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Warrior Insights(tm)- Justice.þ From: WARRIOR INSIGHTS HQ (info@ModernWarrior.com) Sent: Fri 9/28/07 4:15 PM To: patrices_love@hotmail.com Justice is the acrobat within each warrior that walks the wavy, narrow border between yin and yang. To some, justice can only be enacted through laws written by society to maintain order. To others, it is carried out through vengeful acts which violate those very same laws in favor in laws mandated by a deity that one believes in. And still, to others it is a natural law of the universe which demands that fairness, even after the fact, is the only true form of justice. To a warrior, justice is decided through a belief in a greater good and must be an act that achieves or at least attempts to achieve that greater good. Therefore when justice is to be sought out just to satisfy a thirst for revenge, it steps firmly into the side of darkness. On the other hand, if justice is sought out to avenge a grievous wrong, with a result intended make the world a better place or to restore a balance not based on the satisfaction of one's emotions, but instead on a sacrifice on the part of the warrior in spite of those emotions, then the true warrior can become the means by which that justice is achieved without losing sight of the light, even while allowing a foot to step gingerly into the darkness in order to achieve whatever justice may demand. As a result, the moral line between the vigilante and the avenging angle is often blurred to the point where no true consensus between the wolves, the sheep and the sheepdogs of human society will ever be reached as long as free will and human weakness exists. *****INSPIRE A FRIEND!!! You may freely forward this information, on condition that you send the text as an integral whole along with complete information about author, date, copyright and source. Thank you. Respectfully,MW Staff Reminder: The WARRIOR INSIGHTS(tm)Weekly is a service of Modern Warrior® www.ModernWarrior.com. Please comment at: info@ModernWarrior.com . Your privacy is important to us and we will never sell or rent this mailing list. **To SUBSCRIBE to the WARRIOR INSIGHTS(tm) Newsletter, send an email here:join-warriorinsight@mh.databack.com. **To REMOVE or CHANGE your subscribed address, click here: http://mh.databack.com/c.php?L=warriorinsight&E=patrices_love@hotmail.com


Now, this video seems to be patterned after this wonderful and touching short story. It will touch your heart. A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: A Tale For Children Gabriel Garcia Marquez On the third day of rain they had killed so many crabs inside the house that Pelayo had to cross his drenched courtyard and throw them into the sea, because the newborn child had a temperature all night and they thought it was due to the stench. The world had been sad since Tuesday. Sea and sky were a single ash-gray thing and the sands of the beach, which on March nights glimmered like powdered light, had become a stew of mud and rotten shellfish. The light was so weak at noon that when Pelayo was coming back to the house after throwing away the crabs, it was hard for him to see what it was that was moving and groaning in the rear of the courtyard. He had to go very close to see that it was an old man, a very old man, lying face down in the mud, who, in spite of his tremendous efforts, couldn't get up, impeded by his enormous wings. Frightened by that nightmare, Pelayo ran to get Elisenda, his wife, who was putting compresses on the sick child, and he took her to the rear of the courtyard. They both looked at the fallen body with a mute stupor. He was dressed like a ragpicker. There were only a few faded hairs left on his bald skull and very few teeth in his mouth, and his pitiful condition of a drenched great-grandfather took away and sense of grandeur he might have had. His huge buzzard wings, dirty and half-plucked were forever entangled in the mud. They looked at him so long and so closely that Pelayo and Elisenda very soon overcame their surprise and in the end found him familiar. Then they dared speak to him, and he answered in an incomprehensible dialect with a strong sailor's voice. That was how they skipped over the inconvenience of the wings and quite intelligently concluded that he was a lonely castaway from some foreign ship wrecked by the storm. And yet, they called in a neighbor woman who knew everything about life and death to see him, and all she needed was one look to show them their mistake. "He's an angel," she told them. "He must have been coming for the child, but the poor fellow is so old that the rain knocked him down." On the following day everyone knew that a flesh-and-blood angel was held captive in Pelayo's house. Against the judgment of the wise neighbor woman, for whom angels in those times were the fugitive survivors of a spiritual conspiracy, they did not have the heart to club him to death. Pelayo watched over him all afternoon from the kitchen, armed with his bailiff's club, and before going to bed he dragged him out of the mud and locked him up with the hens in the wire chicken coop. In the middle of the night, when the rain stopped, Pelayo and Elisenda were still killing crabs. A short time afterward the child woke up without a fever and with a desire to eat. Then they felt magnanimous and decided to put the angel on a raft with fresh water and provisions for three days and leave him to his fate on the high seas. But when they went out into the courtyard with the first light of dawn, they found the whole neighborhood in front of the chicken coop having fun with the angel, without the slightest reverence, tossing him things to eat through the openings in the wire as if weren't a supernatural creature but a circus animal. Father Gonzaga arrived before seven o'clock, alarmed at the strange news. By that time onlookers less frivolous than those at dawn had already arrived and they