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ecco5's blog: "Thoughts on..."

created on 03/31/2007  |  http://fubar.com/thoughts-on/b69559
Hello everyone, I very rarely get behind a politician. usually i despise them, I wasn't too fond of Clinton, until i had to deal with 8 years of bush. I'm registered to vote as an independent. i claim no political party. In the past i have cast votes for Republicans and Democrats and whatever Perot was thinking. I remember hoping that McCain would get the Presidential Nomination instead of Bush, because he used to have such integrity. This year something strange happened. I became inspired. by a politician of all people. Since that has happened, i have donated at least $300 to his campaign, something i never pictured myself doing. ever. but it happened. I want this man to be the President of the United States. So tomorrow, i am voting for Barack Obama, because i feel he has the ability to restore America to greatness. Please, when you vote tomorrow, ask if you are motivated by fear or by hope. Thank you for reading, andrew PS Vote No on Prop 8, because love has no religion.
Ah the Bible... Recently there have been a lot of goings on about Prop 8 and Gay Marriage, so i decided this morning to look up some of what the Bible says about marriage, and sure enough there was at least one place where it says man and woman... but rather than stop there, after having found a few short verses to support "traditional marriage", i went a little further to find out what the bible thinks about other aspects of living a "traditional biblical life". On marriage being a man and woman from Corinthians 1 Chapter 7 1 Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry. 2 But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. There it is, one man one woman... here's the kicker: 10 To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife. So I hope when you do get married it's happily ever after, because you can NEVER EVER GET A DIVORCE, you'd pretty much be going against god's word. If you did that, then the whole argument for that man/woman thing goes right out the window (because why follow one part of the bible and not another?). I haven't checked in a while, but if you go against the word of the lord, don't you get to burn in hell for all eternity or something? Other fun facts from this passage: Interfaith marriages between a man and a woman? nope. (12-13) Consensual sex with someone of any gender? nope, if you want that you should get remarried, but this brings up another problem, because Deuteronomy says if she's not a virgin, bring her out and we'll stone her to death. (Deuteronomy 22:20-21) And that's only from Corinthians, once we start bringing in other books of the bible things get even more twisted around. Guys, if we're going to live according to the bible, why would you want a wife anyway? according to Revelation 14: 4 women are dirty and if you defile yourself with them you don't get to follow Jesus. But should you follow the other verses of the bible and get your man/woman marriage on, the bible does have some advice on how to raise your children. Beatings: Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 22:15, Proverbs 23:13, Ecclesiasticus 22:6, Ecclesiasticus 30:11. But, say you don't want to raise your child, or it's too much work, the bible sets forth guidelines on how/where to purchase slaves who i assume could take care of your kids (Leviticus 25: 44) ... but if that's too much work, you could always sacrifice your daughter. (Judges 11: 39) ...or say you have an unruly daughter, you could always sell her as a sex slave. (Exodus 21:7-8) ... and say you buy said sex slave, and she doesn't make you happy, according to the bible, you can beat her to death, and you'll be absolved of all wrong doing, so long as she lives at least a day or two after your severe beat down. (Exodus 21:20-21) There is some of what i've found, and based on that, there is no way that i'm going to use the Bible as the end all be all of anything, because, quite frankly, some of it is severely F'd up. Just as we have moved away from all of the other "traditional" values of the bible, the beatings, the sacrificing, the slavery, I don't feel the slightest bit worried about "traditional" marriage going away either. Please, on November 4th, if you live in California, Vote No on Proposition 8, -Andrew P.S. Everyone else, please vote Obama 08!

Last night...

