblood to feed her daughter; it would give her daughter great strength. The women cared and crater to new princess needs around the clock. Werewolves care for the new princess during the day. Vampires care for the new princess during the night. All of the family would take hands in raising their Queen Keylia daughter. ©2009 Firestar
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