were making all kinds of conjectures concerning the captive's future. The simplest among them thought that he should be named mayor of the world. Others of sterner mind felt that he should be promoted to the rank of five-star general in order to win all wars. Some visionaries hoped that he could be put to stud in order to implant the earth a race of winged wise men who could take charge of the universe. But Father Gonzaga, before becoming a priest, had been a robust woodcutter. Standing by the wire, he reviewed his catechism in an instant and asked them to open the door so that he could take a close look at that pitiful man who looked more like a huge decrepit hen among the fascinated chickens. He was lying in the corner drying his open wings in the sunlight among the fruit peels and breakfast leftovers that the early risers had thrown him. Alien to the impertinences of the world, he only lifted his antiquarian eyes and murmured something in his dialect when Father Gonzaga went into the chicken coop and said good morning to him in Latin. The parish priest had his first suspicion of an imposter when he saw that he did not understand the language of God or know how to greet His ministers. Then he noticed that seen close up he was much too human: he had an unbearable smell of the outdoors, the back side of his wings was strewn with parasites and his main feathers had been mistreated by terrestrial winds, and nothing about him measured up to the proud dignity of angels. The he came out of the chicken coop and in a brief sermon warned the curious against the risks of being ingenuous. He reminded them that the devil had the bad habit of making use of carnival tricks in order to confuse the unwary. He argued that if wings were not the essential element in determining the different between a hawk and an airplane, they were even less so in the recognition of angels. Nevertheless, he promised to write a letter to his bishop so that the latter would write his primate so that the latter would write to the Supreme Pontiff in order to get the final verdict from the highest courts. His prudence fell on sterile hearts. The news of the captive angel spread with such rapidity that after a few hours the courtyard had the bustle of a marketplace and they had to call in troops with fixed bayonets to disperse the mob that was about to knock the house down. Elisenda, her spine all twisted from sweeping up so much marketplace trash, then got the idea of fencing in the yard and charging five cents admission to see the angel. The curious came from far away. A traveling carnival arrived with a flying acrobat who buzzed over the crowd several times, but no one paid any attention to him because his wings were not those of an angel but, rather, those of a sidereal bat. The most unfortunate invalids on earth came in search of health: a poor woman who since childhood has been counting her heartbeats and had run out of numbers; a Portuguese man who couldn't sleep because the noise of the stars disturbed him; a sleepwalker who got up at night to undo the things he had done while awake; and many others with less serious ailments. In the midst of that shipwreck disorder that made the earth tremble, Pelayo and Elisenda were happy with fatigue, for in less than a week they had crammed their rooms with money and the line of pilgrims waiting their turn to enter still reached beyond the horizon. The angel was the only one who took no part in his own act. He spent his time trying to get comfortable in his borrowed nest, befuddled by the hellish heat of the oil lamps and sacramental candles that had been placed along the wire. At first they tried to make him eat some mothballs, which, according to the wisdom of the wise neighbor woman, were the food prescribed for angels. But he turned them down, just as he turned down the papal lunches that the pentinents brought him, and they never found out whether it was because he was an angel or because he was an old man that in the end ate nothing but eggplant mush. His only supernatural virtue seemed to be patience. Especially during the first days, when the hens pecked at him, searching for the stellar parasites that proliferated in his wings, and the cripples pulled out feathers to touch their defective parts with, and even the most merciful threw stones at him, trying to get him to rise so they could see him standing. The only time they succeeded in arousing him was when they burned his side with an iron for branding steers, for he had been motionless for so many hours that they thought he was dead. He awoke with a start, ranting in his hermetic language and with tears in his eyes, and he flapped his wings a couple of times, which brought on a whirlwind of chicken dung and lunar dust and a gale of panic that did not seem to be of this world. Although many thought that his reaction had not been one of rage but of pain, from then on they were careful not to annoy him, because the majority understood that his passivity was not that of a her taking his ease but that of a cataclysm in repose. Father Gonzaga held back the crowd's frivolity with formulas of maidservant inspiration while awaiting the arrival of a final judgment on the nature of the captive. But the mail from Rome showed no sense of urgency. They spent their time finding out in the prisoner had a navel, if his dialect had any connection with Aramaic, how many times he could fit on the head of a pin, or whether he wasn't just a Norwegian with wings. Those meager letters might have come and gone until the end of time if a providential event had not put and end to the priest's tribulations. It so happened that during those days, among so many other carnival attractions, there arrived in the town the traveling show of the woman who had been changed into a spider for having disobeyed her parents. The admission to see her was not only less than the admission to see the angel, but people were permitted to ask her all manner of