I haven't posted anything on here in a long, long time... so here is this. When i left the house yesterday at 6 p.m. i really wasn't to worried about how i was going to get home. I knew that at some point, i would get back here, i just didn't know how. i figured i had my bus pass, so in theory, i'd come back just the opposite of the way i left. Take the 6 to the 2 and then walk home... however.... things don't always end up how i expect them to. I was headed to Mr. Peabody's on Friars, to meet up with a few people from work. that was the easy part, took my book (The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho), hopped on the 2, then the 6 and got to Fashion Valley at about 6:30, from the bus stop to the place took about 10ish minutes to walk. had a great time will i was there. just chatting and hanging out. didn't drink much lots of water. lots and lots of water. a tequila shot. and a vodka tonic. and more water. anyhow, 5 or so short hours later, they were closing and we were sent to the world to get back to our dwellings. most of them lived close enough to walk home, one stayed at one of the others house, and i headed back to Fashion Vally Trolley Stop. Ten or so minutes later, i wandered up to the #6 schedule and found that it stopped running an hour prior. fantastic. I hear a trolley coming so i run up the stairs just in time to catch it. It takes me to old town. which isn't much closer to where i need to be, but it's not in the valley, which, honestly, wouldn't be a problem either. there really wasn't any fantastic place to be, but i was there... and the blue line was waiting for me, which was nice. i took that down town expecting that i'd would drop be off at the trolley station where i caught it to go to mexico... but no... Instead it takes me to Sea Port Village, drops me off right at Kansas City Barbecue. so now i'm way past were i wanted to be, whcih was the bus stop on Fifth and Broadway (i'm familiar with that one). By now it's about 1 a.m. and i'm wandering around down town, which really isn't uncommon on a friday night in down town, there were a lot of people wandering around the Gaslamp and surrounding areas. I think i was the only one holding a book. which i was glad i had, because by the time i reached my bus stop it was about 1:30. no idea when the 2 would make it, which was the bus that would drop me off right around the corner from my house.... so i waited. At one point the 7 came by, which would have brought me withing about 20 minutes of my house. it would have dropped my off at University Ave. which after a quick walked down 30th, i'd be home. I walked up to the 7, and asked the drive what time the 2 stopped running, and he stated as if he knew what he was talking about "You can still catch it." You, Andrew, if you wait at this bus stop just a little while longer, will catch the number 2 bus and take it right to your house. So, it was, that i waited, and read my book, one more chapter, still waiting, another chapter, waiting, lending some guy my cell phone, waiting... until about 2:28 a.m. when there hadn't been a bus for more than half an hour, i realized that... No, no you can't catch the two becaust i stopped running well before i got to that bus stop, and Mr. driver of the 7... you were so so wrong. it would have loved it more had he said "I don't know, let's find out". ass. So, i closed my book, looked at the clock on my phone, said a resigned "fuck", then took off walking home. walking from Fifth avenue to 17th or 18th, over the bridge across the 5, then i made a left, wander to the base of Pershing Drive, said a few more colorful metaphors, mentioned to myself that i really didn't want to walk up Pershing (for those unfamilar, it's a 2.5 mile road with a very long hill for about half a mile of it or more). I kept going, and by 3:15, i was home. sweaty, because it was a warm night last night, and i had been walking for 45 minutes, I came to the realization that there aren't as many crazy people wandering around at night... because once i left the bus stop, i was pretty much the only person wandering around down town talking to myself. I wanted to call some people but, it was super crazy late, and i didn't want to wake anyone up. Perhaps that makes me the crazy one?

these last few days...

