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A social history...

        interesting perspective on the evolution of world

 World History 101:
         For those of you who slept through
 World  History 101
        here is a condensed version. Humans originally
 existed as members
         of small bands of nomadic hunters/gatherers.
 They lived on deer in
        the  mountains during the summer and would go
 to the coast and live
        on fish and  lobster in the winter.

 The two most important
        events in all of history  were:

 1. The invention of beer,
 2. The invention of the wheel.  The wheel was invented
        get man to the beer, and the beer to the man.

 These facts
        formed the foundation of modern civilization and
 together  were the
        catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two
 distinct subgroups:

 1. Liberals
 2. Conservatives.

 Once beer was
        discovered, it  required grain and that was
 the beginning of
        agriculture. Neither the glass  bottle nor
 aluminum can were
        invented yet, so while our early humans were
  sitting around
        waiting for them to be invented, they just stayed
 close to the
         brewery. That's how villages were formed.

 Some men spent
        their days  tracking and killing animals to
 BBQ at night while they
        were drinking beer.  This was the beginning of
 what is known as the
        Conservative movement. 

 Other men who were weaker and less
        skilled at hunting learned to live  off the
 conservatives by
        showing up for the nightly BBQ's and doing the
  sewing, fetching,
        and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the
 Liberal  movement.

 Some of these liberal men eventually evolved into women.
         rest became known as girlie-men.

 Some noteworthy liberal
        achievements  include the domestication of
 cats, the invention of
        group therapy and group  hugs, the evolution
 of the Hollywood
        actor, and the concept of Democratic  voting
 to decide how to
        divide all the meat and beer that conservatives

 Over the years, Conservatives came to be symbolized by the
         largest, most powerful land animal on earth,
 the elephant.
        Liberals are  symbolized by the jackass.

 Modern liberals
        like imported beer (with  lime added), but
 most prefer white wine
        or imported bottled water. They eat  raw fish
 but like their beef
        well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food are
  standard liberal fare.
         Another interesting evolutionary side note:
 most  liberal
        women have higher testosterone levels than their
 men. Most social
         workers, personal injury attorneys,
 journalists, dreamers in
        Hollywood and  group therapists are liberals.

        drink domestic beer. They  eat red meat and
 still provide for their
        women. Conservatives are big-game  hunters,
 rodeo cowboys, firemen,
        lumberjacks, construction workers, medical
  doctors, police
        officers, corporate executives, athletes, Marines,
 and  generally
        anyone who works productively. Conservatives who
 own companies hire
         other conservatives who want to work for a

 Liberals produce  little or nothing. They like to
        the producers and decide what to do  with the
 production. Liberals
        believe Europeans are more enlightened than
  Americans. That is why
        most of the liberals remained in Europe when
  conservatives were
        coming to America . They crept in after the Wild
 West was  tamed
        and created a business of trying to get more for

         ends today's lesson in world history.

 It should be noted
        that a  liberal may have a momentary urge to
 angrily respond to the
        above before  forwarding it.

 A conservative will simply
        laugh and be so convinced of  the absolute
 truth of this history
        that it will be forwarded immediately to
  other true believers, and
       to more liberals...just to piss them off.

I was off today and as luck would have it I had the joy of watching Iranian President Ahmadinejad address a group at Columbia University, just a few blocks from Ground Zero. I won't get into what he said or whether or not he should have been invited to speak at all. The question I will address is why wasn't this man arrested and charged with taking hostages at the American embassy in Iran in 1979 for over 300 days? I can understand if he was addressing the UN he would be on international grounds and probably afforded the courtesy of diplomatic immunity. But he set foot on what was clearly American soil. More than a handful of the people taken hostage in 1979 have identified him as undoubtedly being one of their captors 28 years ago. There are thousands and thousands of people in American prisons convicted on far less evidence and certainly thousands more arrested and charged on even less. I was 11 years old when that event took place but I remember the outrage, anger, and horror I felt like it was yesterday. What irritates me even more is that not one of the questions posed to this monster addressed this event but instead focused on things he has said and done since being president of Iran. Yet our own president and politicians are constantly called on the carpet to answer for things done decades ago, most of which weren't even illegal just possibly contradictory to their current political positions or embarrassing to them now. Why would we afford a terrorist more courtesy than we give our own commander in chief let alone our own citizens rotting in jail or prison? It really does seem that we have lost all our backbone as a nation. I find myself shaking my head sadly at what we have become on an almost daily basis.