questions about her absurd state and to examine her up and down so that no one would ever doubt the truth of her horror. She was a frightful tarantula the size of a ram and with the head of a sad maiden. What was most heartrending, however, was not her outlandish shape but the sincere affliction with which she recounted the details of her misfortune. While still practically a child she had sneaked out of her parents' house to go to a dance, and while she was coming back through the woods after having danced all night without permission, a fearful thunderclap rent the sky in tow and through the crack came the lightning bolt of brimstone that changed her into a spider. Her only nourishment came from the meatballs that charitable souls chose to toss into her mouth. A spectacle like that, full of so much human truth and with such a fearful lesson, was bound to defeat without even trying that of a haughty angel who scarcely deigned to look at mortals. Besides, the few miracles attributed to the angel showed a certain mental disorder, like the blind man who didn't recover his sight but grew three new teeth, or the paralytic who didn't get to walk but almost won the lottery, and the leper whose sores sprouted sunflowers. Those consolation miracles, which were more like mocking fun, had already ruined the angel's reputation when the woman who had been changed into a spider finally crushed him completely. That was how Father Gonzaga was cured forever of his insomnia and Pelayo's courtyard went back to being as empty as during the time it had rained for three days and crabs walked through the bedrooms. The owners of the house had no reason to lament. With the money they saved they built a two-story mansion with balconies and gardens and high netting so that crabs wouldn't get in during the winter, and with iron bars on the windows so that angels wouldn't get in. Pelayo also set up a rabbit warren close to town and have up his job as a bailiff for good, and Elisenda bought some satin pumps with high heels and many dresses of iridescent silk, the kind worn on Sunday by the most desirable women in those times. The chicken coop was the only thing that didn't receive any attention. If they washed it down with creolin and burned tears of myrrh inside it every so often, it was not in homage to the angel but to drive away the dungheap stench that still hung everywhere like a ghost and was turning the new house into an old one. At first, when the child learned to walk, they were careful that he not get too close to the chicken coop. But then they began to lose their fears and got used to the smell, and before they child got his second teeth he'd gone inside the chicken coop to play, where the wires were falling apart. The angel was no less standoffish with him than with the other mortals, but he tolerated the most ingenious infamies with the patience of a dog who had no illusions. They both came down with the chicken pox at the same time. The doctor who took care of the child couldn't resist the temptation to listen to the angel's heart, and he found so much whistling in the heart and so many sounds in his kidneys that it seemed impossible for him to be alive. What surprised him most, however, was the logic of his wings. They seemed so natural on that completely human organism that he couldn't understand why other men didn't have them too. When the child began school it had been some time since the sun and rain had caused the collapse of the chicken coop. The angel went dragging himself about here and there like a stray dying man. They would drive him out of the bedroom with a broom and a moment later find him in the kitchen. He seemed to be in so many places at the same time that they grew to think that he'd be duplicated, that he was reproducing himself all through the house, and the exasperated and unhinged Elisenda shouted that it was awful living in that hell full of angels. He could scarcely eat and his antiquarian eyes had also become so foggy that he went about bumping into posts. All he had left were the bare cannulae of his last feathers. Pelayo threw a blanket over him and extended him the charity of letting him sleep in the shed, and only then did they notice that he had a temperature at night, and was delirious with the tongue twisters of an old Norwegian. That was one of the few times they became alarmed, for they thought he was going to die and not even the wise neighbor woman had been able to tell them what to do with dead angels. And yet he not only survived his worst winter, but seemed improved with the first sunny days. He remained motionless for several days in the farthest corner of the courtyard, where no one would see him, and at the beginning of December some large, stiff feathers began to grow on his wings, the feathers of a scarecrow, which looked more like another misfortune of decreptitude. But he must have known the reason for those changes, for he was quite careful that no one should notice them, that no one should hear the sea chanteys that he sometimes sang under the stars. One morning Elisenda was cutting some bunches of onions for lunch when a wind that seemed to come from the high seas blew into the kitchen. Then she went to the window and caught the angel in his first attempts at flight. They were so clumsy that his fingernails opened a furrow in the vegetable patch and he was on the point of knocking the shed down with the ungainly flapping that slipped on the light and couldn't get a grip on the air. But he did manage to gain altitude. Elisenda let out a sigh of relief, for herself and for him, when she watched him pass over the last houses, holding himself up in some way with the risky flapping of a senile vulture. She kept watching him even when she was through cutting the onions and she kept on watching until it was no longer possible for her to see him, because then he was no longer an annoyance in her life but an imaginary dot on the horizon of the sea.
