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July 31st

"Harry! Wake up! Breakfast!"

Harry awoke with a start, fumbling for his glasses, to see Dobby with a tray of breakfast sitting on the bed.

"Eat up, Harry Potter, sir, you is having a big day today, and Mizzez Wheezy says you is to have a good breakfast before you sets out.  Dobby is to accompany you today as well." squeaked the house-elf.

"Okay, okay, Dobby, I'm up."  Harry dove into his breakfast and managed to put down the 3-egg omelet that was loaded with onions, mushrooms, peppers, bacon, cheese, and mustard.  While eating, he waved his wand and transformed Dobby's multiple hats and socks into a neat Muggle pinstriped business suit, complete with Muggle wingtips and a derby hat compete with ear holes.  He looked like an elfin version of Fudge.  Dobby looked in the mirror and squeaked with joy.

From above the bed, Sirius grinned.  "I think they call that a 'zoot suit' if I'm not mistaken," he said.  "Dobby, that outfit could even get you a date with a pretty witch!"

Dobby blushed.  "Dobby is not into that sort of thing.  Dobby would be completely clueless how to do that!"

"Well, Dobby," Harry grinned, as he headed to the bathroom, "Join the club!"  Sirius laughed as Harry took a quick shower and got dressed.  Checking his bag, he made sure the jewelry box was in there, and the supplies from the shop.  He turned to Dobby.  "Ready?"  Dobby nodded and climbed up on his back.  "To Hogwarts, then"  Dobby snapped his fingers and they disapparated with a crack.

* * *

Ginny poked her head into Harry's room cautiously.  "Sirius?"

"Harry has left, dear.  He went to oversee preparations," the portrait replied.  "Nervous about tonight?" He grinned mischievously.

"What, that?  Not at all.  It's all set up.  It's going to be fun!" she grinned back.

"Well, then we best get along then to the Burrow!  Take me down, gently please."

Ginny dropped a note from Hermione on the bed.  She removed the portrait from the wall and took it downstairs, then Floo'ed to the Burrow.  She placed the portrait in the drawing room, next to Dumbledore's, where he would have a good view, then began helping putting up the decorations.  After a while she wandered into the kitchen to see how the cake was doing.

"Looking good, Mum," she replied, sneaking a bit of frosting from the bowl and earning a playful slap from her mother.  Hermione's head popped out from under the table, grinned and nodded.  Ginny grinned back.  Tonks looked up from her copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Do you think Harry's been up to something?" she asked.  "Look at this."  She handed the paper to Ginny.

Potter: Hero or Shadow?

by Rita Skeeter

It's been quiet, almost too quiet for too long, and the recent trio of Death Eater raids only served to point that out.  Three days ago eleven Death Eaters attacked Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, business and residence of Fred and George Weasley, and the attack ended as fast as it started, with all eleven Death Eaters winding up in Azkaban and the Weasleys and their longtime friend being labeled heroes.  Amazingly, no one was killed.

Then just yesterday nine more Death Eaters were found stunned, bound, and gagged on a side street in Little Whinging, Surrey, and they wound up in Azkaban as well.  Just hours later, early this morning, another raid of Death Eaters arrived at the same place and found a particular house completely empty.  My confidential sources tell me that this was the safe house that Harry Potter had been living in since You-Know-Who's downfall fifteen years ago, and apparently it was no longer safe.

On a side note, two days ago, Peter Pettigrew, long thought to be murdered by Sirius Black, was apprehended alive in the personal office of the Minister of Magic in what was thought to be a clumsy assassination attempt.  The attack was apparently foiled by the Minister's assistant, Percy Weasley.  Minister Fudge, when presented with indisputable evidence that Black actually was innocent, immediately pardoned him and paid a hefty restitution sum to the Black estate.  Black was killed in the battle at the Ministry last year when You-Know-Who was finally revealed as being back, and Pettigrew is scheduled to receive the Dementor's Kiss today at Azkaban.

And what of Harry Potter?  The Boy Who Lived has been seen periodically but not visibly, yet these events all relate to him.  His friends were attacked but somehow were quickly victorious even though they seem to lack the ability to defeat eleven dark wizards?  Two raids on his safe house?  The man who framed his godfather for murder suddenly caught?  Is Fudge's paying a hefty sum to the Black heir, Harry Potter, restitution, or a bribe of silence?  How much of a role has he played in these incidents?  Has The Boy Who Lived become the Avenging Shadow?  Time will tell, and this reporter will be keeping track of it as it develops.