Wow! there has been a lot going on in the world in the last few weeks and months. So much to rant and bitch about it's hard for me to pick a place to start or a single subject on which to piss and moan. From Don Imus to Nancy 'Whore of Damascus' Pelosi to the Duke rape scandal to the Iranian hostage/nuclear crisis to the O'Donnell/Trump feud to the Anna Nicole baby's daddy saga (as you can see not much going on in my personal life beyond a near death natural gas poisoning mixed in with tons of work). I think the best topic for this rant should be morons in general. I'm not talking about morons in chat or the guy that sits through a red light fumbling for some shit in the passenger seat while you are laying on the horn for him to fucking go already... I'm talking about the morons that never have anything to say about anything. Because believe it or not they are the ones that run this great country of ours. I am of course referring to the 'no opinion' people. If you watch the news like I do you see a ton of polls taken every week on a variety of subjects from the Iraq war to Hillary Clinton to President Bush to how to deal with those that prey on and murder our children. No matter what the poll question is, there is always 15-25% of the responders that fall into the 'no opinion' category. Who the fuck are these people? The simple answer? MORONS! The more complex answer? The people that make the decisions on election day that control the rest of our lives and the course our cities, states, and nation are to follow. See the United States is made up of three basic minds of thought: the liberals, the conservatives, and the dumbfuck no opinions. Unfortunately a lot of them vote in November, and it's the no opinion crowd that decide every single election, every referendum or ballot issue, everything that matters to those on the other sides of the spectrum of political thought. This is the same group of people that are likely to get sucked into believing that George Bush killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 in order to make the price of oil go up with his war on terror or that Bill Clinton went to war in Bosnia to distract the media from talking about him mouthfucking Monica Lewinsky rather than ending a genocide that had gone on for over a decade. These same people think the army corps of engineers destroyed the levys in New Orleans to kill a few hundred niggers (no I am not calling those people niggers, said it to get you attentian and because that is how these idiots think republicans think) rather than the category 4 hurricane that hit the city. It isn't because they believe strongly about anything in particular, it's because they are too stupid to believe in anything at all, so they succumb to the most moronic school of thought available in order to avoid thinking at all. I am truly amazed when I talk to these people that they somehow manage to not light themselves on fire using a microwave oven. Yet these are people that drive, fuck, marry, breed, fill your prescriptions, operate on your mom or dad, fix your brakes, cook your eggs at Waffle House, teach our children in schools, and yes... they vote too.. Most of the wacky conspiracy theories I mentioned come from the extremists on the far left or right of the political spectrum, but its the morons that actually believe in them, and the morons are the ones that ultimately will decide our fate as a nation. Personally this does not give me any comfort, but I can accept it. I think somewhere in the constitution we are guaranteed the right to be an idiot and still vote, like the 19th amendment (just kidding ladies). The alternative would be to have some kind of test to determine if you have the mental capacity to vote at all. We let retards and alzheimers patients vote in this country if they can make it to a ballot box. I have no problem with this. Retards and the senile still have the capacity to have meaningful opinions even if for a short period of time. But you can't be legally blind and legally drive a car. Why then can you be a total fucking moron and still cast a vote? If you think Elvis is still alive and hanging out with Jim Morrison in some remote French villa sipping bourbon and planning a comeback I don't fucking want you deciding who is going to be commander-in-chief of the most powerful military force on the planet. Call me a bigot, I've been called worse. But the fact of the matter is we are fighting a war for our very survival, not just as a nation but the survival of civilized society and freedom. If we lose those noble concepts go out the window along with our defeat, but being a christian I also believe we are destined to lose all of that as the Bible predicts in Revelations. I'm just in no hurry to see it all come about. When (and I won't say if because it is inevitable) we have to go to war with Iran to prevent them from starting another Holocaust, it scares me to know that it will be politicized, which it already is months or years before we even get there. But it scares me more to know that people who either have no opinion at all or think it will be to fatten the wallet of the CEO of Exxon will be deciding whether we sit back and watch it all take place or take a stand as a nation and say HELL NO NOT ON OUR WATCH! Even if the morons opt for the latter, they will once again change their minds as soon as the conspiracy theorists and extremists start crowing that its all about blood for oil or some other bullshit in order to win the next election. The fact is America is great if only for the freedom that we enjoy as individuals to say what we believe no matter how moronic or extreme. The problem with America is that same freedom gives us the lack of dedication as a nation to finish what we start. Politics and morons caused us to lose in Vietnam even though our military won every battle, and if things continue along the same path politics and morons will cause us to leave Iraq early and cause another genocide there just as we did after leaving Vietnam, when 3 million people were slaughtered after we cut off funds to our South Vietnamese allies. I hate war as much as anyone but I also think sometimes it is better to stand and fight rather than be bullied, spit upon, and eventually exterminated like roaches. That is the goal of our enemy, extermination, and sadly it is inevitable, not just because the Bible says so, but