Freedom With today’s political and social climate, we hear a lot of talk about freedom and in many cases the image of freedom is a misguided one proposed by those that actually wish to be safe, rather than free. Warriors look at freedom in a different light than those that will never have the fortitude, the courage or the determination to be warriors, which always at some point raises a conflict between warriors and those who only wish to be protected by warriors. Throughout history, families, tribes, villages, and countries have sought freedom from those that seek to control them and to various degrees many have succeeded in gaining their freedom, only to forfeit it once again by assuming that freedom includes the freedom to do nothing. Warriors on the other hand understand that freedom can never be gained, earned, won or maintained without sacrifice, so therefore freedom and sacrifice can never be truly separated. Non warriors presume that freedom is an entitlement and that once it is attained that it will by its very nature preserve itself, and to those who believe this, all that is needed to steal their freedom from them is the absence of warriors who are willing to protect them, despite their naivety. Because freedom does not exclude humanity from imperfection, there are certain freedoms we will never have indefinitely, simply because (some) imperfect humans believe that the freedom to strive includes the right of the strong to exploit and control the weak. It often seems that the weaker members of society are willing to trade their freedoms for the convenience of being allowed to do nothing except complain. And frequently those complaints are about those very same warriors who are willing to make the sacrifices needed to preserve the freedoms that the weak take for granted. Among the many freedoms we may have, there are some freedoms we can never have, because they are only weaknesses in the guise of freedom, so when the weaknesses are exploited, first the image, and then the reality of freedom soon disappears. These freedoms are among those that warriors do not believe we have a right to: **The freedom to terrorize others just because you can. **The freedom to claim neutrality in the face of evil, when you fully know which side is just. **The freedom to stand by and let others use your home, land or resources to steal away the freedom of others while you just sit back to see who will be on the winning side. **The freedom to sit in the stands and throw stones at those warriors who are willing to step into the arena and then complain when some of those stones start coming back at you. **The freedom to thrive in an unfair and unjust world; and then cry foul in the name of “fairness” or “justice” (that you were never willing to fight for) when those things you’ve gained are taken away from you. In the end, there can never be freedom without warriors willing to fight for and preserve the fruits of that freedom, whether those warriors wear the uniforms of soldiers, law enforcement officers, nurses, priests, the expensive suits of lawyers and businessmen, or the simple clothing of construction workers, or anyone who puts time and energy they can never get back in the honest service of others, rather than simply for the benefit of themselves. Freedom will only exist as long as warriors hold two freedoms above all others: The freedom to sacrifice everything in the service of great and noble causes for the sake of others, and The freedom to be both willing to live and die in the course of preserving the causes of freedom. **************** Great comments about our last "Developing Your Inner Warrior" teleconference: "This class has helped me to become more open minded in trying new trainng methods and has helped me become both a better student and teacher." "Let me express how much that I enjoyed taking part in your teleconference class. It provided me with a new learning enviroment in which I was able to listen and learn from both teachers as well as from my fellow students. What I found so unique about this experience was the opportunity to hear the opinions and ideas, of people from around the country, all at the same time." - Brendan "This was the most comprehensive, informative and insightful course I have ever taken! After just one class I was able to implement the strategies discussed and finally make a decision on something I was struggling with for weeks. This training will help me life a more purposeful and contented life. " - Laura Stay tuned for more details on this incredible course. ***** Reminder: The WARRIOR INSIGHTS(tm) Weekly is a service of Modern Warrior® Inc. www.ModernWarrior.com. You may freely forward this information, but on condition that you send the text as an integral whole along with complete information about its author, date, copyright and source. Thank you. Respectfully, Liz Kennedy, Editor Please comment at: info@ModernWarrior.com . Sign up for the WARRIOR INSIGHTS(tm) Newsletter by simply sending an email here: join-warriorinsight@mh.databack.com.