Alright, where to start. i could just jump around as usual. where did i leave off... friday, early morning. didn't leave you with much on friday, said i'd write more but didn't. how wrong of me. i'm sure you were all terribly disappointed. so where have i disappeared off to for the last few days. Let's see... Friday, i drove up to CVS and looked for a certain easter candy, after that i called my friend from work to figure out when i could pick her up so we could go to lunch. We ate at a little cafe which i enjoyed quite a bit, followed by frozen yogurt covered in butterfingers and heath bar. which i aslo enjoyed quite a bit. Her and i have decided to write a movie. we will be famous, oh yes, we will be famous. the following day i did some work around the house. my dining room and my living room are (or were both empty) which i thought was great... until i wanted to watch a movie, and didn't have anywhere to watch it. so i emptied out the middle bedroom (today)... wait hold up, i just went on a major tangent... saturday, did the usual Tai Chi, then came home, boxed up the stuff that was in the dining room and then dismantled the table, the dining room as any of you may have once known it, is now empty (or was like i said earlier). all of the stuff from in there was either boxed up or put into the middle bedrom (which is to become the theater room- just you wait). after i did all that i think it was kinda late, so i drove up to CVS again - i'm going there a lot, aren't i?, bought fixings for an easter basket (tomorrow - is/was Easter). I had been inspire to make an easter basket about a month ago, something i hadn't done in a while- as the last one i made was disasterous. I told Regina, before she moved that i felt like doing it. And so i did. Then i drove around for bit, got some juice at costco, and 2 movie tickets- i had no idea i could save 6$ if i bought my tickets at costco first. That was amazing in and of itself... Around 10 ish, i made my way down to fashion valley, as my friend would be getting off of work soon, and i had asked if she'd like to go to a movie after work, so we went and watched TMNT. and those turtles have to be at least my age by now, i mean, they were teens when i was a kid... I learned that there were going to be a lot of changes going on at the theater, but didn't concern myself too much with it, although one of my friends from there is moving to kansas. after the show i drove my friend back to her house and was just about to let her go without giving her the basket of calories that i had whipped up... i was nervous. terrified. but i managed to grab it out of the back seat, and give it to her... it was either that or i could have driven back out there crazy early and left it on the porch... but i wouldn't know it's fate if i had chosen that route. Sunday was Easter, and I took the day off to set up my MacMini to have all of my songs on it, and two seasons of Avatar... that was pretty much it for easter. didn't do a whole lot... called some people. my mom didn't even call me back WTF? oh well. i had a bit of a cold or i'd have gone and visited grandma. monday was pretty much taken up by work, then tai chi. not too much. it was an easy day. but someone called in sick so i was there by my lonesome for a bit. but it wasn't too bad, i would have liked to have been less busy so i could chat with my friend. but that shoebox doesn't slow down... Then today... I have been auditioning couches for my house- i'll go up to Zgallerie on my lunch and just sit here and there, i'm getting to know all their sales people. so they have this couch that's on sale for $500 off. which they say will go back up , but i doubt it. they have this other deal, where if i get their outrageous rate credit card (like 30%) then they'll pay the taxes... i'll have to look into a few of their payment options because i'm going to get this couch... (yet another not so wild tangent- there's a reason for this one) oh yeah, back to today, since i had spent all of easter setting my my mac mini and i got to play with it on a very large screen, i felt a bug to start serious work on my "home theater" project. which would mean emptying out a room that had two entertainment shelf units, 1 heavy ass desk that was lifted through the window initially, and an antique table... i'd also have to get other peoples stuff outta there. So that is what i did all day. that room was emptied, vacuumed, and set back up to be my theater room, it is in a working state, now it just needs some finishing touches that might take a while. 1) the couch (which i need to go measure the room) it's 115" wide... that's a big couch, 2) some sound dampening curtains (from somewhere), and 3) an official screen. and then ladies and gentlmen, there will be a movie night, first theater on right hand side. I need to get one of those number 1 signs to mark that theater number :) how bad ass would that be? Tomorrow, i may heat up the spa, just for giggles, and it'll be nice to relax in when i get back from tai chi. (eventually there will be a new spa, the old one still works, it's just not super efficient and i don't know that i've ever had the 10 people it'll hold actually in it.) That was the last few days of me. i finished my soy ice cream... and it was delicious, i think i'll try the strawberry and chocolate ones next.

to end the day bleeding...

