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August 5th

:Harry! Wake up! You need to get ready!

:I'm already up Ginny.  I'm in the Prefects' Bathroom taking a bath.

:Oops, Sorry, Harry!  Although I'd be lying if I didn't wish I was in that tub with you.

:Yeah, me too.  See you in the Atrium.

Harry finished his bath and dried himself, then headed back to the DADA Office under his Invisibility Cloak.

* * *

"I'm telling you, you will do nothing to ruin this wedding, Fred and George, and if you do, Charlie and I will hex you into next week and demolish your shop!" shouted Bill.  "You will leave Harry and Hermione alone!"  Bill glared at them, and with his scars from his battle with Greyback he looked overtly dangerous.

Fred and George shrunk from his gaze.  "All right, we'll let them be today," grumbled Fred.

"But tomorrow, all bets are off!" finished George.

"Go take your seats."  Bill and Charlie headed to the common room to get dressed.

* * *

Harry met the others at the common room.  "All right?" he asked Ron.

"So far, so good.  Bill and Charlie read Fred and George the riot act, and they've agreed to behave, so The Boy Who Lived will survive another day." Ron chuckled.  "I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when this is over."  Then he gulped.  "Harry, I'm getting married today!"

Harry laughed.  "Nervous now, are we?"

"Easy for you to say!  You had it thrust upon you."  Harry grinned.

"Yeah, I sort of did, I guess.  So did Ginny."  He adjusted his robes.  Mr. Delacour, Moony, Bill, Charlie and Arthur walked in.  "Ready?" Arthur asked.

"I guess so.  But you better giver Hermione this." He handed Arthur the Invisibility Cloak.

Arthur nodded.  "I'll see you downstairs."

The rest headed for the Atrium.

* * *

Arthur found Molly heading downstairs.  He passed off the Invisibility Cloak to her, then he headed to the Atrium.  Molly returned to the Room of Requirement and gave Hermione the cloak.  She slipped it on herself and Fleur.  All of the women headed down to the Atrium.

McGonagall peeked her head through the doors.  "We're ready."  She shot a green spark from her wand, and the musicians took their cue and started playing.

McGonagall opened the doors and strode up the aisle alone.  When she reached the dais, she turned around.  Bill followed, escorting Molly to her seat in the front row.  He gave his mother a kiss and a long hug, then joined McGonagall on the dais.  Taking their cue, Charlie took Tonks by the arm and walked up the aisle.  At the end, he turned to Tonks, bowed to her, and took his place beside his brother as Best Man.  Tonks stood to the other side.  Harry followed with Ginny.

:You look absolutely beautiful, love.

:You look pretty good yourself, handsome!

They made their way up the aisle, and Harry noticed the guests and the Great Hall itself.  His old Quidditch team members were there, as well as the Hogwarts staff, a large number of red-haired people that Harry presumed were Weasley cousins, Fleur's family, along with Madame Maxine, then Neville and his grandmother, and Luna and her father.  In the front rows were the Mrs. Delacour and the rest of the Weasleys, along with Dobby in his suit, and off to one side were the portraits of Dumbledore and Sirius, on easels.  To the other side stood the ghosts.  Fortunately, Peeves had been banned from the room under threat of exorcism by the entire staff.  The ceiling was draped in white sashes with the Beauxbottoms and Hogwarts crests embossed on them, and the ceiling reflected the clear blue sky outside.  A beetle buzzed above them and Harry smiled.  Hi Rita, enjoy the show!  They passed Fred and George in the second row, both of whom were glaring daggers at him.  Harry chose to focus on Ginny instead.  At the end, he turned, kissed her hand, and took his place beside Charlie.  Ginny took her place beside Tonks.

Ron and Gabrielle next, and Ron repeated Charlie's bow.  Ron stood next to Harry, while Gabrielle took her place as Maid of Honor.  Then the music changed, and everyone else stood and turned to the entry.

As soon as the rest were away, Mr. Delacour closed the door and Fleur came out from under the Invisibility Cloak.  Hermione moved aside and Mr. Delacour looked at his daughter.

"You are truly beautiful, my dear."

"'Zank you, Papa."  The music changed.  "Let's go."

He waved his wand and the door opened.