My Uncle Phil Messina is a decorated retired NYPD. He is the first and only man to have won the Susan B. Anthony award for community service. I AM VERY PROUD OF HIM! PRESS RELEASES New York, November 1, 2005: Federal Law Enforcement Foundation Recognizes 20 Years of Service Ø Phil Messina and Elizabeth Kennedy both honored as First Civilian Awardees by the Prestigious Foundation Philip Messina, President of Modern Warrior® Inc, and Elizabeth Kennedy, Vice President, were both honored to be awarded the Civilian Service Award at a ceremony on October 27, where former President Clinton followed as the keynote speaker. Dignitaries and luminaries in both government and business were present at the luncheon where the awardees presented in front of the dais, and where their “commitment to excellence and dedication” to the Law Enforcement Community was noted. Vice Admiral John Cotton, presenter of the Annual Awards, noted about the Awardees, "These people are the Best of the Best." He talked about how important it is to remember to honor those who "fight the home game" to protect the homeland while our brothers and sisters fight the "away game" overseas. The Federal Law Enforcement Foundation, which presented the awards, is a nonprofit organization that recognizes the accomplishments of federal law enforcement officers. This is the first time in the organization’s 18 year history that a retired law enforcement officer (Messina is retired from NYPD) and a civilian (Kennedy) have been recipients of an award from the foundation. Through their business Modern Warrior®, a school which provides training to law enforcement and civilians, both at their facility in NY and on the road, Messina and Kennedy have given over one hundred thousand dollars worth of scholarships over the years to persons who needed training, but couldn’t afford it. Their selfless commitment and dedication to their community is well known locally. This award demonstrates that their hard work has not gone unnoticed by the greater law enforcement community. “It is quite an unexpected honor,” stated Kennedy. “I hope that this award will encourage others to show their appreciation for the law enforcers who put their lives on the line for us everyday!” Messina is more pragmatic. “When you care about cops, they know it. When you care about keeping honest citizens safe, they sense it. And when you teach others to do the same, it creates a ripple that makes a difference.” For more information on Phil Messina, Elizabeth Kennedy, or Modern Warrior® Inc., visit www.ModernWarrior.com or call 631-226-8383 Philip J. Messina is President of Modern Warrior Defensive Tactics Institute in Lindenhurst, NY and was highly decorated in the N.Y.P.D in both plainclothes and uniformed assignments. Mr. Messina had the highest arrest productivity in the 1977 anti-crime experiment (A.C.E.) averaging better than one felony arrest for each patrol day, and was the first training officer for the largest community oriented patrol program in the USA (C.P.O.P.) He is currently certified as an instructor or instructor trainer in over a dozen defensive tactics and self defense systems. He has taught defensive tactics for over 20 years, has a martial arts background of over 38 years, and has written numerous articles on martial arts, defensive tactics, and self defense training, both nationally and internationally. Phil has been featured numerous times on national and international TV, radio and in newspapers and magazines. He presently holds over 300 decorations, community service awards and letters of commendation, including the Award for Moral Courage, presented by the National Institute of Ethics in May, 2000. Since retiring in July 1987 from the Research and Development section of Police Commissioner's Office, N.Y.P.D. (where he served as a training officer and supervisor) Phil Messina has conducted training seminars for police trainers and officers from all over the U.S. and abroad. Messina is currently an active member of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors, as well as the Illinois Tactical Officers Association. He is proud to serve on the Advisory Board of ILEETA. An active member of the American Women's Self Defense Association, Phil Messina was appointed as Strategy and Tactics Consultant for the non-profit organization after developing and certifying the Free Rape Prevention Course currently offered by A.W.S.D.A. as a community service. He is the first male recipient of the prestigious Susan B. Anthony Award. Messina has been a staff instructor for the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors, Illinois Tactical Officer’s Association, the Canadian Use of Force Conference, the Nova Scotia Department of Justice and numerous other local, state and federal law enforcement organizations and agencies. He has been an expert witness on several important criminal and civil cases and is a staff consultant for FYSD Associates, civilian and law enforcement training specialists. In 1989 Messina was honored to be the first American martial artist invited to demonstrate his training techniques at the Shoalin Temple Wu Shu Training Center in Henan Province, Mainland China. He has since been featured both on Chinese and Japanese public television on several occasions, as well as Australian television. In 1996, after serving as Chairman of its Integrity Support Program, Mr. Messina was elected to the Board of Directors of C.A.P.P., the Concerned Alliance for Professional Policing. Mr. Messina’s unique research and methodology has led to the development of key concepts now being used in defensive tactics training including Goal Oriented Training™, Time Framing™, Combat Stress Conditioning™, Environmental Stress Conditioning™, and Physio-kinetic Control Tactics™.