Ginny looked up, shocked.  "Death Eaters at Privet Drive and the shop?  Where's Harry now?  He shouldn't be alone if they're after him!"

"Calm down, Ginny.  Fred and George told me what happened at the shop.  They and Harry caught the Death Eaters in a crossfire and took them down, and Harry simply left.  He didn't want any credit and was more than happy to let Lee and the twins get it.  Arthur has heard of mumblings of Orders of Merlin, Second Class for them."  Molly continued.  "Charlie told me what happened at Privet Drive.  Harry saw them when he arrived, scouted the situation from inside the house, and then he called Ron, who sent Bill, Charlie, and Filius to help.  Harry took out two in the backyard and the two backups in front, then set up another crossfire to get the main guard.  Bill, Charlie, and Flitwick sent them to Azkaban, and Harry left at midnight when Dumbledore's wards fell.  I don't know about the second raid, but I can guess everybody was already gone by then."

"What about the Dursleys?  Weren't they home?" Ginny asked, forgetting about the motor coach.

"Harry evacuated them out two weeks ago.  They are perfectly safe and in hiding," Molly replied.

"What about the Minister's office?" Ginny persisted, then thought for a moment.  "If he was meeting with Fudge and caught Peter, then of course he would deflect credit to Percy, because he didn't want that either!  It all fits.  That Skeeter cow is more right than she realizes!  The only thing she doesn't know is that Harry is part-owner of the shop."

"I think you're right, Ginny.  What should we do about it?" asked Molly.

"Nothing, Mum.  Nothing at all.  Harry hates the public spotlight, so we won't do anything here to shine it on him," she said fiercely, her heart swelling with pride.  I may just snog him senseless again in private later, though!

* * *

Harry and Dobby arrived at Hagrid's hut and made their way into the Forbidden Forest.  He kept walking, looking around and stopping to listen periodically.  Soon he heard it, the sounds of hooves approaching.  He stopped and waited.  Seconds later a herd of centaurs arrived and came to a halt.

"Harry Potter!  What are you doing in our forest?" inquired an irritated Bane.  "Your kind is not welcome here, and your danger is even more greater, because of your coming battle.  The stars have foretold it."

"Bane I come in peace, to speak with you of matters that interest us both."  Harry replied.

Bane raised an eyebrow.  "Speak, then."

"Thank you.  I realize that your relations with the Ministry of late have been, well, less than stellar." Harry paused.  "I offer you a new and better resolution.  I have been in contact with the Ministry and have told them in no uncertain terms to let you live in peace.  I have chosen to be your advocate to them, as well as for all non-human magical beings in our world.  Do you see the elf on my back?  Dobby is a free elf and is here by choice as my friend, not as my servant.  My only request of you is that you do not join the Dark Lord against the Ministry."

Bane looked at him, surprised.  "This is not what I expected.  You advocated for us?  Why?"

Harry sighed.  "Firenze saved my life my first year here. You also intervened in my issue with Umbridge two years ago.  I do not forget my owed debts.  Plus, I'm sick of fighting.  I want peace above all else, so we all can have peace.  The wizarding world does not need a war with you on top of a war with the Dark Lord.  I cannot in good conscience ask you to join my side.  That's too far of a leap to make right now, and I understand that.  All I'm asking for is your neutrality."

"You are an honorable man, Harry Potter.  I accept your proposal."  Bane offered his hand.  Harry shook it.  "Perhaps after this war is over we can examine how to make the relations between humans and non-humans more equitable."

"I would like that, Bane, and I look forward to it.  You should know that I will be having similar discussions with the goblins next."

"Farewell, then, Harry Potter, and may peace triumph!"  The centaurs turned and left.  Harry and Dobby made their way back to Hagrid's hut.  Only then did Dobby speak.

"Harry Potter truly wants equality for non-humans?"

Harry glanced over his shoulder.  "Yes, I do.  Our history is replete with unnecessary wars over petty things.  The Muggle world, too.  If I can bring an end to some of it, then the work is worth it.  Let's get to Gringotts."  Harry closed his eyes and broke into Voldemort's mind.