Ok, so now i got your attention, that's the hook, you see that subject and you're like oh shit, andrew got in a fight and Tai chi'd the shit out of someone but they got in one good jab... well, no, i'm fine, no fight... i'll explain later, i've got lots to cover, that probably will seem like littles. So like the other entries... maybe? you have been keeping up, or not, this will be a bit scatter brained. RIght now i'm eating some soy vanilla ice cream, not because i'm lactose intolerant. but because i'm on a diet, and soy sounds healthy... and damned if this isn't the best fucking ice cream i've ever had. and i'm eating right out of the carton. cuz it's mine, and i can do that. So i started this day like i usually do, by waking up. they just keep coming folks. This morning i went do laundry, and found that the washing machine was full of water, which i thought was kinda odd. so i put it on spin cycle and drained it, but then it wouldn't let me open it, so i was like WFT... that's right WFT. WHAT FE THUCK? after a while it let loose it's death grip and i was able to wash my clothes. the end. of that story anyway. i played some warcraft, which i'm not proud of, but i did it. i admit it, go on and make your jokes! I'm almost at 69. (that's not a sex joke) This is... just kidding. what the hell is in this ice cream? later on in the day sometime i started thinking that i should move the stuff in the dining room out so i can get the floor redone... problem with that is that all the shit that i moved out of the kitchen is now in the dining room. so sometime this week i need some boxes to get the kitchen shit donated. i'm looking at the back of the ice cream and wondering why on earth they say the serving size is 1/2 cup... i mean what the crap. does anyone ever eat 1/2 cup of ice cream. if my parents gave me this dinky portion of ice cream i'd be like "what the hell did i do wrong?"... at which point i'd be slapped and they'd eat my spoon full of ice cream. I went and watched the namesake which was a really cool movie with no real plot that i could figure. i'm not even sure who the main character was. but i enjoyed the music and i got all psyched to come home and look up the soundtrack on iTunes... but it's not there. WFT¿ (spanish) ah well, i'm going to look the stuff up on iMdb and see if the singer is listed there and find her by other means... like lurking outside her window. in india. yeah, maybe not. I was listening to Eek-a-mouse today, because sometimes you just want to. and i got a think in the mail from HOB concerts that he'll be in town on the 18th for 18 dollars 2 for 1 tickets... will i go? dunno. and the train of thought derails... i need my ice cream back. my screen is too bright. i want to buy some indian music. i called the guy from PCOM about becomming a bad ass massage technician. and found that the first few weeks of class i'll be in hawaii. so now i'm going to have to wait until september to become just that much more awesome. but i will be going to visit the campus tomorrow. after which i'll probably go and watch TMNT, because i like cartoons and TMNT. what else... I came home from the movie and haven't the slightest idea what i did, my bed is made, so that was done at some point. i'm assuming by me. because i dont' think anyone here would sneek and make my bed just to screw with me. I went back to lestat's comedy night, which was awesome, sent a text to Trish saying hi, and the proceeded to enjoy 3 out of the 4 comics... there's always one. driving back home i was listening to big sonic chill on 94.9 and sometimes the music on there is just awesome, and other time i feel it needs something. So i was beat boxing in the car to make the songs more to my liking. because i'm the shit like that. I got home and went to the bathroom. dropped my shorts down a bit so they covered my knees, which then got warm. and i thought to myself, damn, my knees were cold. My nose started to run, because i woke wup with this damned sniffle which had best be gone by friday, because i'm going to lunch at dick's last resort. Back to my nose, it was running and i blew it then threw the tissue in the toilet. and noticed some blood on it. "hmm", i exclaimed as much as anyone can exclaim a noise that requires you to keep your mouth closed. and the i looked in the mirror (this was after i'd pulled my pants back up) and a drip of blood trickled out. so i wadded up a piece o' the TP and shoved it up in there. thank you mypace good night! (i'm going to have to change this for each of the 4 places i copy and past this damned thing)

Andrew B. Soccer Star.