Darkness The yin-yang is black and white with a little black in the white and a little white in the black because whether you are fighting for good or evil - each of us has a little of the other in us. Said in other words: you cannot be good without having at least a little darkness inside of you. In fact, the more you fight for good, the more personal shadows you will have to overcome. Fighting for good can be an external battle by physically challenging the wrongs that happen in life, or an internal one by working hard to be a become a better person. Either way, we are going to make mistakes along the way and it is important to realize that if we choose to struggle, we will always grow. No one has ever achieved the level of perfection. There is always a constant battle to strive to be the person who you desire to be. Some days the battles are harder than others and you slip up, and think that's not who I want to be. It's the ability to acknowledge your darkness and to accept that everyone has darkness and that you choose to fight your darkness for the greater good is what is makes us warriors. Good people battle both the darkness that lurks inside of them and the darkness that they encounter on the outside. We all have a darkness. Anyone who says different hasn't had the courage to look theirs in the eye and say to it “I know you are there, and I may slip, but I'm a warrior because I am persistent and will continue to fight you everyday.” © copyright 2006 **************** Great comments about our last "Developing Your Inner Warrior" teleconference: "This class has helped me to become more open minded in trying new trainng methods and has helped me become both a better student and teacher." "Let me express how much that I enjoyed taking part in your teleconference class. It provided me with a new learning enviroment in which I was able to listen and learn from both teachers as well as from my fellow students. What I found so unique about this experience was the opportunity to hear the opinions and ideas, of people from around the country, all at the same time." - Brendan "This was the most comprehensive, informative and insightful course I have ever taken! After just one class I was able to implement the strategies discussed and finally make a decision on something I was struggling with for weeks. This training will help me life a more purposeful and contented life. " - Laura GREAT NEWS!!! Our next telecourse is scheduled for Wednesdays in September! Reserve one hour out of your life on Wednesday nights for this incredible course. Stay tuned for more details. ***** Reminder: The WARRIOR INSIGHTS(tm) Weekly is a service of Modern Warrior® Inc. www.ModernWarrior.com. You may freely forward this information, but on condition that you send the text as an integral whole along with complete information about its author, date, copyright and source. Thank you. Respectfully, Liz Kennedy, Editor Please comment at: info@ModernWarrior.com . Sign up for the WARRIOR INSIGHTS(tm) Newsletter by simply sending an email here: join-warriorinsight@mh.databack.com.