* * *

Voldemort sighed in frustration.  He was alone, save Nagini, asleep at his feet.  He threw the Daily Prophet into the fire, outraged at the loss of twenty-one Death Eaters, and frustrated at his failed attempts to get into Harry's mind to see what he was up to.

Every time I try, I hit a wall.  His Occulmency is strong.  But those incompetent fools!  They overestimated their opponents.  Wormtail's capture was an accident, but the cowardly rat was outliving his usefulness anyway.  I will deal with the rest of them once I liberate Azkaban.

He summoned his lieutenants for reports on their preparations.

Snape reported first.  "The plans are complete, my Lord, and the agents, minus Wormtail, are in place in the Ministry.  They know their orders and are ready."

Bellatrix Lestrange was next.  "My Lord, the secret negotiations with the Dementors are complete.  They will join us and we will liberate the prison."

Dolohov was last.  "My Lord, Hogsmeade is relatively unprotected, and is ripe for the taking.

"Excellent.  Make sure all preparations are complete.  Bellatrix, you will replace Wormtail's role at the Ministry.  Snape, you will take charge at Azkaban.  We attack at noon in two days."

* * *

Miles away, Harry withdrew from Voldemort's mind and relayed what he had seen to Ron.  After that report, Ron signed off and called someone else, someone who was very interested in Voldemort's change in plans.

Dobby snapped his fingers and they disapparated to Diagon Alley.  Harry walked up the steps to Gringotts.  Dobby disapparated with a crack; elves, even free ones, were not allowed in the bank.  Harry entered and sought out Griphook.  He found him at his desk.

"Mr. Potter, we were not expecting you until tomorrow!"

"I know, Griphook, but I have other business here today.  You are aware I come of age today?" asked Harry.

"Indeed I do, Mr. Potter.  This day the Potter estate passes to you, among other things."

"Other things?  I think we may need to review the accounts then, and afterwards I need to speak with the Goblin Elders on most important business."

They sat down and went over Harry's accounts.  He discovered that his own vault was only a mere trust fund, and that the main Potter vault was deep in the bank, one of the oldest and biggest.  Between the Black vault and the Potter vault, he was the richest wizard in England.  But there was more.  His parents had also invested in the Muggle world, and he found he owned major shares of stocks and bonds in many international companies, including real estate he owned around the world.  He also found he owned roughly a third of Diagon Alley and half of Hogsmeade as a landlord.  His net worth was in the neighborhood of five hundred million galleons and over three billion Muggle pounds.  Harry gasped at the total.

The boy who lived in a cupboard under the stairs was filthy rich!  Whodathunkit?  Time to spread that around some.

"Griphook, we need to set up some special accounts.  I want to establish some trust funds.  One million galleons each for any child of Percy, Fred, George, Bill, Charley, or Ron Weasley, to be established upon that child's birth.  I also want to transfer ten million galleons to the account of Molly and Arthur Weasley, and five million galleons to the account of Remus Lupin, both effective immediately.  You do have the ability to transfer money to Muggle bank accounts?" Griphook nodded.  "Then I want to convert and transfer five million pounds to the Granger account, wherever that is."

Griphook finished his notes, and then looked up.  "What of Miss Ginerva Weasley?  You did not mention her."

Harry blushed. "We'll deal with that later."  Griphook looked at him knowingly, smirked, but said nothing.  "Keep that quiet, OK?" Harry whispered.

"Not to worry, Mr. Potter.  It shall be done."

"Now I wish to speak with the Goblin Elders.  It is important, else I would not ask."

"Wait here."  He left and returned a minute later.  "They will see you.  This way."

Griphook led him into a conference room, and seated there around a table were seven goblins, all very old and wrinkled.  Harry approached the table and Griphook took his leave.

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice," he began, bowing.

"For most humans we would not, Mr. Potter, but you are not most humans, either.  We are in your debt for vanquishing the Dark Lord the first time.  How may we help you?" asked the goblin at the head of the table.  He motioned to the seat at the other end.

Harry sat down.  He repeated what he had said to Bane earlier.  When he finished, they goblins began to murmur amongst themselves in Gobbledygook.  Harry took advantage of the discussion to quietly draw his wand and silently cast some charms on the room under the table, then quietly stowed it again.  He had just finished when the chieftain spoke again.