They made their way up the aisle, and almost everybody was simply staring at Fleur on her father's arm.  Everyone except Harry and Ginny, that is.

:She really turned on her veela for this, didn't she?

:No doubt, Harry, but it made getting ready a bloody pain in the arse!

Behind them, Lupin closed the door, then Hermione took off the Invisibility Cloak and handed it to him, and he stowed it in his dress robes.  Then they waited.

Finally, they reached the dais, and McGonagall began the ceremony.

"Since the days of the Hogwarts Four, one of the happiest duties that the Head of the school has been able to perform within these walls is the one we are gathered here for today.  The bonds of marriage are forever to be unbroken, and here today we will bear witness to such a bond."  She paused.  "Please be seated."  Everyone sat.

"Who gives this woman?" she asked.

"I give my daughter," replied Mr. Delacour.  He turned, gave his daughter a long hug, then led her by the hand to Bill.  The men shook hands, and Mr. Delacour turned and went to sit next to his wife, who was dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.  Fleur handed her bouquet to Gabrielle.  Bill lifted Fleur's veil, then took her hands in his, then turned to face McGonagall.

"Do you, William Arthur Weasley, take Fleur to be bonded for life, to be her husband, to be one, no matter what may come, in love and fidelity to each other?"

"I do."

"Do you, Fleur Delacour, take William to be bonded for life, to be his wife, to be one, no matter what may come, in love and fidelity to each other?"

"I do."

"Ladies and Gentleman, William and Fleur have chosen to signify their bond with these rings." Charlie handed the rings to McGonagall, who held them up.  "These rings represent the magical bond between them, and may they always represent the unending love they share." She tapped the rings with her wand once.  "William?"  He took her ring and placed it on her finger.  "Fleur?"  She took his ring, and placed it on his finger.  They joined hands.  The rings glowed softly together.

"By the authority vested in me by the charter of this school, and the Ministry of Magic, I pronounce you bonded for life.  William, you may kiss your bride."

Bill took Fleur's face in his hands and kissed her tenderly.  They turned to the congregation.

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. William Weasley!" Cheers erupted, and the music played a recessional.  Bill and Fleur left first, followed by Gabrielle and Charlie, then Tonks.  Ginny, Harry, and Ron remained on the dais.  Nobody noticed at first.  McGonagall cleared her throat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time to reveal a secret.  Please remain standing for a moment."

At the back of the Hall, the women stood to one side on the right and the men on the left.  The music changed back into the march, and the doors opened.  Lupin walked out into the Great Hall, with Hermione on his arm, veiled, a vision in white.

Back on the dais, Ron's jaw fell open.  Harry and Ginny grinned.  McGonagall smiled.  They stood there, waiting, as Moony and Hermione made their way forward.  Fred and George looked two shades of purple, not noticing Ron's reaction.

That's it, Harry is marrying Hermione, right in front of us, and that brother and sister of ours are letting it happen!  Lupin, too!  This is insane!

They reached the front of the Hall and stopped.

"Who gives this woman?" asked McGonagall.

"On behalf of her parents, I do," replied Remus.  He gave Hermione a hug, and then led her up to the dais.  He gave her hand to...Ron.  Lupin then took a place next to Molly.


Hermione handed her bouquet to Ginny.  Ron lifted her veil, mouthed the word "Wow!" then took her hands in his, and they turned to face McGonagall.

"Do you, Ronald Bilius Weasley, take Hermione to be bonded for life, to be her husband, to be one, no matter what may come, in love and fidelity to each other?"

"I do."

"Do you, Hermione Jane Granger, take Ronald to be bonded for life, to be his wife, to be one, no matter what may come, in love and fidelity to each other?"

"I do."

"Ladies and Gentleman, Ronald and Hermione have chosen to signify their bond with these rings." Harry handed the rings to McGonagall, who held them up.  "These rings represent the magical bond between them, and may they always represent the unending love they share." She tapped the rings with her wand once.  "Ronald?"  He took her ring and placed it on her finger.  "Hermione?"  She took his ring, and placed it on his finger.  They joined hands.  The rings glowed softly together.

"By the authority vested in me by the charter of this school, and the Ministry of Magic, I pronounce you bonded for life.  Ronald, you may kiss your bride."