Honor Honor is not something that can be touched, counted, or even be evaluated in any way that those who limit themselves to a single lifetime can understand. Yet honor is the only thing of such high value that ordinary people can earn the right to stand amongst their God or Gods once they truly possess it. Honor is the "golden token" that assures that even the most fallible of humanity, to pass through the gates of eternity. The true warrior, a fallible creature, learns from the mistakes they inevitably make. This warrior struggles for a goal he or she can never find - perfection of character. There is honor in this worthy goal, and it is part of a warrior's path to eternity. **************** Do you know what to do if you are a hostage? What would you do if a loved one was taken a hostage? What if you are unarmed? Not sure? Take the CAST Course!! Confined Area Safety and Survival Tactics held in NY, August 8-10. Training is divided between a matted gym and a school bus. This intense class teaches unorthodox weapons, what to do if you're a hostage, what to do if someone else is a hostage, use of the environment, and much, much more. If your department will not send you, or you can not afford this training, we have one-half scholarship left. These scholarships are available through a sizable donation that was made after September 11th to train people to fight and win. Please call me if you are interested in participating. 631-226-8383. ***** Reminder: The WARRIOR INSIGHTS™ Weekly is a service of Modern Warrior® Inc. www.ModernWarrior.com. You may freely forward this information, but on condition that you send the text as an integral whole along with complete information about its author, date, copyright and source. Thank you. Respectfully, Liz Kennedy, Editor Please comment at: info@ModernWarrior.com . Sign up for the WARRIOR INSIGHTS™ Newsletter by simply sending an email here: join-warriorinsight@mh.databack.com.


In the Guise of Innocence The Responsibility and Accountability of Doing Nothing by Phil Messina (from: http://warriorcomments.blogspot.com/) The truth of it is as plain as the face of evil itself. In the battle between good and evil, those who choose to stand aside and take no side ultimately have chosen the side of evil. In the battle between good and evil, only evil gains an advantage from those who do nothing. Some people refuse to believe in good and evil, and that is likely because admitting good and evil exist would require taking a stand. Those people would rather have others take a stand for them, and prefer to be recognized as "neutral" and thereby "innocent". Well, when it comes to fighting evil, neutral does not mean innocent, neutral means cowardly. Those who can watch a crime victim being victimized, without so much as even notifying the police or being willing to testify are really no different than the so-called "innocent civilians" who allow terrorists to attack and terrorize others while hiding in their community. These civilians (and weak-willed politicians) will then complain about innocent people being jeopardized when the intended victims (in defense of THEIR communities and loved ones) fight back through them, rather around them. All society consists of wolves, sheep and sheepdogs and according to Lt. Col. Dave Grossman the sheepdogs are the warrior class of each society and can be found on either side of any great conflict. In this world of wolves, sheep and sheepdogs, the only real innocent civilians are those that are too young, too old or too unhealthy (either physically or mentally) to choose a side and fight for it. All others are merely sheep, crying to all sides to protect them, while they themselves won't take any risk to protect either side. And in the end, sheep do nothing but get in way. And getting in the way is just another way of being held accountable for one's inactions. Allowing terror to continue by your inaction does not make you innocent. It makes you sheep. As I write this, there is a limited war going on between Israel and Hezbollah, while playing the role of the "innocent" is the majority of the Lebanese. It doesn't really matter whether you consider one side to be the wolves and the other to be the sheepdogs or you consider both sides to be the wolves. What is clear is that these Lebanese are the sheep and you can only have so much sympathy for sheep, because unlike in nature, in human society, healthy people choose to be sheep and are not designated as such by nature or by some deity. As cold as it sounds, making the choice to be a sheep, means you are just as accountable as those that choose to wolves or sheepdogs. In fact the accountability is the same and the only thing that differs is the amount of control that sheep hold over their own destiny, which is none whatsoever. Therefore it is unfortunate the largest part of any society consists of the sheep, who basically just graze, make a lot of noise and provide nourishment and shelter for the both the wolves and the sheepdogs. The sheep only flourish because those willing to choose a side (whether they be wolves or sheepdogs) allow them to. That's right - sheep forfeit their control of their own destiny by virtue of choosing to be sheep, so the one thing they can never truly be is "innocent". Unfortunately, even those that are truly innocent (because they are incapable of choosing a side or fighting for a cause) can only protect themselves by hiding amongst the sheep and hoping that by the time they are noticed a sheepdog will be somewhere nearby. Sympathy belongs only to those that are incapable of choosing a side, not those that take the easy way out and choose not to take any side. Those people, men and women that choose not to take sides have the right to call themselves many things but "innocent" is not one of them. In my belief system, the universe is controlled through yin and yang, not yin, yang and yawn. Those who prefer to yawn their way through life, can only expect that when they fall asleep a nightmare will be waiting for them. Neutrality in the face of evil holds no claim to innocence. - Phil Messina **************** Do you know what to do if you are a hostage? What would you do if a loved one was taken a hostage? What if you are unarmed? Not sure? Take the CAST Course!! Confined Area Safety and Survival Tactics held in NY, August 8-10. Training is divided between a matted gym and a school bus. This intense class teaches unorthodox weapons, what to do if you're a hostage, what to do if someone else is a hostage, use of the environment, and much, much more. If your department will not send you, or you can not afford this training, we have TWO scholarships left. These scholarships are available through a sizable donation that was made after September 11th to train people to fight and win. Please call me if you are interested in participating. 631-226-8383. ***** Reminder: The Warrior Insights™ Weekly is a service of Modern Warrior® Inc. www.ModernWarrior.com. You may freely forward this information, but on condition that you send the text as an integral whole along with complete information about its author, date, copyright and source. Thank you. Respectfully, Liz Kennedy, Editor Please comment at: info@ModernWarrior.com . Sign up for the Warrior Insights™ Newsletter by simply sending an email here: join-warriorinsight@mh.databack.com.