"We accept your offer, Mr. Potter. Gringotts shall continue to be considered neutral ground.  Most of what you have proposed is what we have been advocating for years.  Adding a human name of your considerable weight to that advocacy will benefit us.  Of course, you must understand that if we are attacked we will defend ourselves."

"I would not expect otherwise," replied Harry.  "But I can assure you that no forces in this war under my control will do so.  Rogue elements I cannot control may do something, but I will defend your neutrality as well.  I fully expect that Gringotts may become a negotiation ground when the time comes."

"We shall be at the ready for such a circumstance.  May it come sooner rather than later.  Like you, we tire of fighting and desire an equitable peace."

"Then we are in agreement, and I shall take no more of your time.  Thank you."  Harry stood, bowed, and left the room.  Griphook was waiting outside and took him back to the lobby.  Harry left the bank and went over to the Leaky Cauldron, then caught a Floo to Grimmauld Place.  He came out in the kitchen fire, grabbed Fawkes, and disapparated to Azkaban.

* * *

Harry looked up at the triangular tower and shuddered.  Even at this distance, the coldness was discernibly bad.  He popped some chocolate into his mouth, disillusioned himself, transformed into his lion form, and walked in the gates.

He made his way past the Dementors and down some hallways, stopping only to get his bearings and sniff changes in the air.  He found the warden's office by following his nose to the warmer air.  Outside the door, he changed back into human form, re-illusioned himself, then walked in.

Warden John O'Malley looked up as Harry walked in.  An Irish wolfhound Patronus was slowly pacing the room.  "What are YOU doing here?" he blurted out in surprise.

"Warden, there are things you need to know.  In two days the Dementors are set to revolt and join You-Know-Who.  I am here to prevent it from happening," Harry replied.  He removed his bag and opened it up, pulling out a box from Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes.  "These are a new product that Fred and George Weasley have developed.  They are Portable Patronuses.  A wizard or witch who cannot summon a Patronus can use these to get one.  Now I know this sounds like a crazy sales pitch, but I helped them develop it.  It works."

Harry gave a quick demonstration, and a large kangaroo Patronus appeared.  Kangaroo?  "I want you to make sure each of your human guards have one of these for protection.  When the Dementors make their move, we will have people outside the tower to contain them.  Oh, yes, and you will need to prepare for some more new guests tomorrow and the next day.  A couple of hundred, I think.  Most of all, this must be completely quiet."

"No worries about the latter, Harry.  There's only one way to communicate out of here, and I don't think he's telling." O'Malley gestured to his left.  Harry looked over at the wall and saw a portrait hanging there, and it was empty.  The plaque read a very familiar name: Albus Dumbledore.  Harry smiled.  No, he won't be telling.

O'Malley continued.  "I take it then, that the recent arrivals are your doing?"

Harry smiled again and shook his head.  "I think the Daily Prophet had it right this time, but the next ones will be from my efforts, yes."

O'Malley took the box and the hint.  "I will see these get distributed properly.  We will hold the prison, but I am thankful there will be reinforcements outside.  Now come, there is something I think you need to see.  I hadn't planned on contacting you on this, but since you are here anyway..."

They left the office, Kangaroo and Irish wolfhound Patronuses in the lead, and went to a large chamber with a single chair in the middle.

"Bring in the prisoner!" O'Malley called.  Two wizard guards escorted a blindfolded and whimpering Peter Pettigrew into the room and strapped him into the chair and silenced him with a charm.

Realizing what was coming, Harry pulled his pocket portrait of Sirius out and whispered for him.  Sirius appeared, saw the scene before him, and silently waited.

O'Malley read from a scroll.  "The charges for Peter Pettigrew, as found guilty unanimously by the Wizenmagot, are that Peter Pettigrew did willfully betray the location of James, Lily, and Harry Potter, resulting in the death of James and Lily Potter, and further that Peter Pettigrew did willfully murder twelve Muggles and frame an innocent man, Sirius Black, for those murders, and that Peter Pettigrew attempted to assassinate the Minister of Magic.  The Wizenmagot finds Peter Pettigrew responsible for the deaths of fourteen persons and the attempted death of another, and the penalty for those crimes as determined by the Wizenmagot is the Dementor's Kiss."

"Do the victims or their families wish to speak?" O'Malley turned to Harry.