WHAT?  BUT--?  HOW--?  HUH???

Ron took Hermione's face in his hands and kissed her passionately.  They turned to the congregation.

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Weasley!"

Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny all turned to the crowd and said in unison:

"Fred, George: GOTCHA!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and laughter.  Fred and George looked like they each had been hit in the heads by Bludgers.

The music changed, and the quartet headed to the back, arm in arm.  McGonagall waved her wand and the Hall transformed.  The chairs disappeared and along one wall appeared a buffet table, the wedding cakes, and two tables of gifts for the happy couples.

Fred and George finally got their brains in gear.

"Ron and Hermione?" Fred stammered.

"Yep," Harry grinned.

"But we saw you two-" George started.

"-in Diagon Alley-" Fred continued.

"-snogging each other senseless!"  George finished.

Hermione giggled.  "Did you enjoy our little show?"

Harry snickered.  "We knew that you didn't know about their engagement, since it had happened the night before.  So we decided to take advantage of the situation and finally prank you two in a way that you will never, ever top!" He moved over to Ginny and put her arm around her.  "Ginny is mine, and I am hers, always."

Ginny laughed.  "You'd think that Ron and I telling you we trusted Harry and Hermione would have tipped you off that something was up.  But as we figured, you just thought we were being thick, but in reality we were in on the whole thing, and you were the ones being thick!"

"But then the marriage was real?" stumbled Fred.

"Completely, legally, and forever real," replied Ron with a grin.  He kissed his wife.

"But the article by Skeeter-" George stumbled.

"I sent her the anonymous tip, and the rest was just great acting by Harry and Hermione, plus your imaginations!" Ginny finished.

Fred thought about it, then started laughing.  A moment later George joined him.

"We have been pranked like we have never done ourselves, Forge!"

"You said it, Gred!  We have been royally had!"  Handshakes were exchanged all around.

"Hey, Harry, now tell them about how you gave You-Know-Who a Hotfoot!" chuckled Ron as they made their way to the drinks table.

"You did WHAT to WHO?" shouted the twins.

Harry explained, and more laughter.  "And it was even with your Invisible Hotfoot Powder!"

"When he heard about it, Sirius said the Marauders have been dethroned!" Harry finished.

"Well," said George.  "He's right.  And the stuff was your idea, too!"

Fred raised a glass.  "To Harry, the new king of pranksters!"  They all drank.

* * *

The reception continued unabated, with people grabbing food and eating their fill, then finally Arthur rang a bell, and everyone grew silent.

"Thank you all for coming for this most happy day.  Molly and I are overjoyed to add two new members of the family today.  We wish them all the happiness in the world, and plenty of grandchildren for us to spoil rotten!"  Everyone laughed.  "Charlie?"

Charlie stood up and raised his glass.  "Bill, Fleur, you two are a great couple, and I wish you the best.  Just remember to keep the steaks rare and the arguments even rarer.  Here's to Bill and Fleur Weasley!"  Everyone applauded and drank.  "Harry?"

Harry raised his glass.  "Ron, Hermione, I'm glad you two finally quit bickering like a married couple long enough to actually become one.  Ron, you're my best mate, and Hermione, you're the sister I never had.  Just do me a favor-don't take on any mountain trolls without me.  Here's to Ron and Hermione!"  Everyone applauded and drank.

Arthur stood again.  "Next, I think tradition dictates that the brides and grooms have their first dance together."  The music changed and Bill and Ron led their brides to the floor, and danced together, slowly and closely.

Harry looked at Ginny.

:We will have this someday, I promise.

:I know we will, Harry.  I know.

The evening progressed as wedding receptions do.  Most couples danced with multiple partners all night long, but two couples danced with only each other: Harry and Ginny, and Tonks and Lupin.  The cakes were cut, and the bouquets were tossed.  Fleur's was caught by Tonks, and Hermione's was caught by Ginny.  The evening came to a close with Bill and Fleur apparating to France for their honeymoon, and Ron and Hermione left on Harry's Firebolt for theirs, to parts unknown.  The Weasleys returned to the Burrow, the guests returned home, and soon only Harry and Ginny were left.  They went to the DADA office, where they went to sleep in each other's arms.


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