because once again we are proving that as a nation we do not have the balls to see a war through to its end and emerge victorious. And yes, I blame the morons among us, and unfortunately millions will die again because of our weakness and our reliance on those 15-25% that have no opinion who will make that decision for us all. What a far cry we are from the Greatest Generation of only 70 years ago, that stood up in the face of tyranny and atrocity and faced it down and kicked the living shit out of it. Shame on us all. Because of this it will be hard for me to ever support another war. I don't like to lose, and even more I don't like to see the lives of even a few thousand American soldiers sacrificed for just wars that are politicized, then given up to gain political points for any party, with the cost of millions of lives due to our lack of intestinal fortitude. I would rather see us become isolationist and just seal the borders, protect the assets we own overseas, and try to hold the murdering bastards off as long as we possibly can, and go down fighting for what they really want, which is this best piece of pie on the entire planet called the United States of America. No country is as blessed with resources and technology as ours, and to me keeping it and keeping it free is worth ANY price. But I will be damned if I support another invasion for regime change, even if for the most just of all causes, if we don't have the balls to see it through successfully. There is absolutely NO REASON WHATSOEVER that we can not achieve success in Iraq other than us not being willing as a nation to see it through. So understand my frustration and to the extent that this political situation we find ourselves in now sickens me. The only way to defeat those that are out to destroy us is to take the fight to them, one at a time if necessary, but now we as a nation are poised on the brink of backing down in the face of what surely is our ultimate enemy in what is ultimately the final war for this planet. Will it be free or under islaamic rule? Recent polls in England show that over a third of the British population would favor changing the government to islaamic law. To deny that the influence of the islaamic extremists is spreading all over the globe is to deny the existence of air, but I'm sure there are some morons out there that would even try to make that case or believe it. People in America fight over stupid shit like whether or not we say 'under God' in the pledge of allegiance or or sing Silent Night at a school 'Winter Holiday Choir Concert' or whether we let gays into the Boy Scouts (funny when I was a kid I thought all Boy Scouts were kinda gay.) HEY LADIES!!! Do you like that 19th amendment? Like those hiphugger jeans and being able to dress so no one has any doubt as to what kind and color panties you wear? How about giving me your voter registration card, your drivers license, and start reading Cosmo for the newest fashion in burkas and 50 ways to get your husband to bathe and not martyr himself? Or better yet, how about we start executing homosexuals? Screw the Scouts, we can give our children lessons in automatic firearms at age 6 and start teaching them to hate and kill anyone different from them at birth. We can just outlaw all other religions while we are at it and kill all the jews, christians, buddhists, hindus, and hopefully all the scientologists and mormons. And going back to New Orleans, why be all sneaky about it and blow up levys when we can just kill them all with chemical weapons and take out tens of thousands at a time if we don't like their skin color, religion, or point of view. Welcome to islaamic law America, or should I say Amerikastan? Welcome to the land of our defeat, the America of our enemy. Welcome to the once proudest and most powerful nation on earth that ran and cowered when murderers and lunatics didn't disappear when the statue of Hussein fell. I don't care if Bush and every intelligence organization on the planet lied to get us to take out Hussein. He was a rabid dog. Rabid dogs tend to bite and spread their disease. That is what we are fighting, a disease on the planet. We don't need another 40,000 troups in Iraq. We need another 400,000!!! If that is what it takes to seal off the borders with Iran and Syria and root these sons of bitches out of every neighborhood in every city and WIN THE GODDAMN WAR THEN SEND A FUCKING MILLION TROOPS IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES!!! Reinstate the goddamn draft! Call my fat old creaky carcass up to the fuckin front lines if you want to. Pesonally I can't think of anything that is more worth fighting for and I don't understand those that are blind to it. For years I have joked that I am a Zen Baptist. These days my spiritual leanings would probably be closer to a Jihad Methodist, I will let you try to figure that one out but basically it means I am willing to fight fire with fire if necessary. I wonder how the Iranians would react if a christian snuck into their parliament and blew himself up? I am not in any way suggesting these tactics as a course of action, but I do know how we react to such events. It makes us afraid. I don't imagine they would feel any different, but that is the difference between US and THEM. We value human life, most christians believe we only get one chance at it so we try to get as much out of it as we can, and suicide is an unforgivable sin. Our enemy does not share these beliefs, to them suicide to kill YOU AND ME is a free ticket to heaven. I really hope some morons read this and get it, but they are a lost cause, and probably so is ours unless the Bible has it right and Jesus comes back to save the day. That really is the test of faith to all of us that proclaim to worship Him as our Savior... Are we really going to win in the end? Do you even care? Anyway, even if you totally disagree with me about all of this, I can respect that. Just have an opinion. Don't be a fuckin moron, because that I cannot respect. Well I think I am done preaching, not that it matters. Most of you are unreachable, already have your minds made up about what we should do now and how. In these times I can only shake my head and say: GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GODDAMN YOU FUCKIN MORONS THAT DON'T KNOW WHY WE SING THAT PROUDLY!! 4/14/07
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