"I would speak!" cried Sirius from his portrait.

"Then approach and be heard." replied O'Malley.  Harry walked up to Pettigrew and held the portrait out so Sirius could see him clearly.  Harry's own emotions were barely contained.

"Sirius? But how?-" Peter squeaked.  Sirius cut across him, exploding in rage and anger.


"Harry, would you like to speak?" asked O'Malley.

"Yes."  Harry looked directly at Peter, rage and grief on his face.  Pure power radiated out from him, brightening the room slightly.  He finally let go, and screamed with the rage of a Fury, "YOU HELPED HIM DO IT!  YOU HELPED HIM KILL MY PARENTS!  YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!  YOU MADE MY LIFE HELL FOR TWELVE YEARS!"  He paused, then spoke in the same deadly low, slow, and quiet voice Sirius used. "For my Mum, for my Dad, for Remus, for Sirius, but most of all, for me, I am glad to see you die today."

He stepped back.  The Dementor glided in and positioned himself over Pettigrew, opened his mouth, and sucked out his soul.  Pettigrew slumped over.

Harry raised his wand.  "Convertus Energius Corpus!"  A golden light shot out of his wand and hit Pettigrew's body.  Suddenly the body glowed and became pure energy, a dull gray, and the Dementor greedily sucked it all up.  The glow faded as the energy was consumed.  There was nothing left in the chair except a robe, blindfold, and the silver hand.  Harry pocketed the wide-eyed Sirius and his wand.

Harry turned to O'Malley.  "I'm done here."  He summoned Fawkes and they disapparated with a flaming crack.

The apparated onto the beach.  Harry sat down and simply gazed out at the English Channel, letting his rage and grief melt away with the roaring surf.  The Cliffs of Dover gleamed to his right.  After a while of simply staring, lost in thought, he stood up, and brushed the sand from his robes.

That's over.  Time to move forward.

They disapparated to the Hog's Head.

* * *

Harry apparated into the storeroom and let out a small whistle.  Aberforth quickly appeared.

"Status?" Harry asked.  He quickly coined Ron to listen in.

"Several Death Eaters were seen wandering around the village, but they caused no trouble, and they left.  The booby traps are set and the villagers are alert and ready.  The Hogwarts teachers are standing by with Aurors and Fred and George have things ready to go."  Aberforth Dumbledore looked at Harry.  "Can we expect any trouble from the centaurs and acromantulas?"

"I'd be wary of the spiders, but they're nesting on the other side of the Forbidden Forest, so they should be well out of the way.  I talked with the centaurs today and they will stay out of it."  Harry looked at Ron.  "Have we heard from Madam Pomfrey yet?"

"Hogwarts will serve as the evacuation point for any wounded for Hogsmeade and Azkaban.  We're sending Ministry cases to St. Mungo's because it's closer, but we've got that covered also.  When do we round up the Ministry infiltrators?" asked Ron.  He already knew the answer, but he wanted to be sure Harry knew.  If the infiltrators weren't rounded up, the Ministry could fall, and then things would get very bad very quickly.

"Operation Polyjuice starts tomorrow when I meet Voldemort at Gringotts, 10AM.  The goblin protections there will ensure Voldemort can't communicate with his followers, and vice versa, and I added my own set while I was there today so we can communicate." Harry replied.

"Harry, you're a devious you-know-what, you know?  I'm glad you're on our side!" Ron grinned then signed off.

He turned to Aberforth.  "Let either of us know of any trouble."  Harry grabbed Fawkes and disapparated with a crack.

* * *

Harry arrived at Grimmauld Place.  It had been a good day, even if it was busy.

My family is financially secure, the final preparations are underway, and tomorrow is going to be interesting...

He entered his room and immediately noticed two things.  First, Sirius's portrait was missing.  Second, there was a note on his bed.  Frowning, he opened the note and recognized Hermione's handwriting.


Sirius's portrait asked to speak to Dumbledore's portrait, so I took him down and over to the Burrow.  Ron said come over when you get in because he wants to review some things.  I swear I've never seen him this focused!  It's kind of nice, actually.

With Love,


Harry smirked.  Well, they've had all day to prepare for it, might as well head over now.  Checking that the jewelry box was still on him, he called Fawkes to his shoulder and then stepped into the fireplace.


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