Ha! Not hardly... but i did score a goal, that was caught on HD video by scott. i'm hoping it doesn't look like a complete accident. Last night the Fashion Valley store played the Otay Ranch store in a game of soccer. This was the first game between the two stores. And thanks to brandon excellent ability as goalie, we were able to pull out an 8 to 5 victory. *** now a brief break for an goofy subject line in a spam e-mail purposely mispelled to avoid junk filters. *** "Shemlae blnode grbas her coock" *** and now back to your regularly scheduled update *** Leave it up to a soccer game to let you know just how out of shape you actually are. I don't mean physically out of shape, i'm actually quite happy with the direction my physical appearance is going in... but damned if i wasn't winded after 15 minutes of running. that game is very humbling. There are some "physical activites" where i can go for an hour or more... but soccer isn't one of them. So i'll probably be trying to work on getting into a state where i can last longer at things like soccer... and maybe it'll train me to last much much long at the other "physical activities" i get up to. ---- In non soccer related news... -Two more of the trees in the back yard have been removed (with the help of my dad and his chainsaw). As more of the trees come down, it becomes more apparent that i i really need a new fence. I'm almost convinced that the fence is going to fall down when the trees are gone. and that'll cost me a few hundred to replace the whole thing. I looked at Lowe's for their fence supplies, and they sell 6x8 foot fence sections, which i'll need a few of to make a complete back fence... not sure if it'll go up in one day or not, but i'll get it there... not sure what i'm going to do for a gate. -I bought some tester pain for the color that i picked in my living room so i can see what it going to look like if i want to continue with that color or get a lighter one. I plan on painting the living room and dining room at roughly the same time, i'm not sure what i'm going to do with all the crap in the dining room. i know it's going to get donated, but haven't figured out where it's going to. once customer suggested a thrift store up the street called "the Alliance for African Assistance" which i've seen and walked by plenty of times, and if they want a bunch of tupperware, they can have it. -I finally decided on a projector. from a website called www.visualapex.com, and i just realized that as much research that i did into the projector... i did none into the company i bought it from... (please pause for a moment while i go find out where my money just went). Ok, not bad, epinions.com has 17 pages of review and the company gets 5 stars on all of them. sweet. The reason i went with this company, is because they have a free screen after rebate, they offer a 2 year bulb warranty, and they have free shipping. the two year bulb warranty is important considering that the replacement lamp is $299. ouch. i hope it gets here quick so i can mail in for the free screen. I guess i should pick up all the cables i need before it gets here, now where the hell am i going to put the damned thing.

Notes on today

Today was fairly productive, i made a list of things to finish. and i finished almost all of them. "Cut down trees" was meant to be all trees, but when i took an hour to hack the first one, i decided that pulling the dead one out of the pot it was in and throwing it on the ground constituted 2 trees on the ground... so trees became the 2 rather than the 6. I mailed out the water bill, mailed out some Democratic survey, which part of me feels was just another way to ask for money. i mailed out a book to a friend in iowa, after writing something in side the cover, which wasn't the easiest to write, as i was trying no to bend the book. walking back from the post office i stopped off at this little hole in the wall Crepe place, and had a Ham, Cheese, and mushroom Crepe, which was delicious. ( most of the time hole in the wall places in san diego are Mexican food, so it sounds weird calling it that- just a little). I also came to the realization that playing the "Air Tamourine" looks a lot like the motion people make to sybolize masturbation... and being that i was walking past a grade school during recess, i stopped playing my air tambourine right quick. I stopped into the controversial books store (which had moved), and bought a few books. I'm telling these events in an entirely different order that in which they occured, but since the order doesn't much matter i don't suppose that how i explain them matters either... because it's the same thing. follow? I bought "way of the peaceful warrior", "wisdom of the peaceful warrior", and "messiah's handbook" (you know, cuz i'm studying up on being the next messiah :) went to fry's and looked at projectors, was ready to buy one that they had on demo... even though not one of their employees came and asked me if i needed any help, and the one guy i did ask "where do you keep the projectors" pointed me right back to where the demos were. glad i left that place all those many moons ago. So i find someone that can sell me the thing, and the don't have it. Best buy didn't, Fry's didn't... i don't really want to check circuit city or tweeter. so no projector. I booked a flight to Hawaii to visit a friend of mine who i haven't seen in 9 months or so... that whole 6 hour plane flight is UGH!!! i hope they got a good inflight movie. either that or i might pick up a macbook, we'll see. i'll just make sure my iPods are charged. i think that i'll decide on that later. but i'm definitely taking my shuffles, and they're going to be loaded with music. but two weeks over there ought to be nice. The last time i went to hawaii... i came back to find that the girl had started dating, started going out with someone else. that was the one i found out from LiveJournal. ah... good times. I watched a movie with a friend of mine, called "what the bleep do we know" Down the rabbit hole edition. and it was pretty interesting. a lot of things to think about. had one of the same guys that was featured in "The Secret", and most of the scenes where he was talking he was at a place that i was just a few weeks ago, in san fran. some science center- either that or he was blue screened. and that's all i have to say about that. until next time. have a wonderful day. -a
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