Ego Ego is the downfall of the arrogant and the sneaking surprise attacker of the complacent warrior. It should not be confused with self confidence or self esteem (which are essential aspects of leadership). In fact, where self esteem and self confidence fly like an eagle to be admired, ego hangs like an albatross around the necks of those who think they are more than they actually are in the eyes of others. In battle as in crises, ego is likely to blind the warrior from the true dangers that exist. When that happens, the warrior's attention is shifted to things that are not true threats. He or she focuses on imagined threats which were stimulated by ego and not awareness. The warrior that carries ego into battle will always face at least two enemies. The true warrior must always be on guard for that comfortable and sly foe, ego. This warrior is fully aware that self esteem and self confidence are earned, while ego is empty, unfulfilling, and self imposed. --- **************** Do you know what to do if you are a hostage? What would you do if a loved one was taken a hostage? What if you are unarmed? Not sure? Take the CAST Course!! Confined Area Safety and Survival Tactics held in NY, August 8-10. Training is divided between a matted gym and a school bus. This intense class teaches unorthodox weapons, what to do if you're a hostage, what to do if someone else is a hostage, use of the environment, and much, much more. If your department will not send you, or you can not afford this training, we have TWO scholarships left. These scholarships are available through a sizable donation that was made after September 11th to train people to fight and win. Please call me if you are interested in participating. 631-226-8383. ***** Reminder: The Warrior Insights™ Weekly is a service of Modern Warrior® Inc. www.ModernWarrior.com. You may freely forward this information, but on condition that you send the text as an integral whole along with complete information about its author, date, copyright and source. Thank you. Respectfully, Liz Kennedy, Editor Please comment at: info@ModernWarrior.com . Sign up for the Warrior Insights™ Newsletter by simply sending an email here: join-warriorinsight@mh.databack.com.


Creativity Creativity is what lies between what is and what can be. It is the ability to see not just the spaces between what already exists, but also what should exist to fit between those spaces. To be truly creative one must be able to take the sum of what is predictable and bring it to an unpredictable end. It is being able to reach one’s goals without taking the normal routes which others have taken to reach those goals. Common sense can at times be a hindrance to creativity, simply because common sense tends to lead to predictable actions. Once an enemy or rival expects you use common sense, they have the tools they need to counter your actions or get out ahead of your intended path and wait in ambush to catch you by surprise or to undermine your efforts. A true warrior learns not just how to utilize common sense, but also to defy common sense periodically, so that an enemy or rival will only see randomness where there is in fact a predetermined purpose about to be achieved - before anyone using mere common sense can predict it. A true warrior exercises confidence, courage and creativity, and is destined to be victorious both in battle and in life. ***** INSPIRE A FRIEND!!! You may freely forward this information, on condition that you send the text as an integral whole along with complete information about author, date, copyright and source. Thank you. Respectfully, Liz Kennedy, Editor Reminder: The WARRIOR INSIGHTS(tm) Weekly is a service of Modern Warrior® Inc. www.ModernWarrior.com. Please comment at: info@ModernWarrior.com . Your privacy is important to us and we will never sell or rent this mailing list. **To SUBSCRIBE to the WARRIOR INSIGHTS(tm) Newsletter, send an email here: join-warriorinsight@mh.databack.com.
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